
Life under Roman Rule -- In Parts of Present-Day Hungary
Document Type
Journal Articles
Reports - Descriptive
Hungarian Educational Research Journal. 2023 13(4):531-542.
Italy (Rome)
The Roman Empire covered a large area, including parts of present-day Hungary. There are many still visible remains in the landscape or in museums. In addition to written sources, there are monuments ranging from objects to architecture, pictures and sculptures. This makes it possible to question and compare the significance of the individual sources. In addition, there is the interdisciplinarity, for many insights are only gained by applying scientific but also linguistic and other reference disciplines. Many things from Roman antiquity seem familiar to us at first glance, especially when it comes to concepts such as the state and the republic, but also to things of everyday life. But on closer inspection, the familiarity disappears when it comes to social rules, behaviour and norms. Therefore, there are lots of opportunities to interest and motivate pupils of different ages to learn about history. Selected examples will show how attractive the Roman period in Hungary can be for pupils.