
Bridging the Gap: Addressing Discrepancies in Diffusion Model Training for Classifier-Free Guidance
Document Type
Working Paper
Computer Science - Machine Learning
Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence
Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Diffusion models have emerged as a pivotal advancement in generative models, setting new standards to the quality of the generated instances. In the current paper we aim to underscore a discrepancy between conventional training methods and the desired conditional sampling behavior of these models. While the prevalent classifier-free guidance technique works well, it's not without flaws. At higher values for the guidance scale parameter $w$, we often get out of distribution samples and mode collapse, whereas at lower values for $w$ we may not get the desired specificity. To address these challenges, we introduce an updated loss function that better aligns training objectives with sampling behaviors. Experimental validation with FID scores on CIFAR-10 elucidates our method's ability to produce higher quality samples with fewer sampling timesteps, and be more robust to the choice of guidance scale $w$. We also experiment with fine-tuning Stable Diffusion on the proposed loss, to provide early evidence that large diffusion models may also benefit from this refined loss function.
Comment: Accepted at NeurIPS Diffusion Workshop 2023