
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 35건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Kanai, MAndrews, SJCordioli, MStevens, CNeale, BMDaly, MGanna, APathak, GAIwasaki, AKarjalainen, JMehtonen, JPirinen, MChwialkowska, KTrankiem, ABalaconis, MKVeerapen, KWolford, BNAhmad, HFAndrews, SPuoti, KAVBoer, CBoua, PRButler-Laporte, GCadilla, CLColombo, FDouillard, VDueker, NDutta, AKEl-Sherbiny, YMEltoukhy, MMEsmaeeli, SFaucon, AFave, MJCadenas, IFFrancescatto, MFrancioli, LFranke, LFuentes, MDuran, RGCabrero, DGHarry, ENJansen, PSzentpeteri, JLKaja, EKirk, CKousathanas, AKrieger, JEPatel, SKLemacon, ALimou, SLio, PMarouli, EMarttila, MMMedina-Gomez, CMichaeli, YMigeotte, IMondal, SMoreno-Estrada, AMoya, LNakanishi, TNasir, JPasko, DPearson, NMPereira, ACPriest, JPrijatelj, VProkic, ITeumer, AVarnai, RRomero-Gomez, MRoos, CRosenfeld, JRuolin, LSchulte, ECSchurmann, CSedaghati-Khayat, BShaheen, DShivanathan, ISipeky, CSirui, ZStriano, PTanigawa, YRemesal, AUVadgama, NVallerga, CLVan der Laan, SVerdugo, RAWang, QBSWei, ZZainulabid, UAZarate, RNAuton, AShelton, JFShastri, AJWeldon, CHFilshtein-Sonmez, TCoker, DSymons, AAslibekyan, SO'Connell, JYe, CHatoum, ASAgrawal, ABogdan, RColbert, SMCThompson, WKFan, CCJohnson, ECNiazyan, LDavidyants, MArakelyan, AAvetyan, DBekbossynova, MTauekelova, ATuleutayev, MSailybayeva, ARamankulov, YZholdybayeva, EDzharmukhanov, JKassymbek, KTsechoeva, TTurebayeva, GSmagulova, ZMuratov, TKhamitov, SKwong, ASFTimpson, NJNiemi, MEKRahmouni, SGuntz, JBeguin, YPigazzini, SNkambule, LGeorges, MMoutschen, MMisset, BDarcis, GGofflot, SBouysran, YBusson, APeyrassol, XWilkin, FPichon, BSmits, GVandernoot, IGoffard, JCTiembe, NMorrison, DRAfilalo, JMooser, VRichards, JBRousseau, SDurand, MForgetta, VLaurent, LAfrasiabi, ZBouab, MTselios, CXue, XQAfilalo, MOliveira, MSt-Cyr, JBoisclair, ARagoussis, JAuld, DKaufmann, DELathrop, GMBourque, GDecary, SFalcone, ELMontpetit, APiche, ARenoux, CTremblay, KTse, SMZawati, MHDavis, LKCox, NJBelow, JESealock, JMFaucon, ABShuey, MMPolikowsky, HGPetty, LEShaw, DMChen, HHZhu, WYSchmidt, ALudwig, KUMaj, CRolker, SBalla, DBehzad, PNothen, MMFazaal, JKeitel, VJensen, BEOFeldt, TMarx, NDreher, MPink, ICornberg, MIllig, TLehmann, CSchommers, PRybniker, JAugustin, MKnopp, LKurth, IEggermann, TVolland, SBerger, MMBrenner, THinney, AWitzke, OKonik, MJBals, RHerr, CLudwig, NWalter, JLatz, ESchmidt, SVBrooks, JDBull, SElliott, LTGagnon, FGreenwood, CMTHung, RJLawless, JFPaterson, ADSun, LRauh, MBriollais, LGingras, ACBombard, YPugh, TJSimpson, JGoneau, LWHalevy, ARMaslove, DMBorgundvaag, BDevine, LBearss, ERichardson, DArnoldo, SFriedman, SMTaher, AStern, SDagher, MVasilevska-Ristovska, JBiggs, CMMickiewicz, BStrug, LJScherer, SWAziz, NJones, SJMKnoppers, BMLathrop, MTurvey, SEYeung, RSMAllen, UCheung, AMHerridge, MSHunt, MLerner-Ellis, JTaher, JParekh, RSHiraki, LTCowan, JDucharme, FMOstrowski, MBernier, FPKellner, JGarg, EYoo, SVlasschaert, CFrangione, EChung, MNoor, AGreenfeld, EColwill, KClausen, MChao, GYue, FFritzler, MWhitney, JThiruvahindrapuram, BGarant, JMAbraham, RDavis, ACampigotto, APapenburg, JNiranjan, KBetschel, SSadarangani, MBarton-Forbes, MHanley, MFung, CYJLapadula, EMacDonald, GPuopolo, MKaushik, DNirmalanathan, KWong, IKhan, ZZarei, NMichalowska, MModi, BPPersia, PEstacio, ABuchholz, MCheatley, PLLorenti, MAman, NFMatveev, VBudylowski, PUpton, JMorris, SBoyd, TChowdhary, SCasalino, SMorgan, GMighton, CMcGeer, AMazzulli, TMcLeod, SLBinnie, AFaghfoury, HChertkow, HRacher, HSerbanescu, MAPavenski, KEsser, MThompson, GHerbrick, JAGignoux, CRWicks, SJCrooks, KBarnes, KCDaya, MShortt, JRafaels, NChavan, SSchulze, TGHeilbronner, UPapiol, SCorbetta, AWendtner, CMSpinner, CDErber, JSchneider, JWinter, CWiltfang, JBudde, MSenner, FKalman, JLProtzer, UMueller, NSMousas, ALiontos, AChristaki, EMilionis, HTsilidis, KAsimakopoulos, AKanellopoulou, AMarkozannes, GBiros, DMilionis, OTsourlos, SAthanasiou, LKolios, NGPappa, CPapathanasiou, APargana, ENasiou, MKosmidou, MRapti, INtotsikas, EChaliasos, KNtzani, EEvangelou, EGartzonika, KGeorgiou, ITzoulaki, IEllinghaus, DDegenhardt, FCaceres, MJuzenas, SLenz, TLAlbillos, AJulia, APrati, DSolligard, EGarcia, FTran, FHanses, FBaselli, GZoller, HHolter, JCFernandez, JBarretina, JValenti, LBujanda, LButi, MD'Amato, MBanales, JMRosenstiel, PKoehler, PInvernizzi, Pde Cid, RAsselta, RSchreiber, SDuga, SHehr, UFranke, AMaya-Miles, DHov, JRKarlsen, THFolseraas, TTeles, ATanck, AGassner, CAzuure, CWacker, EMUellendahl-Werth, FHemmrich-Stanisak, GElabd, HKassens, JArora, JLerga-Jaso, JWienbrandt, LRuhlemann, MCWendorff, MBasso, MEFVadla, MSWittig, MBraun, NLenning, OBOzer, OMyhre, RRaychaudhuri, SWesse, TAlbrecht, WYi, XOrtiz, ABde Salazar, AChercoles, AGPalom, ARuiz, AGarcia-Fernandez, AEBlanco-Grau, AMantovani, AHolten, ARBandera, ACherubini, AProtti, AAghemo, AGerussi, ARamirez, ANebel, ABarreira, ALleo, AKildal, ABBiondi, ACaballero-Garralda, AGori, AGluck, ALind, ANolla, ACLatiano, AFracanzani, ALPeschuck, ACavallero, ADyrhol-Riise, AMRuello, AMuscatello, AVoza, ARando-Segura, ASolier, ACortes, BMateos, BNafria-Jimenez, BSchaefer, BBellinghausen, CFerrando, Cde la Horra, CQuereda, CScollo, CLange, CHu, CZPaccapelo, CAngelini, CCappadona, CBianco, CCea, CSancho, CHoff, DALGalimberti, DHaschka, DJimenez, DPestana, DToapanta, DMuniz-Diaz, EAzzolini, ESandoval, EBinatti, EScarpini, ECasalone, EUrrechaga, EParaboschi, EMPontali, EReverter, ECalderon, EJNavas, EContro, EArana-Arri, EAziz, FSanchez, FGCeriotti, FMartinelli-Boneschi, FPeyvandi, FBlasi, FMalvestiti, FMedrano, FJMesonero, FRodriguez-Frias, FMuller, FBellani, GPesenti, AZanella, AGrasselli, GPezzoli, GCostantino, GAlbano, GCardamone, GBellelli, GCiterio, GFoti, GLamorte, GMatullo, GKurihara, HNeb, HMy, IHernandez, Ide Rojas, IGalvan-Femenia, IAfset, JEHeyckendorf, JDamas, JKAmpuero, JMartin, JErdmann, JBadia, JRDopazo, JBergan, JQuero, JHGoikoetxea, JDelgado, JGuerrero, JMRisnes, KBanasik, KMuller, KEGaede, KIGarcia-Etxebarria, KTonby, KHeggelund, LBettini, LRSumoy, LTerranova, LGustad, LTGarbarino, LSantoro, LTellez, LRoade, LOstadreza, MIntxausti, MKogevinas, MRiveiro-Barciela, MSchaefer, MGutierrez-Stampa, MACarrabba, MValsecchi, MGHernandez-Tejero, MVehreschild, MJGTManunta, MAcosta-Herrera, MD'Angio, MBaldini, MCazzaniga, MMarquie, MCastoldi, MCecconi, MTomasi, MBoada, MJoannidis, MMazzocco, MCiccarelli, MRodriguez-Gandia, MBocciolone, MMiozzo, MAyo, NIBlay, NChueca, NMontano, NMartinez, NCornely, OAPalmieri, OFaverio, PPreatoni, PBonfanti, POmodei, PTentorio, PCastro, PRodrigues, PMIzquierdo-Sanchez, LEspana, PPHoffmann, PBacher, Pde Pablo, RFerrer, RGualtierotti, RGallego-Duran, RNieto, RCarpani, RMorilla, RBadalamenti, SHaider, SCiesek, SBombace, SMarsal, SKlein, SPelusi, SWilfling, SGoerg, SBosari, SBrunak, SHeilmann-Heimbach, SAliberti, SDudman, SZheng, TBahmer, TPumarola, TCejudo, TGRimoldi, VMonzani, VSkogen, VFriaza, VAndrade, VMoreno, VPeter, WFarre, XKhodamoradi, YGrimsrud, MMMay, SColombo, AVirginia, MRADorador, CFuentes-Guajardo, MSilva, AXEspinosa-Parrilla, YYanez, CERetamales-Ortega, RMHidalgo, JMSTobar-Calfucoy, EACarvajal-Silva, LMartinez, MFCerpa, LCChristian, MACappelli, CValenzuela-Jorquera, HZapata-Contreras, DZuniga-Pacheco, PNova-Lamperti, EASanhueza, SADonoso, GBocchieri, PKochifas, PQuinones, LAPedersen, OBGeller, FWestergaard, DSequeros, CBNissen, JNielsen, SDFeldt-Rasmussen, UBliddal, SGronbaek, KUllum, HOstrowski, SRFeenstra, BShahin, DSobh, AShoma, ANkambul, LElhadidy, TAAbd Elghafar, MSEl-Jawhari, JJMohamed, AASElnagdy, MHSamir, AAbdel-Aziz, MKhafaga, WTEl-Lawaty, WMTorky, MSEl-Shanshory, MRElzeiny, ARashad, AMansour, TAYassen, AMHegazy, MAFOkasha, KEid, MAHanteera, MSIkram, MAUitterlinden, AGRipatti, SJermy, BRuotsalainen, SKristiansson, KKoskelainen, SPerola, MDonner, KKivinen, KPalotie, AKaunisto, MJulienne, HAschard, HDeleuze, JFDebette, STregouet, DAAbel, LHenches, LLefloch, EClaire, DRSakuntabhai, ABourgeron, TOlaso, RDaian, DBPellegrin, ICasanova, JLCobat, AJouanguy, EZhang, QGhosn, JMentre, FLaouenan, CTubiana, SChirouze, CQuintana-Murci, LPatin, EDuffy, DBoland, ACarreras, AMercader, JMGuindo-Martinez, MTorrents, DGarcia-Aymerich, JCastano-Vinyals, GDobano, Cvan Heel, DAHunt, KATrembath, RCJacobs, BMHuang, QQMartin, HCMason, DTrivedi, BWright, JMunisamy, MFiner, SGriffiths, CJMcCarthy, MIRosenberger, CLee, JEChang, DHammer, CHunkapiller, JMahajan, APendergrass, RSucheston-Campbell, LYaspan, BLee, HSShin, EJang, HYKim, SKym, SKim, YSJeong, HKwon, KTKim, SWKim, JYJang, YRKim, HALee, JYLee, SChoe, KWKang, YMJee, SHJung, KJPark, HYKim, BJKim, YJHwang, MYYoon, KPairo-Castineira, ERawlik, KCaulfield, MJBaillie, JKGriffiths, FBretherick, ADStuckey, AOdhams, CAWalker, SRussell, CDMalinauskas, TWu, YShen, XElliott, KSMorrice, KKeating, SWang, BRhodes, DKlaric, LZechner, MParkinson, NFawkes, AMurphy, LVitart, VWilson, JFYang, JScott, RHMoutsianas, LLaw, ABegg, CHendry, SCHinds, CHorby, PKnight, JLing, LMaslove, DMcAuley, DMillar, JMontgomery, HNichol, AOpenshaw, PJMPonting, CPRowan, KSemple, MGShankar-Hari, MSummers, CWalsh, TPan, JGrau, NJones, TOLim, RMarotti, MWhitton, CBociek, ACampos, SArbane, GOstermann, MCha, MDAmato, FKosifidou, ELorah, SMorera, KBrady, LHugill, KHenning, JBonner, SHeadlam, EJones, JList, AMorley, JWelford, AKamangu, BRatnakumar, AShoremekun, AAlldis, ZAstin-Chamberlain, RBibi, FBiddle, JBlow, SBolton, MBorra, CBowles, RBurton, MChoudhury, YCox, AEasthope, AEbano, PFotiadis, SGurasashvili, JHalls, RHartridge, PKallon, DKassam, JLancoma-Malcolm, IMatharu, MMay, PMitchelmore, ONewman, TPatel, MPheby, JPinzuti, IPrime, ZPrysyazhna, OShiel, JTaylor, MTierney, CZongo, OWood, SZak, ACollier, DMundy, MThompson, CPritchard, LGellamucho, MCartlidge, DBandla, NBailey, LDavies, MDelaney, JScott, LAbdelrazik, MAlasdair, FCarter, DElhassan, MGanesan, AJenkins, SLamond, ZPurohit, DRohit, KSaleem, MWall, AXavier, KBakthavatsalam, DGehad, KGnanapragasam, PJain, KJain, SMalik, APappachan, NMoreno-Cuesta, JHaldeos, AVincent, ROziegb, MCavazza, ACockrell, MCorcoran, EDepante, MFinney, CJerome, EKnighton, ANayak, MPappa, ESaha, RSaha, SDodd, AO'Reilly, KMcPhail, MClarey, ENoble, HSmith, JCoghlan, PBrett, SGordon, ATempleton, MAntcliffe, DBanach, DDarnell, SFernandez, ZJepson, EMohammed, ARojo, RArias, SSGurung, ATWong, JFernandez-Roman, JHamilton, DOJohnson, EJohnston, BMartinez, MLMulla, SWaite, AACWilliams, KWaugh, VWelters, IEmblem, JNorris, MShaw, DBashyal, ABeer, SHutton, PMcKechnie, SDavidson, NMathew, SReadion, GRyu, JWilson, JAgrawal, SElston, KJones, MMeaney, EPolgarova, PElbehery, MDaubney, ENg, AMarshall, JPathan, NStroud, KWhite, DAndrew, AAshraf, SClark, ADent, MLangley, MPeters, CRyan, LSampson, JWei, SYBaddeley, AMeredith, MMorris, LGibbons, AMcLoughlin, LDelgado, CCClark, VDawson, DDing, LJDurrant, GEzeobu, OHarrison, AHurt, WJKanu, RKinch, ALeaver, SLisboa, AMathew, JPatel, KSaluzzio, RPRawlins, JSamakomva, TShah, NSicat, CTexeira, JDe Queiroz, JGDa Gloria, EFMaccacari, EYun, NManna, SFarnell-Ward, SMaizcordoba, MThanasi, MAli, HHHastings, JGrauslyte, LHussain, MRuge, BKing, SPogreban, TRosaroso, LSmith, HPhull, MKAdams, NFranke, GGeorge, ASalciute, EWong, JNDunne, KFlower, LSharland, ESra, SAndrew, GCallaghan, MBarclay, LMarshall, LAmamio, MBirch, SBriton, KClark, SDoverman, KHope, DMcculloch, CSimpson, SSingleton, JFernandez, RAllen, MBaptista, DCrowe, RFox, JKhera, JLoveridge, AMcKenley, IMorino, ENaranjo, AO'Connor, DSimms, RSollesta, KSwain, AVenkatesh, HHerdman-Grant, RJoseph, ANown, ARose, SPogson, DBoxall, HBrimfield, LClaridge, HDaly, ZGeorge, SGribbin, ACheema, YCutler, SRichards, ORoynon-Reed, ACherian, SHeron, AEWilliams, GSzakmany, TWaters, ACollins, KDunhill, JJones, FMorris, RShip, LCardwell, AAli, SBhatterjee, RBolton, RChukkambotla, SColeman, DDalziel, JDykes, JFine, CGay, BGoddard, WGoodchild, DHarling, RHijazi, MKeith, SKhan, MMatt, RRyan-Smith, JSaad, SSpringle, PThomas, JTruman, NKazi, ASmith, MCollier, HDavison, CDuberley, SHargreaves, JHartley, JPatel, TSmith, EKent, AGoodwin, EZaki, ATibke, CHopkins, SGerrard, HJackson, MBennett, SMarsh, LMills, RBell, JCampbell, HDawson, ADodds, SDuffy, SGallagher, LMcCafferty, GShort, SSmith, TThomas, KWalker, CReynolds, JYates, BMckie, HPanteli, MThompson, MWaddell, GDe Beger, SAbraheem, ADunmore, CGirach, RJones, RLondon, ENagra, INasir, FSainsbury, HSmedley, CBrearey, SBurchett, CCawley, KFaulkner, MJeffrey, HBamford, PShaikh, FSlack, LDavies, ABrooke, HSuarez, JCCharlesworth, RHansson, KNorris, JPoole, ASandhu, RSmithson, EThirumaran, MWagstaff, VBuckley, SSloan, BRose, AMajor, AMetcalfe, AAlmaden-Boyle, CAustin, PChapman, SEros, ACabrelli, LCole, SWhyte, CCasey, MBafitis, VTsinaslanidis, GGeorge, CKhade, RBlack, CAshok, SRFarley, SBrinkworth, EHarford, RMurphy, CWilliams, MNewey, LToghill, HLewis, SRees, TBattle, CBaker, MTravers, JChesters, KBaxter, NArnott, AMcCreath, GMcParland, CRooney, LSim, MHenderson, SDalton, CKennedy-Hay, SO'Donohoe, LO'Hare, MOrlikowska, IParker, NMcNeela, FLyle, AHughes, ARadhakrishnan, JGibson, SBancroft, HBellamy, MDaglish, JKadiri, SMoore, FRhodes, JSangombe, MPeterkin, ZScriven, JCarmody, MCottle, JPeasgood, Ede Gordoa, LORPhillips, CSkinner, DCinquina, ZHoward, KJoy, RRoche, SBirkinshaw, ICarter, JIngham, JMarshall, NPearson, HScott, ZDasgin, JGill, JNilsson, ABamford, AHull, DAhmadhaider, NBates, MMcGhee, CEllis, HHowe, GSSingh, JStroud, NRoche, LLynch, CDeacon, BPothecary, CSmeaton, JAgravante, KKrishnamurthy, VDiaba, CJohn, LLim, LJha, REgan, JFelton, TGlasgow, SPadden, GChoudhr, OBradley-Potts, JMoss, SLingeswaran, SAlexander, PBrandwood, CFiouni, SWard, LAllen, SShaw, JSmith, CAdanini, OCollins, RMsiska, MOfori, LBhatia, NDolan, HBrunton, MCaterson, JColes, HKeating, LTilney, EJacques, NFrise, MArmistead, JBartley, SBhuie, PRai, STomkova, GGreer, SShuker, KTridente, ADobson, EHunt, JTully, RDearden, JDrummond, AKamath, PBullock, EMulcahy, MMunt, SO'Connor, GPhilbin, JRishton, CScott, CWinnard, SHasni, NGascoyne, RHawes, JPritchard, KStevenson, LWhileman, ABeavis, SBishop, LCart, CDale, KKelly-Baxter, MMendelski, AMoakes, ESmith, RWoodward, JWright, SAllan, ABotello, ALiew, JMedhora, JTrumper, ESavage, FScott, TPlace, MKaye, CBenyon, SMarriott, SPark, LQuinn, HSkyes, DZitter, LBaines, KGordon, EKeenan, SPitt, ADuffy, KIreland, JSemple, GTurner, LCathcart, SRimmer, DPuxty, APuxty, KHurst, AMiller, JSpeirs, SWalker, LBradshaw, ZBrown, JMelling, SPreston, SSlawson, NWarden, SBeasley, AStoddard, EBenham, LCupitt, JCaswell, MElawamy, LWignall, ARoberts, BGolding, HLeggett, SMale, MMarani, MPrager, KWilliams, TGolder, KJones, OCusack, RBolger, CBurnish, RCarter, MJackson, SSalmon, KBiss, JAquino, MCroft, MFrost, VWhite, IGovender, KWebb, NStapleton, LWells, CNikitas, NSanchez-Rodriguez, ASpencer, KStowe, BIzzard, YPoole, MMonnery, STrotman, SBeech, VCombes, EJoefield, TCovernton, PSavage, SWoodward, ECamsooksai, JReschreiter, HBarclay, CDeath, YDube, JHumphrey, CLangridge, EMilne, RWadams, BWoolcock, MBrett, MDigby, BGemmell, LHornsby, JMacGoey, PO'Neil, PPrice, RSundaram, RRodden, NThomson, NRooney, KCurrie, SHenderson, POgg, BWhiteley, SWilby, LLong, KMatthew, SSalada, STrott, SWatts, SFriar, ZSpeight, ABastion, VChandna, HDjeugam, BHaseeb, MKent, HLubimbi, GMurdoch, SThomas, ADavid, BLorusso, RVochin, APenacerrada, MWulandari, RHeath, CJakkula, SMorris, AAhmed, ANune, AButtriss, CWhitaker, EDavey, MGolden, DAcklery, AFernandes, FSeaman, BEarl, VCollins, AKhaliq, WAdam, RTreus, EHolland, SAlfonso, JBlackledge, BBruce, MDurrans, LJEltayeb, AHarris, JHey, SHruska, MLamb, TRothwell, JFitzgerald, ALindergard, GT-Michael, HDuncan, TBaxter-Dore, SCooper, LFox, CGuerin, JHodgkiss, TConnolly, KMcAlinden, PBridgett, VFearby, MGulati, AHanson, HKelly, SMcCormack, LNixon, RRobinson, PSlater, VStephenson, EWebster, AWebster, KHays, CHudson, APatel, BClement, IDavis, JFrancis, SJerry, DAbernathy, CFoster, LGratrix, ACabral-Ortega, LHines, MMartinson, VStones, EWinter, KBarrow, EWylie, KBaines, DBirchall, KKolakaluri, LClark, RSukumaran, ABarker, MParipoorani, DSmith, LTaylor, CDownes, CHayman, MRiches, KDaniel, PSubramanian, DHolding, KHilton, MMcdonald, CRichardson, GHalladay, GHarding, PReddy, ATurner-Bone, IWilding, LParker, RLloyd, MKelly, CLazo, MNeal, AWalton, OMelville, JNaisbitt, JJoseph, RCallam, SHudig, LKeshet-Price, JStammers, KConvery, KRandell, GFottrell-Gould, DMwaura, ESutherland, SBStewart, RMew, LWren, LThrasyvoulou, LWillis, HHopkins, BLenton, DRoberts, ABokhari, MLucas, RMcCormick, WRitzema, JLinnett, VSanderson, AWild, HFlanagan, RHull, RRhead, KMcKenna, EHughes, GAnderson, JJones, KLatham, SRiley, HCoulding, MClark, MMcCormick, JMercer, OPotla, DRehman, HSavill, HTurner, VJude, EKilroy, SApetri, EBasikolo, CCatlow, LCollis, MDoonan, RHarvey, AKnowles, KLomas, DLyons, CMcMorrow, LMichael, APendlebury, JPerez, JPoulaka, MProudfoot, NSlevin, KThomas, VWalker, DDark, PCharles, BMcLaughlan, DSlaughter, MHorner, DMarsden, TAndrews, JBeech, EAkinkugbe, OBelfield, HJones, GALMcHugh, TMeghari, HRay, STomas, ALO'Neill, LPeters, MBell, MBenkenstein, SChisholm, CDavies, CKupiec, KPayne, CHalls, JBlakemore, HGoff, EHayes, KSmith, KStephens, DWorner, RBorislavova, BFaulkner, BThomas, MCookson, RGendall, ELarman, GPope, RSmalira, APriestley, VCosier, TMillen, GRand, JSchumacher, NSandhar, RWeston, HRichardson, NJones, CHuang, YWJJacob, RDenmade, CMcintyre, LTrodd, DWatson, GBevan, EWreybrown, CBano, SBellwood, RBentley, MBromley, MGurr, LLedgard, CMcGowan, JPye, KSellick, KStacey, AWarren, DWilkinson, BAkeroyd, LShafique, HMorgan, JShorter, SSwinger, RWaters, ELawton, TAllan, EDarlington, KDavies, FDavies, LEaston, JKumar, SLean, RMackay, CPugh, RQiu, XYRees, SScanlon, JLewis, JMenzies, DBolger, ADavies, GDavies, JGarrod, EJones, HManley, RWilliams, HFrankham, JPitts, SWhite, NBranney, DTiller, HEfford, GGarland, ZGrimmer, LGumbrill, BJohnson, RSweet, KBewley, JColeman, CCorcoran, KMorano, EMHShiel, RWebster, DBonnici, JDaniel, EDell, AKent, MWilkinson, ABrown, EKay, ACampbell, SCowton, ABirt, MGreenaway, VPotts, KHutton, CShepperson, AForsey, MNicholson, AVertue, MRiches, JKaliappan, AMacCallum, NRaith, EBercades, GHass, IBrealey, DMartir, GReyes, ASmyth, DZapatamartinez, MAlvaro, AJetha, CMa, LBooker, LMostoles, LPratley, AAltabaibeh, AParmar, CGilbert, KFerguson, SShepherd, ABaruah, RLloyd, GBell, SRivers, VPurewal, BHammerton, KAnderson, SBirch, JCollins, EOleary, RCornell, SJarmain, JRogerson, KWakinshaw, FWoods, LRostron, AElcioglu, ZRoy, ABell, GDickson, HWilcox, LKatary, AEnglish, KHutter, JPawley, CDoble, PShovelton, CVaida, MPurnell, RCagova, LFofano, AHolcombe, HMitchell, AMMwaura, LPraman, KGarnr, LMepham, SPaques, KVuylsteke, AMackie, JPearn, CZamikula, JNyirenda, MCapozzi, LReece-Anthony, RNoor, HNilo, ACGrove, MDaniel, AFinn, JBadal, BIxer, KDuffin, DPlayer, BHill, HCole, JBrooks, JDavies, RHunt, LThomas, EWilliams, AOblak, MThankachen, MIrisari, JSayan, APopescu, MFinch, CJamieson, AQuinn, ACooper, JLiderth, SWaddington, NBurn, IManso, KPenn, RTebbutt, JThornton, DWinchester, JHambrook, GShanmugasundaram, PCraig, JSimpson, KHigham, ASibbett, LPaine, SReed, AConyngham, JAMupudzi, MThomas, RWright, MGriffin, DPartridge, RCorral, MAMuchenje, NSitonik, MButler, AFolkes, LFox, HGardner, AHelm, DHobden, GKing, KMargalef, JMargarson, MMartindale, TMeadows, ERaynard, DThirlwall, YBaird, YGomez, RMartin, DHodgson, LCorin, CSidall, ESzabo, DFloyd, SDavies, HAustin, KKelsall, OWood, HCornell, TRalph, KBean, SBurt, KSpivey, MRichards, CTedstone, RCarmody, SZhao, XBPage, VGuanco, MLHoxha, EZorloni, CDean, CJones, ECarter, EDunn, JKong, TMahenthran, MMarsh, CHolland, MKeenan, NMahmoud, MLyons, MWassall, HYoung, MBradley, PBurda, DDonlon, SHarden, LHarris, CMayangao, IMontaser, RMtuwa, SPiercy, CStone, SVerula, JBlackman, HMarriott, CMichalak, NCreagh-Brown, BSalberg, ABoyer, NPristopan, VMaynard, VWalker, RHormis, AGraham, CWarrington, JCosgrove, DMcFarland, DRatcliffe, JCharnock, RWynter, IGill, MKirk, JPaul, PRatnam, VShelton, SJardine, CHay, AWilliams, DDurga, LHibbert, MKennard-Holden, GWoodford, CTetla, DPrice, AThorpe, CKnights, EWard, DLaha, SVerlander, MProut, RLangton, HWatters, MHunt, CNovis, CArif, SCunningham, AHewitt, CHindale, JJackson-Lawrence, KShepardson, SWills, MButler, STavares, SBarber, RHilldrith, AHubbard, KEgginton, DPurvis, SSinclair, SCollins, VLandeg, BSell, CCoetzee, SGales, AOtahal, IIcke, BRaj, MWilliams, CWilliams, JHill, LKayani, AMasunda, BGondo, PAtayeva, NCruz, CPattison, NBurnett, CHatton, JHeeney, ENewton, MAl-Moasseb, HBehan, TPlayer, JStead, RMitra, ANauyokas, KHumphreys, SCockerill, HTampsett, RPostovalova, ECoventry, TMcGregor, AFowler, SMacmahon, MCochrane, PPirie, SHanley, SAli, ABrady, MDale, SDance, AGledhill, LGreig, JHanson, KHoldroyd, KHome, MIshaq, TKelly, DMatapure, LMelia, DMellor, SMerwaha, ENortcliffe, TShaw, LShaw, RWood, TBayo, LAUsher, MWilson, AKitson, RPinnell, JRobinson, MBoltwood, KBough, LTutton, RWinter-Goodwin, BGoodsell, JTaylor, KWilliams, PWilliams, SCave, ARees, JImeson-Wood, JAmin, VKarthik, KKausar, RAnastasescu, EReid, KAnumakonda, VStoddart, EDemetriou, CEckbad, CHowie, LMitchard, SRamos, LWhite, KHierons, SKelly, FSerrano-Ruiz, AEvans, GNicol, LWilkins, JHulacka, KDebreceni, GBrown, ACrickmore, VHill, KKannan, TDagutao, ZBeesley, KLewis, APerry, JAntony, SBoard, SBuckley, CPippard, LTanate, AWood, DKubisz-Pudelko, AGouda, AAuld, FDonnachie, JMurdoch, EPrentice, LRunciman, NSenaratne, DShort, ASweeney, LSymon, LTodd, ATurner, PMcCann, ESalutous, DEdmond, IWhitelaw, LBland, YKajtor, IKavanagh, LSingler, KLinfield-Brown, GMoore, LSPVizcaychipi, MMartins, LMoore, LBull, RCarungcong, JAllen, LBeranova, EKnight, APrice, CTilbey, STurney, SHazelton, TTutt, GArora, MTurki, SSinfield, EDeery, JRamos, HCristiano, DDormand, NFarzad, ZGummadi, MSalmi, SSloane, GVarghese, MThwaites, VKamal, LZborowski, ACCoe, RAnderson, MBeadle, JCoates, CCrowley, MJohnson, LKing, LParamsothy, RSargeant, JSilva, PStuart, CTaylor, JTyl, DWakefield, PKamundi, COlufuwa, OBelagodu, ZGherman, AOakley, NAllan, JGeary, TMeikle, AO'Brien, PHouston, GBlack, KClarkson, MD'Sylva, SMorrison, ANorman, KClements, SCohrane, CGonzalez, NStrachan, DBeith, CMoar, KAnderson, PArcher, KBurtenshaw, AClayton, SCother, NCowley, NDavis, CDigby, SDurie, ALow, EMcAlindon, MMcCurdy, AMorgan, ARankin, TThrush, JTranter, HVigurs, CWild, LSmythe, MBrickell, KAli, IAMBeaumont, KElsaadany, MFernandes, KAlly, SMRangarajan, HSarathy, VSelvanayagam, SVedage, DWhite, MCoton, ZJoshy, ABlunt, MCurgenven, HBotfield, LDexter, CKuravi, AButler, JChadwick, RRanga, PRichardson, LVirgilio, EAnwer, MGarg, ABotfield, DMarriott, XStewart, KMullan, DGaylard, JNowak, JJones, SCrawley, RCrew, ACunningham, MDaniels, AHarrison, LHope, SLancaster, NMatthews, JWray, GInweregbu, KCutts, SMiller, KBrady, AChan, RMcIvor, SPrady, HMathew, BLittle, JFurniss, TWright, CKing, BWasson, CO'Neill, ATurley, CMcGuigan, PFinn, SGreen, JMcAuley, JNair, AQuinn, CTauro, SWard, KMcGinlay, MReddy, KAhmad, NBarker, JBauchmuller, KBird, SCawthron, KChetam, LDonne, BFoote, DFord, AHanratty, HHarrington, KHesseldon, LHousley, KJackson, YJarman, CKibutu, FLenagh, BMacharia, IMasuko, SMilner, LNewell, HNwafor, LOxspring, SPhillips, PRaithatha, ARowland-Jones, SThompson, RTrower, HWatson, JWiles, MLye, AWillson, JMills, GHarris, SHartill, EBarron, ACollins, CKaul, SNolan, CPolgar, OPrendergast, CRogers, PShokkar, RWoodruff, MMahay, KMeyrick, HPassmore, HFarwell, JO'Connell, SGregory, JBarberis, LHarper, RArmstrong, DBowey, ACowley, ACorner, AHighgate, JRutherfurd, CTaylor, JAGoodwin, SEapen, BTrim, FDonnison, PArmstrong, LBates, HDooks, EFarquhar, FKitching, APackham, SHairsine, BAndreou, PHales, DMathews, MPatel, RBarry, PFlint, NHailstone, JGhuman, NLeonard, BLees, RButcher, DLeng, KButterworth-Cowin, NO'Sullivan, SGhosh, AWilliams, EAdams, CAgasou, AArden, TBeekes, MBowes, ABoyle, PButton, HCarnahan, MCarter, AChilds, DHurford, FHussain, YJavaid, ALeigh, MMartin, TMillward, HMotherwell, NNewman, JRikunenko, RStickley, JSummers, JTing, LTivenan, HDonaldson, DCapps, NCale, EJose, SOsbourne, WPajak, SRankin, JTonks, LBaird, THarkins, MRuddy, JWest, JDuffield, JMallon, LSmith, OSmuts, SCampbell, ADavies, SHughes, RJobes, LWhitehead, VWatkins, CBowman, FMilligan, BMcPherson, LMetherell, SHarris, NLake, VRadford, ESmallwood, AGopal, SVassell, KBell, DBoyle, RDouglas, KGlass, LLennon, LRattray, ALee, EJones, DParsons, PAttwood, BJefferson, PRanganathan, MAtwal, ICampbell, BDay, AStagg, CHaynes, EAhmed, CClamp, SColley, JHaq, RHayes, AJoseph, SMaqsood, ZHussain, SHulme, JDomingos, PKumar, RPurewal, MTaylor, BBunni, LLatif, MJennings, CMarshall, RMetryka, ASubramanian, GBurgoyne, ATyler, AWaldron, JHilltout, PEvitts, JWard, GBremmer, PHawkins, CJackman, SOgorek, MAshby, KThornton, LMercer, PHalkes, MRevill, ASaint, BFletcher, JNetherton, KChablani, MKirkby, ARoper, ASzymiczek, KSutherland, IO'Brien, LConnell, JDavies, KLewis, TOmar, ZPerkins, ESathe, SDavies, ELyon, AMapfunde, IWillis, CHitchcock, RHall, KKing, CFagan, ANazari, RWorsley, LAllibone, SKasipandian, VPatel, ACutting, PGenetu, RMac, AMurphy, AWard, SButt, FAyers, AHarrison, WMackintosh, KNorth, JAshton, LBi, ROwen, SWinmill, HScholefield, BBlowing, HDuskova, MEdwards, MRees, AThomas, HPhipps, JBrooks, SDennis, CParris, VSrikaran, SSukha, ATiongson, GAdams, KAndrew, BBrayne, ACarter, SFindlay, LFisher, EJackson, PKaye, DParkin, JTuckey, VLove, Nvan Koutrick, LHanson, ADent, KHorsley, EPearson, SSpencer, SHutchinson, DPotoczna, DAkhtar, MNCottam, LJSanders, JGarcia, SMPakou, GFilipe, HMaharajh, Ade Neef, MEastgate, CTeoh, PCBarrett, FBradley, CDonaldson, AMascarenhas, MO'Hara, MOkeefe, LClarke, NWhiteside, JCampbell, RMatheson, JMcDonald, DPatience, DRice, PClapham, MMutch, RCraig, HPoultney, UBurns, KTwiss, SBarton, JGeorge, LHarrop, CWright, DJHarrison, RToohie, JChandler, BTurnbull, AMallinson, JElliott, KWolf-Roberts, RTench, HHobrok, MLoosley, RMcGuinness, HSims, TAfolabi, DAllison, KSAnderson, TDore, RRogers, NSaunderson, PWhitbread, JO'Malley, LRad, LHawcutt, DAldridge, JTolson, MGarrioch, STomlinson, JGrosdenier, MLoader, DKapoor, RHector, GScherewode, JSri-Chandana, CStephenson, LMarsh, SDela Rosa, AJhanji, SBemand, THowle, RBaikady, RRThomas, BBlack, ETatham, KGurram, SWatson, EQuaid, SSaunderson, AO'Brien, RMoultrie, SService, JCheyne, COdam, MWiliams, ABarnes, NCsabi, PDa