
$^8$He nuclei stopped in nuclear track emulsion
Document Type
Working Paper
Nuclear Experiment
The fragment separator ACCULINNA in the G. N. Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions of JINR was used to expose a nuclear track emulsion to a beam of radioactive $^{8}$He nuclei of energy of 60 MeV and enrichment of about 80%. Measurements of decays of $^{8}$He nuclei stopped in the emulsion allow one to evaluate possibilities of $\alpha$-spectrometry and to observe a thermal drift of $^{8}$He atoms in matter. Knowledge of the energy and emission angles of $\alpha$-particles allows one to derive the energy distribution of $\alpha$-decays Q$_{2\alpha}$. The presence of a "tail" of large values Q$_{2\alpha}$ is established. The physical reason for the appearance of this "tail" in the distribution Q$_{2\alpha}$ is not clear. Its shape could allow one to verify calculations of spatial structure of nucleon ensembles emerging as $\alpha$-pairs of decays via the state $^8$Be$_{2+}$.
Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, conference: The 22nd European Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics, Krakow, Poland, 9 - 13 September