
Hadamard products of symbolic powers and Hadamard fat grids
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Algebraic Geometry
Mathematics - Combinatorics
13F20, 13D02, 13C40, 14N20, 14M99
In this paper we address the question if, for points $P, Q \in \mathbb{P}^{2}$, $I(P)^{m} \star I(Q)^{n}=I(P \star Q)^{m+n-1}$ and we obtain different results according to the number of zero coordinates in $P$ and $Q$. Successively, we use our results to define the so called Hadamard fat grids, which are the result of the Hadamard product of two sets of collinear points with given multiplicities. The most important invariants of Hadamard fat grids, as minimal resolution, Waldschmidt constant and resurgence, are then computed.