Rocha, JGlynou, LHuffenberger, ABryant, JPickard, ARoe, NBellini, AMayer, ABurrow, AColley, NEvans, JHowlett, AKhalifeh, ZPryce, JGorman, CBrady, RTimlick, EAntoine, PGupta, AHardy, JHoulden, HMoncur, ETucci, ATariq, ATagliavini, ERamsay, BFidler, KDonnelly, KHollis, RBarr, JBoyd, EIrvine, VShelley, BBuckley, JHamilton, CValdeavella, KBircham, SLiggett, SPatil, ASiddiq, AGoddard, PDonovan, SZainy, TMaleady-Crowe, FTodd, LSalehi, SElgar, GChan, GArumugam, PPatch, CRendon, ABentley, DKingsley, CFowler, TAElliott, PTenesa, AAitkin, EAravindan, LArmstrong, RBiggs, HBoz, CChikowore, PCoutts, ACoyle, JCullum, LDas, SDay, NDonnelly, LDuncan, EFinernan, PFourman, MHFurlong, AFurniss, JGallagher, BGilchrist, TGolightly, AHafezi, KHamilton, DHendry, RKearns, NLaw, DLaw, RLaw, SLidstone-Scott, RLauder, CMacgillivray, LMaclean, AMal, HMcCafferty, SMcmaster, EMeikle, JMoore, SCMurphy, SMybaya, HOosthuyzen, WZheng, CQChen, JTPaterson, TTucker, PSchon, KStenhouse, ADas, MSwets, MSzoor-McElhinney, HTaneski, FTurtle, LWackett, TWard, MWeaver, JWrobel, NRakitko, AIlinsky, VYermakovich, DPopov, IChernitsov, AKovalenko, EVergasova, EProkhorov, AKrasnenko, APlotnikov, NStetsenko, IKim, ACirulli, ETBarrett, KMSBolze, AWhite, SWashington, NLLu, JTRiffle, STanudjaja, FWang, XQRamirez, JMLeonetti, NNeveux, IDabe, SGrzymski, JJJoshi, MNDixit, RDShah, PKUpadhyay, KJChuhan, NTDesai, KJShah, MRModi, BJoshi, CGPandit, RJSingh, IAnsari, AIRaval, JNPatel, ZZVazquez-Perez, JACastillejos-Lopez, MAquino-Galvez, AShamah-Levy, TAvila-Arcos, MCLuna, MTTHidalgo-Miranda, ABarberena-Jonas, CQuinto-Cortes, CDAvila-Arcos, MAHuerta-Chagoya, AGarcia-Garcia, LBarnetche, JMAlpuche-Aranda, CRivera, JAGutierrez, TBOchoa-Guzman, AOrdonez-Sanchez, MLSegura-Kato, YHerrera-Montalvo, LAMendoza-Vargas, AReyes-Grajeda, JPCruz-Cruz, ADVelazquez-Cruz, RTorres-Espindola, LMSierra-Vargas, MPCamarena, ARuiz, VChavez-Alderete, JJaime-Capetillo, MEGuadarrama-Perez, CZuniga-Ramos, JOlivera-Ramirez, AMartinez, MALSerna-Munoz, RGarmendia, ANamkoong, HOkada, YImoto, SKatayama, KFukunaga, KKitagawa, YSato, THasegawa, NKumanogoh, AKimura, AAi, MTokunaga, KKanai, TMiyano, SOgawa, SEdahiro, RSonehara, KShirai, YIshii, MKabata, HMasaki, KKamata, HIkemura, SChubachi, SOkamori, STerai, HTanaka, HMorita, ALee, HAsakura, TSasaki, JMorisaki, HUwamino, YNanki, KMikami, YTomono, KKato, KMatsuda, FTakahashi, MHizawa, NTakeda, YHirata, HShiroyama, TMiyawaki, SSuzuki, KMaeda, YNii, TNoda, YNiitsu, TAdachi, YEnomoto, TAmiya, SHara, RTakahashi, KAnzai, THasegawa, TIto, SKoike, REndo, AUchimura, YMiyazaki, YHonda, TTateishi, TTohda, SIchimura, NSonobe, KSassa, CNakajima, JNannya, YOmae, YHarada, NHiki, MTakagi, HNakamura, ATagaya, EKawana, MArimura, KIshiguro, TTakayanagi, NIsono, TTakaku, YTakano, KAnan, RNakajima, YNakano, YNishio, KUeda, SHayashi, RTateno, HHase, IYoshida, SSuzuki, SMitamura, KSaito, FUeda, TAzuma, MNagasaki, TYasui, YHasegawa, YMutoh, YYoshiyama, TShoko, TKojima, MAdachi, TIshikawa, MWatanabe, KManabe, TIto, FFukui, TFunatsu, YKoh, HHirai, YKawashima, HNarita, ANiwa, KSekikawa, YYoshiya, KYoshihara, TSuzuki, YNakayama, SMasuzawa, KNishi, KNishitsuji, MTani, MInoue, THirano, TKobayashi, KMiyazawa, NKimura, YSado, ROgura, TKitamura, HMurohashi, KNakachi, IBaba, RArai, DFuke, SSaito, HKuwahara, NFujiwara, AOkada, TBaba, TNoda, JMashimo, SYagi, KShiomi, THashiguchi, MOdani, TMochimaru, TOyamada, YMori, NIzumi, NNagata, KTaki, RMurakami, KYamada, MSugiura, HHayashi, KShimizu, TGon, YFujitani, STsuchida, TYoshida, TKagaya, TKita, TSakagami, SKimizuka, YKawana, ANakamura, YIshikura, HTakata, TKikuchi, TTaniyama, DNakamura, MKodama, NKaneyama, YMaeda, SNagasaki, YOkamoto, MIshihara, SIto, AChihara, YTakeuchi, MOnoi, KHashimoto, NWakahara, KAndo, AMasuda, MWakabayashi, AWatanabe, HSageshima, HNakada, TAAbe, RShimada, TKawamura, KIchikado, KNishiyama, KYamasaki, MHashimoto, SKusaka, YOhba, TIsogai, STakada, MKanda, HKomase, YSano, FAsano, KOguma, THarada, MTakahashi, TShibusawa, TAbe, SKono, YTogashi, YIzumo, TInomata, MAwano, NOgata, TKanehiro, AOzaki, SFuchimoto, YOgura, SYoshida, KBeppu, SFukuyama, SEriguchi, YYonekawa, AInoue, YYamagata, KChiba, SNarumoto, ONagai, HOoshima, NMotegi, MSagara, HTanaka, AOhta, SShibata, YTanino, YSato, YYamada, YHashino, TShinoki, MIwagoe, HImamura, TUmeda, AShimada, HEndo, MHayashi, SNakano, SYatomi, MMaeno, TIshii, TUtsugi, MOno, AKanaoka, KIhara, SKomuta, KNishida, NKawai, YSugiyama, MAlawneh, LMMaswadeh, KBAlsoub, FSAlRawashdeh, TJEsawi, EAbu Alragheb, BOMaswadeh, ABAl-Kadash, AAl-Ani, AAlsafadi, DBShahin, MAAl Qtaish, NAlawneh, FMAbulail, JAZhlawi, HJAlhousani, TNAlzuraiqi, MRAl-Ja'afreh, MMAllouzy, SKALjalamdeh, MMansour, TMAlamer, LMIssa, ABYounis, FMBHawari, FIHayajneh, WAObeidat, NMAhram, MZhlawi, MWJAlshaer, WAl-Kasasbeh, MMNaffa, RGIsmail, MAAbdullah, MSIsmail, SIObeidat, MCordero, AIHSin, DDBosse, YJoubert, PHao, KNickle, DTimens, Wvan den Berge, MFeng, YCAMercader, JWeiss, STKarlson, EWSmoller, JWMurphy, SNMeigs, JBWoolley, AEGreen, RCMandla, RSchroeder, PPerez, EFLee, SHTFlores-Silva, FDChiquete, ECantu-Brito, CSifuentes-Osornio, Jde Leon-Garduno, APRoman-Montes, CMChavez-Manzanera, EVelasco, DGMartagon-Rosado, ACruz-Bautista, IGomez-Perez, FJDiaz-Olavarrieta, CValdes, PAMunoz-Hernandez, LLMehta, RPElias-Lopez, DTusie-Luna, TPajukanta, PSukhatme, MGMoreno-Macias, HRuth, JGonzalez-Behn-Eschenburg, SGarcia-Grimshaw, MGuillen-Pineda, LEVargas-Martinez, MDRodriguez, MRodriguez-Guillen, ROrdonez, MLRajme-Lopez, SGonzalez-Lara, MFLuna-Moreno, DLopez, JDSGuillen-Quintero, DMVega, JDuran-Coyote, SGuerra-Garcia, MTDuran-Gomez, MVigueras-Hernandez, ARamirez-Jimenez, MEGrajeda-Gonzalez, SLRamos-Galicia, EMRamirez-Carrillo, MFFernandez-Ruiz, JChirino-Perez, ARomero-Molina, AOZavaleta, DAFJaramillo, MAMLopez, KJPIncontri-Abraham, DRosado, WNCatalan, MAAguilar, SEVZamudio, IPMRuiz-Ruiz, EGarcia, KDCGuerrero, CVMartinez, AIRMoscoso-Sanchez, RMancilla, MDRVilla, ALuna-Ramirez, SAHernandez-Hernandez, SFrias, ECampos, AMorales-Sosa, PAToxqui-Merchant, LEGarcia, KPasaniuc, BButte, MJGeschwind, DHAguilar-Salinas, CAHeidecker, BKurth, FSander, LESkurk, CLandmesser, UKaradeniz, ZWang, XMPoller, WSuwalski, PRipke, SBraun, AKraft, JLippert, LJHelbig, ETThibeault, CAwasthi, SMbarek, HSaad, CAl-Sarraj, YBadji, RMAl-Muftah, WAl Thani, AAfifi, NSadiq, FKhan, MIBhutta, MJKhan, HAin, QJunaid, AKhan, EASypniewski, MLejman, AZawadzki, PSztromwasser, PKrol, ZDobosz, PStojak, JFlores, CCarracedo, AAguilar, CArranz, MJBaptista-Rosas, RCBezerra, JFBezerra, MACBrugada, RBustos, MCastano, LConde-Vicente, RCordero-Lorenzana, MLDe Martino-Rodriguez, ADominguez-Garrido, EFarinas, MCGil-Fournier, BHerrero, MJLattig, MCMartin-Lopez, CMartin, VMartinez-Nieto, OMartinez-Lopez, IMazzeu, JFMacias, EMCuerda, VMSilbiger, VNOliveira, SFParellada, MSantos, NPCPerez-Matute, PPerez, PPerucho, TPorras-Hurtado, GLPujol, AFernandez-Rodriguez, AJimenez-Sousa, MARodriguez-Ruiz, ERodriguez-Artalejo, FRodriguez-Garcia, JARuiz-Cabello, FSoria, JMTamayo, ETeper, ATorres-Tobar, LUrioste, MYanez, ZZarate, RGuillen-Navarro, EAyuso, CGonzalez-Neira, ARiancho, JARojas-Martinez, ALapunzina, PCruz, RDiz-de Almeida, SCeballos, FCLorenzo-Salazar, JMGonzalez-Montelongo, RQuintela, IPita, GGago-Dominguez, MPorras, MSTenorio-Castano, JANevado, JAguado, JMAguilera-Albesa, SAlmadana, VAlmoguera, BAlvarez, NAndreu-Bernabeu, AArango, CArtiga, MJBarreda-Sanchez, MBelhassen-Garcia, MBoix-Palop, LBrion, MCarbonell, CCastelao, JECortes-Sanchez, JLCorton, MDarnaude, MTdel Campo-Perez, Vde Bustamante, ADLuchessi, ADEiros, RSanabria, GMEFernandez-Robelo, UFernandez-Villa, TGomez-Arrue, JAlvarez, BGde Quiros, FGBGonzalez-Penas, JGutierrez-Bautista, JFHerrero-Gonzalez, ABorja, ALLopez-Rodriguez, RMancebo, EMartinez-Resendez, MFMartinez-Perez, AMinguez, POrtega-Paino, EPaz-Artal, EPerez-Tomas, MEPinsach-Abuin, MPompa-Mera, ENLeon, SRResino, SFernandes, MRRuiz-Hornillos, JRyan, PSouto, JCTamayo-Velasco, ATaracido-Fernandez, JCValencia-Ramos, Jde Heredia, MLErikstrup, CStefansson, KMikkelsen, SSorensen, EBurgos, CAndersen, SBrugdorf, KHansen, TFHjalgrim, HJemec, GBNyegaard, MWerge, TJohansson, PIDidriksen, MSchwinn, MJacobsen, RLHindhede, LRostgaard, KGudbjartsson, DStefansson, HThorsteinsdottir, UNielsen, KRBruun, MTDinh, KMLarsen, MAHSaekmose, SGZeberg, HFrithiof, RHultstrom, MLipcsey, MTardif, NRooyackers, OGrip, JMaricic, THeid, IMWagner, RUberla, KWinkler, TWWiegrebe, SGorski, MStark, KJPeterhoff, DEinhauser, SNiller, HHBeileke, SFreimer, NDing, YChiu, AChang, TSBoutros, PKarczewski, KJMartin, ARWilson, DJSpencer, CCACrook, DWWyllie, DHO'Connell, AMAtkinson, EGTsuo, KBaya, NTurley, PGupta, RWalters, RKPalmer, DSSarma, GSolomonson, MCheng, NLu, WHChurchhouse, CGoldstein, JIKing, DZhou, WSeed, CDaly, MJFinucane, HBryant, SSatterstrom, FKBand, GEarle, SGLin, SKArning, NKoelling, NArmstrong, JRudkin, JKCallier, SCusick, CFernandez-Cadenas, IPlanas, AMPerez-Tur, JLlucia-Carol, LCullell, NMuino, ECarcel-Marquez, JDeDiego, MLIglesias, LLSoriano, ARico, VAguero, DBedini, JLLozano, FDomingo, CRobles, VRuiz-Jaen, FMarquez, LGomez, JCoto, EAlbaiceta, GMGarcia-Clemente, MDalmau, DDietl, BSerra-Llovich, ASoler-Palacin, PColobran, RMartin-Nalda, AParra-Martinez, ABernardo, DRojo, SFiz-Lopez, AArribas-Rodriguez, ECal-Sabater, PSegura, TGonzalez-Villar, ESerrano-Heras, GMarti-Fabregas, JJimenez-Xarrie, EMimbrera, ADMasjuan, JGarcia-Madrona, SDominguez-Mayoral, AVillalonga, JMMenendez-Valladares, P
Nature. 621(7977):E7
Academic Journal
Abani, OAbbas, AAbbas, FAbbas, JAbbas, KAbbas, MAbbasi, SAbbass, HAbbott, AAbdallah, NAbdelaziz, AAbdelfattah, MAbdelqader, BAbdul, AAbdul, BAbdul, SAbdul Rasheed, AAbdulakeem, AAbdul-Kadir, RAbdullah, AAbdulmumeen, AAbdul-Raheem, RAbdulshukkoor, NAbdusamad, KAbed El Khaleq, YAbedalla, MAbeer Ul Amna, AAbel, LAbernethy, KAbeywickrema, MAbhinaya, CAbidin, AAboaba, AAboagye-Odei, AAboah, CAboelela, HAbo-Leyah, HAbouelela, KAbou-Haggar, AAbouibrahim, MAbousamra, AAbouzaid, MAbraham, MAbraham, TAbraheem, AAbrams, JAbrams, RAbu, HJAbu-Arafeh, AAbubacker, SMAbung, AAbusamra, YAceampong, YAchara, AAcharya, DAcheampong, FAcheampong, PAcheampong, SAcheson, JAchieng, SAcosta, AAcquah, RActon, CAdabie-Ankrah, JAdair, PAdam, ASAdam, FAdam, MAdamali, HAdamczyk, MAdams, CAdams, DAdams, KAdams, LAdams, NAdams, RAdams, TAdamu-Ikeme, LAdatia, KAdcock, KAddai-Boampong, LAddo, AAdeagbo, OAdebiyi, AAdedeji, OAdegeye, YAdegoke, KAdell, VAdenwalla, SAdeoye, FWAdesemoye, OAAdewunmi, EOAdeyanju, AAdeyemi, JAdeyemo, TAdhikari, BAdhikari, SAAdhikary, RAditya, AAdjepong, PAdkins, GAdnan, AAdriaanse, MAeron-Thomas, JAffleck, DAfnan, CAfridi, MAfrim, PAfriyie, FAAftab, ZAAfum-Adjei Awuah, AAgarwal, MAgasiya, PNAgbeko, RAgbo, CAggarwal, SAghababaie, AAguilar Jimenez, LAgyekum, JAAgyen, KAhadome, EKAhamed Sadiq, SAhammed Nazeer, MHAhmad, MAhmad, SAhmed, AAhmed, BARAhmed, BAhmed, FAhmed, HAhmed, IAhmed, KAhmed, LAhmed, MAhmed, MCAhmed, MSAhmed, NAhmed, OAhmed, RAAhmed, RAhmed, SAhmed, SGAhmed, SHAhmed Ali, RAhmed Mohamud, BAhmer, SAhonia, AAidoo, CAiken, CAil, DAinsworth, MAissa, MAitken, LAjay, BAjibode, AAjmi, AAkhtar, NAkili, SAkinbiyi, BAkindolie, OAkinfenwa, YAkinkugbe, OAkinpelu, IAkram, MAktinade, OAkudi, UAl Aaraj, ASARAl Balushi, AAl Dakhola, MAl Swaifi, AAl-Abadi, EAlabi, AAladangady, NAlafifi, MAlam, AAlam, SAl-Asadi, AAlatzoglou, KAlbert, PAlbertus, AAlbon, LAlcala, AAlcorn, GAlcorn, SAldana, AAlderdice, DAldesouki, AAldouri, RAldridge, JAldridge, NAle, RMAlegria, AAlexander, AAlexander, CAlexander, JAlexander, PDGAl-fori, JAlghazawi, LAlhabsha, OAl-Hakim, BAlhameed, RAl-Hayali, MAl-Hity, SAli, AAli, FRAli, JAli, MAli, MSAli, NAli, OAli, RAli, SAliberti, EAlin, JAlina, AAlipustain, AAlisjahbana, BAliyuda, FAlizadeh, KAl-Jibury, MAl-Juboori, SAl-Khalil, MAlkhudhayri, AAlkhusheh, MAllan, FAllan, NAllanson, AAllcock, RAllen, EAllen, JAllen, KAllen, LAllen, PAllen, RAllen, SAllen, TAlli, AAllison, KAllman, BAllsop, HKAllsop, LAllsup, DAlmahroos, AFTAl-Moasseb, HAl-Obaidi, MAlomari, LAl-Rabahi, AAl-Ramadhani, BAl-Saadi, ZAl-Sammarraie, RAlshaer, IAl-Shahi Salman, RAl-Shamkhani, WAlsheikh, FAl-Sheklly, BAltaf, SAlty, AAlvarez, MAlvarez Corral, MAlveyn, EAlzetani, MAmamou, SAmar, NAmbalavanan, SAmbrogetti, RAmbrose, CAmeen, AAmelia Ganefianty, AAmes, KAmezaga, MRAmin, AAmin, KAmin, SAmin, TAmit, BAmjad, AAmjad, NAmoah-Dankwa, JAmoako-Adusei, AAmosun, VAmsal, MAmsha, KAmuasi, JAmutio Martin, NAmy, PAnada, AAnand, AAnandappa, SAnantapatnaikuni, SDAndari, NKNAnderson, EAnderson, JAnderson, LAnderson, MAnderson, NAnderson, RAnderson, SAnderson, WAndreou, PAndrews, AAndrews, JAneke, KAng, AAng, WWAngel, TAngela, AAngelini, PAnguvaa, LAnichtchik, OAnim-Somuah, MAniruddhan, KAnnett, JAnning, LAnsah, MAnstey, PJAnstey, RAnthony, AAnthony-Pillai, AAntill, PAntonina, ZAnu, VAnwar, MAnwar, SApetri, EApostolopoulos, AAppleby, SAppleyard, DAquino, MFAraba, BAransiola, SAraujo, MArcher, AArcher, DArcher, SArcoria, DArdley, CArhin-Sam, GArias, A-MAribike, OArimoto, RArisanti, NLPEArkley, CArmah, CArmata, IArmistead, JArmitage, AArmstrong, CArmstrong, MArmstrong, SArmstrong, WArmtrong, PArndt, HArnison-Newgass, CArnold, DArnold, RArnott, AArora, DArora, KArora, PArora, RArter, AArthur, AArtini, NMArumaithurai, AArya, AArya, RAryal, DAsandei, DAsare, GAAsghar, AAsghar, MAshab, AAshbrook-Raby, CAshby, HAshcroft, JAshcroft, SAsher, GAshfak, ZAshfaq, AAsiamah, HAAshish, AAshley, DAshman-Flavell, SAshok, SAshour, A-E-AAshraf, MZAshraf, SAshraq, MBAshton, DAshton, SAshworth, AAshworth, FJAshworth, RAslam, AAslam, IAslam, SAslett, LAsogan, HAsrar, AAssaf, OAstin-Chamberlain, RAtabudzi, YEAthavale, PAthorne, DAtkins, BAtkins, CAtkins, SAtkinson, JAtkinson, VAtomode, AAtraskiewicz, BAttia, AAAttubato, EAttwood, MAubrey, PAuer, ZAujayeb, AAung, ATAung, HAung, HWWAung, KKAung, KTAung, NAung, YAung, ZMAustin, EAustin, KAuwal, AAvari, MAvery, MAveyard, NAvis, JAviss, GAvram, CAvram, PAwadelkareem, AAwadzi, GAwaly, MAwan, AAwisi, SAya, AAyaz, EAyerh, JMAyers, AAzam, JAzeem, AAzharuddin, MAziz, AAziz, GAziz, IAziz, NAzkoul, AAzman Shah, AAzzopardi, GAzzoug, HBabatunde, FBabi, MBabiker, BBabington, GBabirecki, MBabores, MBabs-Osibodu, AOBac, TBacciarelli, SBachar, RBachour, M-EBachti, ABacon, GBacon, JBadal, BBadat, ABader, MBadhan, GRBadhrinarayanan, SBae, JPBaggaley, ABaggott, ABagley, GBagmane, DBagshaw, LBahadori, KBahurupi, YBailey, ABailey, JBailey, KBailey, LBailey, MABailey, MBailey, PBailey, SBaillie, HBaillie, JKBain, JBains, VBaird, DBaird, EBaird, KBaird, SBaird, TBaird, YBajandouh, ABaker, DCBaker, EBaker, JBaker, KBaker, MBaker, RBaker, T-ABaker, VBakere, HBakerly, NBaker-Moffatt, MBakhai, ABakhtiar, NBakoulas, PBakthavatsalam, DBalachandran, NBalan, ABalasingam, PBalaskas, TBalasubramaniam, MBalatoni, NBalcombe, ABaldwin, ABaldwin, CBaldwin, DBaldwin, FBaldwin-Jones, RBale, NBalfour, JBall, MBall, RoBallard, KBalluz, IBalmforth, CBalogh, EBaltmr, ABaluwala, ABambridge, GBamford, ABamford, PBamgboye, ABancroft, EBancroft, HBanda, JBandaru, KBandi, SBandla, NBandyopadhyam, SBanerjee, ABanerjee, RBang, PBaniya, SBani-Saad, OBanks, HBanks, LBanks, PBann, CBannister, HBannister, OBanton, LBao, TBaptist, MBaqai, TBaral, AMBaral, SCBaramova, DBarber, RBarbon, EBarbosa, MBarbour, JBarclay, ABarclay, CBardsley, GBareford, SBari, SBarimbing, MBarker, ABarker, DBarker, EBarker, HBarker, JBarker, LBarker, OBarker-Williams, KBarkha, SBarla, JBarlow, GBarlow, RBarlow, VBarnacle, JBarnard, ABarnes, DBarnes, NBarnes, RBarnes, TBarnetson, CBarnett, ABarnett-Vanes, ABarning, PGBarnsley, WBarr, ABarr, DBarr, JBarr, CBarratt, NBarratt, SBarrera, MBarrett, ABarrett, FiBarrett, JBarrett, SBarrow, EBartholomew, JBarthwal, MSBartlett, CBartlett, GBartlett, JBartlett, LBartley, SBartolmeu-Pires, SBarton, ABarton, GBarton, JBarton, LBarton, RBaruah, RBaryschpolec, SBashir, HBashyal, ABasker, BBasnet, SBasnyat, BBasoglu, ABasran, ABassett, JBassett, GBassford, CBassoy, BBastion, VBastola, ABasumatary, ABasvi, PBatac, JABataduwaarachchi, VRBate, TBateman, HJBateman, KBateman, VBates, EBates, HBates, MBates, SBatham, SBatista, ABatla, ABatra, DBatty, HBatty, TBatty, ABaum, MBaumber, RBautista, CBawa, FBawa, TBawani, FSBax, SBaxter, MBaxter, NBaxter, ZBayes, HBayo, L-ABazari, FBazaz, RBazli, ABeacham, LBeadles, WBeadon, KBeak, PBeale, ABeard, KBearpark, JBeasley, ABeattie, SBeaumont, KBeaumont-Jewell, DBeaver, TBeavis, SBeazley, CBeck, SBeckett, VBeckitt, RBeckley, SBeddall, HBeddows, SBeeby, DBeeby, SBeech, GBeecroft, MBeer, NBeer, SaBeety, JBega, GBegg, ABegg, SBeghini, SBegum, ABegum, SBehan, TBehrouzi, RBeishon, JBeith, CBelcher, JBelfield, HBelfield, KBelgaumkar, ABell, DBell, GBell, JBell, LBell, NBell, PBell, SBellamu, JBellamy, MBellamy, TBellini, ABellis, ABellis, FBendall, LBenesh, NBenetti, NBengu, SABenham, LBenison-Horner, GBenkenstein, SBenn, TBennett, ABennett, CBennett, DBennett, GBennett, KBennett, LBennett, MRBennett, SBennion, KBenoy, GBenson, VBentley, ABentley, JBenton, IBeranova, EBeresford, MBergin, CBergstrom, MBernatoniene, JBerriman, TBerry, ZBest, FBest, KBester, A-MBeuvink, YBevan, EBevins, SBewick, TBexley, ABeyatli, SBeynon, FBhadi, ABhagani, SBhakta, SBhalla, RBhandal, KBhandari, ABhandari, LNBhandari, SBhanich Supapol, JBhanot, ABhanot, RBhasin, SBhat, ABhat, PBhatnagar, RBhatt, KBhayani, JBhojwani, DBhuie, PBhuiyan, MSBhuiyan, SBibby, ABibi, FBibi, NBibi, SBicanic, TBidgood, SBigg, JBiggs, SBiju, ABikov, ABillingham, SBillings, JBinh, PBinns, ABinRofaie, MBintcliffe, OBirch, CBirch, JBirchall, KBird, SBirt, MBishop, CBishop, KBishop, LBisnauthsing, KBiswas, NBittaye, MBiuk, SBlachford, KBlack, EBlack, HBlack, KBlack, MBlack, PBlack, VBlackgrove, HBlackledge, BBlackler, JBlackley, SBlackman, HBlackstock, CBlair, CBlakemore, FBlamey, HBland, ABlane, SBlankley, SBlaxill, PBlaylock, KBlazeby, JBlencowe, NBloom, BBloomfield, JBloss, ABlowers, ABlows, SBloxham, HBlrd, SBlundell, LBlunsum, ABlunt, MBlunt, TBlyth, IBlyth, KBlythe, ABlythe, KBoahen, KABoampoaa, MBoard, SBoatemah, EBobie, BBobruk, KBodalia, PNBodasing, NBoden, MBodenham, TBoehmer, GBoffito, MBohanan, KBohmova, KBohnacker, NBokhandi, SBokhar, MBokhari, SBokhari, SOBokobza, IBoles, ABolger, CBonaconsa, CBond, CBond, HBond, SBond, TBone, ABoniface, GBonney, JBonney, LBooker, LBoot, SBoothroyd, MBorbone, JBorman, NBosence, SBostock, KBotting, NBottrill, FBouattia, HBough, LBoughton, HBoult, ZBoumrah, TBourke, MBourke, SBourne, MBousfield, RBoustred, LBowes, ABowker, PBowker, TBowler, HBowman, LBowman, SBowmer, RBowring, ABowyer, HBoyd, ABoyd, JBoyd, LBoyer, NBoyle, NBoyle, PBoyle, RBoyles, LBrace, LBracken, ABradder, JBradley, CJBradley, PBradley-Potts, JBradshaw, LBradshaw, ZBrady, CBrady, RBrady, SBraga Sardo, PBraganza, DBraithwaite, MBrammer, SBranch, MBrankin-Frisby, TBrannigan, JBrattan, SBray, FBray, NBrazil, MBrear, LBrear, TrBrearey, SBremner, LBrend, MBresges, CBressington, CBretland, GBrewer, CBridgett, MBridgwood, GBrigham, SBright, JBrightling, CBrigstock, TBrimfield, LBrinksman, PBrinkworth, EBrittain-Long, RBritten, VBritton, HBroad, LBroadhead, SBroadhurst, RBroadley, ABroadway, MBrockelsby, CBrocken, MBrockley, TBrodsky, MBrogan, FBrohan, LBrokke, FBrolly, JBromley, DBrooke-Ball, HBrooker, VBrookes, MBrooking, DBrooks, ABrooks, DBrooks, JBrooks, KBrooks, NBrooks, PBrooks, RBrooks, SBroom, MBroomhead, NBroughton, CBroughton, NBrouns, MBrown, ABrown, CBrown, EBrown, HBrown, JBrown, LBrown, NBrown, PBrown, RBrown, SBrown, TBrowne, BBrowne, CBrowne, DBrowne, MBrownlee, SBrraka, ABruce, JBruce, MBrudlo, WBrunchi, ABrunskill, NBrunton, ABrunton, MBryant, MBryden, EBrzezicki, HBuazon, ABuch, MHBuchan, RBuchanan, RBuche, DBuck, ABuck, LBuckland, MBuckley, CBuckley, LBuckley, PBuckley, SBuckman, CBudds, ABugg, GBujazia, RBukhari, MBukhari, SBulbulia, RBull, ABull, DBull, KBull, RBull, ThBullock, EBullock, SBulteel, NBumunarachchi, KBungue-Tuble, RBurbidge, OBurchett, CBurda, DBurden, CBurden, TGBurgess, MiBurgess, RBurgess, SBurhan, EBurhan, HBurke, HBurke, KBurman, ABurnard, SBurnett, CBurnett, SBurns, ABurns, CBurns, JBurns, KBurrage, DBurrows, KBurston, CBurton, ABurton, BBurton, FBurton, HBurton, MButar butar, MButcher, DButler, AButler, EButler, JButler, PButler, SButt, A-TButt, MButt, MMButterworth, CButterworth-Cowin, NButtery, RButtle, TButton, HButtress, DBye, HByrne, JByrne, WByrne-Watts, VCabandugama, ACabrero, LCaddy, SCade, RCadwgan, ACahilog, ZCahyareny, ACairney, DCalderwood, JCaldow, DCale, ECalisti, GCallaghan, DCallaghan, JCallens, CCallum, DCalver, CCambell-Kelly, MCamburn, TCameron, DRCameron, ECameron, FCameron, SCamm, CCammack, FDCampbell, ACampbell, BCampbell, DCampbell, HCampbell, JCampbell, KCampbell, MCampbell, RCampbell, WCampbell Hewson, QCamsooksai, JCanclini, LCandido, SMCandlish, JCaneja, CCann, ACann, JCannan, RCannon, ACannon, ECannon, MCannon, PCannons, VCanonizado, ECantliff, JCap, NCaplin, BCapocci, SCaponi, NCapp, ACapstick, RCapstick, TCaraenache, CCard, ACardwell, MCarey, CCarey, RCarley, SCarlin, FCarlin, TCarmichael, SCarmody, MCarnahan, MCaroline, CCarpenter, JCarr, SCarrasco, ACarrington, ZCarroll, ACarroll, PCarson, RCart, CCarter, ECarter, JCarter, MCarter, NCarter, PCartwright, DCartwright, J-ACarty, CCarty, LCarungcong, JCarver, CCarver, ECarver, RCasey, SCassells, ACastiello, TCastle, GCastles, BCaswell, MCatana, AMCate, HCatelan Zborowski, ACathcart, SCathie, KCatibog, DCatley, CCatlow, LCaudwell, MCavazza, ACave, ACave, LCavinato, SCawa, FCawley, KCaws, CCawthorne, KCendl, HCentury, HCernova, JCesay, MCetti, EChabane, SChablani, MChabo, CChacko, JChadwick, DChadwick, JChadwick, RChakkarapani, EChakraborty, AChakraborty, MChakravorty, MChalakova, PChalise, BSChalmers, JChalmers, RChamberlain, GChamberlain, SChambers, EChambers, JChambers, LChambers, NChan, AChan, CChan, EChan, MChan, KChan, PChan, R (P-C)Chan, XHSChandler, CChandler, HChandler, KJChandler, SChandler, ZChandra, SChandran, NChandrasekaran, BChang, YChanh, HQChaplin, GChaplin, JChapman, GChapman, JChapman, KChapman, LChapman, MChapman, PChapman, TChappell, LCharalambou, ACharles, BCharlton, DCharlton, SChatar, KChatha, CChatterton, DChau, NChaube, RChaudhary, MYNChaudhary, BChaudhry, IChaudhry, ZChaudhuri, KChaudhuri, NChaudhury, MChauhan, AChauhan, RSChavasse, AChavasse, NChawla, VCheater, LCheaveau, JCheeld, CCheeseman, MChen, FChen, HMChen, TCheng, FCheng, LYCheng, ZChenoweth, HCheong, CHCherian, JJCherian, SCherrie, MCheshire, HCheung, CKCheung, ECheung, KCheung, MCheyne, CChhabra, SChia, WLChiang, EChiapparino, AChicano, RChikara, GChikungwa, MChikwanha, ZAChilcott, GChilcott, SChilvers, AChimbo, PChin, KWChin, WJChineka, RChingale, AChinonso, EChin-Saad, CChirgwin, MChisem, HChisenga, CChisholm, CChisnall, BChiswick, CChita, SChitalia, NChiu, MChiverton, LChivima, BChmiel, CChoi, SChoon Kon Yune, WChopra, MChoudhary, VChoudhury, OChoudhury, SChow, B-LChowdhury, MChowdhury, SChrisopoulou, AChristenssen, VChristian, PChristides, AChristie, FChristmas, DChristoforou, GChristopherson, TChristou, AChristy, MChrysostomou, PChua, YChudgar, DChudleigh, RChukkambotla, SChukwu, MEChukwulobelu, IChung, CYChurch, EChurch, SRChurchill, DCianci, NCicconi, PCinardo, PCipinova, ZCipriano, BClamp, SClancy, BClapham, MClare, EClare, SClark, AClark, CClark, DClark, EClark, FClark, GClark, JClark, KClark, LClark, MClark, NClark, PClark, RClark, TClark, ZClarke, AClarke, JClarke, PClarke, RClarke, SClaxton, AClaxton, LClay, KClayton, CClayton, EClayton, OClayton-Smith, JClearyb, BCleaver, CCleeton, RClement, IClemente de la Torre, CClements, JClements, SClenton, SCliff, SClifford, RClifford, SClive, AClouston, JClubb, VClueit, SClutterbuck, LClyne, ACoakley, MCoakley, PGLCobain, KCochrane, ACochrane, PCockayne, LCockerell, MCockerill, HCocks, SCodling, RCoe, ACoetzee, SCoey, DCohen, DCohen, JCohen, OCohn, MCoke, LCoker, OColbeck, NColbert, RCole, ECole, JColeman, GColeman, MColeman, NColes, HColin, MColino-Acevedo, AColley, JCollie, KCollier, ACollier, DCollier, HCollingwood, TCollini, PCollins, ECollins, JCollins, KCollins, MCollins, NCollins, SCollins, VCollinson, ACollinson, BCollinson, JCollis, MColmar, MColton, HEColton, JColville, KColvin, CCombes, EComer, DComerford, AConcannon, DCondliffe, ACondliffe, RConnell, EConnell, LConnell, NConnelly, KConnolly, GConnor, EConroy, AConroy, KConteh, VConvery, RConway, FConway, GConway, RConyngham, J-ACook, ACook, CCook, ECook, GCook, HCook, JCook, MCook, SCooke, DCooke, GCooke, HCooke, JCooke, KCooke, TCooke, VCooper, ACooper, CCooper, DCooper, HCooper, JCooper, LCooper, NCooper, RCooray, SCope, TCorbet, SCorbett, CCorbishley, ACorcoran, JCordell, CCordle, JCorfield, ACorless, JCorlett, ACornwell, JCornwell, MCorogeanu, DCorr, ACorredera, MCorrigan, RCorry, PCorser, RCort, JCosgrove, DCosier, TCosta, PCosta, TCoston, CCotgrove, SCoton, ZCottam, L-JCotter, RCotterill, DCotton, CCouch, GCoulding, MCoull, ACounsell, DCounter, DCoupland, CCourtney, ECourtney, JCousins, RCoutts, AJCowan, ACowan, ECowan, RCowell, RCowen, LCowman, SCowton, ACox, ECox, GCox, HCox, KCox, MCoy, KCradduck-Bamford, ACraig, HCraig, JCraig, VCraighead, FCramp, MCranston, HCrasta, SSCrause, JCrawford, ACrawford, ECrawford, ICrawshaw, SCreagh-Brown, BCreamer, ACreaser-Myers, ACremona, JCremona, SCrepet, ACresswell, JCribb, MCrichton, CCrilly, DCrisp, LCrisp, NCrocombe, DCroft, MCrooks, JCrosby, HCross, ECross, TCrothers, ACrotty, SCrouch, SCrow, MCrowder, ACrowley, KCrowley, TCroysdill, RCruickshank, CCruickshank, ICruise, JCruz, CCruz Cervera, TCryans, DCui, GCui, HCullen, LCummings-Fosong, GCunliffe, VCunningham, NCupitt, JCurgenven, HCurnow, GCurran, DCurran, SCurrie, CCurrie, JCurrie, SCurtis, JCurtis, KCurtis, MCurtis, OCurtis, TCuthbertson, RCuthill, JCutler, SCutts, SCzekaj, MCzylok, PD'Souza, Sda Rocha, JDadzie, GSDafalla, MDagens, ADaggett, HDaglish, JDahiya, SDale, ADale, KDale, MDale, SDales, JD'Alessandro, UDalgleish, HDallow, HD'aloia, CDalton, DDalton, MDaly, ZDamani, MDamm, EDan, LDanga, ADangerfield, JDaniel, ADaniel, PDaniels, ADann, ADanso, KGDanso-Bamfo, SDao, QTDarby, SDarbyshire, ADarbyshire, JDargan, PDark, PDarlington, KDarnell, SDarton, TDarylile, GDas, ADas, MDas, SDaschel, MDasgin, JDatta, DDaunt, ADave, VDavenport, EDavey, MDavid, MDavidson, ADavidson, LDavidson, NDavidson, RDavies, ADavies, BDavies, CDavies, DDavies, EDavies, FDavies, GDavies, HDavies, JDavies, KDavies, LDavies, MDavies, NDavies, ODavies, PDavies, RDavies, SDavis, ADavis, J-ADavis, KDavis, PDavis-Cook, ADavison, ADawe, CDawe, HDawkins, MDawson, ADawson, DDawson, EDawson, JDawson, LDawson, MDawson, SDawson, TDawson, IDaxter, ADay, ADay, JD'Costa, JDe, Pde Fonseka, Dde Freitas, TDe Los Santos Dominguez, PDe Pretto, RDe Santana Miranda, Fde Sausmarez, Ede Silva, Sde Silva, TDe Sousa, JDe Sousa, Pde Souza, JDe Souza, PDe Soyza, Ade Vere, Nde Vos, JDeacon, BDealing, SDean, ADean, JDean, KDean, SDean, TDeane, JDear, JDearden, EDeas, CDebbie, SDebreceni, GDeelchand, VDeeley, MDeery, JDefever, EDel Forno, MDela Rosa, ADe-La-Cedra, GDell, ADemetriou, CDeMets, DDemocratis, JDenham, JDenis, EDenley, LDenmade, CDent, ADent, KDent, MDenton, EDenwood, TDeole, NDepala, DDepante, MDermody, SDesai, ADesai, PDeshpande, SDeshpande, VDevkota, SDevkota, UDevonport, DDevonport, MDey, PDey, VDeylami, RDhaliwal, KDhangar, PDhani, SDhanoa, ADhar, MDhariwal, ADharmasena, DDhasmana, DDhillon, EDhillon, RDhillon, SDhimal, MDhiru, DDhorajiwala, TDias, PDiaz, SDiaz-Pratt, KDibas, MDickerson, DDicks, PDickson, MDickson, SDigby, JDigpal, RDillane, SDiment, SDimitri, PDimitriadis, GDin, SDinh, THDinh, TTTDipheko, CDipper, ADipro, SDirmantaite, LDismore, LDitchfield, LDiver, SDiwakar, LDiwan, PDixon, CDixon, GDixon, KDjeugam, BDlamini, SDlouhy, PD'Mello, ADmitri, PDo, TDobbie, LDobranszky