
Diversified Rice Farms with Vegetable Plots and Flower Strips Are Associated with Fewer Pesticide Applications in the Philippines.
Document Type
Insects (2075-4450). Oct2023, Vol. 14 Issue 10, p778. 21p.
*RICE farming
*PEST control
*FARM management
*FARM produce
*AGRICULTURAL diversification
*VEGETABLE farming
Simple Summary: Smallholder farmers in Southeast Asia produce rice in flooded plots (<2 ha) surrounded by raised levees (bunds). To decrease pesticide use among farmers, researchers have promoted ecological engineering as a series of practices that optimize farm diversification to enhance the activities of pests' natural enemies and reduce pest damage. This study examined the impact of farm diversification and other sustainability practices on pesticide use by rice farmers in the Philippines. We interviewed 302 farmers to assess their farm management practices. Many of the farmers used upland areas and bunds to produce fruits and vegetables. Some made botanical extracts of chili (Capsicum spp.), ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), or lemongrass (Cymbopogon sp.) to control pests and diseases in their vegetables. In one region, the farmers avoided insecticides by using Trichogramma wasps to control stemborers. We found that farmers with relatively high awareness of the beneficial insects that occurred on their farms, who raised ducks in their rice fields, or who planted flowers or vegetables on their bunds tended to perform fewer pesticide applications to their rice crops. We recommend that flower and vegetable strips be combined with a series of other, environmentally friendly pest management options to enhance the outcomes of ecological engineering on rice farms. Ecological engineering is defined as the design of sustainable ecosystems for the benefit of both human society and the environment. In Southeast Asia, researchers have applied ecological engineering by diversifying farms using flower strips to restore regulatory services to rice ecosystems and thereby reduce herbivore-related yield losses and overall pesticide use. We conducted a survey of 302 rice farmers across four regions of the Philippines to assess their farm diversification practices and determine possible associations with pesticide use. Rice was the main product on all farms; however, the farmers also produced fruits and vegetables, either rotated with rice (47% of the farmers) or in small plots in adjacent farmland. In addition, 64% of the farmers produced flowers, herbs, and/or vegetables on rice bunds. Vegetables were cultivated mainly to supplement household food or incomes, but 30% of the farmers also believed that the vegetables reduced pest and weed damage to their rice. We found that 16% of the farmers grew flowers on their bunds to reduce pest damage to rice and vegetables, and many farmers applied botanical extracts, growth stimulants, and insect traps to reduce damage to the vegetables. Some farmers avoided insecticides on rice by using Trichogramma cards. Planting flowers on rice bunds, rearing ducks in the rice fields, and farmers' recognition of beneficial rice arthropods were statistically significantly associated with lower pesticide (particularly, insecticide) applications to rice. Our results indicate that farm diversification to produce supplementary foods for rural households and access to alternative pest management options can reduce pesticide use on rice farms in tropical Asia. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]