Comparative effect of triamcinolone/lidocaine ultrasonophoresis and injection on pain, disability, quality of life in patients with acute rotator cuff related shoulder pain: a double blinded randomized controlled trial.
Document Type
Academic Journal
In: Physiotherapy Theory & Practice ; Taylor & Francis Ltd (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Jan2025; v.41 n.1, 35-43. (9p)
Background: Alleviating inflammation should be considered as one of the first steps of the treatment plan in patients with acute rotator cuff related shoulder pain (RCRSP). Objective: To compare the effects of triamcinolone/lidocaine ultrasonophoresis, injection on pain, disability, and quality of life in patients with acute RCRSP. Methods: A total of 28 acute RCRSP patients were randomly allocated into two groups of ultrasonophoresis and injection. Both groups received vitamin C and shoulder care education for 10 days and then were subjected to therapeutic interventions. Ultrasonophoresis group received triamcinolone (16 mg) and lidocaine (2mg) using ultrasonophoresis (frequency: 3 MHz, intensity: 1.50 W/Cm2), while the injection group received a single subacromial injection of triamcinolone (80 mg) and lidocaine (10 mg). The main outcomes measures were pain assessed by two scales (visual analog scale), and shoulder pain and disability index (SPADI), disability (SPADI), and quality of life (Western Ontario rotator cuff questionnaire). Results: Although the main effect of time was statistically significant for all dependent variables (P< 0.01), no significant interaction was found between group and time (P-value (0.12-0.55)). The ultrasonophoresis effect, size for pain, disability, and quality of life were 2.58, 1.43, 1.78, and 1.35, respectively. The injection effect, size for pain, disability, and quality of life were 1.98, 2.02, 1.40, and 1.60, respectively. Conclusions: Triamcinolone/lidocaine ultrasonophoresis demonstrated similar outcomes to injection in reducing pain, improving disability, and enhancing quality of life in patients with acute RCRSP in short time. According to our findings, ultrasonophoresis with triamcinolone/lidocaine cream is as effective as triamcinolone/lidocaine injection and can be proposed as a potential adjunctive treatment for patients with acute RCRSP.