
The "CAUSE" Model: An Evidence-Based Aid for Health Risk Education.
Document Type
Conference Paper
Conference Papers -- International Communication Association. 2007 Annual Meeting, p1-1. 1p.
*Medical communication
*Health risk communication
*Communication models
Health risk assessment
Cancer diagnosis
Physician-patient relations
"Talk to your doctor" is common advice given to help patients manage cancer risk. In fact, though, the support given health-care providers for talking with patients about cancer risk is not extensive. The "CAUSE" model draws upon existing research, identifying common sources of tension or confusion in physician-patient interaction. Specifically, the model assists physicians and health-care educators in anticipating common barriers to effective communication and overcoming them to establish credibility, create awareness and understanding, gain agreement about solutions, and help patients enact solutions for the prevention of cancer. In this presentation, one exemplar is presented, an exemplar that describes patients' "lay theories" about cancer risk and a range of ways in which these notions may be overcome. ..PAT.-Unpublished Manuscript [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

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