
On the superposition principle and non-linear response in spin glasses
Document Type
Working Paper
Phys. Rev. B 107, 214436- Published 23 June 2023
Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics
The extended principle of superposition has been a touchstone of spin glass dynamics for almost thirty years. The Uppsala group has demonstrated its validity for the metallic spin glass, CuMn, for magnetic fields $H$ up to 10 Oe at the reduced temperature $T_\mathrm{r}=T/T_\mathrm{g} = 0.95$, where $T_\mathrm{g}$ is the spin glass condensation temperature. For $H > 10$ Oe, they observe a departure from linear response which they ascribe to the development of non-linear dynamics. The thrust of this paper is to develop a microscopic origin for this behavior by focusing on the time development of the spin glass correlation length, $\xi(t,t_\mathrm{w};H)$. Here, $t$ is the time after $H$ changes, and $t_\mathrm{w}$ is the time from the quench for $T>T_\mathrm{g}$ to the working temperature $T$ until $H$ changes. We connect the growth of $\xi(t,t_\mathrm{w};H)$ to the barrier heights $\Delta(t_\mathrm{w})$ that set the dynamics. The effect of $H$ on the magnitude of $\Delta(t_\mathrm{w})$ is responsible for affecting differently the two dynamical protocols associated with turning $H$ off (TRM, or thermoremanent magnetization) or on (ZFC, or zero field-cooled magnetization). In this paper, we display the difference between the zero-field cooled $\xi_{\text {ZFC}}(t,t_\mathrm{w};H)$ and the thermoremanent magnetization $\xi_{\text {TRM}}(t,t_\mathrm{w};H)$ correlation lengths as $H$ increases, both experimentally and through numerical simulations, corresponding to the violation of the extended principle of superposition in line with the finding of the Uppsala Group.
Comment: 23 pages and 18 figures