에서 검색결과 16,020건 | 목록
The impact of Covid-19 in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia-a nationwide population-based study
Academic Journal
Dahlen, T; Flygt, H; Lubking, A; Olsson-Stromberg, U; Wennstrom, L; Dreimane, A; Sjalander, A; Leach, S; Gisslen, M; Li, HQ; Hoglund, M; Stenke, L; Nyberg, F
Leukemia. 37(5):1156-1159
Academic Journal
Spetz, M; Lundberg, L; Nwaru, C; Li, H; Santosa, A; Ng, N; Leach, S; Gisslen, M; Hammar, N; Nyberg, F; Rosvall, M
Vaccine. 40(46):6640-6648
Academic Journal
Scharf, L; Axelsson, H; Emmanouilidi, A; Mathew, NR; Sheward, DJ; Leach, S; Isakson, P; Smirnov, IV; Marklund, E; Miron, N; Andersson, LM; Gisslen, M; Murrell, B; Lundgren, A; Bemark, M; Angeletti, D
JCI insight. 8(1)
Academic Journal
Softeland, JM; Friman, G; von Zur-Muhlen, B; Ericzon, BG; Wallquist, C; Karason, K; Friman, V; Ekelund, J; Felldin, M; Magnusson, J; Lofman, IH; Schult, A; de Coursey, E; Leach, S; Jacobsson, H; Liljeqvist, JA; Biglarnia, AR; Lindner, P; Oltean, M
American journal of transplantation : official journal of the American Society of Transplantation and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons. 21(8):2762-2773
Academic Journal
Howlett, D.C.; Drinkwater, K.J.; Mahmood, N.; Salman, L.; Griffin, J.; Javaid, M.K.; Retnasingam, G.; Marzoug, A.; Greenhalgh, R.; Barrett, A.; Chandegra, A.; Dabbas, A.; Dhillon, A.; Elstob, A.; Kamalasanan, A.; Mirza, A.; Mohamed, A.; Neelakantan, A.; Paddon, A.; Patel, A.; Radhakrishnan, A.; Shah, A.; Shenton, A.; Teibe, A.; Dharmarajah, B.; Chisholm, C.; Cummins, C.; Dick, C.; Hauff, C.; McKeown, C.; O'Mahony, C.; Campbell, D.; Howarth, D.; Kitsos, D.; Temperley, D.; Hubraq, A.; Adiotomre, E.; Gerety, E.; Jackson, E.; Skondras, E.; Barley, F.; Chinwalla, F.; Haque, F.; Williams, F.; Witham, F.; Agrawal, G.; Tse, G.; Tudor, G.; Conley, H.; Halbert, H.; Kolanjian, H.; Moss, H.; Anwar, I.; Ghany, J.; Green, J.; Hare, J.; Howard, J.; Jalli, J.; Lastik, J.; Moloney, J.; Taylor, J.; Walker, J.; Warner, J.; Wylie, J.; J-Y Chan; Asante, K.; Faraj, K.; Harrison, K.; Hodnett, K.; Hussain, K.; Karamani, K.; Muir, K.; Patel, K.; Shirodkar, K.; Singh, K.; Tan, K.; Taylor, K.; Boyce, L.; Chandrasekharan, L.; Abdallah, M.; Alkhouly, M.; Bodoceanu, M.; Brochwicz-Lewinski, M.; Clark, M.; Drumea, M.; Fahmy, M.; Hassan, M.; Kamal, M.; Kay, M.; Mohan, M.; Portet, M.; Sampson, M.; Siddiqui, M.; Srivastava, M.; Szewczyk-Bieda, M.; Tapp, M.; Hattangadi, N.; Lyle, N.; Matcham, N.; Cram, O.; Thomas, O.; Govind, P.; Patel, P.; Sharma, P.; Vasanthraj, P.; Blacow, R.; Dwarkanath, R.; Frost, R.; Gray, R.; Gupta, R.; Holmes, R.; Jagdale, R.; Patel, R.; Smyth, R.; Thiagarajah, R.; Walker, R.; Atwal, S.; Cordell, S.; David, S.; Gaba, S.; Green, S.; Hashem, S.; Kanan, S.; Kaneria, S.; Leach, S.; Lim, S.; Meena, S.; Patel, S.; Singh, S.; Thampy, S.; Amies, T.; Ninan, T.; Thomas, T.; Bhopal, U.; Raja, U.; Dhir, V.; Gnanananthan, V.; Rao, V.; Pang, W.; Wu, Y.; Arnold, T.
