
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for Pudendal Neuralgia: A Technical Note.
Document Type
Pain Medicine. 2020 Supplement, Vol. 21, pS51-S55. 5p.
*ELECTRIC stimulation
*HIP joint
*PATIENT aftercare
*RANGE of motion of joints
*MEDICAL technology
*PERIPHERAL nervous system
*PATIENT compliance
*PATIENT education
*TREATMENT effectiveness
*PATIENT selection
*FOREIGN body migration
*PHYSICAL activity
Background Pudendal neuropathy is a chronic, disabling form of perineal pain that involves the pudendal nerve, a mixed somatic and autonomic nerve that originates from sacral nerve roots. Peripheral nerve stimulation of the pudendal nerve can be useful to decrease symptom burden in patients who have failed initial conservative treatment modalities. Methods In this manuscript, we describe an approach to the placement of a peripheral nerve stimulator for the treatment of pudendal neuralgia. We present a case of complex pelvic neuropathy and review the factors that lead to successful placement. Technical aspects of stimulator placement and ultrasound landmarks are reviewed. Results A lateral to medial approach with ultrasound guidance at the level of the ischial spine is likely to facilitate proper lead placement along the course of the pudendal nerve. Aftercare and adherence to postimplant activity restrictions–particularly avoiding use of the extremes of hip flexion and extension for four weeks—lead to the absence of lead migration. Conclusions Pudendal nerve stimulation is an emerging technique for neuromodulation of refractory pudendal neuralgia. Ultrasound-guided pudendal nerve stimulation is a viable technique for neuromodulation of pudendal neuralgia. Optimization of patient selection, ultrasound guidance, and proper adherence to postimplant activity restrictions may be helpful for long-term therapeutic success. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]