
Learning Spatio-Temporal Specifications for Dynamical Systems
Document Type
Working Paper
PMLR 168:968-980, 2022
Computer Science - Machine Learning
Computer Science - Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Computer Science - Robotics
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Systems and Control
I.5.3, I.5.4, B.1.0
Learning dynamical systems properties from data provides important insights that help us understand such systems and mitigate undesired outcomes. In this work, we propose a framework for learning spatio-temporal (ST) properties as formal logic specifications from data. We introduce SVM-STL, an extension of Signal Signal Temporal Logic (STL), capable of specifying spatial and temporal properties of a wide range of dynamical systems that exhibit time-varying spatial patterns. Our framework utilizes machine learning techniques to learn SVM-STL specifications from system executions given by sequences of spatial patterns. We present methods to deal with both labeled and unlabeled data. In addition, given system requirements in the form of SVM-STL specifications, we provide an approach for parameter synthesis to find parameters that maximize the satisfaction of such specifications. Our learning framework and parameter synthesis approach are showcased in an example of a reaction-diffusion system.
Comment: 12 pages, submitted to L4DC 2021