
Relaţia arheologului / istoricului român cu mediul online. Studiul de caz: Biserici medievale - biserici fortificate din Transilvania.
Document Type
Revista Transilvania. 2016, Issue 10, p25-32. 8p.
One of the aims of this article is to signal out the manner in which history, archaeology and the heritage of the medieval monuments from Transylvania, with a special emphasis on the Transylvanian fortified churches, are perceived in the media, as well as the necessity of the specialist, namely the archeologist, coming in direct contact with the public in the media. The acts of photographing, recording, publishing some studies accesible online or of moving the artefacts of one of the churches in a museum in order to save them are laudable solutions, but they are, however, incomplete since we have not sensed any echo or reaction in the manner of perceiving / approaching the protection or research of the cultural and archaeological heritage of these churches. There is, however, a deficency in the feedback obtained from the public or in identifying a communication network for specialists or between specialists and non-specialists online. The number of blogs dedicated to archaeology or cultural heritage in Romania is a very small one. A platform of blogs created by a community of Romanian archaeologists or historians, which could build a communication bridge between specialists and the public, is at this point a feasible project, depending only on the involvment of those specialists. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]