
Closing gaps to our origins. The UV window into the Universe
Document Type
Working Paper
Astrophysics - Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
The investigation of the emergence of life is a major endeavour of science. Astronomy is contributing to it in three fundamental manners: (1) by measuring the chemical enrichment of the Universe, (2) by investigating planet formation and searching for exoplanets with signatures of life and, (3) by determining the abundance of aminoacids and the chemical routes to aminoacid and protein growth in astronomical bodies. This proposal deals with the first two. In the Voyage to 2050, the world-wide scientific community is getting equipped with large facilities for the investigation of the emergence of life in the Universe (i.e. VLT, JWST, ELT, GMT, TMT, ALMA, FAST, VLA, ATHENA, SKA) including the ESA's CHEOPS, PLATO and ARIEL missions. This white paper is a community effort to call for the development of a large ultraviolet optical observatory to gather fundamental data for this investigation that will not be accessible through other ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. A versatile space observatory with UV sensitivity a factor of 50-100 greater than existing facilities will revolutionize our understanding of the pathway to life in the Universe.
Comment: White Paper submitted to the European Space Agency call for Voyage 2050. This WP proposes the development of a European Ultraviolet Visible Observatory (EUVO) to study the origins of life and it is largely based in arXiv 1306.3358 (ApSS,354,229)