Oroian, MDobson, CDobson, LDocherty, MDockrell, DDodd, JDodds, JDodds, RDodds, SDogra, RDoherty, CDoherty, EDoherty, WDoi, YDoig, IDoke, EDolan, DDolman, MDolman, RDonald, LDonald, KDonaldson, CDonaldson, DDonaldson, GDonaldson, KDong, PDonkor, MDonlon, SDonnachie, JDonnelly, EDonnelly, RDonnison, PDonohoe, ADonohoe, GDonohue, BDooks, EDoonan, RDoorn, RDoran, GDore, RDorey, KDorgan, SDos Santos, KDosani, MDosanjh, DDospinescu, PDoss, IDoudouliaki, TDougherty, ADoughty, JDouglas, KDouse, JDow, ADowden, LDower, MDowling, SDowner, NDownes, CDownes, RDownes, TDowney, DDowney, RDowning, CDowns, LDowson, SDragan, CDragos, CDrain, MDrake, CDrew, VDrewett, ODrexel, ADriscoll, CDrogan, HDrosos, ODrummond, GDrury, KDruryk, KDruyeh, RDryburgh-Jones, JDrysdale, SDsouza, PDu Thinh, ADuah, IKDube, HDube, JDuberley, SDuckenfield, PDuckles-Leech, HDuff, NDuffield, EDuffy, HDuffy, KDufour, LDuggan, ADugh, PDuhoky, RDuignan, JDulay, JDummer, SDuncan, ADuncan, CDuncan, FDuncan, GDuncan, HDuncan, RDundas, SDung, DDunleavy, ADunleavy, JDunn, ADunn, CDunn, DDunn, LDunn, PDunne, CDunne, KDunning, FDunphy, ADuong, TTHDuraiswamy, VDuran, BDuRand, IDurdle, LDuric, NDurie, ADurie, EDurogbola, SDurojaiye, CDurrans, LDurrant, KDurrington, HDuru, IDuvnjak, HDwarakanath, ADwarakanath, LDwomoh Nkrumah, DDwyer, EDyar, ZDyball, CDyer, KDymond, HDymond, TDzidzomu, EDEades, CEadie, LEadie, REagles, LEapen, BEarl, NEarly, JEarwaker, MEasom, NEast, CEasthope, AEaston, FEaston, JEaston, PEatough, REbigbola, OEbon, MEccles, AEccles, SEddings, CEddleston, MEdgar, MEdgerley, KEdmond, NEdmondson, MEdmunds, TEdwards, AEdwards, CEdwards, JEdwards, KEdwards, MEdwards, SElliot, LElliott, AElliott, FElliott, KElliott, SEllis, AEllis, CEllis, KEllis, LEllis, REllis, TEllis, YEllwood, AElmahdi, RElmahi, EElmasry, H-MEl-Naggar, MElndari, NElneima, OElokl, MElradi, AElsaadany, MElsayed, MASAEl-Sayeh, SEl-Sbahi, HElsebaei, MElsefi, TEl-Shakankery, KElsheikh, AEl-Taweel, HElyoussfi, SEmberey, JEmberson, JREmberton, JEmery, AEmmanuel, JEmmerson, IEmms, MEmond, FEmonts, MEnachi, NEnenche, DEngden, AEnglish, KEnimpah, CEntwistle, EEnyi, HErotocritou, MEskander, PEsmail, HEssa, FEvans, BEvans, CEvans, DEvans, EEvans, GEvans, IEvans, JEvans, LEvans, MEvans, REvans, SEvans, TEverden, CEverden, SEvery, LEvison, HEvison, LEzenduka, CFaccenda, JFahel, LFahmay, YFairbairn, IFairbairn, SFairbairn, TFairclough, AFairlie, LFairweather, MFajardo, AFalcone, NFalconer, EFallon, JFallow, AFaluyi, DFancois, VFarah, AFarah, MFarah, QFard, NZFares, LFarg, AFarmer, AFarmer, KFarmery, TFarnworth, SFarook, FFarooq, HFarooq, SFarquhar, FFarr, HFarrell, AFarrell, BFarrukh, FFarthing, JFarzana, SFasina, RFatemi, AFatemi, MFathima, SFatimah, NFaulkner, MFaust, SFavager, CFawad, AFawke, JFawohunre, SFazal, AFazleen, AFearby, SFearnley, CFeben, AFedel, FFedorova, DFegan, CFelongo, MFelton, LFelton, TFenlon, KFenn, AFennelly, RFenner, IFenton, CFenton, MFerenando, GFerguson, CFerguson, JFerguson, KFerguson, SFerguson, VFernandes, DFernandez, CFernandez, EFernandez, MFernandez Lopez, SFernandez Roman, JFernando, CJFernando, JFeroz, AFerranti, PFerrari, TFerrelly, EFerrera, AFerriman, EFerron, SFethers, NField, BField, JField, RFielder, KFieldhouse, LFielding, AFielding, JFielding, SFikree, AFilipa, SFilson, SFinan, SFinbow, SFinch, DJFinch, JFinch, LFinch, SFineman, NFinlayson, JFinlayson, LFinn, AFinn, JFinnerty, DFinney, CFinucane, DFiouni, SFiquet, JFiri, PFisher, JFisher, NFishman, DFishwick, KFitton, CFitzgerald, FFitzjohn, KFlaherty, JFlanagan, MFlanders, CFlaris, NFleming, GFleming, JFleming, LFleming, PFlesher, WFletcher, AFletcher, JFletcher, LFletcher, SFlett, FFlewitt, KFlockhart, SFlood, CFloodgate, IFlor, JFlorence, VFlowerdew, MFloyd, SFlynn, MJFlynn, RFoden, CFofana, AFogarty, GFoley, PFolkes, LFong, TFont, DMFoo, AFoo, JFoot, AFoot, HRFoot, JForbes, JFord, AFord, JFordham, IForeman, JForester, MForkan, MFornolles, CForrest, AForsey, EForsey, MForshall, TForster, EForsyth, AForton, JFoster, CFoster, EFoster, JFoster, RAFoster, TFoulds, AFoulds, IFowe, FFowkes, NFowler, EFowler, RFowler, SFox, AFox, CFox, HFox, JFox, LFox, NFox, OFox, SFoxton, S-JFraile, EFrake, RFrancioni, AFrancis, OFrancis, RFrancis, SFrancis-Bacon, TFrankland, HFranklin, JFranklin, SFraser, CFratila, AFrayling, SFredlund, MFreeman, AFreeman, CFreeman, EFreeman, HFreeman, NFreer, CFrench, EFrench, TFreshwater, KFrise, MFromson, RFrosh, AFrost, JFrost, VFroud, OFrowd, RFryatt, AFrygier, AFuller, BFuller, LFuller, TFullerton, DFung, CFung, GFunnell, SFurness, JFyfe, AG, NGabbitas, EGabriel, CGabriel, ZGachi, HGaffarena, SGage, SGahir, JGajebasia, SGajewska-Knapik, KGajmer, BGalani, ZGale, CGale, HGale, LGale, RGali, SGallagher, BGallagher, JGallagher, RGallagher, WGallam, FGalliford, JGalloway, CGalloway, EGalloway, JGalvin, AGalvis, VGamble, GGamble, LGammon, BGan, CNGanaie, MBGanapathi, JGanapathy, RGandhi, KGandhi, SGanesh, UGaneshanathan, TGanguly, SGani, AGanley, PGarcia, UGarden, E-JGardener, ADGardiner, EGardiner, MGardiner, PGardiner, SGardiner-Hill, CGardner, JGardner, LGarfield, MGarg, AGarg, IGarlick, NGarner, DGarner, JGarner, LGarner, ZGarr, RGarrero, KAGartaula, MGarty, FGascoyne, RGashau, HGatenby, AGaughan, EGaurav, AGavrila, MGaylard, JGayle, SGeddie, CGedge, IGee, SGeele, FGeerthan, KGellamucho, MGelly, KGelmon, LGelves-Zapata, SGenato, GGent, NGent, SGeoghegan, NGeorge, AGeorge, BGeorge, SGeorge, TGeorge, VPGeorges, SGeorgiou, DGerard, PGerdes, LGermain, LGerrish, HGetachew, AGethin, LGettings, SGhanayem, HGhavami Kia, BGhazal, SGherman, AGhosh, AGhosh, DGhosh, JGhosh, SGiang, TGiannopoulou, SGibani, MGibb, CGibbison, BGibbons, KGibson, AGibson, BGibson, JGibson, KGibson, SGigi, MGilbert, CGilbert, JGilbert, KGiles, BGilham, JGill, MGill, LGillen, PGillesen, AGillespie, KGillham, EGillian, AGilliland, DGillott, RGilmour, DGilmour, KGilmour, LGinn, LGinting, FGiokanini-Royal, TGipson, AGiri, BGirling, JGisby, RGkioni, AGkoritsa, AGkrania-Klotsas, EGladwell, AGlanville, JGlasgow, JGlasgow, SGlass, JGlass, LGlaysher, SGledhill, LGlenday, EGlennon, AGlossop, JGlover, JGlover, KGlover, MGlover Bengtsson, JGlowski, DGlynn, SGnanalingam, CGoddard, JGoddard, WGodden, EGodden, JGodlee, SGodson, EGodwin, GGogoi, SGoh, AGohel, MGoiriz, RGokaraju, SGoldacre, RGoldsmith, AGoldsmith, PGomersall, DGomez, LGomez-Marcos, RGondal, AGonzalez, CGoodall, JGoodall, VGoodenough, BGoodfellow, AGoodfellow, LGoodlife, JGoodwin, CGoodwin, EGoodwin, JGoodyear, PGooentilleke, RGoonasekara, MGooseman, SGopal, SGordon, CGordon, SGore, RGorick, HGorman, CGormely, SGorniok, MGorog, DGorst, MGorsuch, TGosai, JGosling, RGosling, SGosney, GGoss, VGotham, DGott, NGoudie, EGould, NGould, SGoumalatsou, CGourbault, LGovind, AGovindan, RGowans, SGowda, GGowda, RGower, HGoyal, PGoyal, SGraham, CGraham, JGraham, LGraham, RGraham, SGraham-Brown, MGrahamslaw, JGrana, GGrandison, TGrandjean, LGrant, AGrant, DGrant, KGrant, MGrant, PGravell, RGraves, JGray, AGray, CGray, GGray, JGray, KGray, NGray, RGray, SGrayson, AGreaves, FGreaves, PGreen, AGreen, ASGreen, CGreen, CAGreen, DGreen, FGreen, JGreen, MGreen, NGreen, SGreene, DGreenfield, PGreenhalgh, AGreenwood, DGreer, SGregory, JGregory, KGregory, TGreig, JGrenfell, RGrenier, TGrenville, JGresty, JGrevatt, SGrey, GGribben, SGribbin, AGribble, AGrieg, NGrieve, DGriffin, BGriffin, DGriffin, MGriffith, SGriffiths, AGriffiths, DGriffiths, IGriffiths, MGriffiths, NGriffiths, OGriffiths, SGriffiths, YGrigoriadou, SGrigsby, SGrist, PGrobovaite, EGrogono, DGrondin, CGroome, RGrose, PGrosu, LGrounds, JGrout, MGrover, HGroves, JGrubb, NGrundy, JGuarino, FGudur, SGuerin, JGuettari, SGulati, SGulia, VGunasekara, HGunasekera, PGunawardena, MGunganah, KGunn, JGunter, EGupta, AKGupta, AGupta, RGupta, TGupta, VGupta-Wright, AGuratsky, VGureviciute, AGurram, SGurung, AGurung, BGurung, LGurung, SGurung Rai, SGuth, HGuthrine, NGyambrah, SGyanwali, PGyawali, SHa, NHa, NXHa, NTHabibi, RHack, BHackett, JHackney, PHacon, CHaddad, AHadfield, DHadfield, NHadfield, SHadjiandreou, MHadjisavvas, NHaestier, AHafiz, NHafiz-Ur-Rehman, RHafsa, JHagan, SHague, JWHague, RHaider, NHaigh, KHaile, VHailstone, JHaines, CHainey, SHair, MHairsine, BHajnik, JHake, DHakeem, LHaldeos, AHalder, WHale, EHale, JHalevy, CHalford, PHalford, WHalim, AHall, AHall, CHall, EHall, FHall, HHall, JHall, KHall, LHallas, JHallas, KHallett, CHalliday, JHallman, AHalls, HHamdollah-Zadeh, MHamed-Adekale, IAHameed, BHameed, MHamers, RHamid, IHamie, MHamill, RHamilton, BHamilton, FHamilton, GHamilton, LHamilton, MHamilton, NHamilton, SHamlin, RHamlyn, EHammans, BHammersley, SHammerton, KHammond, BHammond, EHammond, LHammond, SHammonds, FHamoodi, IHampshire, KHampson, JAHampson, JHampson, LHamzah, LHan, JHanci, OHand, SHandayani, LHandford, JHandrean, SHandzewniak, NKHaney, SHang, VTKHanh, DHanif, SHanison, EHannah, JHannington, AHannun, MHanrath, AHanratty, HHansen, DHanson, AHanson, HHanson, JHanson, KHanson, SHao, NHaqiqi, AHaque, MHarcourt, HHarden, LHarding, ZHardman, SHardwick, MHardy, GHardy, JHardy, YHaresh, KHarford, RHargadon, BHargraves, JHargreaves, CHarin, AHaris, MHarlock, EHarman, PHarman, THarmer, MHaroon, MAHarper, CHarper, HHarper, JHarper, PHarper, RHarrhy, SHarrington, KHarrington, SHarrington-Davies, YHarris, JHarris, LHarris, M-CHarris, NHarris, SHarrison, DHarrison, LHarrison, MHarrison, OAHarrison, RHarrison, SHarrison, THarrison, WHarrod, EHart, CHart, DHartley, JHartley, LHartley, RHartley, THartrey, WHartridge, PHartshorn, SHarvey, AHarvey, MHarwood, CHarwood, HHarzeli, ZHaselden, BHasford, HHashem, KHashimm, MHashimoto, THashmi, IHaslam, JHaslam, ZHasnip, GHassan, AHassan, ZHassasing, SHassell, JHassell, PHastings, AHastings, BHastings, JHathaway-Lees, SHatton, JHau, JHavinden-Williams, MHavlik, SHawcutt, DBHawes, KHawes, LHawes, NHawker, LHawkins, AHawkins, JHawkins, NHawkins, WHawley, DHawley-Jones, EHaworth, EHay, AWHay, CHayat, AHayat, JHayathu, M-RHayes, AHayes, JHayes, KHayes, MHayes, FHayle, PHaylett, CHayman, AHayman, MHaynes, MHaynes, RHayre, RHays, CHaysom, SHayward, JHaywood, PHaywood Hasford, HHazelton, THazenberg, PHe, ZHeadon, EHeal, CHealy, BHealy, JLHearn, AHeasman, DHeath, AHeath, DHeath, RHeaton, DHeavens, AHebbron, KHeckman, CHector, GHeddon, SHedges, AHedges, KHeeley, CHeeney, EHeinink, RHeire, RHelgesen, IHemingway, JHemmila, UHemmings, BHemphill, SHemsley, DHenderson, AHenderson, EHenderson, JHenderson, SHenry, JHenry, KHenry, LHenry, MHenry, NHenshall, DHerdman, GHerdman-Grant, RHerkes, MHermans, LEHernandez, FHeron, EHeron, LHerrington, WHeselden, EHeslop, PHeslop, THester, SHetherington, EHetherington, JHettiarachchi, CHettiarachchi, PHewer, HHewertson, JHewetson, AHewins, SHewitson, NHewitt, CHewitt, DHewitt, RHey, SHeyderman, RSHeydtmann, MHeys, JHeywood, JHibbert, MHickey, JHickey, NHickey, PHickman, NHicks, AHicks, JHicks, SHien, PTTHien, THigbee, DHiggins, LHigham, AHighcock, MHighgate, JHikmat, MHill, AHill, HHill, JHill, LHill, PHill, UHilldrith, AHillman-Cooper, CHilton, JHilton, ZHinch, SHindle, AHindley, EHindmarsh, AHine, PHinshaw, KHird, CHirst, CHirst, LHives, JHlaing, HMHo, BHo, DKKHo, RHoa, LHoare, MHobden, DHobden, GHobrok, MHobson, SHodge, CHodge, SHodgen, LHodgetts, GHodgkins, HHodgkinson, SHodgson, DHodgson, HHodgson, LHodgson, SHodkinson, GHodson, KHodson, MHogan, AHogben, MHogg, LHoggett, LHolborow, AHolbrook, CHolbrook, RHolden, CHolden, JHolden, MHolden, SHolder, THoldhof, NHoldsworth, HHolland, LHolland, MHolland, NHolland, PHolland, SHollands, MLHolliday, EHolliday, KHolliday, MHolling, NHollos, LHollos, NHolloway, LHolloway, SHollowday, MHollyer, MHolman, AHolmes, AHolmes, MHolmes, RHolroyd, KHolroyd-Hind, BHolt, LHolt, SHolyome, AHome, MHomewood, RHong, KHoole, LHooper, CHope, SHopkins, BHorby, PWHorler, SHormis, AHornan, DHornby, NHorne, THorne, ZHorner, RHorrobin, CHorsford, LHorsford, MHorsham, VHorsley, AHorsley, EHorton, SHosea, JHoskins, THossain, MSHossain, RHough, MHough, SHoughton, CHoughton, KHoulihan, RHousely, KHouston, HHovvels, RHow, LHowaniec, LHoward, JHoward, KHoward, LHoward, MHoward, SHoward-Griffin, RHoward-Sandy, LHowe, SHowell, AHowells, MHowie, LHowlett, KHowlett, SHowman, RHrycaiczuk, JHtet, HHtoon, NZHtwe, SHu, YHuah, COHHuang, SHubbard, KHuckle, AHuda, SHudak, AHudig, LHudson, HHudson, SHudson, OHufton, AHuggins, CHughes, AHughes, CHughes, EHughes, GHughes, HHughes, LHughes, MHughes, RHughes, SHughes, VHughes, WHuhn, LHui, CHulbert, RHull, DHull, GHull, RHulme, AHulme, PHulse, WHulston, GHum, RHume, MHumphrey, CHumphries, AHumphries, JHung, THunt, CHunt, FHunt, JHunt, KHunt, LHunt, MHunt, SHunter, AHunter, CHunter, EHunter, KHunter, NHunter, RHunter, SHuntington, GHuq, FHurditch, EHurdman, JHurley, CHurley, KHusain, MAHusaini, SHuson, CHussain, AHussain, CHussain, IHussain, MHussain, RHussain, SHussain, YHussam El-Din, MHussein, SFEMHussein, ZHussey, RHussien, AHHutchinson, AHutchinson, CHutchinson, DHutchinson, EHutchinson, JHutsby, CHutton, PHuy, NQHuyen, NHuyen, THuyen, TBHuyen Thuong, NTHuynh, HHydes, DHyde-Wyatt, JHynes, NHyslop, MIakovou, AIbison, KIbraheim, MIbrahim, AIbrahim, JIbrahim, MIbrahim, WIcke, BIdowu, AIIdrees, MIdrees, NIftikhar, HIftikhar, MIgwe, CIgwe, OIjaz, MIkomi, AIles, CIliodromiti, SIlsley, MIlves, LIlyas, FMImam-Gutierrez, LIman, MImray, CImtiaz, HIngham, JIngham, RIngle, TInglis, JInglis-Hawkes, SIngram, AIngram, LIngram, TInnes, NInns, PInpadhas, VInweregbu, KIonescu, AAIonita, AIordanov, IIpe, AIqbal, JIqbal, MIqbal Sait, FIrabor, IIrisari, JIrons, RIrshad, MIrshad, MSIrvine, JIrvine, VIrving, RIshak, MIsherwood, EIsitt, GIslam, AIslam, MDTIslam, SIsmail, AIsmail, OIson, CIsraa, MIsralls, SIstiqomah, HIvan, MIvenso, CIvin, NIvy, AIwanikiw, SIxer, KIyer, MJabbar, KJack, CJackman, JJackman, SJackson, AJackson, BJackson, EJackson, HJackson, LJackson, MJackson, NJackson, SJackson, YJacob, JJacob, PJacob, RJacques, NJadhav, HJafar, AJafferji, DJaffery, AJagadish, CJagannathan, VJagne, AJagpal, MJain, NJain, SJaiswal, SJajbhay, DJaki, TJali, PJallow, BJaly, YJama, RJamal, AJamal, SJamal, ZJameel, YJames, AJames, CJames, KJames, LJames, MJames, NJames, OJames, PJames, RJames, SJames, TJameson, JJamieson, LJamison, AJane, PJanes, KJanmohamed, AJapp, DJaques, PJardim, VJardine, CJarman, CJarnell, EJarvie, EJarvis, CJarvis, RJastrzebska, PJaved, HJavier, AJawad, MJawaheer, LJayachandran, AJayachandran, DJayadev, AJayakumar, AJayaram, DJayaram, RJayasekera, GJayatilleke, TJayebalan, AJeater, JJeddi, SJeebun, VJeelani, MSJeffery, KJeffrey, HJeffrey, RJeffreys, NJeffs, BJeffs, CJeganathan Ponraj, JPJegede, DJemima, TJenkin, IJenkins, AJenkins, CJenkins, DJenkins, EJenkins, IJenkins, PJenkins, SJennings, FJennings, JJennings, LJennings, VJerome, EJerry, DJervis, GJessup-Dunton, EJesus Silva, JJetha, CJethwa, KJha, RKJhanji, SJian, KJiao, ZJimenez, LJimenez Gil, AJith, JJoefield, TJohal, NJohal, SJohannessen, KJohari, AJohn, AJohn, MJohn, NJohns, EJohns, MJohnson, AJohnson, EJohnson, GJohnson, KJohnson, LJohnson, MJohnson, NJohnson, OJohnson, RJohnston, BJohnston, CJohnston, JJohnston, SJohnston, VJohnstone, DJohnstone, EJohnstone, JJoishy, MJones, AJones, BJones, CJones, CEJones, DJones, EJones, GJones, JJones, KJones, KEJones, LJones, LMJones, MJones, NJones, OJones, PJones, PHJones, RJones, REJones, SJones, TJonnalagadda, RJordache, RJordan, MJordan, SJose, AJose, LJose, SJoseph, AJoseph, GJoseph, PAJoseph, RJoseph, SJoshi, DJoshi, MJoshi, PJoshi, TJosiah, BJoy, DKJoy, LJoyce, TJu, HJu Wen Kwek, AJudd, AJude, EJudge, PJuhl, JJujjavarapu, SJuniper, MJuszczak, EJyothish, DKabiru Dawa, KKacar, MKadad, DKadam, NKader, NKailey, AKain, MKakoullis, GKakrani, AKala Bhushan, AKalayi, RJKKaliannan Periyasami, RKalita, DKalla, IKallistrou, EKalmus Eliasz, TKalsoom, SKam, EKamara, JKamath, AKamath, PKamath, RKamerkar, SAKametas, NKamfose, MKamundi, CKanabar, DKane, LKanitkar, SKankam, OKannan, TKant, AKapil, VKapoor, RKapoor, SKaprapina, SKar, SKara, JKarbasi, EKarelia, SKark, RKarkey, AKarki, AKarmali, SKarunanithi, VKarunaratne, NKasianczuk, NKasiappan Balasubramanian, AKasipandian, VKassam, RKathirgamachelvam, JKati, MKatsande, VKaul, KKaur, DKaur, JKaur, SKausar, ZKavanagh, LKavanagh, sKawser, MAAKay, AKay, JKay, RKay, SKayappurathu, JNKayastha, SKaye, CKazeem, AKC, PKe, MKeady, TKearns, RKearsley, NKeating, JKeating, LKeddie-Gray, EKeegan, BKeen, RKeenan, NKefas, JKegg, SKeith, LKeke, UKellett, JKelliher, JKelly, AKelly, DKelly, EKelly, HKelly, LKelly, MKelly, RKelly, SKelly-Baxter, MKelsall, OKeltos, MKemp, TKendall, EKendall-Smith, AKennard, SKennedy, AKennedy, JKennedy, MKennedy-Hay, SKenny, JKent, MKeogan, LKeough, AKernaghan, DKerr, AKerrison, CKerry, AKerslake, HKerslake, IKerss, HKeshet-Price, JKestelyn, EKeyte, GKhadar, AKhadka, DKhairunnisa, PKhalid, AKhalid, HKhalid, MKhalid, MUKhalid, SKhalifa, TKhalil, AKhalil, SKhan, AKhan, BKhan, FKhan, MKhan, KKhan, MAKhan, NKhan, OKhan, RKhan, SKhan, TKhan, WKhan, ZKhan Tharin, MSKhatana, UKhatri, JKhatun, HKhatun, TKheia, MKhera, JKhiem, DKhin, HHEKhoja, NKhokhar, KKhong, MQKhoo, JKhurana, CKibaru, JKibutu, FKidd, AKidd, MKidney, JKidney, SKieffer, WKien, TKilbane, JKilby, CKillen, EKilner, BKilroy, SKim, BKim, JWKim, MKimber, AKimber, SKing, AKing, BKing, HKing, JKing, KKing, MKing, RKing, SKing, VKing-Oakley, EKingsmore, LKinnear, DJKinney, FKiran, SKirby, AKirk, AKirk, JKirkby, AKirkham, EKirkman, GKirkpatrick, LKirwan, UKitching, TKitto, LKittridge, LKjoa, TKlaczek, SKleemann, FKmachia, SKnapp, CPKnibbs, LKnight, AKnight, FKnight, MKnight, SKnight, TKnights, EKnights, JKnolle, MKnopp, PKnowles, CKnowles, KKnowles, LKnox, EKnox, LKoch, OKocsor, MKodituwakku, RKoduri, GKoe, YJKoirala, JKoirata, AKolakaluri, EKolodziej, MKolokouri, EKon, SKonar, NKononen, MKonstantinidis, AKontogonis, RKoo, HKoopmans, IKopyj, EKorcierz, LKorolewicz, JKoshy, GKosmidis, CKosztolanyi, CKotecha, JKothandaraman, EKothavale, RKoukou, KKountourgioti, AKouranloo, KKousar'c, RKousteni, MKoutalopoula, AKovac, MKozak Eskenazia, AKrasauskas, KKrishnamurthy, RKrishnamurthy, VKrishnan, MKrishnan, HKrishnapalli, NKrizak, SKrueper, SKrupej, SKrzowski, JKubaisi, RKubheka, SKubisz-Pudelko, AKuckreja, SKudsk-Iversen, SKudzinskas, AKukadiya, CKulkarni, NKumala Dewi, SKuma-Mintah, MKumar, AKumar, GKumar, MKumar, RKumar, SKumar, VKumar Panda, PKundu, AKunst, HKunwar, SSKupiec, KKurani, AKurdy, MKuriakose, KKurian, RKurmars, VKuronen-Stewart, CKusangaya, RSKushakovsky, VKutera, AKuverji, AKyei-Mensah, AKyepa, HKyere-Diabour, TKyi, MKyi, NMKyle, LKyriaki, K-TLabao, JLabuschagne, LLacey, LLack, NLacson, MLadan, ZLadlow, ELafferty, HLagnado, ALaha, SLahane, SLai, CLai, JLaidler, PLaing, RLaing-Faiers, ILaity, ELake, KLakeman, NLalloo, DLalloo, FLam, ALam, CLamb, FLamb, LLamb, TLambert, OLambert, PLameirinhas, CLami, MKGLamont, HLamparski, MLamrani, DLanaghan, CLancona-Malcolm, ILanders, GLandray, MJLane, MLane, NLang, ALang, SLanger, DLangley, MLangoya, CLangridge, ELangthorne, ELangton, HLara, BLarge, TLartey, LNLassa, SLast, ALatham, SLatham, VLatheef, ALatif, LLatt, NLau, CLau, DLau, ELaura, GGLaurenson, MLavington, ELaw, HLaw, JLaw, KYLaw, PLaw, RLawless, LLawrence, CLawrence, ELawrence, GLawrence, HMLawrence, NLawrie, RLawson, LLawson, NLawson, RLay, MLaybourne, SLaycock, CLayug, RLazo, MLe, TTLe, VLea, ALea, WLeach, LELeadbitter, ILeahy, TLean, RLeandro, LLeaning, DLeary, RLeason, SLedingham, MALee, CLee, ELee, HLee, ILee, JLee, SLee, SHLee, TLee, XLee, RLees, DLees, JLegge, HLeggett, JLeigh-Ellis, KLeitch, DLeitch, NLekoudis, ELemessy, PLemoine, NLenagh, RLeng, KLennon, KLennon, LLeonard, BLeonard, KLeong, WLeopold, NLepiarczyk, OLeslie, ILestari, ENLester, ELevell, ELevett, CLevynska, ALewin, ALewis, ALewis, CLewis, DLewis, HLewis, JLewis, KLewis, LLewis, MLewis, NLewis, RLewis-Clarke, CLewszuk, ALewthwaite, PLey, SLiao, ALicence, VLieberman, DLiebeschuetz, SLight, TLightfoot, NLillie, PLillis, ALim, BLim, CLim, ETLim, ILim, TLim, WLim, WSLimb, JLimbu, DLimbu, ULinares, CLinden, DLindergard, GLindley, KLindsay, CLindsay, ELindsay, MLindsay- Clarke, HLing, MLingam, CLinkson, LLinn, TLinney, MLippold, CLipscomb, GLipscomb, KLipskis, LLisboa, ALister, ELittle, JLittle, SLittlejohn, LLiu, SLiu, XLlanera, DKLlewellyn, RLlewelyn, MLloyd, ALloyd, OLloyd, RLo, SLoader, DLoan, CLobosco, LLock, LLock, SLocke, ALocke, JLocke, TLockett, TLodge, JLodhia, KLofthouse, MLoftus, HLogan, MLogue, CLoh, SYLokanathan, SLomme, KLondon, ELong, GLong, NLongbottom, KLonghurst, BLongshaw, MLongstaffe, SLonnen, JLonsdale, CLooby, LLoosley, RLopes, LLopez, PLord, RWLord, SLorimer, CLoro, FLorusso, RLoughlin, CLovegrove, WLoveless, RLovell, MLoverdou, ALow, ALow, JLow, SLowe, ALowe, CLowe, ELowe, FLowe, LLowe, MLowsby, RLowthorpe, VLubimbi, GLubina Solomon, ALucas, GLucas, JLucey, ALucey, OLuck, SLui, LHLuintel, ALuke, HLuke, JLungu, NLunia, ALunn, MLuo, JLuscombe, MLuveta, JLuximon, CNLwin, KLwin, MLye, ALyell, BLyka, ELynas, ALynch, CLynch, DLynch, SMaamari, R-GMabb, HMabelin, LMabeza, GMacaro, JMacconaill, KMacdonald, CMacduff, AMacfadyen, CMacfarlane, JGMacfarlane, JMacfarlane, LMacharia, IMacInnes, LMacIntyre, IMacIntyre, JMack, KMackay, CMackay, EMackay, LMackenzie, AMackenzie, MMacKenzie Ross, RMackey, AMackie, FMackie, JMackie, RMackinlay, CMackintosh, CMackintosh, KMacLeod, MJMacleod, SMacmahon, MMacNair, AMacphee, CMacpherson, IMacrae, CMacRaild, AMadani, YMadden, AMadden, MMadden-McKee, CMaddison, SMadeja, NMadhivathanan, PMadhusudhana, MMadu, AMadziva, LMafham, MMagee, NMagezi, FMaghsoodi, NMagier, CMagnaye, LMMagriplis, MMagtalas, MMagula, NPMahabir, NMahadevan-Bava, SMahajan, SMaharajh, AMaharjan, KMaharjan, MMahaveer, AMahay, BMahay, KMahdi, AMahdi, HMahdi, NMahendiran, TMahendran, SMaher, SMaheswaran, AMaheswaran, SMaheswaran, TMahjoob-Afag, PMahmood, AMahmood, FMahmood, HMahmood, WMahmood, ZMahmoud, HMahmud, MMahony, EMahungu, TMaiga, OMair, LMajekdunmi, TMajid, KMajor, AMajor, RMajumdar, JMajumder, MKHMak, TLAMakan, AMakanju, EMakin, SMakinde, W-OMakkeyah, YMakoetlane, ONMalanca, MMalcolm, HMalein, FMalhan, NMalicka, AMalik, AMalik, GMaljk, MMallett, PMallinder, PMallison, GMallon, LMalone, EMaloney, GMamman, MMan, IMan, KMancinelli, RMancuso-Marcello, MMandal, SKMandal, SManders, TManderson, LMandeville, JMane, TManhas, RManiero, CManikonda, RManjra, IMankiewitz, RMann, BManning, JManning, SMannion, PMansi, KManso, KMansour, DMansour, MMansour, RMapfunde, ITMappa, PMaqsood, AMaraj, HMarchand, CMarcus, NMarcyniuk, AMarecka, MMaren, DMargabanthu, GMargalef, JMargarit, LMargaritopoulos, GMargarson, MMaria del Rocio, FMaria Pfyl, TMariano, VMaric, AMarkham, GMarks, BMarks, MMarks, PMarler, EMarouzet, EMarriott, AMarriott, CMarriott, NMarsden, CMarsden, KMarsden, PMarsden, SMarsden, TMarsh, CMarsh, GMarsh, RMarshall, AMarshall, GMarshall, HMarshall, JMarshall, NMarshall, RMarshall, SMartin, EMartin, GMartin, HMartin, JMartin, KMartin, LMartin, MMartin, NMartin, TMartin, WMartin, SMartindale, TMartineau, MMartinez, LMartinez Garrido, JCMartin-Lazaro, JMaruthamuthu, VKMarwan, BMaryan, GMary-Genetu, RMaryosh, SMasani, VMascagni, AMaseda, DMaseko, ZMashate, SMashhoudi, YMashta, AMasih, IMasih, SMaskell, NMaskell, PMaskey, PMasoli, MMason, JMason, RMason, CMasood, MMasood, MTMasood, SSMEMassa, TMassey, IMasters, JMasud, AMatapure, LMatei, CMatewe, RMatey, EMatharu, MMathen, SMather, AMather, NMathers, JMatheson, JMathew, AMathew, MMathew, VMathews, JMathias, KMathioudakis, AMatibela, SMatila, DMatimba-Mupaya, WMatin, NMatisa, EMatkins, EMatonhodze, MMatovu, EMattappillil, JMatthews, AJMatthews, CMatthews, HMattocks, LMaughan, CMaulidya, TTMawson, EMaxton, FMaxwell, AMaxwell, VMay, EMay, JMay, PMayanagao, IMaycock, MMayer, JMayers, GMaynard, VAMayne, KMayo, TMayola, LMayor, SMazen, IMazhani, TMazzella, AMburu, NMbuyisha, AMc Cague, CMcAleese, EMcAlinden, PMcAllister, LMcAlpine, AMcAlpine, GMcAndrew, JMcAuley, HMcAuliffe, SMcBrearty, CMcBride, EMcBuigan, MMcBurney, JMcCabe, LMcCafferty, GLMcCafferty, LMcCairn, AMcCammon, JMcCammon, NMcCann, CMcCann, EMcCarrick, AMcCarron, BMcCarthy, EMcCarthy, MMcCarthy, NMcCaughey, SMcClay, TMcClelland, BMcClintock, DMcCloskey, MMcCollum, KMcCorkindale, AMcCormack, PMcCormick, JMcCormick, WMcCourt, PMcCrae, JMcCready, SMcCreath, GMcCreedy, HMcCue, CMcCullagh, IJMcCullagh, LMcCullagh, MMcCullough, CMcCullough, KMcCullough, NMcCullough, SMcCurrach, FMcDermott, JMcDermott, PMcDermott, RMcDevitt, KMcDill, HMcDonald, BMcDonald, CMcDonald, DMcDonald, RMcDonald, SMcDonnell, NMcDougall, CMcDougall, LMcDougall, RMcEleavy, IMcElwaine, FMcEntee, JMcEvoy, EMcEwan, CMcEwen, RMcFadden, MMcFarland, DMcFarland, MMcFarland, RMcFlynn, JMcGarry, EMcGarvey, LMcGeachan, AMcGee, FMcGenily, LMcGettigan, CMcGettrick, MMcGhee, CMcGill, FMcGinnity, SMcGlinchey, NMcGlone, PMcGlynn, DMcGoldrick, CMcGough, EMcGovern, CMcGovern, RMcGowan, AMcGown, AMcGrath, BMcGregor, AMcGuigan, MPMcGuinness, HMcGuire, SMcHugh, TMcInnes, CMcInnes, NMcIntosh, JMcIntyre, KMcIntyre, MMcKay, LMcKeag, CPMcKeane, JMcKee, MMcKeever, JMcKenna, JMcKenna, SMcKenzie, MMcKeogh, DMcKerr, CMcKie, AMMckie, HMckie, LMcKnight, GMcLachlan, HMcLaren, AMcLaren, BMcLarty, NMclaughlan, DMcLaughlin, MMcLay, JMcLeish, MMcLennan, TMcLure, SMcMahon, AMMcMahon, GMcMahon, MMcMahon, SMcManus, TMcMaster, MMcMaster, PMcmeeken, FMcMeekin, SMcMillan, NMcMillen, KMcMinn, JMcMorrow, LMcMullen, HMcMurran, CMcNally, HMcNeela, FMcNeil, LMcNeill, CMcNeill, JMcNeill, SMcNelis, UMcNulty, MMcNulty, RMcParland, CMcPhail, MMcQueen, AMcSkeane, AMcSorland, DMcSorley, TMcTaggart, GMcTaggart, JMead, JMead, PMeadows, EMeakin, OMearns, BMearns, CMears, KMears, WMeda, MMediana, AMedine, RMedveczky, TMeehan, SMeeks, EMegan, AMeghani, NMeghjee, SMegson, SMehar, AMehmood, MNMehra, RMehta, RMeintjes, GMeirill, JMeiring, JMejri, RMekonnen, EMelander, SMelinte, A-SMellersh, JMelling, LMellish, CMellor, FMellor, JMellor, SMellor, ZMellows, KMelnic, VMelville, AMelville, DMelville, JMembrey, HMencias, MMendelski, AMendelson, MMendonca, CMeney, CMenezes, CMensah, WMensshan, JEMentzer, AMenzies, DMenzies, SMepham, SMercer, OMercer, PMerchant, AMerchant, FMercioniu, MMeredith, MMerida