
Spin dynamics of a Mn atom in a semiconductor quantum dot under resonant optical excitation
Document Type
Working Paper
Condensed Matter - Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
We analyze the spin dynamics of an individual magnetic atom (Mn) inserted in a II-VI semiconductor quantum dot under resonant optical excitation. In addition to standard optical pumping expected for a resonant excitation, we show that for particular conditions of laser detuning and excitation intensity, the spin population can be trapped in the state which is resonantly excited. This effect is modeled considering the coherent spin dynamics of the coupled electronic and nuclear spin of the Mn atom optically dressed by a resonant laser field. This spin population trapping mechanism is controlled by the combined effect of the coupling with the laser field and the coherent interaction between the different Mn spin states induced by an anisotropy of the strain in the plane of the quantum dot.