
Synchronization of uncoupled oscillators by common gamma impulses: from phase locking to noise-induced synchronization
Document Type
Working Paper
Nonlinear Sciences - Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems
Condensed Matter - Disordered Systems and Neural Networks
Nonlinear oscillators can mutually synchronize when they are driven by common external impulses. Two important scenarios are (i) synchronization resulting from phase locking of each oscillator to regular periodic impulses and (ii) noise-induced synchronization caused by Poisson random impulses, but their difference has not been fully quantified. Here we analyze a pair of uncoupled oscillators subject to common random impulses with gamma-distributed intervals, which can be smoothly interpolated between regular periodic and random Poisson impulses. Their dynamics are charac- terized by phase distributions, frequency detuning, Lyapunov exponents, and information-theoretic measures, which clearly reveal the differences between the two synchronization scenarios.
Comment: 18 pages