Morillas, MMerrick, BMerritt, JMerritt, SMerron, PMerwaha, EMessage, SMessenger, JMetcalf-Cuenca, GMetcalfe, AMetcalfe, BMetcalfe, KMetherell, SMetryka, AMew, LMeyrick, SMguni, NMhlongo, JMiah, AMiah, JMiah, NMian, AMic, GMicah-Amuah, LMicallef, DMichael, AMichael, SMichalak, NMichalca-Mason, LMichalec, OMiddle, JMiddleton, HMiddleton, JMiddleton, MMiddleton, SMieres, SMihalca-Mason, LMikolasch, TMilgate, SMillar, CMillar, JMillard, JMiller, DMiller, JMiller, LMiller, RMiller-Biot, NMiller-Fik, AMillett, LMilligan, BMilligan, HMilligan, IMilliken, CMillington, KMillington, RMillington, SMills, HMills, JMills, RMillward, HMiln, RMilne, AMilne, CMilne, LMilner, JMilner, LMin, ZMindel, SMinh, NMinkah, PAMinnis, CMinnis, PMinou, KMinskip, NMinton, JMiranda, FMirela, MMirza, TMisbahuddin, AMishra, AMishra, BMishra, EMishra, RMisra, SMistry, DMistry, HMital, DMitchard, SMitchell, BMitchell, CMitchell, LJMitchell, PMitchelmore, PMitra, AMitra, SMlambo, NMoakes, EMoar, KMoatt, EMock Font, DModgil, GMohamed, AMohamed, OMohammad, AMohammad, WMohammed, AMohammed, OMohammed, YNSMohamud, BMoharram, AMok, H-PMok, JMokogwu, LMolina, MMoller-Christensen, CMollet, MMolloholli, MMolloy, AMolloy, LMolyneux, AMolyneux, RMomoniat, TMonaghan, HMonaghan, KMongolu, SMonika, TMonsell, KMontasser, MMontgomery, AMontgomery, HMoodley, PMoody, MMoody, NMoon, AMoon, JMoon, J-HMoon, MMoonan, MMoondi, PMoorby, SMoorcroft, JMoore, AMoore, CMoore, DAJMoore, FMoore, JMoore, LMoore, NMoore, SMoore, VMoores, RMorab, EMorales, JMoramorell, NMoran, LMoray, GMoreno-Cuesta, JMorgan, AMorgan, CMorgan, HMorgan, KMorgan, LMorgan, MMorgan, PMorgan-Jones, KMorgan-Smith, EMorilla, JMorley, AMorley, TMorley, WMorris, AMorris, DMorris, FMorris, HMorris, JMorris, KMorris, LMorris, M-AMorris, NMorris, PMorris, SMorrison, DMorrison, MMorrison, SMorrissey, MMorrow, ACMorrow, AMorselli, FMortem, GMortland, VMorton, CMorton, GMorzaria, PMosby, DMoseley, LMoshal, KMoshy, BMoss, AMoss, CMoss, JMoss, SMostafa, OMoth, GMotherwell, NMottershaw, SMoudgil, HMouland, JMoulds, CMoulton, HMounce, GMousley, EMowatt, CMoxham, KMoya, BMoyo, QMshengu, EMtuwa, SMuazzam, AMuazzam, IAMuchenje, NMudawi, DMuddegowda, GMufti, RMugal, IMughal, AMuglu, JMuhammad, FMuhammad, JMuir, CMukherjee, AMukherjee, DMukhtar, JMukhtar, SAAMukimbiri, DMulcahy, JMulcahy, MMulgrew, PMulhearn, BMulla, AMullan, DMullasseril Kutten, DMullen, NMullett, RMulligan, CMulligan, SMumelj, LMumford, AMunavvar, MMunby, HMunday, HMunro, AMunt, SMupudzi, MMurad, AMuraina, OHMuralidhara, KMurdoch, MMurira, JMurphy, AMurphy, BMurphy, CMurphy, EMurphy, GMurphy, HMurphy, PMurphy, RMurphy, SMurray, CMurray, DMurray, EMurray, KMurray, LMurray, TMurtagh, EMurthy, MMurton, CMurton, RMuru, NMusanhu, RMushabe, MMushtaq, OMusini, SMustafa, AMMMustafa, EMustafa, MMustapha, IMustfa, NMustufvi, ZMutch, CMutch, RMutema, EMuthukrishnan, BMutton, SMuzengi, NMwadeyi, MMwale, BMwaura, EMyagerimath, RMyers, AMyers, SMyerson, JSMyint, KMyint, YMynott, GMyslivecek, LNabayego, PNadar, ENadeem, INadheem, MNadjm, BNaeem, ANaeem, HNaeem, SNafees, SNafei, MNaftalia, WNagarajan, TNaglik, LNagra, INagra, DNaguib, MNaguleswaran, KNagumantry, KSNaicker, KNaidoo, SNaidoo, VNaik, GNaik, RNaik, SNair, DSNair, RNair, TNaisbitt, JNaismith, KNakiboneka-Ssenabulya, DNallapareddy, SNallapeta, SNallasivan, ANam, HXNanda, UNandani, ANandwani, TNaqvi, ARNaqvi, ANaqvi, SNasa, SNash, DNasheed, NNasimudeen, ANasir, UNasronudin, NNasser, TNatarajan, ANatarajan, GNatarajan, NNatarajan, RNath, PNathaniel, NNathvani, MNathwani, PNava, GNavaneetham, NNavaratnam, JNavarra, HNaveed, SNavin, JNawaz, KNawaz, SNayar, BNaylor, SNayyar, MNaz, FNaz, MNazari, BNazir, ANazir, SNcomanzi, DNdefo, ONdoumbe, NBNeal, ANeary, ENegmeldin, MNeil, JNeill, PNeils, HENejad, ANel, JNel, LNelson, ANelson, BNelson, LNelson, MNelson, RNelson, SNelwan, ENelwan, EJNemane, RNepal, SNethercott, DNetherton, KNettleton, KNeupane, KNewby, ANewby, DNewcombe, TNewell, HNewman, CNewman, DNewman, HNewman, JNewman, ONewman, TNewport, RNewton, MNg, AYKCNg, HEJNg, KWNg, MNg, SNg, WJNg, YWMNgan, TNgo, THNgui, GCENgumo, ANguyen, HKNguyen, MTNguyen, NNguyen, NTTNguyen, QNguyen, THTNguyen, TTNguyen, TTNNguyen, TTPNgwenya, KNic Fhogartaigh, CNicholas, NNicholas, PNicholas, RNicholls, DNicholls, LNicholls, SNicholson, ANickson, INicol, ENicol, RNicola, PNicoll, ANightingale, TNikita, FNikolaos, PNikonovich, GNilsson, ANimako, KNimako, LNimmo, CNinan, PNinh, TNirmalan, MNiroula, RNisar, ANisar, MNisar, TNisbett, TNisha James, ANishat, SNishiyama, TNix, SNixon, JNixon, MNizam Ud Din, KNizami, MNizamis, SNjafuh, RNoakes, INoba, LNoble, JNoble, HNoe, HMNolan, JNolasco, JNoor, ZNoori, ZNorcliffe, JNorman, LNorman, RNorris, ENorris, KNorris, LNortcliffe, SANorth, FNorth, JNorth, TNorthfield, JNorthover, SNortje, JNorton, DNorton, RNotman, HNourein, KNovak, TNovas Duarte, NNovis, CNowak, JANu, KPNugdallah, MNugent, ANugent, JNugroho, CWNumbere, NNundlall, KNune, ANunn, KNunn, MNunnick, JNupa, YNur, FNurgat, ZNurpeni, RNuttall, ANwafor, LNwajiugo, PNyamugunduru, GNyanor, LNyirenda, MNyland, KO Rinn, DO Shea, DO Toole, MO'Hara, MO'Hara, CO'Keefe, LO'Reilly, KO'Rourke, WOakley, COakley, NOakley, SObale, BOboh, CO'Brien, CO'Brien, JO'Brien, KO'Brien, LO'Brien, NO'Brien, RO'Brien, TO'Bryan, EObukofe, RO'Callaghan, CO'Connell, LOConnor, TO'Connor, CO'Connor, GOdam, MOddie, SOddy, SOdedina, YOdedra, KOdelberg, SOdell, NOderinde, OOdone, JO'Donohoe, LO'Donovan, COdysseos-Beaumont, IO'Farrell, SOfford, PO'Flaherty, MOfori, EOgbara, TOgilvie, CO'Gorman, COgunjembola, IOgunkeye, OOhia, UOjha, SOjo, OO'kane, FO'Kane, MOkeke, TOKell, EOkines, AOkpala, IOkpo, EOkpoko, FOkubanjo, MOladipo, COlaivar, LOlaiya, ROlatujoye, JOld, TOleszkiewicz, GOliver, AOliver, COliver, JOliver, LOliver, MOliver, ZOliver-Commey, JOlokoto, NOOlonipile, FOlufuwa, OOlukoya, OOluwole-Ojo, AO'Malley, LOmale, IVOmane-Donkor, PKOmar, MOmar, ZOmer, NOmoregie, EO'Neill, CO'Neill, LOng, COnuoha, OOnyeagor, COo, CNOo, ZOoi, HCOoi, SHOomatia, AOpata, AOpena, MOram, ROrd, COrd, JOreilly, COrekoya, LO'Riordan, DO'Riordan, SOrlikowska, IOrme, AOrme, HO'Rourke, LOrr, COrr, SOrton, COsadcow, AOsagie, ROsanlou, ROsborne, LOsborne, NOsborne, ROsborne, WOsbourne, COsei-Bobie, JOsman, JOsman, WOsman, BOsoata, GOstermann, MO'Sullivan, EO'Sullivan, SOteng, MAOtey, NOtite, OKOuyang, JOwen, ROwen, SOwens, EOwoo, COwoseni, YOwston, MOxlade, ROzdes, FPack, JPackham, APackham, SPaczko, PPadden, GPadmakumar, APage, CPage, IPage, JPage, SPage, VPaget, JPagett, KPaisley, LPajak, SPakou, GPakozdi, APal, SPalacios, APalagiri Sai, VBPalaniappan, VPalanivelu, PPalfreeman, APalfrey, HPalissery, VPalit, DPallipparambil Antony, SPalman, JPalmer, APalmer, HPalmer, JPalmer, LPalmer, RPambouka, APamphlett, IPan, DPandey, APandian, NPandya, KPandya, TPaneru, HRPanes, APang, JPang, YWPangeni, RPannell, LPannu, KPant, SPanthakalam, SPantin, CTPao, NPapaconstantinou, HPapavarnavas, NSPapineni, PPaques, KParacha, AWParadowski, KParambil, VParanamana, SParashar, SRParberry, IParekh, AParekh, DParfitt, LParfrey, HParikh, OParish, GPark, JParkash, VParker, AParker, BParker, EParker, HParker, JParker, LParker, NParker, SParkin, KParkinson, AParkinson, MParkinson, VParmar, CParmar, VParris, VParrish, CParry, BParry, HCParslow-Williams, SParsonage, MParsons, GParsons, JParsons, PPartridge, RParvez, ZParvin, KPassby, LPassey, SPassmore, HPastrana, JPatachako, JPatal, MPatch, SPatel, APatel, BPatel, DPatel, HPatel, JPatel, KPatel, MPatel, NPatel, PPatel, SPatel, TPatel, ZPatel, VPaterson, KPathak, SPathan, NPatience, APatience, DPatil, BPatmore, RPatole, SPaton, LPatrick, APatrick, GPatrick, JPatten, SPattenden, BPatterson, CPatterson, JPatterson, LPatterson, MPatterson, RPattrick, MPaudel, DPaudel, KPaudel, MPaudel, SPaul, MPaul, SPauls, LPaulus, SPavely, APavitt, MJPavord, SPayne, BPayne, EPayne, MPayne, RPeacock, LPeacock, SPeake, HPearce, JPearse, RPearson, APearson, DPearson, HPearson, KPearson, SPearson, SAPeasley, APeddie, HPeebles, SPeek, RPeer, APeerbhoy, SPegg, CPeggie, EPeggie, HPeglar, SPeirce, BHPeirse, MPelham, CPemberton, APenacerrada, MPender, APendlebury, CPendlebury, JPenfold, RPenman, CPenman, JPenman, RPenner, JPenney, KPennington, APenny, JPepperell, JPercival, RPereira, APereira, RPereira Dias Alves, CPerera, IPerera, MPerez, EPerez, JPerinpanathan, TPeriyasamy, LPerkins, EPernicova, IPerritt, EPerry, APerry, EPerry, MPerumpral, TMPessoa-Amorim, GPetch, RPeter, LPeters, CPeters, LPeters, MPeters, SPeters, TPeterson, APetersen, RPeto, LPetras, IPetrova, BPetrova, MPetrovics, EPettigrew, TPezard-Snell, MPfeffer, PPhalod, GPham, NTPham, VPPhan, TTHPhanish, MPhelan, PPhilbey, CPhilbin, JPhillips, APhillips, BPhillips, DPhillips, NPhillips, PPhillips, RPhillips, TPhipps, MPhong, NPhong, NTPhongsathorn, VPhuc, PPhull, MPhung, HTKPhuong, NPhuyal, APhyo, AKPI, MTTPick, SPickard, JPickering, CPickering, FPickering, GPickett, TPickles, JPickstock, SPickwell-Smith, BPieniazek, NPiercy, CPieris, APilgrim, SPillai, PAPillay, SPilling, LPilsworth, ZPinches, HPinches, SPine, KPinjala, MTPintus, SPiper, GPirani, TPitchford, MPittman, MPitts, SPlaatjies, NPlatt, NPleass, RPlowright, MPlummer, LPlumptre, CPobjoy, JPogreban, TPoku, CPoku, SPolgarova, PPollard, RPollock, LPoluyi, OPolwarth, GJPomery, FPonce, IMFPonnusamy, PPonnusamy, SPonnuswamy, APonte Bettencourt dos Reis, IPooboni, SPoole, APoole, LPoole, MPoon, SPoonian, TPorteous, JPorteous, MPorter, DPorter, JPorter, LPorter, RPosada, APostlethwaite, KPotdar, MPothecary, CPothina, NPotla, PPotoczna, DPott, JPotter, APotter, JPotter, SPotter, TPotton, EPotts, JBPotts, JPotts, KPoudyal, BPoultney, UPoulton, KPoustie, VPowell, JPowell, NPowell, SPower, DPower, NPower, SPoxon, JPoyner, EPoyner, RPrabhu, APrabowo, SPradhan, VPradip, GPrady, HPrananingtias, RPrasad, APrasad, KPrasad, UPrasanth Raj, FPrasath, SPratiwi, NPratley, APratt, SPrayuda, CBPreiss, DPrendergast, CPrentice, LPrentice, PPrescott, VPresland, LPrest, CPreston, SPretorius, MPrevatt, NPrew, SPrice, APrice, CPrice, DPrice, EPrice, KPrice, LJPrice, NPrice, VPrice-Eland, RPriest, APrieto, JPrimrose, LPrince, CPrince, JPrince, LPringle, SPrior-Ong, MPristopan, VPritchard, KPritchard, LPritchard, SPriyash, VProcter, AProctor, CProtopapas, MProudfoot, RPrudon, BPryor, DPudi, SPuffett, APugh, JPugh, LPugh, MTPugh, NPugh, RPuisa, VPuji Lestari, EPuliyakkadi, SPullen, JPunia, KPunnilath Abdulsamad, SPurandare, LPurchase, DPurdue, CPurdy, RPurewal, BPurnell, RPursell, MPurssord, GPurves, RPurvis, SPuspatriani, KPutensen, DPutu, SIPuvaneswaran, BPuxty, APuxty, KPuyrigaud, ZPyart, EPye, EPynn, MQadeer, TQayum, MQuah, CQuaid, SQuail, NQuamina, CQuang, KQuang, NNQuarm, LQuartermaine, GQuartey, RQuasim, TQuaye, SQuayle, AQuek, EQuenby, SQui, PQui, XQuick, VQuigley, JQuijano-Campos, J-CQuindoyos, JQuinn, AQuinn, JQuinn, TQuist, LJQuratulain, QQureshi, DQureshi, EQureshi, HQureshi, IQureshi, KQureshi, NQurratulain, QQutab, SRabbani, MSRabinowicz, SRaceala, MRachid, ARachman, BERachman, RRad, LRadford, JRadford, LRadhakrishnan, JRafferty, HRafiq, MYRafiq, SRafique, CRafique, JRafique, MRagatha, RRaghunathan, ARaguro, ARaha, SDRahama, SRahardjani, MRahilly, KRahim, FRahimi, AHRahimi, HRRahman, MRahman, SURahmany, SRai, PRai, SRaisova, LRaithatha, ARaj, ARajagopal, ARajagopalan, PRajaiah, NRajalingam, KRajasekaran, ARajasri, ARajbhandari, BRajbhandari, SRajeswaran, TRajeswary, JRajkanna, JRajkumar, IRajmohan, GRallan, RRalston, KRalston, MRam, MRamabhadran, BRamali, FRamali, MRamanan, ARamanna, SRamasamy, MRambe, IRamchandani, ARamdin, DRamirez, JRamirez, MRamnarain, GRamnarine, ARamos, LRampling, TRamraj, SRamsay, JRamshaw, ARana, ARana, GFRana, NRana, RRand, ARand, JRandheva, HRanga, PRangar, MRangarajan, HRanjan, SRank, HRanka, PRankhelawon, RRankin, ARao, ARao, SRao, DRasheed, AARashid, KRason, MRaspa, VRastogi, SRasul, FRatcliff, SRatcliffe, SRath, PRath, SRather, MIRathod, KRathore, SRatnakumar, ARatoff, JRattehalli, DRavaccia, DRaval, MRavencroft, PRaw, JRaw, RRawal, MRawashdeh, SARawlins, HRay, GRaymond-White, ARaynard, DRayner, HRayner, NRaynsford, ARazvi, SRazvi, ZRead, KRead, SReay, MReddington, AReddy, AReddy, HRedfearn, HRedfern-Walsh, ARedknap, IRedman, NRedome, ARedome, JReed, AReed, JRees, ARees, CRees, HRees, JRees, MRees, SRees, TRees-Jones, ERegan, FRegan, KRegan, MRegan, SRege, KRegmi, ARehan, ARehman, ARehman, HRehman, SRehman, ZReid, AReid, JReid, SReilly, MReilly, SReith, CReka, ARemegoso, ARengan, DRenouf, LRenshaw, SRenu Vattekkat, RReschreiter, HRevels, MRevill, ARewitzky, GRey, SReynard, CReynish, DReynolds, HReynolds, PRhodes, JRiaz, NRibeiro, PRice, ERice, MRice, NRich, MRichards, ARichards, LRichards, SRichardson, CRichardson, ERichardson, FRichardson, JRichardson, MRichardson, NRiches, JRiches, KRichmond, LRichmond, RRicketts, WRickman, HRiddell, ARidgway, SRidha, MRidley, CRidley, PRieck, GRigby, LRigby, MRigler, DRijal, SRika, NRiley, HRiley, MRiley, PRimainar, ARimba, ZVPRimmer, DRina, WRintoul, RRiordan, ARipley, DRippon, NRishton, CRiste, MRitchie, DRitchie, JRitchings, ARivera Ortega, PRivers, VRizvi, BRizvi, SASRizvi, SHMRobb, JRobbins, ERoberts, CRoberts, GRoberts, IRoberts, JRoberts, KRoberts, MRoberts, NRoberts, PRoberts, RRoberts, VRobertson, CRobertson, JRobertson, KRobertson, NRobertson, SRobertson, MRobin, NRobinson, CRobinson, ERobinson, GRobinson, HRobinson, JRobinson, KRobinson, LRobinson, MRobinson, NRobinson, RRobinson, SRobinson, ARobson, SRocca, ARoche, LRoche, SRodden, NRoddick, ARoddy, ERoddy, JRoderick, MRodger, ARodger, FRodger, MRodgers, ARodgers, DRodgers, NRodgers, PRodriguez-Belmonte, RRoe, NRoehr, CRogers, GRogers, JRogers, LRogers, MRogers, PRogers, SRogers, TRojkova, JRoka, KKRokadiya, SRollins, LRollo, JRolls, CRond-Alliston, ARook, CRooney, KRooney, LRosaroso, LPRosby, EJRose, ARose, SRose, ZRosier, JRoskilly, ARoss, GARoss, IRoss, JRossdale, JRoss-Parker, ARostron, ARosyid, ANRothman, ARothwell, JRoughley, LRourke, CARowan, KRowan, NRowan, SRowe, ARowe, NRowe-Leete, LRowlands, BRowlands, ERowley, MRoy, SRoycroft, MRoynon-Reed, ARoyson, ARRozewicz, SRudenko, ARudrakumar, SRudran, BRuff, SRughani, PRule, RRundell, SRushforth, ERushmer, JRusk, DRussell, PRussell, RRusso, CRutgers, MRutkowski, KRyan, ARyan, BRyan, KRyan, LRyan, MRyan, PRyan-Wakeling, DRybka, ERyder, MRyder, SSaad, MSaalmink, GSabale, JSabaretnam, SSadiq, NSadler, ESaffy, ASage, BSagoo, HSagrir, SSaha, RSaha, SSahdev, NSahedra, SSahota, JSaid, NSaini, SSaini, VSaint, BSairam, NSajid, ASakthi, SSakuri, HSaladi, MSalam, ASalberg, ASalciute, ESaleeb, GSaleh, MSalih, HSalih, LSalim, DSalisbury, SSaliu, SSalman, RSalmon, JSalmon, RSalutous, DSam, MSam, SSamakomva, TSaman, RSamar, SSaminathan, SSamlal, RSammons, ESammut, DSammut, MSammut, SSammut, TSampath, SSampson, CSampson, JSamson, ASamuel, JSamuel, MSamuel, RSamuel, TDLSamuel, YSamuels, KSamuels, TSamways, JSamyraju, MSana, ISanchez, VSanchez Gonzalez, ASanda-Gomez, ASandercock, PSanders, JSanderson, ASanderson, TSandhu, KSandhu, LSandow, SSandrey, VSands, SSanga, LSangha, HSanghera, JSangombe, MSanju, MSankaran, LSantos, FSantos Ferreira De Almeida, CSantosh, RSanyal, JSanz-Cepero, AFSapkota, YSaragih, DSaralaya, DSaraswati, ASaraswatula, ASaravanamuthu, PSarawade, SSarella, JSarfatti, ASargent, RSari, BSari, DSarkar, DSarkar, KSarkar, RSarma, SSarmiento, PSarwar, ZSass, TSatchithananthasivam, KSathe, SSathianandan, SSathyanarayanan, ASathyanarayanan, SJPSathyapalan, TSatodia, PSaulite, VSaunders, ASaunders, RSaunders, SSaunderson, ASavill, HSavlani, KSaxena, GSaxton, MSayan, ASayers, IScaletta, DScanlon, DScanlon, JScarratt, LScattergood, SSchadenberg, ASchafers, JSchneblen, WSchofield, ESchofield, RSchofield, SScholes, DScholes, KSchoolmeesters, ASchumacher, NSchunke, NSchuster Bruce, MSchwarz, KScobie, AScoones, TScorrer, TScott, AScott, CScott, EScott, KScott, LScott, MScott, SScott, TScott, ZScourfield, SScrase, WScriven, NAScullion, AScullion, TSeager, ESeagrave, CSeaman, RSear, ESeaton, ISeatter, ASeckington, ASedano, JSeddon, GSedgwick, GSee, YSeelarbokus, MASefton, CSegovia, MSeidu, FSekadde, GSelby, FSelby, GSellar, CSellars, RSellers, KSelley, JSellick, VSelvadurai, GSelvarajah, BSelvaskandan, HSelvendran, SSSelwyn, JSemmens, ASemple, GSen, MSen, NSen, SSengupta, ASengupta, NSenra, SSenya, HSerafimova, TSernicola, ESethi, DSethi, SSetty, NSeward, ASewdin, TSewell, T-ASeymour, JSeymour, KShabbir, HShackley, FShafi, TShafique, FShah, AShah, BShah, H-AShah, MShah, NShah, PShah, QShah, RShah, SShah, SHShah, WShahad, SShahi, SShahnazari, SShahzad, NShahzeb, MShaibu, AShaida, ZShaikh, AYShaikh, MShail, RShaji, MShakeel, MShakya, RShalan, KShameem, MShamim, NShamji, UShams, AShams, KShamsah, RShanahan, TSharaf, HSharif, ASharma, ASharma, BSharma, MSharma, OSharma, PSharma, RSharma, SSharma, SDSharp, ASharp, CSharp, GSharp, KSharp, LMSharratt, PSharrocks, KShashaa, SShaw, AShaw, CShaw, DShaw, JShaw, LShaw, MShaw, TGShawcross, AShawcross, JShawe, JShayler, LShedwell, SSheffield, JShehata, ZSheik, ASheikh, ASheikh, NShelley, BShelton, SShenoy, AShenton, JShephardson, SShepherd, AShepherd, KShepherd, LShepherd, SSheppard, GSheppeard, RSheridan, HSheridan, RSherridan, SSherris, LSherwin, SShibly, SShiham, FFShilladay, CShillitoe, BShingadia, DShioi, CShirgaonkar, AShirley, KShirt, HShonubi, AShoote, JShorrocks, RShortman, RShotton, RShotton, SShovelton, CShpuza, EShrestha, AShrestha, NShrestha, RShrestha, SShuker, KShurlock, JShurmer, JShuvo, ERSiabi, SKSiame, GSiamia, LSiaw-Frimpong, MSiddavaram, SSiddique, NSiddique, SSiddle, ESidebotham, ESidebottom, JSievers, RSiggens, KSikondari, NSilanas, ISilva, SVSilva Moniz, CSim, MSimangan, TSimbi, VSime, RSimmons, GSimmons, OSimms, RSimon, LSimon, MSimon, NSimpkins, SSimpson, ASimpson, DSimpson, GSimpson, JSimpson, KSimpson, MSimpson, PSimpson, TSinclair, SSing, CSingh, ASingh, CSingh, DSingh, JSingh, LSingh, MSingh, NSingh, PSingh, SSinghal, PSingizi, BSingler, VSinha, MSinha, PSinha, SSinha, USisson, GSithiravel, SSivakumar, KSivakumar, SSivakumran, DSivanadarajah, SSivasothy, P-RSkaria, ASkehan, NSkelly, RSkelton, OSkene, ISkinner, DSkinner, TSkinner, VSkorko, ASkorupinska, ISkorupinska, MSlack, ASlack, KSlade, HSlade, MSlater, LSlawson, NSlingsby, RSloan, ASloan, BSloan, DSloane, GSlowinska, MSmall, BSmall, ESmall, SSmallridge, ASmalls, DSmallshaw, KDSmallwood, ASmart, BSmart, LSmeaton, JSmit, CSmith, ASmith, CSmith, DSmith, ESmith, HSmith, ISmith, JSmith, KSmith, LSmith, MSmith, MASmith, NSmith, OSmith, PSmith, RSmith, SSmith, TSmith, VSmolen, SSmuts, SSmyth, NSnell, ASnell, DSnell, LSo, ASo, BSoan, MSobama, RFSobande, TSobowiec Kouman, SSobrino Diaz, ASohail, BSohal, HSoiza, RSolademi, OSoleimani, BSolesbury, ASoliman, MSolis, BSolly, RSolomon, LSomalanka, SSomashekar, CSommerfield, SSoni, GSonia, RSonoiki, TSoo, S-CSoor, PSoothill, GSoren, JSothinathan, ASothirajah, PSousa, JSoussi, NSoutham, DSouthern, DSouthern, ISouthern, LSouthin, SMSouthwell, JSouthworth, TSowden, SSowter, JSpalding, CSpata, ESpeare, CSpears, KSpears, MSpeirs, LSpeirs, SSpence, MSpence, NSpencer, BSpencer, GSpencer, RSpencer, SSpencer, TSpickett, HSpillane, JSpiller, WSpinks, KSpinks, MSpittle, NSpray, SSpriggs, JSpring, OSquires, GSquires, JSquires, RSreenivasan, RSreenivasan, SSri, MSri Paranthamen, KSrikantaiah, RSrinivasan, KSrinivasan, RSrirajamadhuveeti, ASrirathan, VSsiabi, SKStacey, RStacpoole, SStadon, LStagg, WJStaines, JStaines, NStammers, KStanciu, RStanczuk, GStandley, TStaniforth, BStanton, AStanton, LStaples, RStapley, SStaplin, NStark, AStarkey, EStarnes, DSStarr, MStead, RStebbing, CSteele, CSteer, HSteer, JStefania, VStefanowska, PSteffensen, FStemp, CStenson, EStephens, AStephensen, DStephenson, ESterrenburg, MStevens, JStevens, MStevens, WStevenson, AStevenson, LStevenson, SSteward, MStewart, CStewart, DAStewart, KStewart, MStewart, RStickley, JStiller, GStirrup, SStock, SStockdale, AStocker, DStockham, LStockton, PStoddard, EStoffberg, KStokes, CStone, BStone, RStone, SStoner, E-JStorey, IStorton, KStourton, FStrachan, AStrait, CStratton, EStratton, JStraw, SStreit, DStride, EStringer, SStrong-Sheldrake, SStruik, SStuart, CStubbs, AStubbs, HSturdy, ASturney, SStuttard, MSuarez, CSubba, KSubbe, CPSubramaniam, KSubramanian, MSubramanian, VSubudhi, CSuckling, RSudershan, SSugden, PSuherman, PASukla, RSukumaran, ASuleiman, ESuliman, ASuliman, FSultan, SSumardi, USundar, SSundaram, RSundhar, RSung, ESunni, NSuntharalingam, JSur, ASuresh, DSuresh, NSuresh, SSurtees, MSusan, CSuter, DSuthar, RSutherland, HSutherland, RSutherland, SSutinyte, DSutton, DSutton, SSutu, MSvensson, M-LSvirpliene, SSwain, ASwain, RSwaine, TSwales, CSwanson-Low, CSwart, TSweetman, SSwift, ESwift, PSwift, RSwingler, RSwinhoe, SSwist-Szulik, KSwithenbank, LSyed, OSykes, CSykes, DSykes, ESylvester, LSymington, DSymon, DSyndercombe, ASyrimi, ZSyson, JSzabo, GSzabó, DSzakmany, TSzarazova, NSzekely, MSzekeres, ASzeto, MSzymiczek, KTabish, MTadros, MTageldin, ATague, LTahir, HTahir, MTai, MTait, JTakyi, ATalbot, PTalbot -Smith, ATalbot-Ponsonby, JTallent, RTallon, BTalukdar, ATan, ATan, BTTan, HTan, JTan, JSTan, KTan, WTTana, ATanner, ATanney, CTanqueray, TTanton, ETantri, ATanzil-Al-Imran, TTarft, HTaribagil, PTarin, OTariq, STarpey, DTarr, ETarrant, LTasiou, ATate, ATate, MTate, MLTate, PTatham, KTavares, SSTavoukjian, VTay, SAITaylor, ATaylor, BTaylor, CTaylor, CATaylor, DTaylor, ETaylor, HTaylor, JTaylor, KTaylor, LTaylor, MTaylor, NTaylor, RTaylor, STaylor, TTaylor, VTaylor-Siddons, MTaynton, TTe, ATeasdale, FTeasdale, JTeasdale, KTebbutt, JTee, CTeeluck, ITejero Moya, BTejwani, RTelfer, ATeli, VTempany, JTemple, JTemple, NTench, HTeoh, YHTereszkowski-Kaminski, RTerrett, LTerry, LTesha, TIMTetla, DTewari, STewkesbury, DTexeira, JTey, CThake, MThakker, CThakker, MThakrar, JThakuri, BJThamu, BThao, HThao, NTThapa, AThatcher, HThayanandan, AThazhatheyil, KThein, ETheocharidou, LThet, PThevarajah, KThevendra, MThien, DThiri Phoo, NThirlwall, YThirumaran, MThomas, AThomas, CThomas, EThomas, HThomas, JThomas, JLThomas, KThomas, LThomas, RThomas, SThomas, TThomas, VThomasson, KThomas-Turner, RThompson, CThompson, EThompson, FThompson, HThompson, JThompson, KThompson, LThompson, MThompson, OThompson, RThompson, YThomson, BGThomson, NThorburn, PThorn, NThorne, CThorne, NThornton, AThornton, DThornton, JThornton, RThornton, SThornton, TThorpe, CThorpe, NThorpe, SThozthumparambil, PThrasyvoulou, LThraves, HThu, NThueux, GThuong, NTHThu-Ta, PThuy, DThwaiotes, VThwaites, CLThwaites, GTiberi, STieger, STierney, CTighe, MTilbey, STill, CTiller, ATiller, HTimerick, JTimlick, ETimmins, ATimmis, ATimms, HTimoroksa, A-MTinashe, STingley, STinker, NTinkler, HTinkler, MTipper, JTirumalai Adisesh, ATivenan, HTluchowska, KT-Michael, HTodd, ATodd, JTodd, SToffoletti, OTohfa, MTohill, STolson, MTomas, ATomasova, NTomlin, STomlins, STomlinson, JTomlinson, KTonkin, JTonna, IToohey, CTopham, KTopping, MTorokwa, ATorrance, CTouma, OTous Sampol, LTousis, RTout, MTovey, PTowersey, GTownley, JTozer, RTran, DKTran, HTran, HBTran, MTran, NBTran, VGTran, VKTranter, HTravers, JTravill, CTraynor, STrethowan, LTreus Gude, ETrevelyan, MTrewick, NATridente, ATrieu, HTriggs, STrim, FTrimmings, ATrinick, TTripathy, STrivedi, KTroedson, STropman, ETrotter, ATrous, STrower, HTrowsdale Stannard, MTrudgill, NTruell, RTruman, NTruslove, MTrussell, STrussell, TTsakiridou, KTsang, CTsang, PTsawayo, TTsilimpari, KKTsinaslanidis, GTsitsi, MTso, STucker, NTucker, STudor, DETufail, ATuff, JTuffney, JTully, RTulus Satriasih, TTunesi, GTung, DTurbitt, KTurel, RTurgut, TTurley, CTurnbull, ATurner, ATurner, CTurner, GTurner, KTurner, LTurner, LCTurner, MTurner, PTurner, STurner, VTurner-bone, ITurney, STurvey, JTweed, CTweed, DTwemlow, RTwohey, ETyagi, BTyagi, VTyer, ATyler, ATyler, JTyzack, ATzavaras, PTzinieris, IUddin, AWUddin, MSUddin, RUgoji, JUkaegbu, EUl Haq, MUl Hassan, WUl-Haq, ZUllah, SUm, JUmaipalan, AUmate, AUmeadi, JUmeh, AUmeojiako, WUmmat, BUnderhill, EUnderwood, CUnderwood, JUnsworth, AUppal, VUppal, VSUpson, GUr Rasool, MUriel, AUrruela, SUru, HUsher, JUsher, MUsher, RUsher-Rea, AUstianowski, AUsuf, EUtomo, FNUzu, HVaccari, LCVaghela, UVaidya, AVail, DValecka, BValentine, JValeria, BVallabhaneni, PValleri, TVallotton, NVamplew, LVamvakiti, EVamvakopoulos, JVan Blydenstein, Svan Bruggen, Lvan de Venne, Mvan der Meer, Avan der Stelt, NVan Doorn, Rvan Koutrik, LVan Loggerenberg, AVance-Daniel, JVancheeswaran, RVandeyoon, SIVankayalapati, PVanmali, PVansomeren, CVan't Hoff, WVanya, KNVara, SVardy, SJVarghese, AVarghese, MVarney, WVarnier, GVarouxaki, A-NVarquez, RVasadi, VVass, OVassell, KVasu, VVasudevan, VVatish, MVaughan, SVayalaman, HVayapooree, DVaz, CVeale, NVeerasamy, SVelankar, SVelauthar, LVeli, NVella, NVelugupati, AVelusamy, AVenables, IVenditti, MVenkataramakrishnan, RVenn, RVenter, MVentilacion, LVere, JVeres, MVergnano, SVerling, WVerma, AVernall, RVernon, BVertue, MVerueco, LVerula, JVeterini, AVethanayagam, NVettikumaran, SVeys, LVickers, CVictor, SVictoria, SVidaillac, CPVidler, JVijayakumar, BVijayaraghavan Nalini, VWVilcinskaite, BVileito, AVilimiene, NVinall, LVinay, SVinayakarao, LVincent, OVincent, RVirdee, PVirgilio, EVirk, AMVisentin, EVitaglione, MVithian, KVittoria, SVivekananthan, SVlad, EVlies, Bvon Oven, LVooght, CVu Thai, KTVutipongsatorn, KVuylsteke, AVyras, EWach, RWadams, BWadd, SWaddington, NWade, PWadsley, JWadsworth, KWafa, SEIWagstaff, DWagstaff, LWahab, DWahbi, ZWaheed Adigun, AWaidyanatha, SWaite, AWake, RWakefield, AWakeford, WWakinshaw, FWaldeck, EWalden, AWalding, LWaldron, AWaldron, JWales, EWali, BWalker, DWalker, GWalker, HWalker, IWalker, KWalker, LWalker, OWalker, RWalker, SWallace, GWallbutton, RWallen, JWallendszus, KWaller, AWaller, RWallis, GWallis, LWallis, MWalmsley, EWalsh, DWalsh, EWalsh, LWalstow, DWalter, DWalters, AWalters, HWalters, JWalton, EWalton, LWalton, MWalton, OWalton, SWan, MWanda, JWands, MWane, RWang, FWang, NWang, RWang, SWarbrick, DWarburton, SWard, CWard, DWard, EWard, HWard, JWard, LWard, NWard, RWard, TWarden, SAWardere, GWardle, SWardy, HWaring, GWaring, SWarmington, JWarner, BWarner, CWarnock, LWarran, SWarren, JWarren, LWarren, RWarren, YWarrender, DWarren-Miell, HWarris, AWarwick, GWassall, HWasserman, SWasson, EWatchorn, HJWaterfall, HWaters, AWaters, DWaterstone, MWatkin, AWatkins, CWatkins, EWatkins, KWatkins, LWatson, AWatson, AJRWatson, EWatson, FWatson, JGRWatson, LWatson, PWatson, RWatson, KWatters, MWatterson, DWattimena, KWatts, DWatts, JWatts, MWaugh, VWayman, EWayman, MWazir, AWeatherhead, MWeatherly, NWebb, CWebb, HWebb, KWebb, SWebsdale, CWebster, DWebster, IWebster, JWebster, TWedlin, JWee, LWeerakoon, RWeerasinghe, TWeeratunga, JWeetman, MWei, SWeichert, IWelch, EWelch, HWelch, JWelch, LWelch, SWelham, BWeller, SWellings, LWells, BWellstead, SWelsh, BWelsh, RWelters, IWelton, RWenn, VWentworth, LWesonga, JWesseldine, KWest, JWest, MWest, RWest, SWestern, LWesthead, RWeston, HWestwood, AWestwood, KWestwood, SWetherill, BWheaver, SWheeler, HWhelan, BWhelband, MWhileman, AWhitcher, AWhite, AWhite, BWhite, CWhite, DWhite, JWhite, KWhite, MWhite, NWhite, SWhite, TWhitehead, CWhitehorn, KWhitehouse, AWhitehouse, CWhitehouse, TWhiteley, JWhiteley, LWhiteley, SWhitham, RWhitlingum, GWhitmore, DWhittaker, EWhittam, LWhittington, AWhittle, HWhittle, RWiafe, EWiblin, LWickens, OWiddrington, JWieboldt, JWieringa, HWiesender, CWiffen, LWight, AWignall, AWignall, CWilce, AWilcock, DWilcock, EWilcox, LWild, BWild, LWild, SWilde, MWilding, LWilding, PWildsmith, TWileman, JWiles, JWiles, KWilhelmsen, EWiliams, TWilkie, JWilkin, DWilkins, HWilkins, JWilkins, SWilkinson, IWilkinson, LWilkinson, NWilkinson, SWilkinson, TWilletts, SWilliams, AWilliams, CWilliams, CVWilliams, DWilliams, EWilliams, GWilliams, HWilliams, JWilliams, KWilliams, MWilliams, PWilliams, RWilliams, SWilliams, TWilliamson, AWilliamson, CWilliamson, DWilliamson, JWilliamson, JDWilliamson, RWilliamson, HWillis, EWillis, HWillis, JWills, LWillsher, LWillshire, CWillson, FWillson, JWilson, AWilson, BWilson, DWilson, IWilson, JWilson, KWilson, K-AWilson, LWilson, MWilson, SWilson, TWin, KLYWin, MWin, TWin, TTWin, WYWWinckworth, LWinder, LWinder, PWinearl, SWinmill, HWinn, SWinpenny, CWinslow, HWinter, HWinter, JWinter-Goodwin, BWinterton, JWinwood, HWischhusen, JWisdom, SWise, MWiselka, MWiseman, RWiseman, SWishart, SWIshlade, TWitele, EWithers, NWittes, JWixted, DWodehouse, TWolf, WWolff, NWolffsohn, KWolf-Roberts, RWolodimeroff, EWolstencroft, AWong, AWong, CWong, C-HWong, C-MWong, EWong, JSYWong, KYWong, MYWong, NWong, SWong, TWongkyezeng, AAWood, AWood, CWood, DWood, FWood, GWood, HWood, JWood, LWood, MWood, SWood, TWoodall, KWoodfield, RWoodford, CWoodford, EWoodford, JWoodhead, LWoodhead, TWoodland, PWoodman, MWoodmansey, SWoods, CWoods, JWoods, KWoods, SWoodward, ZWoolcock, MWooldridge, GWoolf, RWoollard, CWoollen, LWoolley, EWoolley, JWoosey, DWootton, DWootton, JWorley, DWorton, SWraight, JWray, MWren, KWren, LWrey Brown, CWright, CWright, DWright, FWright, HWright, IWright, LWright, RWright, SWright, TWroe, CWroe, HWu, HWu, PWubetu, JWulandari, FWulandari, RWurie, SWyatt, CWyn-Griffiths, FWynter, IXavier, BXhikola, AXia, BEXia, ZYacoba, EYadav, SYakubi, MYan, MYanagisawa, YYang, FYang, YYanney, MYap, WLYaqoob, NYasmin, SYates, BYates, DYates, EYates, HYates, TYates, MYe, JYearwood Martin, CYein, KYelnoorkar, FYen, LMYeoh, AYeung, CYYew, PYewatkar, DYlquimiche Melly, LYnter, IYong, HYorke, JYouens, JYounes Ibrahim, AYoung, EYoung, GYoung, LYousafzar, AYoussouf, SYousuf, AYovita, HYu, CYuan, JSJYufaniaputri, NYung, BYusef, DYusef, SYusuf, IZafar, A-SZagalo, SZaher, SZahoor, AZainab, MZak, TZaki, KZakir, NZalewska, KZamalloa, AZaman, MZaman, SZamikula, JZammit, LZammit-Mangion, MZawadzka, MZayed, MZebracki, EZehnder, DZeidan, LZeinali, DZhang, JZhao, XZheng, DZhu, DZia, MZibdeh, OZill-E-Huma, RZin, ETZincone, EZindoga, GZinkin, EZinyemba, VZipitis, CZitter, LZmierczak, AZubikarai, GZubir, AZuhra, NZulaikha, RZulfikar, SZullo, CZuriaga-Alvaro, A
