
Gap structure of the non-symmorphic superconductor LaNiGa2 probed by muSR
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. B 109, 104517 (2024)
Condensed Matter - Superconductivity
We report muon spin rotation (muSR) measurements of the temperature dependence of the absolute value of the magnetic penetration depth and the magnetic field dependence of the vortex core size in the mixed state of the non-symmorphic superconductor LaNiGa2. The temperature dependence of the normalized superfluid density is shown to be well described by a two-band model with strong interband coupling. Consistent with a strong coupling of the superconducting condensates in two different bands, we show that the field dependence of the vortex core size resembles that of a single-band superconductor. Our results lend support to the proposal that LaNiGa2 is a fully-gapped, internally antisymmetric nonunitary spin-triplet superconductor.
Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures