
TESS discovery of a super-Earth orbiting the M dwarf star TOI-1680
Document Type
Working Paper
A&A 677, A31 (2023)
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
We report the discovery by the TESS mission of a super-Earth on a 4.8-d orbit around an inactive M4.5 dwarf (TOI-1680) validated by ground-based facilities. The host star is located 37.14 pc away, with a radius of 0.2100+/-0.0064 R_sun, mass of 0.1800+/-0.0044 M_sun and an effective temperature of 3211+/-100 K. We validated and characterized the planet using TESS data, ground-based multi-wavelength photometry from TRAPPIST, SPECULOOS, and LCO, as well as high-resolution AO observations from Keck/NIRC2 and Shane. Our analyses have determined the following parameters for the planet: a radius of 1.466+0.063/-0.049 R_earth and an equilibrium temperature of 404+/-14 K, assuming no albedo and perfect heat redistribution. Assuming a mass based on mass-radius relations, this planet is a promising target for atmospheric characterization with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST).
Comment: Accepted in A&A