In The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology December 2023 11(12):905-914
Academic Journal
Niemi, MEKKarjalainen, JDaly, MGanna, AMehtonen, JCordioli, MKaunisto, MPigazzini, SDonner, KKivinen, KPalotie, ADaly, MJLiao, RGKanai, MVeerapen, KMinica, CTrankiem, ABalaconis, MKNguyen, HSolomonson, MFrancioli, LWang, QBGreen, RCBryant, SFinucane, HMartin, ARZhou, WNkambule, LKarczewski, KJAtkinson, EGTsuo, KBaya, NTurley, PGupta, RWalters, RKPalmer, DSSarma, GCheng, NLu, WHChurchhouse, CGoldstein, JKing, DSeed, CNeale, BMSatterstrom, FKPathak, GAWendt, FRPolimanti, RAndrews, SJSloofman, LSealfon, SCFernandez-Cadenas, ISchulte, ECProtzer, UStriano, PCoviello, DAZara, FSalpietro, VIacomino, MScudieri, PBocciardi, RMinetti, CVari, MSMadia, FMarouli, EKanoni, SMoutsianas, LKarim, MAGhoussaini, MSchwartzentruber, JDunham, ISavage, JPosthuma, DTissink, EUffelmann, EButler-Laporte, GRichards, JBNakanishi, TMorrison, DRForgetta, VGhosh, BLaurent, LHenry, DAbdullah, TAdeleye, OMamlouk, NKimchi, NAfrasiabi, ZRezk, NVulesevic, BBouab, MGuzman, CPetitjean, LTselios, CXue, XQAfilalo, JAdra, DKim, HNOkada, YByun, JHan, YHUddin, MJSmith, GDWiller, CJBuxbaum, JDSloofman, LGCollins, BLLevy, TUnderwood, SJBritvan, BKeller, KTang, LPeruggia, MHiester, LLNiblo, KAksentijevich, ALabkowsky, AKarp, AZlatopolsky, MArora, JRaychaudhuri, SMercader, JCusick, CPasaniuc, BJulienne, HAschard, HShi, HWBYengo, LChwialkowska, KFrancescatto, MDavis, LKerchberger, VELee, SPriest, JVadgama, NTanigawa, YRenieri, ASankaran, VGvan Heel, Dde Salazar, Avan Heel, DAHunt, KATrivedi, BDeelen, PFranke, LClaringbould, ALopera, EWarmerdam, Rvan Blokland, ILanting, PMooser, VLi, RBelisle, ALepage, PRagoussis, JAuld, DLathrop, GMBiesecker, LBaillie, JKClohisey, SFourman, MHFurniss, JHaley, CLaw, AMillar, JPairo-Castineira, EParkinson, NRawlik, KRussell, CDShih, BTenesa, AWang, BZechner, MHendry, RArmstrong, RBoz, CBrown, ACullum, LDay, NDuncan, EFinernan, PGolightly, ALaw, DLaw, RLaw, SMal, HMcmaster, EMeikle, JOosthuyzen, WPaterson, TStenhouse, ASwets, MSzoor-McElhinney, HTaneski, FWackett, TWard, MWeaver, JCoyle, JGallagher, BLidstone-Scott, RHamilton, DGriffiths, FKeating, SWalsh, TBretherick, ADGrimes, GHayward, CKlaric, LMeynert, AMPonting, CPRichmond, AVitart, VWilson, JFMari, FLista, MPerticaroli, VFallerini, CDaga, SBaldassarri, MFava, FFrullanti, EValentino, FDoddato, GGiliberti, ABruttini, MCroci, SMeloni, IBeligni, GTommasi, ADi Sarno, LPalmieri, MCarriero, MLAlaverdian, DIuso, NInchingolo, GTita, RAmitrano, SMencarelli, MALo Rizzo, CPinto, AMMontagnani, FTumbarello, MFurini, SBenetti, EZguro, KCapitani, KZanelli, GBianchi, FBernasconi, ACeri, SPinoli, PBaillie, SCCanakoglu, AWolford, BFaucon, ADutta, AKPatel, SSchurmann, CHarry, EBirney, ENasir, JMarttila, MDueker, NLimou, SRahmouni, SMbarek, HDarwish, DIsmail, SISaad, CAl-Sarraj, YBadji, RMAl-Muftah, WAl Thani, AUddin, MMAlbertos, RFerrer, RPerez-Tur, JLi, RLMedina-Gomez, CSedaghati-Khayat, BVallerga, CBoer, CKennis-Szilagyi, IPrijatelj, VFolkersen, LMoltke, IKoelling, NSpencer, CATeumer, AKousathanas, APasko, DCaulfield, MJScott, RHWalker, SStuckey, AOdhams, CARhodes, DFowler, TRendon, AChan, GArumugam, PUtrilla, AVerdugo, RAZarate, RGomez-Cabrero, DCarnero-Montoro, EAlarcon-Riquelme, MEMartinez-Bueno, MCadilla, CLMoreno-Estrada, AGarmendia, AMoya, LBoua, PRFave, MJLemacon, AMigeotte, IVarnai, RSzentpeteri, JLSipeky, CColombo, Fvon Hohenstaufen, KLio, PIm, HHan, CSong, HLim, JLee, YKim, SAtanasovska, BAhmad, HFJansen, PHottenga, JJBartels, Mde Geus, EJCNivard, MGKornilov, SASivanadhan, IPerumal, SEsmaeeli, SPearson, NMAuton, AShelton, JFShastri, AJFilshtein-Sonmez, TCoker, DSymons, AAslibekyan, SO'Connell, JYe, CWeldon, CHEsparza-Gordillo, JPerera, MYang, GAlarcon, CHerrmann, SFriedman, PO'Leary, KMazurek, STuck, MBanagan, JHamidi, ZO'Brien, TMeltzer, DRaffat, Nde la Horra, CO'Donnell, PNutescu, EMoreno, DBarbour, AGallego-Duran, RFerwerda, Bvan de Beek, DBrouwer, MCBeudel, MKoning, RVlaar, APJAlgera, AGvan Baarle, FBos, LBotta, Mde Bruin, SBulle, EDongelmans, DElbers, PFleuren, LGirbes, AHagens, LHeunks, LHorn, Jvan Mourik, NPaulus, FRaasveld, JSchultz, MJSmit, MTeunissen, CThoral, Pde Vries, HWiersinga, WJvan Agtmael, MBomers, Mde Brabander, Jde Bree, GChouchane, OGeerlings, SGoorhuis, BGrobusch, MPHarris, VHermans, SMHovius, JWNellen, JPeters, Evan der Poll, TPrins, JMReijnders, TSchinkel, MSchuurman, ASigaloff, KStijnis, CSTsonas, Avan der Valk, Mvan Vugt, MZwinderman, AHKBax, DCloherty, AGeijtenbeek, THafkamp, FPreckel, BBogaard, HJBonta, PNossent, EJBugiani, MGeerts, BHollmann, MVeelo, DHamann, JHemke, Rde Jong, MDStilma, WWouters, DMinnaar, RPKromhout, Avan Uffelen, KWJWolterman, RARoberts, GPark, DBall, CACoignet, MMcCurdy, SKnight, SPartha, RRhead, BZhang, MBerkowitz, NGaddis, MNoto, KRuiz, LPavlovic, MHong, ELRand, KGirshick, AGuturu, HBaltzell, AHGeorges, MMelo, SJacques, NDi Valentin, EGiroule, FCollignon, ARadermecker, CLebrun, MPeree, HLatour, SBarada, OSanchez, JMeunier, MMariavelle, EAnania, SGazon, HMni, MWery, MBelhaj, YGuntz, JJadot, LClaassen, SBeguin, YGofflot, SEl Kandoussi, KThonon, RBouysran, YBusson, APeyrassol, XWilkin, FPichon, BSmits, GVandernoot, IGoffard, JCMoutschen, MMisset, BDarcis, GGuiot, JAzarzar, SDellot, PBertrand, AParzibut, GClarinval, MMoermans, CMalaise, OHuynen, PMesdagh, AJosse, CBoujemla, BJuszczak, DFadeur, MCamby, SMeuris, CThys, MJacques, JHenket, MLeonard, PFrippiat, FGiot, JBSauvage, ASVon Frenckell, CStaderoli, ALambermont, BLouis, EAfilalo, MOliveira, MBrenner, BBrassard, NDurand, MChasse, MKaufmann, DESchurr, EDavis, LKCox, NJBelow, JESealock, JMFaucon, ABShuey, MMPolikowsky, HGPetty, LEShaw, DMChen, HHZhu, WYLudwig, KUSchroder, JRolker, SNothen, MMFazaal, JMaj, CKeitel, VJensen, BEOFeldt, TKnopp, LKurth, IEggermann, TMarx, NDreher, MPink, ICornberg, MIllig, TVolland, SLehmann, CSchommers, PAugustin, MRybniker, JKoehler, PCornely, OAAltmuller, JBerger, MMBrenner, THinney, AWitzke, OBals, RHerr, CLudwig, NWalter, JFuchsberger, CPattaro, CDe Grandi, APramstaller, PEmmert, DMelotti, RFoco, LMascalzoni, DGogele, MDomingues, FHicks, AGignoux, CRWicks, SJCrooks, KBarnes, KCDaya, MShortt, JRafaels, NChavan, SGoldstein, DBKiryluk, KSengupta, SMenon, ASo, YSChung, WReilly, MPKhan, AWang, CGharavi, AGShang, NO'Byrne, SMNandakumar, RPovysil, GBhardwaj, NIonita-Laza, IHod, EPendrick, DPark, SKKim, HLKang, CKPark, WBLee, HJSong, KHHam, SYJung, JKim, ESBin Kim, HYoon, KJPaik, NJSeok, WYoon, HJoo, EJChang, YRyu, SPark, JSPark, KUEllinghaus, DDegenhardt, FJuzenas, STran, FRosenstiel, PSchreiber, SFranke, AWacker, EMUellendahl-Werth, FElAbd, HWienbrandt, LRuhlemann, MCWendorff, MTanck, AGassner, CHemmrich-Stanisak, GKassens, JBasso, MEFSchulzky, MWittig, MBraun, NWesse, TAlbrecht, WYi, XLNebel, APeschuck, AMay, SKarina, BBrunak, SCaceres, MLerga-Jaso, JLenz, TLTeles, AAzuure, COzer, OAlbillos, AMateos, BMesonero, FTellez, LRodriguez-Gandia, MBujanda, LBanales, JMRomero-Gomez, MButi, MMaya-Miles, DGarcia-Etxebarria, KIzquierdo-Sanchez, LRodrigues, PMRodriguez-Frias, FRiveiro-Barciela, MJulia, APalom, AMarsal, SHeidecker, BKurth, FSander, LEMayer, ABraun, ASkurk, CThibeault, CHelbig, ETKraft, JLippert, LJSuwalski, PRipke, SPoller, WWang, XMKaradeniz, ZGarcia, FQuero, JHChueca, NCejudo, TGHanses, FWilfling, SZoller, HSchaefer, BHolter, JCHov, JRKarlsen, THFolseraas, THolten, ARDyrhol-Riise, AMTonby, KLind, AMuller, FDudman, SGrimsrud, MMFernandez, JFerrando, CReverter, EBadia, JRHernandez-Tejero, MCastro, Pde Cid, RNolla, ACCortes, BGalvan-Femenia, IBlay, NFarre, XAsselta, RDuga, SMantovani, AProtti, AAghemo, ALleo, AVoza, AAzzolini, EParaboschi, EMMy, ICecconi, MTentorio, PBadalamenti, SBombace, SCappadona, CRimoldi, VGoerg, SHehr, UPerez, EFLenning, OBVadla, MSMyhre, ROrtiz, ABde Pablo, RChercoles, AGNafria-Jimenez, BRuiz, AHernandez, Ide Rojas, IMarquie, MBoada, MPrati, DBaselli, GValenti, LCherubini, AMuscatello, AHu, CBianco, CGalimberti, DScarpini, ECeriotti, FLamorte, GTerranova, LOstadreza, MZanella, ABandera, AGori, AFracanzani, ALPesenti, APaccapelo, CMartinelli-Boneschi, FPeyvandi, FBlasi, FGrasselli, GCostantino, GSantoro, LScudeller, LCarrabba, MBaldini, MMiozzo, MMontano, NGualtierotti, RPelusi, SBosari, SAliberti, SMonzani, VInvernizzi, PGerussi, AMilani, CRamirez, AAndrade, VBarreira, AKildal, ABGluck, ABahmer, TLatiano, APalmieri, ORando-Segura, ARoade, LSolier, AJimenez, DNieto, RBellinghausen, CQuereda, CNavas, ESpinner, CDSchneider, JLange, CHeyckendorf, JSancho, CIntxausti, MHoff, DALAfset, JEHaider, SPestana, DToapanta, DUrrechaga, EEspana, PPPontali, EGarbarino, LMazzocco, MArana, EAyo, NISanchez, FGMalvestiti, FPezzoli, GNeb, HD'Amato, MGoikoetxea, JMuller, KEHeggelund, LGaede, KSumoy, LKogevinas, MGarcia-Aymerich, JCastano-Vinyals, GDobano, CMoreno, VGutierrez-Stampa, MAVehreschild, MJGTKhodamoradi, YCastoldi, MZheng, THSeilmaier, MJMartinez, NHoffmann, PHeilmann-Heimbach, SBacher, PCiesek, SLandmesser, USkogen, VCalderon, EJMedrano, FJDelgado, JMorilla, RFriaza, VGudbjartsson, DFStefansson, KSulem, PSveinbjornsson, GMelsted, PNorddahl, GMoore, KHSThorsteinsdottir, UHolm, HBernardo, DAmpuero, JRello, SRMagi, RMilani, LMetspalu, ALaisk, TLall, KLepamets, MEsko, TReimann, EAlavere, HMetsalu, KPuusepp, MNaaber, PLaane, EPesukova, JPeterson, PKisand, KTabri, JAllos, RHensen, KStarkopf, JRingmets, ITamm, AKallaste, AKristiansson, KKoskelainen, SPerola, MRivolta, CQuinodoz, MKamdar, DBochud, PYBibert, SBoillat, NNussle, SGAlbrich, WSuh, NNeofytos, DErard, VVoide, CErardFriolet, RVollenweider, PPagani, JLOddo, Mzu Bentrup, FMConen, AClerc, OMarchetti, OGuillet, AGuyat-Jacques, CFoucras, SRime, MChassot, JJaquet, MViollet, RMLannepoudenx, YPortopena, LDesgranges, FFilippidis, PGuery, BHaefliger, DKampouri, EEManuel, OMunting, APapadimitriou-Olivgeris, MRegina, JRochat-Stettler, LSuttelsTadini, ETschopp, JVan Singer, MViala, BBoillat-Blanco, NBrahier, THugli, OMeuwly, JYPantet, OPumarola, TBochud, MD'AcremontYounes, SEAlbrich, WCCerny, AO'Mahony, LFrischknecht, MKleger, GRFilipovic, MKahlert, CRWozniak, HNegro, TRPugin, JBouras, KKnapp, CEgger, TPerret, AMontillier, Pdi Bartolomeo, CBarda, BCarreras, AMercader, JMGuindo-Martinez, MTorrents, DGori, MPicchiotti, NMondelli, MUBruno, RLudovisi, SCastelli, FQuiros-Roldan, EDegli Antoni, MVaghi, MRusconi, SRiva, ASiano, MGabrieli, AFabbiani, MRossetti, BRancan, IBargagli, EBergantini, LD'Alessandro, MCameli, PBennet, DFranchi, FAnedda, FMarcantonio, SScolletta, SMazzei, MAGuerrini, SCantarini, LConticini, EFrediani, BTacconi, DSpertilli, CFeri, MDonati, AScala, RGuidelli, LSpargi, GCorridi, MNencioni, CCroci, LBandini, MSpagnesi, MPiacentini, PDesanctis, ECappelli, SCaldarelli, GPCanaccini, AVerzuri, AAnemoli, VOgnibene, APancrazi, ALorubbio, MMonforte, ADMerlini, EMiraglia, FGGirardis, MBusani, SVenturelli, SAntinori, AEmiliozzi, AVergori, AFrancisci, DSchiaroli, EPaciosi, FScotton, PGAndretta, FPanese, SScaggiante, RGatti, FDella Monica, MPiscopo, CCapasso, MRusso, RAndolfo, IIolascon, AMerla, GFiorentino, GCastori, MCarella, MAucella, FDi Biagio, ABassetti, MMasucci, LGuarnaccia, ASanguinetti, MValente, SDe Vivo, OMandala, MGiorli, ASalerni, LZucchi, PParravicini, PGiannattasio, FTrotta, TCoiro, GMussini, CBosio, GMartinelli, ETavecchia, LBelli, MAMancarella, SCrotti, LParati, GRizzi, MMaggiolo, FRipamonti, DLa Rovere, MTSarzi-Braga, SBussotti, MRavaglia, SSabrina, RArtuso, RPerrella, ARomani, DBergomi, PCatena, EColombo, RDei, STanfoni, MSanarico, MRaimondi, FBiscarini, FStella, ABergomi, MVecchia, MMantovani, SZanella, ICossarizza, AParisi, SGBaratti, SSqueo, GMRaggi, PMarciano, CPerna, RMenatti, ELena, FGabbi, CBachetti, TSuardi, CBotta, GDi Domenico, PTrembath, RCHuang, QQMartin, HCMason, DWright, JFiner, SAkhtar, SAnwar, MArciero, EAshraf, SBreen, GChung, RCurtis, CJChowdhury, MColligan, GDeloukas, PDurham, CGriffiths, CHurles, MHussain, SIslam, KLavery, CLee, SHLerner, RMacArthur, DMacLaughlin, BMartin, HMiah, SNewman, BSafa, NTahmasebi, FGriffiths, CJSmith, ABoughton, APLi, KWLeFaive, JAnnis, AZollner, SWang, JMBeck, AJannes, CEKrieger, JEPereira, ACVelho, MMarques, ELima, IRTada, MTValino, KMcCarthy, MRosenberger, CChang, DHammer, CHunkapiller, JMahajan, APendergrass, SSucheston-Campbell, LYaspan, BLee, JELee, HSShin, EJang, HYKym, SKim, YSJeong, HAlegria, AKwon, KTKim, SWKim, JYJang, YRKim, HALee, JYChoe, KWKang, YMHa Jee, SJung, KJParikh, VWheeler, MDalton, KChristle, JGorzynski, Jde Jong, HSutton, SYoulton, NJoshi, RJimenez-Morales, DHughes, CAmar, DHershman, SKirillova, ASeo, KHuang, YRaja, AZhen, JAshley, EBustamante, CRivas, MIoannidis, APinksy, BShoura, MHammond, NWatson, NHuang, CSahoo, MWang, HFebbo, PFarh, KSchroth, GPDeSouza, FDeboever, CSzalma, SRubinacci, SDelaneau, OMcGuigan, PJWasson, CFinn, SGreen, JCollins, EKing, BMoore, LSPVizcaychipi, MPMartins, LGDCarungcong, JHall, KMapfunde, ICampbell, ASmuts, SDuffield, JSmith, OMallon, LClaire, WNichol, ABrickell, KSmyth, MMurphy, LWard, GBremmer, PPage, VJCarmody, SSemple, MGSolomon, TTurtle, LCWHardwick, HAdeniji, KAgranoff, DEziefula, CAgwuh, KAil, DAldera, ELAllen, LBeranova, ECrisp, NDeery, JHazelton, TKnight, APrice, CTilbey, STurki, STurney, SAngus, BAshish, AAtkinson, DBari, SBarlow, GBarnass, SBarrett, NDouthwaite, SOstermann, MShankar-Hari, MBassford, CBasude, SBaxter, DBeadsworth, MWelters, IBernatoniene, JBerridge, JBest, NBothma, PTupper-Carey, DChadwick, DBrittain-Long, RBulteel, NWrobel, NMcCafferty, SMorrice, KMacLean, ABurden, TBurtenshaw, ACaruth, VChambler, DChee, NChild, JChukkambotla, SClark, TCollini, PEvans, CMills, GHAhmad, NBarker, JBauchmuller, KBird, SCawthron, KHarrington, KJackson, YKibutu, FLenagh, BMasuko, SRaithatha, AWiles, MWillson, JNewell, HLye, ANwafor, LJarman, CRowland-Jones, SFoote, DCole, JThompson, RWatson, JHesseldon, LMacharia, IChetam, LSmith, JFord, AAnderson, SBirchall, KHousley, KMilner, LHanratty, HTrower, HPhillips, POxspring, SDonne, BCosgrove, CCupitt, JCutino-Moguel, MTDark, PDawson, CDervisevic, SDrummond, AUstianowski, ADuRand, IDushianthan, ADyer, TFegan, CFinn, AFullerton, DMatovu, EGarg, SGarg, AGkrania-Klotsas, EMoore, EGodden, JGoldsmith, AGraham, CHardy, EHartshorn, SHarvey, DHavalda, PWorkman, AHawcutt, DBHobrok, MHodgson, LHormis, AJacobs, MJain, SJennings, PKaliappan, AKasipandian, VKegg, SKelsey, MKerrison, CKerslake, IKoch, OBaruah, RMorris, SFerguson, SShepherd, AKoduri, GKoshy, GLeiner, TMortimore, KLaha, SLaird, SLarkin, SLillie, PLimb, JLinnett, VLittle, JLyttle, MMacNaughton, EMankregod, RMasson, HMcCullough, KMcEwen, RWilson, LMeda, MMinton, JWard, KMirfenderesky, MMohandas, KMok, QMoon, JCapps, NJose, SMorgan, PMorris, CMoses, SMpenge, MMulla, RMurphy, MNagel, MNagarajan, TNelson, MO'Shea, MKGreen, CAOtahal, IPais, MPanchatsharam, SPapakonstantinou, DBancroft, HBellamy, MCarmody, MDaglish, JMoore, FRhodes, JSangombe, MKadiri, SScriven, JParaiso, HPatel, BPattison, NPepperell, JPhull, MPintus, SPooni, JSPost, FCavazza, ACockrell, MCorcoran, EDepante, MFinney, CJerome, EMcPhail, MNayak, MNoble, HO'Reilly, KPappa, ESaha, RSaha, SKnighton, APrice, DProut, RRae, NReschreiter, HReynolds, TRichardson, NRoberts, MRoberts, DRose, ARousseau, GRyan, BSaluja, TShah, AShanmuga, PSharma, AShawcross, ASizer, JBastion, VClarke, DDavid, BKent, HLorusso, RLubimbi, GMurdoch, SPenacerrada, MThomas, AValentine, JVochin, AWulandari, RDjeugam, BSmith, RSnelson, CWhitehouse, TSpittle, NStaines, NVisuvanathan, SStambach, TStewart, RSubudhi, PSzakmany, TTatham, KThomas, JThompson, CTridente, ATwagira, MVallotton, NVincent-Smith, LVuylsteke, AWaddy, SWake, RWalden, AWhittaker, PWhittington, APapineni, PWijesinghe, MWinchester, SWiselka, MWolverson, AWooton, DGYates, BYoung, PBeale, RHinds, CGountouna, EPorteous, DJHarrison, DRowan, KBand, GKlenerman, PKnight, JBogaert, DShen, XYang, ZJZhai, RRZheng, CQBulik, CMLanden, MFundin, BWu, YYang, JNorman, LPius, RDrake, TMFairfield, CJKnight, SRMclean, KAMurphy, DShaw, CADocherty, ABHarrison, EMDalton, JGirvan, MSaviciute, ERoberts, SHarrison, JMarsh, LConnor, MHalpin, SJackson, CGamble, CDonohue, CLeeming, GWham, MScott-Brown, JAlex, BBach, BBegg, CHo, AYWHorby, PWLing, LMaslove, DMcAuley, DMontgomery, HOpenshaw, PJMThwaites, RSMoore, SCSummers, CArmstrong, LBates, HDooks, EFarquhar, FHairsine, BMcParland, CPackham, SAlldis, ZAstin-Chamberlain, RBibi, FBiddle, JBlow, SBolton, MBorra, CBowles, RBurton, MChoudhury, YCollier, DCox, AEasthope, AEbano, PFotiadis, SGurasashvili, JHalls, RHartridge, PKallon, DKassam, JLancoma-Malcolm, IMatharu, MMay, PMitchelmore, ONewman, TPatel, MPheby, JPinzuti, IPrime, ZPrysyazhna, OShiel, JTaylor, MTierney, CWood, SZak, AZongo, OForsey, MNicholson, ARiches, JVertue, MGrauslyte, LHussain, MPogreban, TRosaroso, LSalciute, EFranke, GWong, JGeorge, AAkeroyd, LBano, SBromley, MGurr, LLawton, TMorgan, JSellick, KWarren, DWilkinson, BMcGowan, JLedgard, CStacey, APye, KBellwood, RBentley, MLoosley, RMcGuinness, HTench, HWolf-Roberts, RGibson, SLyle, AMcNeela, FRadhakrishnan, JHughes, AAli, ABrady, MDale, SDance, AGledhill, LGreig, JHanson, KHoldroyd, KHome, MKelly, DKitson, RMatapure, LMelia, DMellor, SNortcliffe, TPinnell, JRobinson, MShaw, LShaw, RThomis, LWilson, AWood, TBayo, LAMerwaha, EIshaq, THanley, SAntcliffe, DBanach, DBrett, SCoghlan, PFernandez, ZGordon, ARojo, RArias, SSTempleton, MJha, RKrishnamurthy, VLim, LBi, RScholefield, BAshton, LWilliams, ACheyne, CSaunderson, AMoultrie, SOdam, MAllan, AAnderson, FKaye, CLiew, JMedhora, JScott, TTrumper, EBotello, APolgarova, PStroud, KMeaney, EJones, MNg, AAgrawal, SPathan, NWhite, DDaubney, EElston, KParker, RReddy, ATurner-Bone, IWilding, LHarding, PJacob, RJones, CDenmade, CCroft, MWhite, IGriffin, DMuchenje, NMupudzi, MPartridge, RConyngham, JAThomas, RWright, MCorral, MADawson, JGarrioch, STolson, MAldridge, JBeavis, SDale, KGascoyne, RHawes, JPritchard, KStevenson, LWhileman, ACowley, AHighgate, JCrawley, RCrew, ACunningham, MDaniels, AHarrison, LHope, SInweregbu, KJones, SLancaster, NMatthews, JWray, GBenham, LBradshaw, ZBrown, JCaswell, MMelling, SPreston, SSlawson, NStoddard, EWarden, SCombes, EJoefield, TMonnery, SBeech, VTrotman, SHopkins, BThrasyvoulou, LWillis, HBirch, JHammerton, KO'Leary, RAndrews, EAbernathy, CFoster, LGratrix, AMartinson, VParkinson, PStones, ECarbral-Ortega, LKapoor, RLoader, DCastle, KBrandwood, CSmith, LClark, RKolakaluri, LBaines, DSukumaran, AMeredith, MMorris, LRyan, LClark, ASampson, JPeters, CDent, MLangley, MWei, SYAndrew, AChablani, MKirkby, ANetherton, KBates, MDasgin, JGill, JNilsson, AApetri, EBasikolo, CBlackledge, BCatlow, LCharles, BDoonan, RHarris, JHarvey, AHorner, DKnowles, KLomas, DLyons, CMarsden, TMcLaughlan, DMcMorrow, LPendlebury, JPerez, JPoulaka, MProudfoot, NSlaughter, MSlevin, KThomas, VWalker, DMichael, ACollis, MClark, MCoulding, MJude, EMcCormick, JMercer, OPotla, DRehman, HSavill, HTurner, VDavey, MGolden, DSeaman, RHunt, JDearden, JDobson, EMulcahy, MMunt, SO'Connor, GPhilbin, JRishton, CTully, RWinnard, SCagova, LFofano, AGarner, LHolcombe, HMepham, SMitchell, AMMwaura, LPraman, KZamikula, JBercades, GBrealey, DHass, IMacCallum, NMartir, GRaith, EReyes, ASmyth, DTaylor, AHughes, RAThomas, HRees, ADuskova, MPhipps, JBrooks, SEdwards, MAlexander, PAllen, SBradley-Potts, JBrantwood, CEgan, JFelton, TPadden, GWard, LMoss, SGlasgow, SBeesley, KBoard, SKubisz-Pudelko, ALewis, APerry, JPippard, LWood, DBuckley, CGregory, JO'Connell, SSmith, TBelagodu, ZFuller, BGherman, AOlufuwa, OParamsothy, RStuart, COakley, NKamundi, CTyl, DCollins, KSilva, PTaylor, JKing, LCoates, CCrowley, MWakefield, PBeadle, JJohnson, LSargeant, JAnderson, MJardine, CWilliams, DParris, VQuaid, SWatson, EMelville, JNaisbitt, JJoseph, RLazo, MWalton, ONeal, AHill, MKannan, TWild, LAllan, EDarlington, KDavies, FEaston, JKumar, SLean, RMenzies, DPugh, RQiu, XYDavies, LWilliams, HScanlon, JDavies, GMackay, CLewis, JRees, SCoetzee, SGales, ARaj, MSell, CLangton, HWatters, MNovis, CArbane, GBociek, ACampos, SGrau, NJones, TOLim, RMarotti, MWhitton, CBarron, ACollins, CKaul, SPassmore, HPrendergast, CReed, ARogers, PShokkar, RWoodruff, MMiddleton, HPolgar, ONolan, CThwaites, VMahay, KSri-Chandana, CScherewode, JStephenson, LMarsh, SAyers, AHarrison, WNorth, JGill, MPaul, PRatnam, VShelton, SWynter, IBaptista, DCrowe, RFernandes, RHerdman-Grant, RJoseph, ALoveridge, AMcKenley, IMorino, ENaranjo, ASimms, RSollesta, KSwain, AVenkatesh, HKhera, JFox, JBarber, RHewitt, CHilldrith, AJackson-Lawrence, KShepardson, SWills, MButler, STavares, SCunningham, AHindale, JArif, SGeorge, LTwiss, SWright, DHolland, MKeenan, NLyons, MWassall, HMarsh, CMahenthran, MCarter, EKong, TAdanini, OBhatia, NMsiska, MMew, LMwaura, EWilliams, FWren, LSutherland, SBBattle, CBrinkworth, EHarford, RMurphy, CNewey, LRees, TWilliams, MArnold, SHardy, JHoulden, HMoncur, ETariq, ATucci, AConvery, KFottrell-Gould, DHudig, LKeshet-Price, JRandell, GStammers, KAbdelrazik, MBakthavatsalam, DElhassan, MGanesan, AHaldeos, AMoreno-Cuesta, JPurohit, DVincent, RXavier, KRohit, KAlasdair, FSaleem, MDavid, CJenkins, SLamond, ZWall, AReynolds, JCampbell, HThompsom, MDodds, SDuffy, SButcher, DO'Sullivan, SButterworth-Cowin, NDeacon, BHibbert, MPothecary, CTetla, DWoodford, CDurga, LKennard-Holden, GDe Gordoa, LORPeasgood, EPhillips, CSkinner, DGaylard, JMullan, DNewman, JDavies, ERoche, LSathe, SBrimfield, LDaly, ZPogson, DRose, SCollins, AKhaliq, WGude, ETGiles, JBooth, SBell, GEnglish, KKatary, AWilcox, LCampbell, RClarke, NWhiteside, JMascarenhas, MDonaldson, AMatheson, JBarrett, FO'Hara, MO'Keefe, LBradley, CWalker, RMaynard, VPatel, TSmith, MKazi, AHartley, JDykes, JHijazi, MKeith, SKhan, MRyan-Smith, JSpringle, PTruman, NSaad, SColeman, DFine, CMatt, RGay, BDalziel, JAli, SGoodchild, DHarling, RBhatterjee, RGoddard, WDavison, CDuberly, SHargreaves, JBolton, RVerlander, MBlackman, HCreagh-Brown, BDonlon, SMichalak-Glinska, NMtuwa, SPristopan, VSalberg, ASmith, EStone, SPiercy, CVerula, JBurda, DMontaser, RHarden, LMayangao, IMarriott, CBradley, PHarris, CCooper, JFinch, CLiderth, SQuinn, AWaddington, NFidler, KTagliavini, EDonnelly, KAbel, LBrett, MDigby, BGemmell, LHornsby, JMacGoey, PO'Neil, PPrice, RRodden, NRooney, KSundaram, RThomson, NFlanagan, RHughes, GLatham, SMcKenna, EAnderson, JHull, RRhead, KBranney, DFrankham, JPitts, SWhite, NCristiano, DDormand, NFarzad, ZGummadi, MLiyanage, KSalmi, SSloane, GVarghese, MZborowski, ACBean, SBurt, KSpivey, MEastgate-Jackson, CFilipe, HMartin, DMaharajh, AGarcia, SMDe Neef, MLynch, CHowe, GSSingh, JTurner, KEllis, HStroud, NCherian, SCutler, SHeron, AERoynon-Reed, AWilliams, GRichards, OCheema, YBevan, EMartin, JTrodd, DWatson, GBrown, CWBunni, LJennings, CLatif, MMarshall, RSubramanian, GBandla, NGellamucho, MDavies, MDonnison, PTrim, FEapen, BAhmed, CBaines, BClamp, SColley, JHaq, RHayes, AHulme, JJoseph, SKumar, RMaqsood, ZPurewal, MChandler, BElliott, KMallinson, JTurnbull, ADent, KHorsley, EAkhtar, MNPearson, SPotoczna, DSpencer, SBlakemore, HBorislavova, BFaulkner, BGendall, EGoff, EHayes, KThomas, MWorner, RSmith, KStephens, DDelgado, CCDawson, DDing, LJDurrant, GEzeobu, OFarnell-Ward, SHarrison, AKanu, RLeaver, SMaccacari, EManna, SSaluzzio, RPQueiroz, JSamakomva, TSicat, CTexeira, JDa Gloria, EFLisboa, ARawlins, JMathew, JKinch, AHurt, WJShah, NClark, VThanasi, MYun, NPatel, KCrickmore, VDebreceni, GWilkins, JNicol, LBurn, IHambrook, GManso, KPenn, RShanmugasundaram, PTebbutt, JThornton, DRostron, ARoy, AWoods, LCornell, SWakinshaw, FRogerson, KJarmain, JAnderson, PArcher, KAustin, KDavis, CDurie, AKelsall, OThrush, JVigurs, CWood, HLTranter, HCowley, NMcAlindon, MDigby, SLow, EMorgan, ACother, NRankin, TClayton, SMcCurdy, AAllibone, SMary-Genetu, RPatel, AMac, AMurphy, AMahjoob, PNazari, RWorsley, LFagan, AAli, IAMBeaumont, KBlunt, MCoton, ZCurgenven, HElsaadany, MFernandes, KAlly, SMRangarajan, HSarathy, VSelvanayagam, SVedage, DWhite, MFernandez-Roman, JHamilton, DOJohnson, EJohnston, BMartinez, MLMulla, SShaw, DWaite, AACWaugh, VWelters, IDWilliams, KBemand, TBlack, EDela