探討原住民高等教育學生休退學相關因素及政策回應 / Exploring Factors Related to Indigenous College Student Attrition, along with Policy Responses
Document Type
台灣教育研究期刊 / Journal of Taiwan Education Studies. Vol. 5 Issue 5, p281-313. 33 p.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors related to attrition among Indigenous college students in our country. By linking relevant data from multiple governmental databases, the study examines the correlation between factors such as school, family, and personal factors and student attrition, aiming to provide reference for policy formulation. The study found that family factors did not receive statistical support, while factors contributing to attrition among Indigenous college students were related to school and individual factors, including: (1) the attrition rate of graduate students is higher than that of undergraduate students; (2) the attrition rate of students from private technological universities is higher than that of students from public technological universities, private comprehensive universities, and public comprehensive universities; (3) the attrition rate of students in social science and humanities majors is higher than that of students in science majors; (4) the attrition rate of students in Indigenous programs is lower than that of students in regular programs; (5) the attrition rate of male students is higher than that of female students; (6) the attrition rate of students with academic performance below PR25 is higher than that of other groups; (7) the attrition rate of students who did not apply for scholarships is higher than that of students who did apply. Based on the research findings, the following recommendations are proposed: (1) integrate data from different departments for systematic planning and integration; (2) conduct comprehensive basic data collection and subsequent in-depth analysis to better understand the relevant factors of attrition among Indigenous students in higher education and make effective investments with limited resources.