
Animal Science, Including Instruction in Agricultural Mechanics, Careers, Leadership, and Supervised Occupational Experience.
Document Type
Agricultural Education
Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural Occupations
Agricultural Production
Animal Husbandry
Curriculum Guides
Educational Media
Grade 9
Supervised Farm Practice
Teaching Guides
Vocational Education
Developed and reviewed by a committee of 16 teachers, the state supervisory staff, and the teacher education staff, this curriculum guide is for vocational agriculture teacher use with ninth grade students interested in agricultural occupations. Some objectives for this 1-year course in animal science are--(1) to develop competencies in agricultural occupations, (2) to develop appreciation for the significance of the animal industry, (3) to understand livestock production and marketing, (4) to develop fundamental knowledge and skills in agricultural mechanics, (5) to discover career opportunities in agriculture, (6) to develop leadership, and (7) to apply classroom learning. Included are sections on careers, leadership, supervised occupational experience, animal science, production agriculture, and agricultural mechanics. Each unit contains objectives, references, suggestions for student motivation, a subject outline, the recommended teaching procedure, and a summary. Supplementary materials include 59 student handouts and 112 pages for transparencies. (DM)

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