
Validity of formal expansions for singularly perturbed competition-diffusion systems
Document Type
Working Paper
Mathematics - Analysis of PDEs
We consider a two-species competition-diffusion system involving a small parameter $\varepsilon>0$ and discuss the validity of formal asymptotic expansions of solutions near the sharp interface limit $\varepsilon\approx0$. We assume that the corresponding ODE system has two stable equilibria. As in the scalar Allen--Cahn equation, it is known that the motion of the sharp interfaces of such systems is governed by the mean curvature flow with a driving force. The formal expansion also suggests that the profile of the transition layers converges to that of a traveling wave solution as $\varepsilon\rightarrow0$. In this paper, we rigorously verify this latter ansatz for a large class of initial data. The proof relies on a rescaling argument, the super--subsolution method and a Liouville type theorem for eternal solutions of parabolic systems. Roughly speaking, the Liouville type theorem states that any eternal solution that lies between two traveling waves is itself a traveling wave. The same Liouville type theorem was established for the scalar Allen--Cahn equation by Berestycki and Hamel. In view of their importance, we prove the Liouville type theorems in a rather general framework, not only for two-species competition-diffusion systems but also for $m$-species cooperation-diffusion systems possibly with time periodic or spatially periodic coefficients.