Rosa, AHowle, RJhanji, SBaikady, RRTatham, KCThomas, BHalkes, MMercer, PThornton, LWest, JBaird, TRuddy, JReece-Anthony, RBirt, MCowton, AKay, AKent, MPotts, KWilkinson, ANaylor, SBrown, EPurvis, SDavies, RDuffin, DHill, HPlayer, BThomas, EBeith, CMBlack, KClements, SMorrison, AStrachan, DClarkson, MD'Sylva, SNorman, KCoventry, TFowler, SMacMahon, MMcGregor, ABrady, AChan, RMcIvor, SPrady, HWhittle, HMathew, BClapham, MHarper, RPoultney, URice, PMutch, RBaird, YButler, AChadbourn, IFolkes, LFox, HGardner, AGomez, RHobden, GKing, KMargarson, MMartindale, TMeadows, ERaynard, DThirlwall, YHelm, DMargalef, JGreer, SShuker, KBirkinshaw, ICarter, JHoward, KIngham, JJoy, RPearson, HRoche, SScott, ZKnights, EPrice, AThorpe, CAbraheem, ABamford, PCawley, KDunmore, CFaulkner, MGirach, RJeffrey, HJones, RLondon, ENagra, INasir, FSainsbury, HSmedley, CKhade, RSundar, ATsinaslanidis, GBehan, TBurnett, CHatton, JHeeney, EMitra, ANewton, MPollard, RStead, RBough, LGoodsell, JTutton, RWilliams, PWilliams, SWinter-Goodwin, BAuld, FDonnachie, JEdmond, IPrentice, LRunciman, NSalutous, DSymon, LTodd, ATurner, PShort, ASweeney, LMurdoch, ESenaratne, DBurns, KHigham, AAnderson, THawcutt, DO'Malley, LRad, LRogers, NSaunderson, PAllison, KSAfolabi, DWhitbread, JJones, DDore, RLankester, LNikitas, NWells, CStowe, BSpencer, KCathcart, SDuffy, KPuxty, APuxty, KTurner, LIreland, JSemple, GBarry, PHilltout, PEvitts, JTyler, AWaldron, JIrvine, VShelley, BAkinkugbe, OBamford, ABeech, EBelfield, HBell, MDavies, CJones, GALMcHugh, TMeghari, HO'Neill, LPeters, MJRay, STomas, ALGorman, CGupta, ATimlick, EBrady, RBonner, SHugill, KJones, JLiggett, SBashyal, ADavidson, NHutton, PMcKechnie, SWilson, JFlint, NRekha, PHales, DCruz, CGopal, SHarris, NLake, VMetherell, SRadford, EClement, IGulati, AHays, CWebster, KHudson, AWebster, AStephenson, EMcCormack, LSlater, VNixon, RHanson, HFearby, MKelly, SBridgett, VRobinson, PAlmaden-Boyle, CAustin, PCabrelli, LCole, SCasey, MChapman, SWhyte, CBrayne, AFisher, EJackson, PKaye, DLove, NParkin, JTuckey, Vvan Koutrik, LCarter, SAndrew, BFindlay, LAdams, KBruce, MConnolly, KDuncan, TT-Michael, HLindergard, GHey, SFox, CAlfonso, JDurrans, LJGuerin, JHruska, MEltayeb, ALamb, THodgkiss, TCooper, LRothwell, JDennis, CSrikaran, SSukha, ADavies, KO'Brien, LOmar, ZPerkins, ELewis, TSutherland, IBrooke, HBuckley, SSuarez, JCCharlesworth, RHansson, KNorris, JPoole, ASandhu, RSloan, BSmithson, EThirumaran, MWagstaff, VMetcalfe, ACamsooksai, JHumphrey, CWadams, BDeAth, YAdams, CAgasou, ABowes, ABoyle, PCarnahan, MCarter, AChilds, DHard, KHussain, YLeigh, MRikunenko, RStickley, JTivenan, HWilcox, RArden, TBeekes, MButton, HDonaldson, DHurford, FJavaid, AMartin, TMillward, HMotherwell, NSummers, JTing, LTonks, LBokhari, MLucas, RMcCormick, WRitzema, JSanderson, AWild, HBaxter, NHenderson, SKennedy-Hay, SRooney, LSim, MMcCreath, GBrunton, MCaterson, JColes, HFrise, MRai, SGKeating, LTilney, EBartley, SBhuie, PDownes, CHolding, KRiches, KHilton, MHayman, MSubramanian, DDaniel, PZitter, LBenyon, SMarriott, SPark, LKeenan, SGordon, EQuinn, HBaines, KAndrew, GBarclay, LCallaghan, MClark, SHope, DMarshall, LMcCulloch, CBriton, KSingleton, JBirch, SSimpson, KCraig, JDemetriou, CEckbad, CHierons, SHowie, LMitchard, SRamos, LSerrano-Ruiz, AWhite, KKelly, FAmin, VAnastasescu, EAnumakonda, VKarthik, KKausar, RReid, KImeson-Wood, JBellini, ABryant, JPickard, ARoe, NSowter, JHowlett, ACriste, KCusack, RGolder, KGolding, HJones, OLeggett, SMale, MMarani, MPrager, KWilliams, TRoberts, BSalmon, KGondo, PHadebe, BKayani, AMasunda, BAhmed, AMorris, AJakkula, SLong, KWhiteley, SWilby, EOgg, BBewley, JGarland, ZGrimmer, LGumbrill, BJohnson, RSweet, KWebster, DEfford, GBennett, SGoodwin, EJackson, MKent, ATibke, CWoodyatt, WZaki, ADaniel, AFinn, JAllan, JGeary, THouston, GMeikle, AO'Brien, PBell, DBoyle, RDouglas, KGlass, LLee, ELennon, LRattray, ACharnock, RMcFarland, DCosgrove, DAttwood, BParsons, POblak, MPopescu, MThankachen, MAltabaibeh, AAlvaro, AGilbert, KMa, LMostoles, LParmar, CJetha, CBooker, LPratley, ACosier, TMillen, GSchumacher, NWeston, HRand, JBarclay, WSChand, MCooke, GSSriskandan, SDunning, JZambon, MFilipe, ADPalmarini, MRobertson, DLScott, JTThomson, ECMcDonald, SEFletcher, THiscox, JAIjaz, SKhoo, SLim, WSMentzer, AJMerson, LSigfrid, LCarson, GNoursadeghi, MPaxton, WAPollakis, GPrice, NRambaut, ASancho-Shimizu, Vde Silva, TStuart, DTedder, RSThompson, AARGupta, RKPalmieri, CSwann, ODumas, MEGriffin, JLTakats, ZAndrikopoulos, POsagie, AOlanipekun, MLiggi, SChechi, KLewis, MRCorreia, GDSands, CJTakis, PMaslen, LGreenhalf, WShaw, VAhmed, KAArmstrong, JAAshworth, MAsiimwe, IGBakshi, SBarlow, SLBooth, LBullock, KCatterall, BWAClark, JJClarke, EACox, HDincarslan, ODunn, CDyer, PElliott, AEvans, AFinch, LFisher, LWSFoster, TGarcia-Dorival, IGunning, PHartley, CJensen, RLJones, CBJones, TRKhandaker, SKiy, RTKoukorava, CLant, SLatawiec, DLavelle-Langham, LLett, LLivoti, LAMancini, MMcDonald, SMcEvoy, LMetelmann, SMiah, NSMiddleton, JMitchell, JMurphy, EGPenrice-Randal, RPilgrim, JPrince, TReynolds, WRidley, PMSales, DShaw, VEShears, RKSmall, BSubramaniam, KSSzemiel, ATanianis-Hughes, JTrochu, Evan Tonder, LWilcock, EZhang, JEFlaherty, LMaziere, NCass, ECarracedo, ADCarlucci, NHolmes, AMassey, HBrennan, BLake, ALefteri, DMcLauchlan, JTaggart, ACoutts, ADonnelly, LFawkes, AGilchrist, THafezi, KMacgillivray, LSchon, KFurlong, ABiggs, HRakitko, AIlinsky, VYermakovich, DPopov, IChernitsov, AKovalenko, EKrasnenko, APlotnikov, NStetsenko, IKim, ACirulli, ETBarrett, KMSBolze, AWhite, SWashington, NLLu, JTRiffle, STanudjaja, FWang, XQRamirez, JMLeonetti, NSandoval, ENeveux, IGrzymski, JJDabe, SMinano, JIEPazos, MDCerrato, LAguirre, LALopez-Collazo, ELozano-Rodriguez, RAvendano-Ortiz, JArcos, VTMontalban-Hernandez, KMQuiroga, JVPascual-Iglesias, AMaroun-Eid, CMartin-Quiros, ANamkoong, HFukunaga, KIshii, MKabata, HMasaki, KKamata, HIkemura, SChubachi, SOkamori, STerai, HTanaka, HMorita, ALee, HAsakura, TEdahiro, RSonehara, KShirai, YSuzuki, KKumanogoh, AImoto, SKatayama, KKitagawa, YSato, THasegawa, NTakeda, YHirata, HShiroyama, TMaeda, YNii, TNoda, YNiitsu, TAdachi, YEnomoto, TAmiya, SHara, RKimura, AAi, MTokunaga, KOmae, YKanai, TNanki, KMikami, YMiyano, STakahashi, KAnzai, THasegawa, TIto, SOgawa, SSasaki, JMorisaki, HUwamino, YTomono, KKato, KMatsuda, FTakahashi, MHizawa, NMiyawaki, SKoike, REndo, AUchimura, YMiyazaki, YHonda, TTateishi, TTohda, SIchimura, NSonobe, KSassa, CNakajima, JNannya, YHarada, NTakagi, HNakamura, AHiki, MTagaya, EArimura, KKawana, MIshiguro, TTakayanagi, NIsono, TTakaku, YTakano, KAnan, RNakajima, YNakano, YNishio, KUeda, SHayashi, RTateno, HHase, IYoshida, SSuzuki, SMitamura, KSaito, FUeda, TAzuma, MNagasaki, THasegawa, YOkamoto, MYasui, YMutoh, YYoshiyama, TShoko, TKojima, MAdachi, TIshikawa, MWatanabe, KManabe, TIto, FFukui, TFunatsu, YKoh, HHirai, YKawashima, HNarita, ANiwa, KSekikawa, YYoshiya, KYoshihara, TSuzuki, YNakayama, SMasuzawa, KNishi, KNishitsuji, MTani, MInoue, THirano, TKobayashi, KMiyazawa, NKimura, YSado, ROgura, TKitamura, HMurohashi, KNakachi, IBaba, RArai, DFuke, SSaito, HKuwahara, NFujiwara, AOkada, TBaba, TNoda, JMashimo, SYagi, KShiomi, THashiguchi, MOdani, TMochimaru, TOyamada, YMori, NIzumi, NNagata, KTaki, RMurakami, KYamada, MSugiura, HHayashi, KShimizu, TGon, YFujitani, SYoshida, TTsuchida, TKagaya, TKita, TSakagami, SKimizuka, YKawana, ANakamura, YIshikura, HTakata, TKikuchi, TTaniyama, DNakamura, MKodama, NKaneyama, YMaeda, SNagasaki, YIshihara, SIto, AChihara, YTakeuchi, MOnoi, KHashimoto, NWakahara, KAndo, AMasuda, MWakabayashi, AWatanabe, HSageshima, HNakada, TAAbe, RShimada, TKawamura, KIchikado, KNishiyama, KYamasaki, MHashimoto, SKusaka, YOhba, TIsogai, STakada, MKanda, HKomase, YSano, FAsano, KOguma, THarada, MTakahashi, TShibusawa, TAbe, SKono, YTogashi, YIzumo, TInomata, MAwano, NOgata, TKanehiro, AOzaki, SFuchimoto, YOgura, SYoshida, KBeppu, SFukuyama, SEriguchi, YYonekawa, AInoue, YYamagata, KChiba, SNarumoto, ONagai, HOoshima, NMotegi, MSagara, HTanaka, AOhta, SShibata, YTanino, YSato, YYamada, YHashino, TShinoki, MIwagoe, HImamura, TUmeda, AShimada, HEndo, MHayashi, SNakano, SYatomi, MMaeno, TIshii, TUtsugi, MOno, AKanaoka, KIhara, SKomuta, KBoezen, MVonk, JMOri, APSObeidat, MCordero, AIHSin, DDBosse, YJoubert, PHao, KSebra, RPJordan, DMGettler, KChaudhary, KSalib, IZyndorf, MSchadt, EECho, JHItan, YDo, RNickle, DTimens, Wvan den Berge, MFeng, YCAMeigs, JBWeiss, STKarlson, EWWoolley, AESmoller, JWMurphy, SNAscolillo, SThompson, RCBeckmann, NDNadkarni, GNBoutros, PCharney, AWHoggart, CChoi, SO'Reilly, PHuckins, LMPreuss, MLoos, RJFBelbin, GMAbul-Husn, NSKenny, EEGeschwind, DHFerreira, MARAbecasis, GRCantor, MNKosmicki, JAHorowitz, JEBaras, AYadav, ALeader, JBGass, MCJustice, AEChittoor, GJosyula, NSCarey, DJMirshahi, TVerma, ARitchie, MDRader, DVerma, SSLucas, ABradford, YLi, BLBrusco, AFerrero, GBButte, MJScala, MRahier, JFGiorgio, ECarli, DAfifi, NKlovins, JRovite, VRescenko, RPeculis, RUstinova, MZeberg, HFrithiof, RHultstrom, MLipcsey, MFreimer, NDing, YChiu, AChang, TSWilson, DJEarle, SGLin, SKArning, NArmstrong, JRudkin, JKCrook, DWWyllie, DHO'Connell, AMCallier, SSoranzo, NZhao, JHDanesh, JDi Angelantonio, EButterworth, ASSun, YHuffman, JEO'Donnell, CJPeloso, GCho, KGaziano, JMHo, YLTsao, PMian, MScaggiante, FChang, XGlessner, JRHakonarson, HVincenti, AFerri, CGrassi, DPessina, GDi Pietro, MLuchi, SBarbieri, CAcquilini, DAndreucci, EPoscente, MPetrocelli, PTiseo, GFalcone, MSegala, FVBaroni, SGarcia-Fernandez, AEBlanco-Grau, ACaballero-Garralda, ACea, CGuerrero, JMAngelini, CKurihara, HCiccarelli, MBocciolone, MPreatoni, POmodei, PMuniz-Diaz, EAziz, FFerrusquia-Acosta, JMoreira, LCardamone, GFoti, GMatullo, GAneli, SDamas, JKRisnes, KBettini, LRAcosta-Herrera, MErdmann, JBergan, JBiondi, AD'Angio, MSolligard, EGustad, LTSchaefer, MPeter, WValsecchi, MGCazzaniga, MFaverio, PBonfanti, PDopazo, X
Nature. 600(7889):472
Academic Journal
Gargano MA; The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA.; Matentzoglu N; Semanticly, Athens, Greece.; Coleman B; The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA.; Addo-Lartey EB; Rare Disease Ghana Initiative, Accra, Ghana.; Anagnostopoulos AV; The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, USA.; Anderton J; Center for Craniofacial and Dental Genetics, Department of Oral and Craniofacial Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.; Avillach P; Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.; Bagley AM; Shriners Children's Northern California, Sacramento, CA, USA.; Bakštein E; National Institute of Mental Health, Klecany, Czech Republic.; Balhoff JP; Renaissance Computing Institute, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27517, USA.; Baynam G; Rare Care Centre, Perth Children's Hospital, Perth, Australia.; Bello SM; The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, USA.; Berk M; Deakin University, IMPACT - the Institute for Mental and Physical Health and Clinical Translation, School of Medicine, Barwon Health, Geelong, Australia.; Bertram H; Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; Bishop S; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UCSF Weil Institute for Neuroscience, San Francisco, CA, USA.; Blau H; The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA.; Bodenstein DF; Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.; Botas P; Nostos Genomics GmbH, Berlin, Germany.; Boztug K; St. Anna Children's Cancer Research Institute (CCRI), Vienna, Austria.; Čady J; Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic.; Callahan TJ; Department of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, NY, NY, USA.; Cameron R; Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, Canada.; Carbon SJ; Division of Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.; Castellanos F; The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA.; Caufield JH; Division of Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.; Chan LE; College of Public Health and Human Sciences, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, USA.; Chute CG; Schools of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA.; Cruz-Rojo J; UDISGEN (Dysmorphology and Genetics Unit), 12 de Octubre Hospital, Madrid, Spain.; Dahan-Oliel N; Department of Clinical Research, Shriners Hospitals for Children, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.; Davids JR; Shriners Children's Northern California, Sacramento, CA, USA.; de Dieuleveult M; Département I&D, AP-HP, Banque Nationale de Données Maladies Rares, Paris, France.; de Souza V; European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton CB10 1SD, UK.; de Vries BBA; Department of Human Genetics, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands.; de Vries E; Tranzo, TSB, Tilburg University, Netherlands.; DePaulo JR; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA.; Derfalvi B; Department of Pediatrics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada.; Dhombres F; Fetal Medicine Department, Armand Trousseau Hospital, Sorbonne University, GRC26, INSERM, Limics, Paris, France.; Diaz-Byrd C; Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; Dingemans AJM; Department of Human Genetics, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands.; Donadille B; St Antoine Hospital, Reference Center for Rare Growth Endocrine Disorders, Sorbonne University, AP-HP, INSERM, US14 - Orphanet, Plateforme Maladies Rares, Paris, France.; Duyzend M; Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.; Elfeky R; Department of Immunology, GOS Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, University College London, London, UK.; Essaid S; Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.; Fabrizzi C; INSERM, US14 - Orphanet, Plateforme Maladies Rares, Paris, France.; Fico G; Bipolar and Depressive Disorders Unit, Institute of Neuroscience, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERSAM, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.; Firth HV; Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge University Hospitals, Cambridge, UK.; Freudenberg-Hua Y; Department of Psychiatry, Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, Northwell Health, Manhasset, NY, USA.; Fullerton JM; Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, NSW, Australia.; Gabriel DL; School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA.; Gilmour K; Immunology, NIHR Great Ormond Street Hospital BRC, London, UK.; Giordano J; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY, USA.; Goes FS; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA.; Moses RG; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA.; Green I; SNOMED International, London W2 6BD, UK.; Griese M; Department of Pediatrics, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital, University Hospital, LMU Munich, German center for Lung research (DZL), Munich, Germany.; Groza T; Rare Care Centre, Perth Children's Hospital, Perth, Australia.; Gu W; Chinese HPO Consortium, Beijing, China.; Guthrie J; Department of Structural and Computational Biology, University of Vienna; Max Perutz Labs, Vienna, Austria.; Gyori B; Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA.; Hamosh A; Department of Genetic Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA.; Hanauer M; INSERM, US14 - Orphanet, Plateforme Maladies Rares, Paris, France.; Hanušová K; Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic.; He YO; University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; Hegde H; Division of Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.; Helbig I; Neurology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.; Holasová K; Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic.; Hoyt CT; Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA.; Huang S; Chinese HPO Consortium, Beijing, China.; Hurwitz E; University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.; Jacobsen JOB; William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK.; Jiang X; Chinese HPO Consortium, Beijing, China.; Joseph L; Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Phenotyping Service, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD, USA.; Keramatian K; Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.; King B; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, UCSF Weil Institute for Neuroscience, San Francisco, CA, USA.; Knoflach K; Department of Pediatrics, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital, University Hospital, LMU Munich, German center for Lung research (DZL), Munich, Germany.; Koolen DA; Department of Human Genetics, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands.; Kraus ML; University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.; Kroll C; William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK.; Kusters M; Immunology, NIHR Great Ormond Street Hospital BRC, London, UK.; Ladewig MS; Department of Ophthalmology, University Clinic Marburg - Campus Fulda, Fulda, Germany.; Lagorce D; INSERM, US14 - Orphanet, Plateforme Maladies Rares, Paris, France.; Lai MC; Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, ON, Canada.; Lapunzina P; Institute of Medical and Molecular Genetics, Hospital Univ. La Paz, Madrid, Spain.; Laraway B; University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.; Lewis-Smith D; Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Henry Wellcome Building, Framlington Place, Newcastle University, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne NE14LP, UK.; Li X; Chinese HPO Consortium, Beijing, China.; Lucano C; INSERM, US14 - Orphanet, Plateforme Maladies Rares, Paris, France.; Majd M; Department of Psychiatry, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.; Marazita ML; Center for Craniofacial and Dental Genetics, Department of Oral and Craniofacial Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.; Martinez-Glez V; Center for Genomic Medicine, Parc Taulí Hospital Universitari, Institut d'Investigació i Innovació Parc Taulí (I3PT-CERCA), Sabadell, Spain.; McHenry TH; Center for Craniofacial and Dental Genetics, Department of Oral and Craniofacial Sciences, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.; McInnis MG; Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; McMurry JA; University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.; Mihulová M; Department of Biology and Medical Genetics, 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University and University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic.; Millett CE; Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, Northwell Health, Manhasset, NY, USA.; Mitchell PB; Discipline of Psychiatry & Mental Health, School of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Health, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia.; Moslerová V; Department of Biology and Medical Genetics, 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University and University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic.; Narutomi K; Okinawa Prefectural Nanbu Medical Center & Children's Medical Center.; Nematollahi S; School of Physical and Occupational Therapy, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.; Nevado J; Institute of Medical and Molecular Genetics, Hospital Univ. La Paz, Madrid, Spain.; Nierenberg AA; Dauten Family Center for Bipolar Treatment Innovation, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.; Čajbiková NN; Department of Biology and Medical Genetics, 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University and University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic.; Nurnberger JI Jr; Stark Neurosciences Research Institute, Departments of Psychiatry and Medical and Molecular Genetics, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Ogishima S; INGEM/ToMMo, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.; Olson D; Data Collaboration Center, Data Science, Critical Path Institute, Tucson, AZ, USA.; Ortiz A; Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada.; Pachajoa H; Centro de Investigaciones en Anomalías Congénitas y Enfermedades Raras (CIACER), Universidad Icesi, Cali, Colombia.; Perez de Nanclares G; Molecular (epi) genetics lab, Bioaraba Health Research Institute, Araba University Hospital, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.; Peters A; Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.; Putman T; University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.; Rapp CK; Department of Pediatrics, Dr. von Hauner Children's Hospital, University Hospital, LMU Munich, German center for Lung research (DZL), Munich, Germany.; Rath A; INSERM, US14 - Orphanet, Plateforme Maladies Rares, Paris, France.; Reese J; Division of Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.; Rekerle L; The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA.; Roberts AM; National Heart & Lung Institute & MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, London W12 0HS, UK.; Roy S; SNOMED International, London W2 6BD, UK.; Sanders SJ; Department of Paediatrics, Institute of Developmental and Regenerative Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; Schuetz C; Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus, Medizinische Fakultät, TU, Dresden, Germany.; Schulte EC; Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics (IPPG), LMU University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany.; Schulze TG; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA.; Schwarz M; Department of Biology and Medical Genetics, 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University and University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic.; Scott K; Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada.; Seelow D; Exploratory Diagnostic Sciences, Berliner Institut für Gesundheitsforschung - Charité, Berlin, Germany.; Seitz B; Department of Ophthalmology, Saarland University Medical Center UKS, Homburg/Saar, Germany.; Shen Y; Chinese HPO Consortium, Beijing, China.; Similuk MN; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD 20892, USA.; Simon ES; Eisenberg Family Depression Center, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; Singh B; Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.; Smedley D; William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK.; Smith CL; The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME, USA.; Smolinsky JT; Human Genetics Institute of New Jersey, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ, USA.; Sperry S; Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; Stafford E; The National Alliance on Mental Illness, Arlington, VA, USA.; Stefancsik R; European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton CB10 1SD, UK.; Steinhaus R; Exploratory Diagnostic Sciences, Berliner Institut für Gesundheitsforschung - Charité, Berlin, Germany.; Strawbridge R; Department of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College London, London, UK.; Sundaramurthi JC; The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA.; Talapova P; Institute for Research and Health Policy Studies, Tufts Medicine, Boston, MA 2111, USA.; Tenorio Castano JA; Institute of Medical and Molecular Genetics, Hospital Univ. La Paz, Madrid, Spain.; Tesner P; Department of Biology and Medical Genetics, 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University and University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic.; Thomas RH; Translational and Clinical Research Institute, Henry Wellcome Building, Framlington Place, Newcastle University, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne NE14LP, UK.; Thurm A; Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Phenotyping Service, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD, USA.; Turnovec M; Department of Biology and Medical Genetics, 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University and University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic.; van Gijn ME; Department of Genetics, University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands.; Vasilevsky NA; Critical Path Institute, Tucson, AZ, USA.; Vlčková M; Department of Biology and Medical Genetics, 2nd Medical Faculty of Charles University and University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic.; Walden A; Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.; Wang K; Chinese HPO Consortium, Beijing, China.; Wapner R; Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, New York, NY, USA.; Ware JS; National Heart & Lung Institute & MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, Imperial College London, London W12 0HS, UK.; Wiafe AA; Rare Disease Ghana Initiative, Accra, Ghana.; Wiafe SA; Rare Disease Ghana Initiative, Accra, Ghana.; Wiggins LD; National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA, USA.; Williams AE; Institute for Research and Health Policy Studies, Tufts Medicine, Boston, MA 2111, USA.; Wu C; Chinese HPO Consortium, Beijing, China.; Wyrwoll MJ; Centre for Regenerative Medicine, Institute for Regeneration and Repair, Institute for Stem Cell Research, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.; Xiong H; Chinese HPO Consortium, Beijing, China.; Yalin N; Department of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King's College London, London, UK.; Yamamoto Y; Database Center for Life Science, Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research, Research Organization of Information and Systems, Japan.; Yatham LN; Department of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.; Yocum AK; Department of Psychiatry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; Young AH; Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London & South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Bethlem Royal Hospital, Monks Orchard Road, Beckenham, Kent, London SE5 8AF, UK.; Yüksel Z; Department of Human Genetics, Bioscientia Healthcare GmbH, Ingelheim, Germany.; Zandi PP; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21287, USA.; Zankl A; Faculty of Medicine and Health, The University of Sydney, Camperdown, Australia.; Zarante I; Institute of Human Genetics, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia.; Zvolský M; Institute of Health Information and Statistics of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic.; Toro S; University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.; Carmody LC; The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA.; Harris NL; Division of Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.; Munoz-Torres MC; Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.; Danis D; The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA.; Mungall CJ; Division of Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.; Köhler S; Ada Health GmbH, Berlin, Germany.; Haendel MA; University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045, USA.; Robinson PN; The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine, Farmington, CT, USA.
