
Constructing Selfhood through Re-Voicing the Classical Past: Bernardine Evaristo, Marlene Nourbese Philip, and Robin Coste Lewis
Document Type
Academic Journal
Roynon, Tessa (Roynon, Tessa (Oxford University) , Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford , 1a South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3UB , UK)
Angelaki; 2017 Mar; 22(1): 137-152.  [Journal Detail] Routledge.
Subject Literature: American literature
Period: 2000-2099
Primary Subject Author: Lewis, Robin Coste(1964-)
Primary Subject Work: Voyage of the Sable Venus and Other Poems(2015)
Genre: poetry; by African American women poets
1469-2899 (electronic)
This essay examines three works by three women writers whose strategies for rewriting the past include a revisionary engagement with the cultural legacies of Ancient Greece and Rome: The Emperor’s Babe: A Novel (Bernardine Evaristo, 2001), Looking for Livingstone: An Odyssey of Silence (Marlene NourbeSe Philip, 1991), and Voyage of the Sable Venus (Robin Coste Lewis, 2015). It argues that each embodies a mode of resistance that both protests the historic oppression of women of colour and asserts a black female agency, insisting on an empowered present and future. In achieving this, all three transgress or subvert conventional generic distinctions between verse and prose, and, in Lewis’s case, between the cultural forms and academic disciplines of art, art history and literature. Each work insists on a transnational conception of black identity, implicitly tracing black diasporic experience through Africa, Europe and the Americas, and asserting the continued interconnections between these three. And, in their confrontations with the histories of colonialism, empire and slavery, each invokes not just the history of the seventeenth to twenty-first centuries ce but also the cultures of Ancient Greece and Rome, the legacies of which underpinned these modern European processes of domination. Of the three works discussed here, those by Evaristo and Lewis (in part through their strategy of engaging with the traditions of Ancient Egypt, Nubia and Sudan) ultimately constitute works of greater subversive power than does that of Philip.