
Missed opportunities for vaccination in Africa.
Document Type
Current Opinion in Immunology. Aug2021, Vol. 71, p55-61. 7p.
*MEDICAL personnel
*DELIVERY of goods
*DATABASE searching
• Missed opportunity for vaccination (MOV) needs to be addressed to improve vaccine coverage. • The associated factors for MOV can be grouped into caregiver, health service delivery/system, and healthcare worker factors. • The prevalence of MOV vary across the African continent. The purpose of this review is to assess the extent of missed opportunities for vaccination (MOV) in Africa, determine the associated factors, and provide recommendations that countries could adopt in reducing MOV. Two databases were searched for multinational studies and systematic reviews reporting MOV and involving African countries. A total of 288 records were identified and 12 studies included for synthesis. The prevalence ranged from 47.0% to 62.1%, with a weighted mean of 27.3%. This review highlighted caregiver utilization, health service delivery, and healthcare worker' factors associated with MOV. Understanding the extent of MOV in Africa presents an opportunity for multiple approaches to resolve the differential factors that contribute to MOV, and to bridge the gap in vaccination coverage in the continent. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]