
Treatment of striae distensae using fractional ablative CO2 laser in skin types II-IV: a retrospective case series study.
Document Type
Journal of Cosmetic & Laser Therapy. Oct2018, Vol. 20 Issue 6, p330-334. 5p.
*STRETCH marks (Dermatology)
*ABLATIVE materials
*SEVERITY of illness index
*CARBON dioxide lasers
Striae distensae (SD) are atrophic dermal scars often found on abdomen, breasts, thighs, and hips of pregnant women. The strias' self-healing without any intervention is a poor possibility. Till now, several lasers and light sources have been used for treatment of SD. However, there are no integrated therapeutic approaches determined for treatment of SD yet. So, in this study, the therapeutic effect of fractional ablative CO2 laser in women with pregnancy was assessed. Twenty-four ethic Iranian women aged between 20 and 42 years with various severity of pregnancy SD enrolled in retrospective case series study. Participants with skin types II-IV were treated in four sessions with a one-month interval by fractional ablative CO2 laser. The severity of striae was determined by Daveys scoring. Clinical improvement was assessed by comparing pretreatment and posttreatment clinical photographs based on global improvement scoring. The evaluation of clinical results showed that fractional ablative CO2 laser was an effective treatment. Twenty of 24 (83.3%) patients showed improvement. Clinical improvement was affected by striae severity (P = 0.03). Also, there were no statistical differences between clinical improvements with skin types, striae scar severity, number of pregnancy, and striae location. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]