
Near-real-time global gridded daily CO$_2$ emissions 2021
Document Type
Working Paper
Physics - Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
We present a near-real-time global gridded daily CO$_2$ emissions dataset (GRACED) throughout 2021. GRACED provides gridded CO$_2$ emissions at a 0.1degree*0.1degree spatial resolution and 1-day temporal resolution from cement production and fossil fuel combustion over seven sectors, including industry, power, residential consumption, ground transportation, international aviation, domestic aviation, and international shipping. GRACED is prepared from a near-real-time daily national CO$_2$ emissions estimates (Carbon Monitor), multi-source spatial activity data emissions and satellite NO$_2$ data for time variations of those spatial activity data. GRACED provides the most timely overview of emissions distribution changes, which enables more accurate and timely identification of when and where fossil CO$_2$ emissions have rebounded and decreased. Uncertainty analysis of GRACED gives a grid-level two-sigma uncertainty of value of 19.9% in 2021, indicating the reliability of GRACED was not sacrificed for the sake of higher spatiotemporal resolution that GRACED provides. Continuing to update GRACED in a timely manner could help policymakers monitor energy and climate policies' effectiveness and make adjustments quickly.