
NOEMA reveals the true nature of luminous red JWST z>10 galaxy candidates
Document Type
Working Paper
A&A 681, L3 (2024)
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
The first year of JWST has revealed a surprisingly large number of luminous galaxy candidates beyond $z>10$. While some galaxies have already been spectroscopically confirmed, there is mounting evidence that a subsample of the candidates with particularly red inferred UV colours are, in fact, lower redshift contaminants. These interlopers are often found to be `HST-dark' or `optically faint' galaxies at $z\sim2-6$, a population that is key to improving our understanding of dust-obscured star formation throughout cosmic time. This paper demonstrates the complementarity of ground-based mm-interferometry and JWST infrared imaging to unveil the true nature of red 1.5-2.0 $\mu \rm{m}$ dropouts that have been selected as ultra-high-redshift galaxy candidates. We present NOEMA Polyfix follow-up observations of four JWST red 1.5-2.0 $\mu \rm{m}$ dropouts selected by Yan et al., 2023 as ultra-high-redshift candidates in the PEARLS-IDF field. The new NOEMA observations constrain the rest-frame far-infrared continuum emission and efficiently discriminate between intermediate- and high-redshift solutions. We report $>10\sigma$ NOEMA continuum detections of all our target galaxies at observed frequencies of $\nu = 236$ and $252\ \rm{GHz}$, with FIR slopes indicating a redshift of $z<5$. We modelled their optical-to-FIR spectral energy distribution (SED) with multiple SED codes, finding that they are not $z>10$ galaxies but dust-obscured, massive star-forming galaxies at $z\sim 2-4$ instead. The contribution to the cosmic star formation rate density (CSFRD) of such sources is not negligible at $z\simeq 3.5$ ($\phi\gtrsim(1.9-4.4)\times10^{-3}\ \rm{cMpc}^{-3}$; or $>3-6\%$ of the total CSFRD), in line with previous studies of optically faint and sub-millimeter galaxies. This approach opens up a new window onto obscured star formation at intermediate redshifts [abridged].
Comment: 6 pages. Accepted in A&A Letters. Updated to match accepted version