Publisher: Oxford University Press Country of Publication: England NLM ID: 0411011 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1362-4962 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 03051048 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Nucleic Acids Res Subsets: MEDLINE
Rajabli FBenchek PTosto GKushch NSha JBazemore KZhu CLee WPHaut JHamilton-Nelson KLWheeler NRZhao YFarrell JJGrunin MALeung YYKuksa PPLi DLucio da Fonseca EMez JBPalmer ELPillai JSherva RMSong YEZhang XIqbal TPathak OValladares OKuzma ABAbner EAdams PMAguirre AAlbert MSAlbin RLAllen MAlvarez LApostolova LGArnold SEAsthana SAtwood CSAyres GBaldwin CTBarber RCBarnes LLBarral SBeach TGBecker JTBeecham GWBeekly DBenitez BABennett DBertelson JBird TDBlacker DBoeve BFBowen JDBoxer ABrewer JBurke JRBurns JMBuxbaum JDCairns NJCantwell LBCao CCarlson CSCarlsson CMCarney RMCarrasquillo MMChasse SChesselet MFChin NAChui HCChung JCraft SCrane PKCribbs DHCrocco EACruchaga CCuccaro MLCullum MDarby EDavis BDe Jager PLDeCarli CDeToledo JDick MDickson DWDombroski BADoody RSDuara RErtekin-Taner NEvans DAFaber KMFairchild TJFallon KBFardo DWFarlow MRFernandez-Hernandez VFerris SForoud TMFrosch MPFulton-Howard BGalasko DRGamboa AGearing MGeschwind DHGhetti BGilbert JRGoate AMGrabowski TJGraff-Radford NRGreen RCGrowdon JHHakonarson HHall JHamilton RLHarari OHardy JHarrell LEHead EHenderson VWHernandez MHohman THonig LSHuebinger RMHuentelman MJHulette CMHyman BTHynan LSIbanez LJarvik GPJayadev SJin LWJohnson KJohnson LKamboh MIKarydas AMKatz MJKauwe JSKaye JAKeene CDKhaleeq AKim RKnebl JKowall NWKramer JHKukull WALaFerla FMLah JJLarson EBLerner ALeverenz JBLevey AILieberman APLipton RBLogue MLopez OLLunetta KLLyketsos CGMains DMargaret FEMarson DCMartin ERRMartiniuk FMash DCMasliah EMassman PMasurkar AMcCormick WCMcCurry SMMcDavid ANMcDonough SMcKee ACMesulam MMiller BLMiller CAMiller JWMontine TJMonuki ESMorris JCMukherjee SMyers AJNguyen TO'Bryant SOlichney JMOry MPalmer RParisi JEPaulson HLPavlik VPaydarfar DPerez VPeskind EPetersen RCPierce APolk MPoon WWPotter HQu LQuiceno MQuinn JFRaj ARaskind MReiman EMReisberg BReisch JSRingman JMRoberson EDRodriguear MRogaeva ERosen HJRosenberg RNRoyall DRSager MASano MSaykin AJSchneider JASchneider LSSeeley WWSlifer SHSmall SSmith AGSmith JPSonnen JASpina SSt George-Hyslop PStern RAStevens ABStrittmatter SMSultzer DSwerdlow RHTanzi RETilson JLTrojanowski JQTroncoso JCTsuang DWVan Deerlin VMvan Eldik LJVance JMVardarajan BNVassar RVinters HVVonsattel JPWeintraub SWelsh-Bohmer KAWhitehead PLWijsman EMWilhelmsen KCWilliams BWilliamson JWilms HWingo TSWisniewski TWoltjer RLWoon MWright CBWu CKYounkin SGYu CEYu LZhu XKunkle BWBush WSWang LSFarrer LAHaines JLMayeux RPericak-Vance MASchellenberg GDJun GRReitz CNaj AC
Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 101767986 Publication Model: Electronic Cited Medium: Internet NLM ISO Abbreviation: medRxiv Subsets: PubMed not MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Holyoak DT; Biomedical Engineering & Sciences, Exponent, Inc, 3440 Market St., Suite 600, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. Electronic address: dholyoak@exponent.com.; Andreshak TG; Orthopedic Surgery, Wood County Hospital, 960 W Wooster St, Bowling Green, OH 43402, USA.; Hopkins TJ; Anesthesiology, Duke University Hospital, 2301 Erwin Rd, Durham, NC 27710, USA.; Brook AL; Radiology, Montefiore Medical Center, 111 E 210th St, Bronx, NY 10467, USA.; Frohbergh ME; Biomedical Engineering & Sciences, Exponent, Inc, 3440 Market St., Suite 600, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.; Ong KL; Biomedical Engineering & Sciences, Exponent, Inc, 3440 Market St., Suite 600, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.
Publisher: Elsevier Science Inc Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 101130732 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1878-1632 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 15299430 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Spine J Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Mullins N; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York. Electronic address: niamh.mullins@mssm.edu.; Kang J; Division of Genetic Medicine, Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt Genetics Institute, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee.; Campos AI; Department of Genetics and Computational Biology, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Coleman JRI; National Institute for Health Research Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King's College London, London, United Kingdom.; Edwards AC; Department of Psychiatry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia.; Galfalvy H; Department of Biostatistics, Columbia University, New York, New York; Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York, New York.; Levey DF; Department of Psychiatry, Veterans Affairs Connecticut Healthcare Center, West Haven, Connecticut; Division of Human Genetics, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut.; Lori A; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia.; Shabalin A; Department of Psychiatry, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah.; Starnawska A; Centre for Genomics and Personalized Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Centre for Integrative Sequencing, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, iPSYCH, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; Su MH; Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.; Watson HJ; School of Psychology, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia, Australia; Division of Paediatrics, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia, Australia; Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.; Adams M; Division of Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.; Awasthi S; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany.; Gandal M; Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, Semel Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.; Hafferty JD; Division of Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.; Hishimoto A; Department of Psychiatry, Yokohama City University Graduate School of Medicine, Yokohama, Japan.; Kim M; Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, Semel Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.; Okazaki S; Department of Psychiatry, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan.; Otsuka I; Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York, New York; Department of Psychiatry, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan.; Ripke S; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany; Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Analytical and Translational Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts.; Ware EB; Population Studies Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan; Survery Research Center, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.; Bergen AW; BioRealm, LLC, Walnut, California; Oregon Research Institute, Eugene, Oregon.; Berrettini WH; Department of Psychiatry, Center for Neurobiology and Behavior, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.; Bohus M; Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany.; Brandt H; Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt, Baltimore, Maryland.; Chang X; Center for Applied Genomics, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.; Chen WJ; Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; Department of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan; Center for Neuropsychiatric Research, National Health Research Institutes, Miaoli County, Taiwan.; Chen HC; Department of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.; Crawford S; Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt, Baltimore, Maryland.; Crow S; Department of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota.; DiBlasi E; Department of Psychiatry, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah.; Duriez P; Hôpital Sainte-Anne, GHU Paris Psychiatrie et Neurosciences, Paris, France; Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris, INSERM U1266, Université de Paris, Paris, France.; Fernández-Aranda F; Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Bellvitge-IDIBELL and CIBEROBN, Barcelona, Spain.; Fichter MM; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany; Schön Klinik Roseneck affiliated with the Medical Faculty of the University of Munich, Munich, Germany.; Gallinger S; Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Glatt SJ; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, New York.; Gorwood P; Hôpital Sainte-Anne, GHU Paris Psychiatrie et Neurosciences, Paris, France; Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris, INSERM U1266, Université de Paris, Paris, France.; Guo Y; Center for Applied Genomics, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.; Hakonarson H; Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Center for Applied Genomics, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.; Halmi KA; Department of Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York.; Hwu HG; Department of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University Hospital and College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan.; Jain S; Biostatistics Research Center, Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science, La Jolla, California.; Jamain S; Inserm U955, Institut Mondor de recherches Biomédicales, Laboratoire, Neuro-Psychiatrie Translationnelle, and Fédération Hospitalo-Universitaire de Précision Médecine en Addictologie et Psychiatrie, University Paris-Est-Créteil, Créteil, France.; Jiménez-Murcia S; Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Bellvitge-IDIBELL and CIBEROBN, Barcelona, Spain.; Johnson C; Eating Recovery Center, Denver, Colorado.; Kaplan AS; Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Kaye WH; Department of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, San Diego, California.; Keel PK; Department of Psychology, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida.; Kennedy JL; Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Klump KL; Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, Lansing, Michigan.; Li D; Center for Applied Genomics, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.; Liao SC; Department of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.; Lieb K; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany.; Lilenfeld L; Department of Clinical Psychology, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Washington, DC.; Liu CM; Department of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.; Magistretti PJ; BESE Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia; Department of Psychiatry, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.; Marshall CR; Department of Paediatric Laboratory Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Mitchell JE; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Fargo, North Dakota.; Monson ET; Department of Psychiatry, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah.; Myers RM; HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, Huntsville, Alabama.; Pinto D; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York.; Powers A; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia.; Ramoz N; Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris, INSERM U1266, Université de Paris, Paris, France.; Roepke S; Department of Psychiatry, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Corporate Member of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin Institute of Health, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany.; Rozanov V; Department of Psychology, St. Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation; Department of Borderline Disorders and Psychotherapy, V.M. Bekhterev National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.; Scherer SW; Department of Genetics and Genomic Biology, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Schmahl C; Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany.; Sokolowski M; National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention of Mental Ill-Health, LIME, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Strober M; David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California; Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.; Thornton LM; Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.; Treasure J; Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, Department of Psychological Medicine, London, United Kingdom; National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Centre, King's College London and South London and Maudsley National Health Service Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.; Tsuang MT; Center for Behavioral Genomics, Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, San Diego, California.; Witt SH; Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany.; Woodside DB; Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Centre for Mental Health, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Program for Eating Disorders, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Yilmaz Z; National Centre for Register-Based Research, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; Department of Genetics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.; Zillich L; Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany.; Adolfsson R; Department of Clinical Sciences, Psychiatry, Umeå University Medical Faculty, Umeå, Sweden.; Agartz I; Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Centre for Psychiatry Research, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; Department of Psychiatric Research, Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo, Norway; NORMENT, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.; Air TM; Discipline of Psychiatry, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia.; Alda M; Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; National Institute of Mental Health, Klecany, Czech Republic.; Alfredsson L; Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; Institut of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Andreassen OA; Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway; NORMENT, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.; Anjorin A; Psychiatry, Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Bracknell, United Kingdom.; Appadurai V; Institute of Biological Psychiatry, Copenhagen Mental Health Services, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark; Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, iPSYCH, Copenhagen, Denmark.; Soler Artigas M; Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain; Department of Genetics, Microbiology & Statistics, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Psychiatric Genetics Unit, Group of Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addiction, Vall d'Hebron Research Institute, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Biomedical Network Research Centre on Mental Health, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.; Van der Auwera S; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.; Azevedo MH; Department of Psychiatry, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.; Bass N; Division of Psychiatry, University College London, London, United Kingdom.; Bau CHD; Laboratory of Developmental Psychiatry, Adult Division, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; Department of Genetics, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.; Baune BT; Department of Psychiatry, Melbourne Medical School, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Department of Psychiatry, University of Münster, Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.; Bellivier F; Department of Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France; Paris Bipolar and TRD Expert Centres, FondaMental Foundation, Paris, France; UMR-S1144 Team 1: Biomarkers of relapse and therapeutic response in addiction and mood disorders, INSERM, Paris, France; Psychiatry, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France.; Berger K; Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, University of Münster, Münster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany.; Biernacka JM; Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.; Bigdeli TB; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, New York, New York; Department of Psychiatry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia.; Binder EB; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia; Department of Translational Research in Psychiatry, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany.; Boehnke M; Center for Statistical Genetics and Department of Biostatistics, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.; Boks MP; Department of Psychiatry, UMC Utrecht Hersencentrum, Utrecht, the Netherlands.; Bosch R; Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain; Department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Biomedical Network Research Centre on Mental Health, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.; Braff DL; Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California.; Bryant R; School of Psychology, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Budde M; Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics, University Hospital, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany.; Byrne EM; Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; Centre for Children's Health Research, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Cahn W; Department of Psychiatry, UMC Utrecht Hersencentrum, Utrecht, the Netherlands.; Casas M; Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain; Psychiatric Genetics Unit, Group of Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addiction, Vall d'Hebron Research Institute, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Biomedical Network Research Centre on Mental Health, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.; Castelao E; Department of Psychiatry, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.; Cervilla JA; Mental Health Unit, Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Granada University Hospital Complex, Biomedical Research Centre, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.; Chaumette B; Institut de Psychiatrie, CNRS GDR 3557, Paris, France; Department of Evaluation, Prevention and Therapeutic innovation, GHU Paris Psychiatrie et Neurosciences, Paris, France; Team Pathophysiology of psychiatric diseases, Université de Paris, Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris, INSERM U1266, Paris, France.; Cichon S; Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Research Centre Jülich, Jülich, Germany; Institute of Medical Genetics and Pathology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland; Department of Biomedicine, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland; Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, School of Medicine & University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Corvin A; Neuropsychiatric Genetics Research Group, Department of Psychiatry and Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.; Craddock N; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom.; Craig D; Department of Translational Genomics, University of Southern California, Pasadena, California.; Degenhardt F; Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, School of Medicine & University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Djurovic S; Department of Medical Genetics, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway; NORMENT, KG Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.; Edenberg HJ; Department of Medical & Molecular Genetics, Indiana University, Indianapolis, Indiana; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana.; Fanous AH; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, State University of New York Downstate Medical Center, New York, New York; Department of Psychiatry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia.; Foo JC; Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany.; Forstner AJ; Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine, Research Centre Jülich, Jülich, Germany; Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, School of Medicine & University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany; Centre for Human Genetics, University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany.; Frye M; Department of Psychiatry & Psychology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.; Fullerton JM; School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Gatt JM; School of Psychology, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Gejman PV; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Evanston, Illinois; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.; Giegling I; Department of Psychiatry, University of Munich, Munich, Germany; Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany.; Grabe HJ; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.; Green MJ; School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Grevet EH; ADHD Outpatient Program, Adult Division, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; Department of Psychiatry, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.; Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M; Biometric Psychiatric Genetics Research Unit, Alexandru Obregia Clinical Psychiatric Hospital, Bucharest, Romania.; Gutierrez B; Department of Psychiatry, Biomedical Research Centre, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.; Guzman-Parra J; Mental Health Department, University Regional Hospital, Biomedicine Institute, Málaga, Spain.; Hamilton SP; Psychiatry, Kaiser Permanente Northern California, San Francisco, California.; Hamshere ML; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom.; Hartmann A; Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany.; Hauser J; Department of Psychiatry, Laboratory of Psychiatric Genetics, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznań, Poland.; Heilmann-Heimbach S; Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, School of Medicine & University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Hoffmann P; Institute of Medical Genetics and Pathology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland; Department of Biomedicine, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland; Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, School of Medicine & University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Ising M; Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany.; Jones I; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom.; Jones LA; Department of Psychological Medicine, University of Worcester, Worcester, United Kingdom.; Jonsson L; Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.; Kahn RS; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York; Department of Psychiatry, UMC Utrecht Hersencentrum, Utrecht, the Netherlands.; Kelsoe JR; Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California; Institute for Genomic Medicine, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California.; Kendler KS; Department of Psychiatry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia.; Kloiber S; Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany; Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Koenen KC; Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; Department of Epidemiology, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts.; Kogevinas M; Center for Research in Environmental Epidemiology, Barcelona, Spain.; Konte B; Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany.; Krebs MO; Institut de Psychiatrie, CNRS GDR 3557, Paris, France; Department of Evaluation, Prevention and Therapeutic innovation, GHU Paris Psychiatrie et Neurosciences, Paris, France; Team Pathophysiology of psychiatric diseases, Université de Paris, Institute of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Paris, INSERM U1266, Paris, France.; Landén M; Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden; Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.; Lawrence J; Psychiatry, North East London NHS Foundation Trust, Ilford, Cheshire, United Kingdom.; Leboyer M; Faculté de Médecine, University Paris-Est-Créteil, Créteil, France; Department of Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine, Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France; INSERM, Paris, France.; Lee PH; Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Analytical and Translational Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts.; Levinson DF; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California.; Liao C; Department of Human Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Québec, Canada; Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, Montreal, Québec, Canada.; Lissowska J; Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention, Sklodowska-Curie Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, Poland.; Lucae S; Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany.; Mayoral F; Mental Health Department, University Regional Hospital, Biomedicine Institute, Málaga, Spain.; McElroy SL; Research Institute, Lindner Center of HOPE, Mason, Ohio.; McGrath P; Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York.; McGuffin P; Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King's College London, London, United Kingdom.; McQuillin A; Division of Psychiatry, University College London, London, United Kingdom.; Medland SE; Genetics and Computational Biology, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Mehta D; Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; School of Psychology and Counseling, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Melle I; Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway; Division of Mental Health and Addiction, University of Oslo, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Oslo, Norway.; Milaneschi Y; Department of Psychiatry, Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit and GGZ inGeest, Amsterdam, Netherlands.; Mitchell PB; School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Molina E; Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Biomedical Research Centre, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.; Morken G; Mental Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway; Psychiatry, St. Olavs University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway.; Mortensen PB; Centre for Integrative Sequencing, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; National Centre for Register-Based Research, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Centre for Integrated Register-based Research, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, iPSYCH, Copenhagen, Denmark.; Müller-Myhsok B; Department of Translational Research in Psychiatry, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany; Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology, Munich, Germany; University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom.; Nievergelt C; Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California.; Nimgaonkar V; Psychiatry and Human Genetics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.; Nöthen MM; Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, School of Medicine & University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; O'Donovan MC; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom.; Ophoff RA; Jane and Terry Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, Los Angeles, California; Psychiatry, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Owen MJ; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom.; Pato C; College of Medicine Institute for Genomic Health, SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine, Brooklyn, New York; Institute for Genomic Health, SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine, Brooklyn, New York.; Pato MT; Institute for Genomic Health, SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine, Brooklyn, New York.; Penninx BWJH; Department of Psychiatry, Amsterdam UMC, Vrije Universiteit and GGZ inGeest, Amsterdam, Netherlands.; Pimm J; Division of Psychiatry, University College London, London, United Kingdom.; Pistis G; Department of Psychiatry, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.; Potash JB; Department of Psychiatry, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.; Power RA; Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King's College London, London, United Kingdom; Genetics, BioMarin Pharmaceuticals, London, United Kingdom; University of Oxford, St. Edmund Hall, Oxford, United Kingdom.; Preisig M; Department of Psychiatry, Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.; Quested D; Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.; Ramos-Quiroga JA; Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain; Psychiatric Genetics Unit, Group of Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addiction, Vall d'Hebron Research Institute, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Biomedical Network Research Centre on Mental Health, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.; Reif A; Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany.; Ribasés M; Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain; Department of Genetics, Microbiology & Statistics, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Psychiatric Genetics Unit, Group of Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addiction, Vall d'Hebron Research Institute, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Biomedical Network Research Centre on Mental Health, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.; Richarte V; Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain; Department of Psychiatry and Legal Medicine, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Biomedical Network Research Centre on Mental Health, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.; Rietschel M; Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany.; Rivera M; Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King's College London, London, United Kingdom; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II and Institute of Neurosciences, Biomedical Research Centre, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.; Roberts A; Department of Environmental Health, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts.; Roberts G; School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Rouleau GA; Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Québec, Canada; Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, Montreal, Québec, Canada.; Rovaris DL; Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas Universidade de Sao Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.; Rujescu D; Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany.; Sánchez-Mora C; Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain; Department of Genetics, Microbiology & Statistics, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Psychiatric Genetics Unit, Group of Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addiction, Vall d'Hebron Research Institute, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; Biomedical Network Research Centre on Mental Health, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.; Sanders AR; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, NorthShore University HealthSystem, Evanston, Illinois; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois.; Schofield PR; School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Schulze TG; Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics, University Hospital, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany; Human Genetics Branch, Intramural Research Program, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany.; Scott LJ; Center for Statistical Genetics and Department of Biostatistics, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan.; Serretti A; Department of Biomedical and NeuroMotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.; Shi J; Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland.; Shyn SI; Behavioral Health Services, Kaiser Permanente Washington, Seattle, Washington, DC.; Sirignano L; Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany.; Sklar P; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York; Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York.; Smeland OB; Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway; NORMENT, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.; Smoller JW; Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts; Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts.; Sonuga-Barke EJS; Institute of Psychology, Psychiatry & Neuroscience, King's College London, London, United Kingdom.; Spalletta G; Menninger Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas; Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry, IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy.; Strauss JS; Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Świątkowska B; Department of Environmental Epidemiology, Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Lódz, Poland.; Trzaskowski M; Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Turecki G; Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Québec, Canada.; Vilar-Ribó L; Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain; Psychiatric Genetics Unit, Group of Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addiction, Vall d'Hebron Research Institute, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Vincent JB; Molecular Brain Science, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Völzke H; Institute for Community Medicine, University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany.; Walters JTR; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom.; Shannon Weickert C; School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Weickert TW; School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia; Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Weissman MM; Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, New York; Division of Translational Epidemiology, New York State Psychiatric Institute, New York, New York.; Williams LM; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California.; Wray NR; Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Zai CC; Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Department of Epidemiology, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts; Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Molecular Brain Science, Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Ashley-Koch AE; Duke Molecular Physiology Institute, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina.; Beckham JC; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina; VISN 6 Mid-Atlantic Mental Illness Research, Durham Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Durham, North Carolina.; Hauser ER; Duke Molecular Physiology Institute, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina; Cooperative Studies Program Epidemiology Center, Education, and Clinical Center, Durham Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Durham, North Carolina.; Hauser MA; Duke Molecular Physiology Institute, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina.; Kimbrel NA; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina; VISN 6 Mid-Atlantic Mental Illness Research, Durham Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Durham, North Carolina.; Lindquist JH; VA Health Services Research and Development Center of Innovation to Accelerate Discovery and Practice Transformation, Durham Veterans Affairs Health Care System, Durham, North Carolina.; McMahon B; Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico.; Oslin DW; Department of Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; VISN 4 Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center, Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.; Qin X; Duke Molecular Physiology Institute, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina.; Agerbo E; National Centre for Register-Based Research, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Centre for Integrated Register-based Research, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, iPSYCH, Aarhus, Denmark.; Børglum AD; Centre for Genomics and Personalized Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Centre for Integrative Sequencing, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, iPSYCH, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; Breen G; National Institute for Health Research Maudsley Biomedical Research Centre at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom; Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King's College London, London, United Kingdom.; Erlangsen A; Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, iPSYCH, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland; Danish Research Institute for Suicide Prevention, Mental Health Centre Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; Center of Mental Health Research, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.; Esko T; Program in Medical and Population Genetics, Broad Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts; Estonian Genome Center, Institute of Genomics, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.; Gelernter J; Department of Psychiatry, Veterans Affairs Connecticut Healthcare Center, West Haven, Connecticut; Division of Human Genetics, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut.; Hougaard DM; Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, iPSYCH, Aarhus, Denmark; Center for Neonatal Screening, Department for Congenital Disorders, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.; Kessler RC; Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.; Kranzler HR; Department of Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; VISN 4 Mental Illness Research, Education, and Clinical Center, Corporal Michael J. Crescenz VA Medical Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.; Li QS; Neuroscience, Janssen Research & Development, LLC, Titusville, New Jersey.; Martin NG; Department of Genetics and Computational Biology, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Herston, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; McIntosh AM; Division of Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.; Mors O; Psychosis Research Unit, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, iPSYCH, Aarhus, Denmark.; Nordentoft M; Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, iPSYCH, Aarhus, Denmark; Mental Health Center Copenhagen, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark.; Olsen CM; Department of Population Health, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Herston, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Porteous D; Institute for Genetics and Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.; Ursano RJ; Department of Psychiatry, Uniformed University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland.; Wasserman D; National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention of Mental Ill-Health, LIME, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Werge T; Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, iPSYCH, Aarhus, Denmark; Institute of Biological Psychiatry, Copenhagen Mental Health Services, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark; Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark; Lundbeck Foundation GeoGenetics Centre, GLOBE Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.; Whiteman DC; Department of Population Health, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Herston, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Bulik CM; Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; Department of Nutrition, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Coon H; Department of Psychiatry, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah; Biomedical Informatics, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah.; Demontis D; Centre for Genomics and Personalized Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Centre for Integrative Sequencing, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark; Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, iPSYCH, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; Docherty AR; Department of Psychiatry, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia; Department of Psychiatry, University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah.; Kuo PH; Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; Department of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.; Lewis CM; Department of Medical & Molecular Genetics, King's College London, London, United Kingdom; Social Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King's College London, London, United Kingdom.; Mann JJ; Departments of Psychiatry and Radiology, Columbia University, New York, New York.; Rentería ME; Department of Genetics and Computational Biology, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Smith DJ; Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom.; Stahl EA; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York; Program in Medical and Population Genetics, Broad Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts.; Stein MB; Department of Psychiatry and School of Public Health, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California.; Streit F; Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany.; Willour V; Department of Psychiatry, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.; Ruderfer DM; Division of Genetic Medicine, Department of Medicine, Vanderbilt Genetics Institute, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee; Department of Biomedical Informatics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee. Electronic address: douglas.ruderfer@vanderbilt.edu.
