
Process of Developing, Piloting and Evaluating an Inter-professional Community Based Education Programme Among Undergraduate Students at the University of Zambia: Lessons from the SHEPIZ Project.
Document Type
Medical Journal of Zambia. 2022 Special Issue, Vol. 49, p13-14. 2p.
*COMMUNITY education
*COLLEGE students
*MEDICAL students
Background: Despite substantial increase in the interprofessional education (IPE) programmes globally, there has been no information on the community based interprofessional education (IPE-CBE) initiatives in Zambia. Selected faculty from school of Public Health, Medicine, Nursing and Health sciences collaborated to develop the IPE-CBE curriculum that would allow students engage inter-professionally with the community. The aim of this paper is to report the Process, Piloting and Evaluation of the IPE-CBE programs among the medical, nursing and physiotherapy undergraduate students at the University of Zambia. Methods: The Desk reviews, workshops, piloting, cross section survey was utilized. Descriptive analysis was performed at 95% confidence level and 5% margin of error, with a response distribution of 50%. Results: 73.3% of the students were medical students, 14.2% nursing and 11.6% physiotherapy. In terms of competencies, values/ethics for Interprofessional Practice was ranked high at weighted average of 4.25, Interprofessional Communication at weighted average of 4.24. Roles/Responsibilities and Teams and Teamwork weighted average at 4.06 and 4.07 respectively. Conclusion: Our findings have demonstrated that although IPE CBE is a good strategy for the implementation of field work, sustainable resources and logistical issues need to be sorted if the program is to be implemented effectively. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]