
The Aperture Array Verification System 1: System overview and early commissioning results
Document Type
Working Paper
A&A 655, A5 (2021)
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
The design and development process for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope, the Low Frequency Aperture Array component, was progressed during the SKA pre-construction phase by an international consortium, with the goal of meeting requirements for a critical design review. As part of the development process a full-sized prototype SKA Low station was deployed, the Aperture Array Verification System 1 (AAVS1). We provide a system overview and describe the commissioning results of AAVS1, which is a low frequency radio telescope with 256 dual-polarisation log-periodic dipole antennas working as a phased array. A detailed system description is provided, including an in-depth overview of relevant sub-systems, ranging from hardware, firmware, software, calibration,and control sub-systems. Early commissioning results cover initial bootstrapping, array calibration, stability testing, beam-forming,and on-sky sensitivity validation. Lessons learned are presented, along with future developments.