
Geodetic Monitoring for Land Deformation.
Document Type
Remote Sensing. Jan2023, Vol. 15 Issue 1, p283. 7p.
*DEEP learning
*ICE shelves
*SYNTHETIC apertures
*GLOBAL Positioning System
Land deformation is a pervasive hazard that could lead to serious problems, for example, increasing risk of flooding in coastal areas, damaging buildings and infrastructures, destructing groundwater systems, generating tension cracks on land, and reactivating faults, to name only a few. By analyzing the deformation time-series data together with the temperature and geological data, Jiao et al. [[13]] determined that the landslide evolution process is closely related to the geological conditions, where the medium and large landslides may occur and trigger a "Quarry-Landslide-Mudflow" disaster chain. In another article, Jiao et al. [[13]] collected multi-temporal remote sensing data to extract the deformation information of the landslides in Beijing, China from optical images and time-series InSAR. Kuang et al. [[8]] jointly used the Sentinel-1A/B satellite SAR data and the PlanetScope satellites optical images to investigate the deformation time series for the Aniangzhai (ANZ) landslide in Sichuan Province, China. [Extracted from the article]