Clinical Radiology. 78(12):e1041-e1047
Academic Journal
Ljung, R; Xu, YY; Sundstrom, A; Leach, S; Hallberg, E; Bygdell, M; Larsson, M; Arthurson, V; Gisslen, M; Gedeborg, R; Nyberg, F
BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 381:e074778
Academic Journal
Morales, Santiago, ORCID 0000-0002-9850-042X. Department of Psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, US, santiago.morales@usc.edu; Bowers, Maureen E.. Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology, University of Maryland, MD, US; Shuffrey, Lauren. Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York, NY, US; Ziegler, Katherine. Avera Research Institute, Sioux Falls, SD, US; Troller-Renfree, Sonya. Department of Human Development, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY, US; Hernandez, Alexis. Department of Psychology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, US; Leach, Stephanie C.. University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, US; McGrath, Monica. Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, US; Ola, Cindy. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Seattle Children’s Research Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, US; Leve, Leslie D.. Department of Counseling Psychology and Human Services, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, US; Nozadi, Sara S.. Health Sciences Center, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, US; Swingler, Margaret M.. Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, US; Lai, Jin-Shei. Department of Medical Social Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, US; Schweitzer, Julie B.. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, US; Fifer, William. Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York, NY, US; Camargo, Carlos A. Jr.. Department of Emergency Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, US; Khurana Hershey, Gurjit K.. Division of Asthma Research, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, OH, US; Shapiro, Allison L. B.. Department of Pediatrics, Section of Endocrinology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, CO, US; Keating, Daniel P.. Department of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, University of Michigan, MI, US; Hartert, Tina V.. Department of Medicine, Division of Allergy, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, US; Deoni, Sean. Department of Pediatrics, Brown University, Providence, RI, US; Ferrara, Assiamira. Kaiser Permanente Division of Research, Oakland, CA, US; Elliott, Amy J.. Avera Research Institute, Sioux Falls, SD, US
Academic Journal
Barrett, A.; Chandegra, A.; Dabbas, A.; Dhillon, A.; Elstob, A.; Kamalasanan, A.; Mirza, A.; Mohamed, A.; Neelakantan, A.; Paddon, A.; Patel, A.; Radhakrishnan, A.; Shah, A.; Shenton, A.; Teibe, A.; Dharmarajah, B.; Chisholm, C.; Cummins, C.; Dick, C.; Hauff, C.; McKeown, C.; O'Mahony, C.; Campbell, D.; Howarth, D.; Kitsos, D.; Temperley, D.; Hubraq, A.; Adiotomre, E.; Gerety, E.; Jackson, E.; Skondras, E.; Barley, F.; Chinwalla, F.; Haque, F.; Williams, F.; Witham, F.; Agrawal, G.; Tse, G.; Tudor, G.; Conley, H.; Halbert, H.; Kolanjian, H.; Moss, H.; Anwar, I.; Ghany, J.; Green, J.; Hare, J.; Howard, J.; Jalli, J.; Lastik, J.; Moloney, J.; Taylor, J.; Walker, J.; Warner, J.; Wylie, J.; J-Y Chan; Asante, K.; Faraj, K.; Harrison, K.; Hodnett, K.; Hussain, K.; Karamani, K.; Muir, K.; Patel, K.; Shirodkar, K.; Singh, K.; Tan, K.; Taylor, K.; Boyce, L.; Chandrasekharan, L.; Abdallah, M.; Alkhouly, M.; Bodoceanu, M.; Brochwicz-Lewinski, M.; Clark, M.; Drumea, M.; Fahmy, M.; Hassan, M.; Kamal, M.; Kay, M.; Mohan, M.; Portet, M.; Sampson, M.; Siddiqui, M.; Srivastava, M.; Szewczyk-Bieda, M.; Tapp, M.; Hattangadi, N.; Lyle, N.; Matcham, N.; Cram, O.; Thomas, O.; Govind, P.; Patel, P.; Sharma, P.; Vasanthraj, P.; Blacow, R.; Dwarkanath, R.; Frost, R.; Gray, R.; Greenhalgh, R.; Gupta, R.; Holmes, R.; Jagdale, R.; Patel, R.; Smyth, R.; Thiagarajah, R.; Walker, R.; Atwal, S.; Cordell, S.; David, S.; Gaba, S.; Green, S.; Hashem, S.; Kanan, S.; Kaneria, S.; Leach, S.; Lim, S.; Meena, S.; Patel, S.; Singh, S.; Thampy, S.; Amies, T.; Ninan, T.; Thomas, T.; Bhopal, U.; Raja, U.; Dhir, V.; Gnanananthan, V.; Rao, V.; Pang, W.; Wu, Y.; Arnold, T.; Howlett, D.C.; Drinkwater, K.J.; Mahmood, N.; Salman, L.; Griffin, J.; Javaid, M.K.; Retnasingam, G.; Marzoug, A.
In Clinical Radiology December 2023 78(12):e1041-e1047
Academic Journal
In Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A March 2024 1060
Academic Journal
18 Legal & Criminological Psych. 115 (2013) / Legal and Criminological Psychology, Vol. 18, Issue 1 (February 2013), pp. 115-127
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