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'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 26,970건 | 목록 1~10
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Evaluation of Body Composition and Nutritional Status in Pediatric Patients With Hematological Malignancies
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Modulating the Impact of Critical Events in Early HIV Infection: Effect of ART Initiation and Alcohol Use
European chapter of the Extracorporeal Life Support OrganizationErasmus Medical CenterLeiden University Medical CenterUMC UtrechtIRCCS Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di BolognaPapa Giovanni XXIII HospitalNiguarda HospitalOspedale San DonatoOspedale S. Giovanni BoscoIRCCS Policlinico S. MatteoThe Mediterranean Institute for Transplantation and Advanced Specialized TherapiesAzienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale degli Spedali Civili di BresciaOspedale dell'Angelo, Venezia-MestreUniversity Hospital, Udine, ItalySan Gerardo HospitalOspedali Riuniti AnconaSan Camillo Hospital, RomeSan Giorgio ClinicGVM Care & ResearchSan Raffaele University Hospital, ItalyOspedale San Bortolo di VicenzaKlinik Hirslanden, ZurichUniversity of ZurichCardiocentro TicinoVilnius University Hospital Santaros KlinikosUniversitätsklinikum DüsseldorfKlinikum NürnbergHannover Medical SchoolHeart Center Leipzig - University HospitalUniversity Hospital RegensburgUniversity Hospital, EssenGerman Heart CenterUniversity Hospital, AachenUniversity Heart Center Freiburg - Bad KrozingenKlinikum KasselGeneral University Hospital, PragueUniversitaire Ziekenhuizen KU LeuvenOnze Lieve Vrouwziekenhuis AalstErasme University HospitalUniversity Hospital, AntwerpHôpital Civil Marie Curie de CharleroiUniversity Hospital, GhentCentre Hospitalier Universitaire Saint PierreHospital Vall d'HebronHospital Universitario Ramon y CajalHospital Miguel ServetHenri Mondor University HospitalHospices Civils de LyonPitié-Salpêtrière HospitalRennes University HospitalGuy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation TrustKarolinska University HospitalHospital Sao JoaoMedical University of WarsawUniversitätskliniken InnsbruckMedical University of ViennaUniversity Hospital, AlexandroupolisNovosibirsk City Hospital #2City Clinical Hospital No. 67, Moscow, RussiaCity Hospital No 40, Saint Petersburg, RussiaKrasnodar Regional Hospital no 1Kemerovo Regional Clinical Cardiological Center named after academician L.S. BarbarashCity Hospital No 41, Ekaterinburg, RussiaG. Pasquinucci Heart Hospital, MassaCharles University, Czech RepublicUniversity Hospital, BordeauxBambino Gesù Hospital and Research InstitutePoliclinico Hospital MilanGaslini Children's HospitalChildren's Medical Hospital, University of Essen, Essen, GermanyUniversity Hospital, GenevaNewcastle-upon-Tyne Hospitals NHS TrustPaediatric Intensive Care GlasgowParis South University HospitalsUniversity of GroningenGreat Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation TrustHospital Sant Joan de DeuHeim Pal Children's HospitalUniversity Hospital, MontpellierRoyal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation TrustLund University HospitalLandesklinikum Sankt PoltenChelyabinsk Regional Clinical HospitalECMO Centers IsraelCopenhagen University Hospital at HerlevOspedale M. Bufalini CesenaA.O.U. Città della Salute e della Scienza - Molinette HospitalMauriziano Umberto I HospitalUniversity of BernUniversity Hospital, Basel, SwitzerlandUniversity of Lausanne HospitalsUniversity Hospital TuebingenUniversitätsklinikum KölnChirecUniversitair Ziekenhuis BrusselCentre Hospitalier Universitaire de LiegeLa Louvière HopitalLeicester Royal Infirmary NHS Trust
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European/Euro-ELSO Survey on Adult and Neonatal/ Pediatric COVID Patients in ECMO
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Epidemiological Analysis of the Mortality of Critically Ill Patients With the COVID-19 Admitted to the Intensive Care Unit: An Observational, Prospective and Multicenter Study
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