
Reform in medical ethics curriculum: a step by step approach based on available resources.
Document Type
Journal of Medical Ethics & History of Medicine. 2011, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p1-10. 10p. 3 Charts.
*MEDICAL ethics education
*EDUCATIONAL objectives
*BLOOM'S taxonomy
In this project, we aimed to revise the medical ethics curriculum at the School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, in order to promote the level of students' ethical awareness and enable them to make ethical decisions. Ideal and long term educational objectives were set to determine directions for future reforms and to provide a baseline for future evaluation of the project. However, based on limited available recourses, the first stage of the reform was planned and implemented with a 3 years scope. In revising the curriculum, which was done according to the Harden's ten questions, we focused on moral attitude and ethical reasoning skill in addition to academic knowledge base by using methods such as case discussions, portfolio, and clinical ethics rounds. The revised curriculum was implemented during the first semester of the 2006-2007 academic year for the first time. The student feedback indicated that the new curriculum was successful in increasing the students' awareness of ethical issues and enabled them to understand and accept their professional obligations. Revising the curriculum and its evaluation should be considered as an ongoing process. The present project was a successful experience that motivated faculty members to pursue the next steps of improving the curriculum on medical ethics and proved to be convincing for the authorities and policy makers to support it. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]