
An Ordinal Regression Framework for a Deep Learning Based Severity Assessment for Chest Radiographs
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
This study investigates the application of ordinal regression methods for categorizing disease severity in chest radiographs. We propose a framework that divides the ordinal regression problem into three parts: a model, a target function, and a classification function. Different encoding methods, including one-hot, Gaussian, progress-bar, and our soft-progress-bar, are applied using ResNet50 and ViT-B-16 deep learning models. We show that the choice of encoding has a strong impact on performance and that the best encoding depends on the chosen weighting of Cohen's kappa and also on the model architecture used. We make our code publicly available on GitHub.
Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, the code is available at: https://github.com/paddyOnGithub/ordinal_regression