Publisher: Elsevier Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 0213264 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1873-2402 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 00063223 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Biol Psychiatry Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Mullins N; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA. niamh.mullins@mssm.edu.; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA. niamh.mullins@mssm.edu.; Forstner AJ; Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, School of Medicine and University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1), Research Centre Jülich, Jülich, Germany.; Centre for Human Genetics, University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany.; O'Connell KS; Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.; NORMENT, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.; Coombes B; Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.; Coleman JRI; Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King's College London, London, UK.; NIHR Maudsley BRC, King's College London, London, UK.; Qiao Z; Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Als TD; iSEQ, Center for Integrative Sequencing, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; Department of Biomedicine - Human Genetics, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus, Denmark.; Bigdeli TB; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, Brooklyn, NY, USA.; VA NY Harbor Healthcare System, Brooklyn, NY, USA.; Børte S; Research and Communication Unit for Musculoskeletal Health, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.; Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.; K. G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Public Health and Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.; Bryois J; Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Charney AW; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Drange OK; Department of Mental Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.; Department of Østmarka, Division of Mental Health Care, St Olavs Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway.; Gandal MJ; Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Science, Semel Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Hagenaars SP; Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King's College London, London, UK.; NIHR Maudsley BRC, King's College London, London, UK.; Ikeda M; Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Fujita Health University, Toyoake, Japan.; Kamitaki N; Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA.; Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.; Kim M; Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Science, Semel Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Krebs K; Estonian Genome Center, Institute of Genomics, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.; Panagiotaropoulou G; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charité - Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany.; Schilder BM; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Ronald M. Loeb Center for Alzheimer's Disease, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Estelle and Daniel Maggin Department of Neurology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Sloofman LG; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Steinberg S; deCODE Genetics/Amgen, Reykjavik, Iceland.; Trubetskoy V; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charité - Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany.; Winsvold BS; K. G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Public Health and Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.; Department of Research, Innovation and Education, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.; Won HH; Samsung Advanced Institute for Health Sciences and Technology (SAIHST), Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea.; Abramova L; Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Mental Health Research Center, Moscow, Russian Federation.; Adorjan K; Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics (IPPG), University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany.; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany.; Agerbo E; iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus, Denmark.; National Centre for Register-Based Research, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; Centre for Integrated Register-Based Research, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; Al Eissa M; Division of Psychiatry, University College London, London, UK.; Albani D; Department of Neuroscience, Istituto Di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, Milan, Italy.; Alliey-Rodriguez N; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.; Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA.; Anjorin A; Psychiatry, Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, Bracknell, UK.; Antilla V; Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.; Antoniou A; 2nd Department of Psychiatry, Attikon General Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.; Awasthi S; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charité - Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany.; Baek JH; Department of Psychiatry, Samsung Medical Center, School of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea.; Bækvad-Hansen M; iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus, Denmark.; Center for Neonatal Screening, Department for Congenital Disorders, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.; Bass N; Division of Psychiatry, University College London, London, UK.; Bauer M; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany.; Beins EC; Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, School of Medicine and University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Bergen SE; Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Birner A; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.; Bøcker Pedersen C; iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus, Denmark.; National Centre for Register-Based Research, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; Centre for Integrated Register-Based Research, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; Bøen E; Department of Psychiatric Research, Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo, Norway.; Boks MP; Psychiatry, Brain Center UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands.; Bosch R; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Biomedical Network Research Centre on Mental Health (CIBERSAM), Madrid, Spain.; Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d´Hebron, Barcelona, Spain.; Department of Psychiatry and Forensic Medicine, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Psychiatric Genetics Unit, Group of Psychiatry Mental Health and Addictions, Vall d´Hebron Research Institut (VHIR), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Brum M; Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.; Brumpton BM; K. G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Public Health and Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.; Brunkhorst-Kanaan N; Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.; Budde M; Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics (IPPG), University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany.; Bybjerg-Grauholm J; iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus, Denmark.; Center for Neonatal Screening, Department for Congenital Disorders, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.; Byerley W; Psychiatry, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.; Cairns M; University of Newcastle, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.; Casas M; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Biomedical Network Research Centre on Mental Health (CIBERSAM), Madrid, Spain.; Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d´Hebron, Barcelona, Spain.; Department of Psychiatry and Forensic Medicine, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Psychiatric Genetics Unit, Group of Psychiatry Mental Health and Addictions, Vall d´Hebron Research Institut (VHIR), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Cervantes P; Mood Disorders Program, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University Health Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.; Clarke TK; Division of Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.; Cruceanu C; Mood Disorders Program, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University Health Center, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.; Department of Translational Research in Psychiatry, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany.; Cuellar-Barboza A; Department of Psychiatry, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Monterrey, Mexico.; Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.; Cunningham J; Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.; Curtis D; Centre for Psychiatry, Queen Mary University of London, London, UK.; UCL Genetics Institute, University College London, London, UK.; Czerski PM; Department of Psychiatry, Laboratory of Psychiatric Genetics, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland.; Dale AM; Center for Multimodal Imaging and Genetics, Departments of Neurosciences, Radiology, and Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, CA, USA.; Dalkner N; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.; David FS; Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, School of Medicine and University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Degenhardt F; Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, School of Medicine and University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Essen, University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany.; Djurovic S; Department of Medical Genetics, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.; NORMENT, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.; Dobbyn AL; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Douzenis A; 2nd Department of Psychiatry, Attikon General Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.; Elvsåshagen T; Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.; Department of Neurology, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.; NORMENT, KG Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.; Escott-Price V; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Ferrier IN; Academic Psychiatry, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.; Fiorentino A; Division of Psychiatry, University College London, London, UK.; Foroud TM; Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Forty L; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Frank J; Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany.; Frei O; Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.; Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.; Freimer NB; Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Science, Semel Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Center for Neurobehavioral Genetics, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Frisén L; Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Gade K; Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics (IPPG), University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany.; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany.; Garnham J; Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.; Gelernter J; Department of Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA.; Veterans Affairs Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, CT, USA.; Departments of Genetics and Neuroscience, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA.; Giørtz Pedersen M; iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus, Denmark.; National Centre for Register-Based Research, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; Centre for Integrated Register-Based Research, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; Gizer IR; Department of Psychological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO, USA.; Gordon SD; Genetics and Computational Biology, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Gordon-Smith K; Psychological Medicine, University of Worcester, Worcester, UK.; Greenwood TA; Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA.; Grove J; iSEQ, Center for Integrative Sequencing, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; Department of Biomedicine - Human Genetics, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus, Denmark.; Bioinformatics Research Centre, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; Guzman-Parra J; Mental Health Department, University Regional Hospital, Biomedicine Institute (IBIMA), Málaga, Spain.; Ha K; Department of Psychiatry, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea.; Haraldsson M; Landspitali University Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland.; Hautzinger M; Department of Psychology, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany.; Heilbronner U; Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics (IPPG), University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany.; Hellgren D; Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Herms S; Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, School of Medicine and University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.; Institute of Medical Genetics and Pathology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland.; Hoffmann P; Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, School of Medicine and University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.; Institute of Medical Genetics and Pathology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland.; Holmans PA; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Huckins L; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Jamain S; Neuropsychiatrie Translationnelle, Inserm U955, Créteil, France.; Faculté de Santé, Université Paris Est, Créteil, France.; Johnson JS; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Kalman JL; Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics (IPPG), University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany.; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany.; International Max Planck Research School for Translational Psychiatry (IMPRS-TP), Munich, Germany.; Kamatani Y; Laboratory of Complex Trait Genomics, Department of Computational Biology and Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.; Laboratory for Statistical and Translational Genetics, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, Yokohama, Japan.; Kennedy JL; Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Neurogenetics Section, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Kittel-Schneider S; Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.; Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, Center of Mental Health, University Hospital Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.; Knowles JA; Cell Biology, SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine, Brooklyn, NY, USA.; Institute for Genomic Health, SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine, Brooklyn, NY, USA.; Kogevinas M; ISGlobal, Barcelona, Spain.; Koromina M; Laboratory of Pharmacogenomics and Individualized Therapy, Department of Pharmacy, School of Health Sciences, University of Patras, Patras, Greece.; Kranz TM; Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.; Kranzler HR; Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center, Crescenz VAMC, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Center for Studies of Addiction, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Kubo M; RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, Yokohama, Japan.; Kupka R; Psychiatry, Altrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands.; Psychiatry, GGZ inGeest, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.; Psychiatry, VU Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.; Kushner SA; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Lavebratt C; Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Center for Molecular Medicine, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.; Lawrence J; Psychiatry, North East London NHS Foundation Trust, Ilford, UK.; Leber M; Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Cologne, Cologne, Germany.; Lee HJ; Department of Psychiatry, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, South Korea.; Lee PH; Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit, Center for Genomic Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.; Levy SE; HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, Huntsville, AL, USA.; Lewis C; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Liao C; Department of Human Genetics, McGill University, Montréal, Quebec, Canada.; Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, McGill University, Montréal, Quebec, Canada.; Lucae S; Department of Translational Research in Psychiatry, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany.; Lundberg M; Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Center for Molecular Medicine, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.; MacIntyre DJ; Division of Psychiatry, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.; Magnusson SH; deCODE Genetics/Amgen, Reykjavik, Iceland.; Maier W; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Maihofer A; Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA.; Malaspina D; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Maratou E; Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory, Attikon General Hospital, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.; Martinsson L; Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Mattheisen M; iSEQ, Center for Integrative Sequencing, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; Department of Biomedicine - Human Genetics, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus, Denmark.; Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, Center of Mental Health, University Hospital Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.; Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Centre for Psychiatry Research, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; McCarroll SA; Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA.; Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.; McGregor NW; Systems Genetics Working Group, Department of Genetics, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa.; McGuffin P; Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King's College London, London, UK.; McKay JD; Genetic Cancer Susceptibility Group, International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France.; Medeiros H; Institute for Genomic Health, SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine, Brooklyn, NY, USA.; Medland SE; Genetics and Computational Biology, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Millischer V; Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Center for Molecular Medicine, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.; Montgomery GW; Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Moran JL; Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA.; Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.; Morris DW; Centre for Neuroimaging and Cognitive Genomics (NICOG), National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland.; Mühleisen TW; Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1), Research Centre Jülich, Jülich, Germany.; Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.; O'Brien N; Division of Psychiatry, University College London, London, UK.; O'Donovan C; Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.; Olde Loohuis LM; Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Science, Semel Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Center for Neurobehavioral Genetics, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Oruc L; Medical Faculty, School of Science and Technology, University Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.; Papiol S; Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics (IPPG), University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany.; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany.; Pardiñas AF; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Perry A; Psychological Medicine, University of Worcester, Worcester, UK.; Pfennig A; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany.; Porichi E; 2nd Department of Psychiatry, Attikon General Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.; Potash JB; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA.; Quested D; Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, Warneford Hospital, Oxford, UK.; Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, Warneford Hospital, Oxford, UK.; Raj T; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Ronald M. Loeb Center for Alzheimer's Disease, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Estelle and Daniel Maggin Department of Neurology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Rapaport MH; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA.; DePaulo JR; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA.; Regeer EJ; Outpatient Clinic for Bipolar Disorder, Altrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands.; Rice JP; Department of Psychiatry, Washington University in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, MO, USA.; Rivas F; Mental Health Department, University Regional Hospital, Biomedicine Institute (IBIMA), Málaga, Spain.; Rivera M; Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology II, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Granada, Granada, Spain.; Institute of Neurosciences, Biomedical Research Center (CIBM), University of Granada, Granada, Spain.; Roth J; Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, Center of Mental Health, University Hospital Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.; Roussos P; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Ruderfer DM; Medicine, Psychiatry, Biomedical Informatics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA.; Sánchez-Mora C; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Biomedical Network Research Centre on Mental Health (CIBERSAM), Madrid, Spain.; Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d´Hebron, Barcelona, Spain.; Psychiatric Genetics Unit, Group of Psychiatry Mental Health and Addictions, Vall d´Hebron Research Institut (VHIR), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics, Faculty of Biology, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Schulte EC; Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics (IPPG), University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany.; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany.; Senner F; Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics (IPPG), University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany.; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany.; Sharp S; Division of Psychiatry, University College London, London, UK.; Shilling PD; Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA.; Sigurdsson E; Landspitali University Hospital, Reykjavik, Iceland.; Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, School of Health Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.; Sirignano L; Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany.; Slaney C; Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.; Smeland OB; Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.; NORMENT, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.; Smith DJ; Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK.; Sobell JL; Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Søholm Hansen C; iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus, Denmark.; Center for Neonatal Screening, Department for Congenital Disorders, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.; Soler Artigas M; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Biomedical Network Research Centre on Mental Health (CIBERSAM), Madrid, Spain.; Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d´Hebron, Barcelona, Spain.; Psychiatric Genetics Unit, Group of Psychiatry Mental Health and Addictions, Vall d´Hebron Research Institut (VHIR), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics, Faculty of Biology, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Spijker AT; Mood Disorders, PsyQ, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Stein DJ; SAMRC Unit on Risk and Resilience in Mental Disorders, Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience Institute, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.; Strauss JS; Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Świątkowska B; Department of Environmental Epidemiology, Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine, Lodz, Poland.; Terao C; Laboratory for Statistical and Translational Genetics, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, Yokohama, Japan.; Thorgeirsson TE; deCODE Genetics/Amgen, Reykjavik, Iceland.; Toma C; Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and CSIC, Madrid, Spain.; Tooney P; University of Newcastle, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.; Tsermpini EE; Laboratory of Pharmacogenomics and Individualized Therapy, Department of Pharmacy, School of Health Sciences, University of Patras, Patras, Greece.; Vawter MP; Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, School of Medicine, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA.; Vedder H; Psychiatry, Psychiatrisches Zentrum Nordbaden, Wiesloch, Germany.; Walters JTR; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Witt SH; Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany.; Xi S; Computational Sciences Center of Emphasis, Pfizer Global Research and Development, Cambridge, MA, USA.; Xu W; Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Yang JMK; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Young AH; Department of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London, London, UK.; South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, Bethlem Royal Hospital, Beckenham, UK.; Young H; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Zandi PP; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA.; Zhou H; Department of Psychiatry, Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA.; Veterans Affairs Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, CT, USA.; Zillich L; Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany.; Adolfsson R; Department of Clinical Sciences, Psychiatry, Umeå University Medical Faculty, Umeå, Sweden.; Agartz I; Department of Psychiatric Research, Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo, Norway.; Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Centre for Psychiatry Research, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; NORMENT, KG Jebsen Centre for Psychosis Research, Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Institute of Clinical Medicine and Diakonhjemmet Hospital, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.; Alda M; Department of Psychiatry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.; National Institute of Mental Health, Klecany, Czech Republic.; Alfredsson L; Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Babadjanova G; Institute of Pulmonology, Russian State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation.; Backlund L; Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Center for Molecular Medicine, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.; Baune BT; Department of Psychiatry, University of Münster, Münster, Germany.; Department of Psychiatry, Melbourne Medical School, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia.; Bellivier F; Université de Paris, INSERM, Optimisation Thérapeutique en Neuropsychopharmacologie, UMRS 1144, Paris, France.; APHP Nord, DMU Neurosciences, Département de Psychiatrie et de Médecine Addictologique, GHU Saint Louis-Lariboisière-Fernand Widal, Paris, France.; Bengesser S; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.; Berrettini WH; Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Blackwood DHR; Division of Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.; Boehnke M; Center for Statistical Genetics and Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; Børglum AD; iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus, Denmark.; Department of Biomedicine and the iSEQ Center, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; Center for Genomics and Personalized Medicine, CGPM, Aarhus, Denmark.; Breen G; Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King's College London, London, UK.; NIHR Maudsley BRC, King's College London, London, UK.; Carr VJ; School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Catts S; University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Corvin A; Neuropsychiatric Genetics Research Group, Department of Psychiatry and Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.; Craddock N; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Dannlowski U; Department of Psychiatry, University of Münster, Münster, Germany.; Dikeos D; 1st Department of Psychiatry, Eginition Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.; Esko T; Department of Genetics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.; Estonian Genome Center, Institute of Genomics, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.; Medical and Population Genetics, Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA.; Division of Endocrinology, Children's Hospital Boston, Boston, MA, USA.; Etain B; Université de Paris, INSERM, Optimisation Thérapeutique en Neuropsychopharmacologie, UMRS 1144, Paris, France.; APHP Nord, DMU Neurosciences, Département de Psychiatrie et de Médecine Addictologique, GHU Saint Louis-Lariboisière-Fernand Widal, Paris, France.; Ferentinos P; Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King's College London, London, UK.; 2nd Department of Psychiatry, Attikon General Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece.; Frye M; Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.; Fullerton JM; Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Gawlik M; Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, Center of Mental Health, University Hospital Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany.; Gershon ES; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.; Department of Human Genetics, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.; Goes FS; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA.; Green MJ; Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M; Biometric Psychiatric Genetics Research Unit, Alexandru Obregia Clinical Psychiatric Hospital, Bucharest, Romania.; Hauser J; Department of Psychiatry, Laboratory of Psychiatric Genetics, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland.; Henskens F; University of Newcastle, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.; Hillert J; Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Hong KS; Department of Psychiatry, Samsung Medical Center, School of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea.; Hougaard DM; iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus, Denmark.; Center for Neonatal Screening, Department for Congenital Disorders, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.; Hultman CM; Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Hveem K; K. G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Public Health and Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.; HUNT Research Center, Department of Public Health and Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.; Iwata N; Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Fujita Health University, Toyoake, Japan.; Jablensky AV; University of Western Australia, Nedlands, Western Australia, Australia.; Jones I; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Jones LA; Psychological Medicine, University of Worcester, Worcester, UK.; Kahn RS; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Psychiatry, Brain Center UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands.; Kelsoe JR; Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA.; Kirov G; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Landén M; Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.; Leboyer M; Neuropsychiatrie Translationnelle, Inserm U955, Créteil, France.; Faculté de Santé, Université Paris Est, Créteil, France.; Department of Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France.; Lewis CM; Social, Genetic and Developmental Psychiatry Centre, King's College London, London, UK.; NIHR Maudsley BRC, King's College London, London, UK.; Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics, King's College London, London, UK.; Li QS; Neuroscience Therapeutic Area, Janssen Research and Development, LLC, Titusville, NJ, USA.; Lissowska J; Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention, M. Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, Warsaw, Poland.; Lochner C; SA MRC Unit on Risk and Resilience in Mental Disorders, Department of Psychiatry, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa.; Loughland C; University of Newcastle, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.; Martin NG; Genetics and Computational Biology, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; School of Psychology, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Mathews CA; Department of Psychiatry and Genetics Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA.; Mayoral F; Mental Health Department, University Regional Hospital, Biomedicine Institute (IBIMA), Málaga, Spain.; McElroy SL; Research Institute, Lindner Center of HOPE, Mason, OH, USA.; McIntosh AM; Division of Psychiatry, Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences, The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.; Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.; McMahon FJ; Human Genetics Branch, Intramural Research Program, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD, USA.; Melle I; Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.; Division of Mental Health and Addiction, University of Oslo, Institute of Clinical Medicine, Oslo, Norway.; Michie P; University of Newcastle, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.; Milani L; Estonian Genome Center, Institute of Genomics, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia.; Mitchell PB; School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Morken G; Department of Mental Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway.; Psychiatry, St Olavs University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway.; Mors O; iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus, Denmark.; Psychosis Research Unit, Aarhus University Hospital - Psychiatry, Risskov, Denmark.; Mortensen PB; iSEQ, Center for Integrative Sequencing, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus, Denmark.; National Centre for Register-Based Research, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; Centre for Integrated Register-Based Research, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.; Mowry B; University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Müller-Myhsok B; Department of Translational Research in Psychiatry, Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, Germany.; Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (SyNergy), Munich, Germany.; University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.; Myers RM; HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, Huntsville, AL, USA.; Neale BM; Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA.; Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.; Medical and Population Genetics, Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA.; Nievergelt CM; Department of Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA.; Research/Psychiatry, Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, CA, USA.; Nordentoft M; iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus, Denmark.; Mental Health Services in the Capital Region of Denmark, Mental Health Center Copenhagen, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.; Nöthen MM; Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, School of Medicine and University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; O'Donovan MC; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Oedegaard KJ; Division of Psychiatry, Haukeland Universitetssjukehus, Bergen, Norway.; Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.; Olsson T; Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Center for Molecular Medicine, Karolinska Institutet at Karolinska University Hospital, Solna, Sweden.; Owen MJ; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Paciga SA; Human Genetics and Computational Biomedicine, Pfizer Global Research and Development, Groton, CT, USA.; Pantelis C; University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.; Pato C; Institute for Genomic Health, SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine, Brooklyn, NY, USA.; Pato MT; Institute for Genomic Health, SUNY Downstate Medical Center College of Medicine, Brooklyn, NY, USA.; Patrinos GP; Laboratory of Pharmacogenomics and Individualized Therapy, Department of Pharmacy, School of Health Sciences, University of Patras, Patras, Greece.; Department of Pathology, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates.; Zayed Center of Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates.; Perlis RH; Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.; Division of Clinical Research, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.; Posthuma D; Department of Complex Trait Genetics, Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research, Amsterdam Neuroscience, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.; Department of Clinical Genetics, Amsterdam Neuroscience, Vrije Universiteit Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.; Ramos-Quiroga JA; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Biomedical Network Research Centre on Mental Health (CIBERSAM), Madrid, Spain.; Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d´Hebron, Barcelona, Spain.; Department of Psychiatry and Forensic Medicine, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Psychiatric Genetics Unit, Group of Psychiatry Mental Health and Addictions, Vall d´Hebron Research Institut (VHIR), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Reif A; Department of Psychiatry, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, University Hospital Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.; Reininghaus EZ; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapeutic Medicine, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.; Ribasés M; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Biomedical Network Research Centre on Mental Health (CIBERSAM), Madrid, Spain.; Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Universitari Vall d´Hebron, Barcelona, Spain.; Psychiatric Genetics Unit, Group of Psychiatry Mental Health and Addictions, Vall d´Hebron Research Institut (VHIR), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics, Faculty of Biology, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Rietschel M; Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany.; Ripke S; Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA.; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charité - Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany.; Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.; Rouleau GA; Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, McGill University, Montréal, Quebec, Canada.; Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.; Saito T; Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Fujita Health University, Toyoake, Japan.; Schall U; University of Newcastle, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.; Schalling M; Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Center for Molecular Medicine, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.; Schofield PR; Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Schulze TG; Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics (IPPG), University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany.; Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany.; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany.; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA.; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA.; Scott LJ; Center for Statistical Genetics and Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; Scott RJ; University of Newcastle, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia.; Serretti A; Department of Biomedical and NeuroMotor Sciences, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy.; Shannon Weickert C; Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Department of Neuroscience, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA.; Smoller JW; Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research, Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA.; Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.; Psychiatric and Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit (PNGU), Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.; Stefansson H; deCODE Genetics/Amgen, Reykjavik, Iceland.; Stefansson K; deCODE Genetics/Amgen, Reykjavik, Iceland.; Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.; Stordal E; Department of Psychiatry, Hospital Namsos, Namsos, Norway.; Department of Neuroscience, Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Fakultet for Naturvitenskap og Teknologi, Trondheim, Norway.; Streit F; Department of Genetic Epidemiology in Psychiatry, Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany.; Sullivan PF; Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.; Department of Genetics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.; Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.; Turecki G; Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.; Vaaler AE; Department of Psychiatry, Sankt Olavs Hospital Universitetssykehuset i Trondheim, Trondheim, Norway.; Vieta E; Clinical Institute of Neuroscience, Hospital Clinic, University of Barcelona, IDIBAPS, CIBERSAM, Barcelona, Spain.; Vincent JB; Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Waldman ID; Department of Psychology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA.; Weickert TW; Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; School of Psychiatry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.; Department of Neuroscience, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY, USA.; Werge T; iPSYCH, The Lundbeck Foundation Initiative for Integrative Psychiatric Research, Aarhus, Denmark.; Institute of Biological Psychiatry, Mental Health Services, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark.; Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.; Center for GeoGenetics, GLOBE Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark.; Wray NR; Institute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.; Zwart JA; Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.; K. G. Jebsen Center for Genetic Epidemiology, Department of Public Health and Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.; Department of Research, Innovation and Education, Division of Clinical Neuroscience, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.; Biernacka JM; Department of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.; Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.; Nurnberger JI; Psychiatry, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Cichon S; Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, School of Medicine and University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1), Research Centre Jülich, Jülich, Germany.; Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.; Institute of Medical Genetics and Pathology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland.; Edenberg HJ; Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Stahl EA; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Medical and Population Genetics, Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA.; McQuillin A; Division of Psychiatry, University College London, London, UK.; Di Florio A; Medical Research Council Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Department of Psychiatry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.; Ophoff RA; Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Science, Semel Institute, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Center for Neurobehavioral Genetics, Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Department of Human Genetics, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Andreassen OA; Division of Mental Health and Addiction, Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway. ole.andreassen@medisin.uio.no.; NORMENT, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. ole.andreassen@medisin.uio.no.
Publisher: Nature Pub. Co Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 9216904 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1546-1718 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 10614036 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Nat Genet Subsets: MEDLINE
Academic Journal
Bothwell HM; Environmental Genetics & Genomics Facility, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, 617 South Beaver Street, PO Box 5640, Flagstaff, Arizona, 86011, USA.; Evans LM; Environmental Genetics & Genomics Facility, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, 617 South Beaver Street, PO Box 5640, Flagstaff, Arizona, 86011, USA.; Hersch-Green EI; Environmental Genetics & Genomics Facility, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, 617 South Beaver Street, PO Box 5640, Flagstaff, Arizona, 86011, USA.; Woolbright SA; Environmental Genetics & Genomics Facility, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, 617 South Beaver Street, PO Box 5640, Flagstaff, Arizona, 86011, USA.; Allan GJ; Environmental Genetics & Genomics Facility, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, 617 South Beaver Street, PO Box 5640, Flagstaff, Arizona, 86011, USA.; Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research, Northern Arizona University, 800 South Beaver Street, PO Box 6077, Flagstaff, Arizona, 86011, USA.; Whitham TG; Environmental Genetics & Genomics Facility, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, 617 South Beaver Street, PO Box 5640, Flagstaff, Arizona, 86011, USA.; Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research, Northern Arizona University, 800 South Beaver Street, PO Box 6077, Flagstaff, Arizona, 86011, USA.
Publisher: Ecological Society of America Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 9889808 Publication Model: Print-Electronic Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1051-0761 (Print) Linking ISSN: 10510761 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Ecol Appl Subsets: MEDLINE
Kunkle BW; John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA. bkunkle@miami.edu.; Grenier-Boley B; Inserm, U1167, RID-AGE-Risk Factors and Molecular Determinants of Aging-Related Diseases, Lille, France.; Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France.; Univ. Lille, U1167-Excellence Laboratory LabEx DISTALZ, Lille, France.; Sims R; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; UK Dementia Research Institute at Cardiff, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Bis JC; Cardiovascular Health Research Unit, Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Damotte V; Inserm, U1167, RID-AGE-Risk Factors and Molecular Determinants of Aging-Related Diseases, Lille, France.; Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France.; Univ. Lille, U1167-Excellence Laboratory LabEx DISTALZ, Lille, France.; Naj AC; Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology/Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Boland A; Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine, Institut de Biologie François Jacob, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, and LabEx GENMED, Evry, France.; Vronskaya M; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; van der Lee SJ; Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Amlie-Wolf A; Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Bellenguez C; Inserm, U1167, RID-AGE-Risk Factors and Molecular Determinants of Aging-Related Diseases, Lille, France.; Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France.; Univ. Lille, U1167-Excellence Laboratory LabEx DISTALZ, Lille, France.; Frizatti A; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Chouraki V; Inserm, U1167, RID-AGE-Risk Factors and Molecular Determinants of Aging-Related Diseases, Lille, France.; Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France.; Univ. Lille, U1167-Excellence Laboratory LabEx DISTALZ, Lille, France.; Framingham Heart Study, Framingham, MA, USA.; Department of Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.; Martin ER; John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA.; Sleegers K; Neurodegenerative Brain Diseases Group, Center for Molecular Neurology, VIB, Antwerp, Belgium.; Laboratory for Neurogenetics, Institute Born-Bunge, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.; Badarinarayan N; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Jakobsdottir J; Icelandic Heart Association, Kopavogur, Iceland.; Hamilton-Nelson KL; John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA.; Moreno-Grau S; Research Center and Memory Clinic of Fundació ACE, Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades-Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.; Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.; Olaso R; Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine, Institut de Biologie François Jacob, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, and LabEx GENMED, Evry, France.; Raybould R; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; UK Dementia Research Institute at Cardiff, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Chen Y; Department of Biostatistics, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.; Kuzma AB; Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Hiltunen M; Institute of Biomedicine, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland.; Department of Neurology, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland.; Morgan T; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Ahmad S; Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Vardarajan BN; Taub Institute on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain, Department of Neurology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Department of Neurology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Epelbaum J; UMR 894, Center for Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Inserm, Université Paris Descartes, Paris, France.; Hoffmann P; Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Department of Genomics, Life & Brain Center, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Division of Medical Genetics, University Hospital and Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.; Boada M; Research Center and Memory Clinic of Fundació ACE, Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades-Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.; Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.; Beecham GW; John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA.; Garnier JG; Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine, Institut de Biologie François Jacob, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, and LabEx GENMED, Evry, France.; Harold D; School of Biotechnology, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland.; Fitzpatrick AL; Department of Family Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Valladares O; Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Moutet ML; Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine, Institut de Biologie François Jacob, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, and LabEx GENMED, Evry, France.; Gerrish A; Dementia Research Centre, Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK.; Smith AV; Department of Biostatistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.; Qu L; Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Bacq D; Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine, Institut de Biologie François Jacob, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, and LabEx GENMED, Evry, France.; Denning N; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; UK Dementia Research Institute at Cardiff, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Jian X; Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston, Houston, TX, USA.; Zhao Y; Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Del Zompo M; Section of Neuroscience and Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy.; Fox NC; Dementia Research Centre, Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK.; UK Dementia Research Institute at UCL, Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK.; Choi SH; Research Center and Memory Clinic of Fundació ACE, Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades-Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.; Mateo I; Neurology Service and CIBERNED, 'Marqués de Valdecilla' University Hospital (University of Cantabria and IDIVAL), Santander, Spain.; Hughes JT; Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London, London, UK.; Adams HH; Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Malamon J; Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Sanchez-Garcia F; Department of Immunology, Hospital Universitario Doctor Negrín, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.; Patel Y; Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London, London, UK.; Brody JA; Cardiovascular Health Research Unit, Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Dombroski BA; Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Naranjo MCD; Department of Immunology, Hospital Universitario Doctor Negrín, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.; Daniilidou M; Department of Neurology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.; Eiriksdottir G; Icelandic Heart Association, Kopavogur, Iceland.; Mukherjee S; Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Wallon D; Normandie University, UNIROUEN, Inserm U1245, and Rouen University Hospital, Department of Neurology, Department of Genetics and CNR-MAJ, Normandy Center for Genomic and Personalized Medicine, Rouen, France.; Uphill J; Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, MRC Prion Unit at UCL, Institute of Prion Diseases, London, UK.; Aspelund T; Icelandic Heart Association, Kopavogur, Iceland.; Centre for Public Health, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.; Cantwell LB; Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Garzia F; Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine, Institut de Biologie François Jacob, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, and LabEx GENMED, Evry, France.; Galimberti D; Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Neurodegenerative Diseases Unit, Milan, Italy.; University of Milan, Centro Dino Ferrari, Milan, Italy.; Hofer E; Clinical Division of Neurogeriatrics, Department of Neurology, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria.; Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Documentation, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.; Butkiewicz M; Institute for Computational Biology, Department of Population & Quantitative Health Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA.; Fin B; Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine, Institut de Biologie François Jacob, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, and LabEx GENMED, Evry, France.; Scarpini E; Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, Neurodegenerative Diseases Unit, Milan, Italy.; University of Milan, Centro Dino Ferrari, Milan, Italy.; Sarnowski C; Department of Biostatistics, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.; Bush WS; Institute for Computational Biology, Department of Population & Quantitative Health Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA.; Meslage S; Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine, Institut de Biologie François Jacob, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, and LabEx GENMED, Evry, France.; Kornhuber J; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany.; White CC; Program in Medical and Population Genetics, Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA.; Song Y; Institute for Computational Biology, Department of Population & Quantitative Health Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA.; Barber RC; Department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, USA.; Engelborghs S; Laboratory for Neurochemistry and Behavior, Institute Born-Bunge, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.; Department of Neurology and Memory Clinic, Hospital Network Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.; Sordon S; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital, Saarland, Germany.; Voijnovic D; Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Adams PM; Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA.; Vandenberghe R; Laboratory for Cognitive Neurology, Department of Neurology, University Hospital and University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.; Mayhaus M; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital, Saarland, Germany.; Cupples LA; Framingham Heart Study, Framingham, MA, USA.; Department of Biostatistics, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.; Albert MS; Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA.; De Deyn PP; Laboratory for Neurochemistry and Behavior, Institute Born-Bunge, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.; Department of Neurology and Memory Clinic, Hospital Network Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.; Gu W; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital, Saarland, Germany.; Himali JJ; Framingham Heart Study, Framingham, MA, USA.; Department of Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.; Department of Biostatistics, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.; Beekly D; National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Squassina A; Section of Neuroscience and Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy.; Hartmann AM; Department of Psychiatry, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany.; Orellana A; Research Center and Memory Clinic of Fundació ACE, Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades-Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.; Blacker D; Department of Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA.; Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.; Rodriguez-Rodriguez E; Neurology Service and CIBERNED, 'Marqués de Valdecilla' University Hospital (University of Cantabria and IDIVAL), Santander, Spain.; Lovestone S; Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; Garcia ME; Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Sciences, National Institute on Aging, Bethesda, MD, USA.; Doody RS; Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA.; Munoz-Fernadez C; Department of Immunology, Hospital Universitario Doctor Negrín, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.; Sussams R; Division of Clinical Neurosciences, School of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK.; Lin H; Section of Computational Biomedicine, Department of Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.; Fairchild TJ; Office of Strategy and Measurement, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, USA.; Benito YA; Department of Immunology, Hospital Universitario Doctor Negrín, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.; Holmes C; Division of Clinical Neurosciences, School of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK.; Karamujić-Čomić H; Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Frosch MP; C.S. Kubik Laboratory for Neuropathology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, USA.; Thonberg H; Theme Aging, Unit for Hereditary Dementias, Karolinska University Hospital-Solna, Stockholm, Sweden.; Karolinska Institutet, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Alzheimer Research Center, Division of Neurogeriatrics, Solna, Sweden.; Maier W; German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bonn, Germany.; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Roshchupkin G; Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Ghetti B; Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Giedraitis V; Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences/Geriatrics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.; Kawalia A; Department for Neurodegenerative Diseases and Geriatric Psychiatry, University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Li S; Department of Biostatistics, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.; Huebinger RM; Department of Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA.; Kilander L; Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences/Geriatrics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.; Moebus S; Institute for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, University Hospital of Essen, University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany.; Hernández I; Research Center and Memory Clinic of Fundació ACE, Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades-Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.; Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.; Kamboh MI; Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.; Department of Human Genetics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.; Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.; Brundin R; Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences/Geriatrics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.; Turton J; Institute of Genetics, Queen's Medical Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.; Yang Q; Department of Biostatistics, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.; Katz MJ; Department of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.; Concari L; Section of Neuroscience, DIMEC-University of Parma, Parma, Italy.; FERB-Alzheimer Center, Gazzaniga (Bergamo), Italy.; Lord J; Institute of Genetics, Queen's Medical Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.; Beiser AS; Framingham Heart Study, Framingham, MA, USA.; Department of Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.; Department of Biostatistics, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.; Keene CD; Department of Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Helisalmi S; Institute of Biomedicine, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland.; Department of Neurology, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland.; Kloszewska I; Elderly and Psychiatric Disorders Department, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland.; Kukull WA; Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Koivisto AM; Institute of Biomedicine, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland.; Department of Neurology, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland.; Lynch A; Mercer's Institute for Research on Aging, St. James's Hospital and Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.; St. James's Hospital and Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.; Tarraga L; Research Center and Memory Clinic of Fundació ACE, Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades-Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.; Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.; Larson EB; Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, Seattle, WA, USA.; Haapasalo A; A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland.; Lawlor B; Mercer's Institute for Research on Aging, St. James's Hospital and Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.; St. James's Hospital and Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.; Mosley TH; Departments of Medicine, Geriatrics, Gerontology and Neurology, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, USA.; Lipton RB; Department of Neurology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.; Solfrizzi V; Interdisciplinary Department of Medicine, Geriatric Medicine and Memory Unity, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.; Gill M; Mercer's Institute for Research on Aging, St. James's Hospital and Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.; St. James's Hospital and Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.; Longstreth WT Jr; Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Montine TJ; Department of Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Frisardi V; Department of Geriatrics, Center for Aging Brain, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.; Diez-Fairen M; Fundació per la Recerca Biomèdica i Social Mútua Terrassa, Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain.; Memory Disorders Unit, Department of Neurology, Hospital Universitari Mutua de Terrassa, Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain.; Rivadeneira F; Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdamt, the Netherlands.; Netherlands Consortium on Health Aging and National Genomics Initiative, Leiden, the Netherlands.; Petersen RC; Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.; Deramecourt V; CHU Lille, Memory Center of Lille (Centre Mémoire de Ressources et de Recherche), Lille, France.; Alvarez I; Fundació per la Recerca Biomèdica i Social Mútua Terrassa, Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain.; Memory Disorders Unit, Department of Neurology, Hospital Universitari Mutua de Terrassa, Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain.; Salani F; Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology, Experimental Neuropsychobiology Laboratory, IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy.; Ciaramella A; Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology, Experimental Neuropsychobiology Laboratory, IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy.; Boerwinkle E; School of Public Health, Human Genetics Center, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, USA.; Human Genome Sequencing Center, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA.; Reiman EM; Neurogenomics Division, Translational Genomics Research Institute, Phoenix, AZ, USA.; Arizona Alzheimer's Consortium, Phoenix, AZ, USA.; Banner Alzheimer's Institute, Phoenix, AZ, USA.; Department of Psychiatry, University of Arizona, Phoenix, AZ, USA.; Fievet N; Inserm, U1167, RID-AGE-Risk Factors and Molecular Determinants of Aging-Related Diseases, Lille, France.; Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France.; Univ. Lille, U1167-Excellence Laboratory LabEx DISTALZ, Lille, France.; Rotter JI; Institute for Translational Genomics and Population Sciences, Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine, Los Angeles BioMedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, Torrance, CA, USA.; Reisch JS; Department of Clinical Sciences, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA.; Hanon O; University Paris Descartes, EA 4468, AP-HP, Geriatrics Department, Hôpital Broca, Paris, France.; Cupidi C; Regional Neurogenetic Centre (CRN), ASP Catanzaro, Lamezia Terme, Italy.; Uitterlinden AGA; Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Department of Internal Medicine, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdamt, the Netherlands.; Netherlands Consortium on Health Aging and National Genomics Initiative, Leiden, the Netherlands.; Royall DR; Departments of Psychiatry, Medicine, Family & Community Medicine, South Texas Veterans Health Administration Geriatric Research Education & Clinical Center (GRECC), UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA.; Dufouil C; University of Bordeaux, Inserm 1219, Bordeaux, France.; Department of Neurology, Bordeaux University Hospital / CHU de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.; Maletta RG; Regional Neurogenetic Centre (CRN), ASP Catanzaro, Lamezia Terme, Italy.; de Rojas I; Research Center and Memory Clinic of Fundació ACE, Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades-Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.; Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.; Sano M; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Brice A; Inserm U1127, CNRS UMR 7225, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Université Paris 06, UMRS 1127, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière, Paris, France.; AP-HP, Department of Genetics, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, France.; Cecchetti R; Section of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Department of Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy.; George-Hyslop PS; Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.; Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Disease, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Ritchie K; Inserm U1061 Neuropsychiatry, La Colombière Hospital, Montpellier, France.; Montpellier University, Montpellier, France.; Department of Clinical Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.; Tsolaki M; Department of Neurology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.; Tsuang DW; VA Puget Sound Health Care System/>GRECC, Seattle, WA, USA.; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA.; Dubois B; Institut de la Mémoire et de la Maladie d'Alzheimer and Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière, Département de Neurologie, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France.; Institut des Neurosciences Translationnelles de Paris, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière, Paris, France.; Inserm, CNRS, UMR-S975, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière, Paris, France.; Sorbonne Universités, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Hôpital de la Pitié-Salpêtrière, AP-HP, Paris, France.; Craig D; Ageing Group, Centre for Public Health, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, UK.; Wu CK; Departments of Neurology, Pharmacology & Neuroscience, Texas Tech University Health Science Center, Lubbock, TX, USA.; Soininen H; Institute of Biomedicine, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland.; Department of Neurology, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland.; Avramidou D; Department of Neurology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.; Albin RL; Department of Neurology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center (GRECC), VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System (VAAAHS), Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; Michigan Alzheimer Disease Center, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; Fratiglioni L; Aging Research Center, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.; Germanou A; Department of Neurology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.; Apostolova LG; Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Center, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Department of Neurology, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Keller L; Aging Research Center, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.; Koutroumani M; Department of Neurology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.; Arnold SE; Department of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Panza F; Department of Geriatrics, Center for Aging Brain, University of Bari, Bari, Italy.; Gkatzima O; Department of Neurology, Medical School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.; Asthana S; Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center (GRECC), University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA.; Department of Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA.; Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, Madison, WI, USA.; Hannequin D; Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London, London, UK.; Whitehead P; John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA.; Atwood CS; Department of Medical and Molecular Genetics, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Department of Neurology, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Caffarra P; Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.; Institute of Genetics, Queen's Medical Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.; Hampel H; AXA Research Fund & Sorbonne University Chair, Paris, France.; Sorbonne University, GRC n° 21, Alzheimer Precision Medicine (APM), AP-HP, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, France.; Brain & Spine Institute, Inserm U 1127, CNRS UMR 7225, Paris, France.; Institute of Memory and Alzheimer's Disease, Department of Neurology, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, AP-HP, Paris, France.; Quintela I; Grupo de Medicina Xenomica, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Centro Nacional de Genotipado, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.; Carracedo Á; Grupo de Medicina Xenomica, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Centro Nacional de Genotipado, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Raras, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.; Lannfelt L; Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences/Geriatrics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.; Rubinsztein DC; Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.; UK Dementia Research Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.; Barnes LL; Department of Neurological Sciences, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA.; Department of Behavioral Sciences, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA.; Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA.; Pasquier F; CHU Lille, Memory Center of Lille (Centre Mémoire de Ressources et de Recherche), Lille, France.; Frölich L; Central Institute of Mental Health, Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany.; Barral S; Taub Institute on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain, Department of Neurology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Department of Neurology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; McGuinness B; Ageing Group, Centre for Public Health, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, UK.; Beach TG; Civin Laboratory for Neuropathology, Banner Sun Health Research Institute, Phoenix, AZ, USA.; Johnston JA; Ageing Group, Centre for Public Health, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, UK.; Becker JT; Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.; Department of Neurology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.; Department of Psychology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.; Passmore P; Ageing Group, Centre for Public Health, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, UK.; Bigio EH; Department of Pathology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA.; Mesulam Center for Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA.; Schott JM; Dementia Research Centre, Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK.; Bird TD; Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; VA Puget Sound Health Care System/>GRECC, Seattle, WA, USA.; Warren JD; Dementia Research Centre, Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK.; Boeve BF; Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.; Lupton MK; Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London, London, UK.; Genetic Epidemiology, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Herston, Queensland, Australia.; Bowen JD; Swedish Medical Center, Seattle, WA, USA.; Proitsi P; Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London, London, UK.; Boxer A; Department of Neurology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.; Powell JF; Department of Basic and Clinical Neuroscience, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London, London, UK.; Burke JR; Department of Neurology, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.; Kauwe JSK; Departments of Biology, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, USA.; Burns JM; University of Kansas Alzheimer's Disease Center, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA.; Mancuso M; Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Neurological Institute, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.; Buxbaum JD; Department of Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Bonuccelli U; Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, Neurological Institute, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.; Cairns NJ; Department of Pathology and Immunology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA.; McQuillin A; Division of Psychiatry, University College London, London, UK.; Cao C; USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Institute, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA.; Livingston G; Division of Psychiatry, University College London, London, UK.; Carlson CS; Department of Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA.; Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, Madison, WI, USA.; Bass NJ; Division of Psychiatry, University College London, London, UK.; Carlsson CM; Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA.; Hardy J; Department of Molecular Neuroscience, UCL, Institute of Neurology, London, UK.; Carney RM; Mental Health & Behavioral Science Service, Bruce W. Carter VA Medical Center, Miami, FL, USA.; Bras J; UK Dementia Research Institute at UCL, Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK.; Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK.; Carrasquillo MM; Department of Neuroscience, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA.; Guerreiro R; UK Dementia Research Institute at UCL, Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK.; Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK.; Allen M; Department of Neuroscience, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA.; Chui HC; Department of Neurology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Fisher E; Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK.; Masullo C; Department of Neurology, Catholic University of Rome, Rome, Italy.; Crocco EA; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA.; DeCarli C; Department of Neurology, University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA.; Bisceglio G; Department of Neuroscience, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA.; Dick M; Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA.; Ma L; Department of Neuroscience, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA.; Duara R; Wien Center for Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach, FL, USA.; Graff-Radford NR; Department of Neuroscience, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA.; Evans DA; Rush Institute for Healthy Aging, Department of Internal Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA.; Hodges A; Department of Old Age Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London, London, UK.; Faber KM; Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Center, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Scherer M; Department of Primary Medical Care, University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.; Fallon KB; Department of Pathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA.; Riemenschneider M; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital, Saarland, Germany.; Fardo DW; Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, Department of Biostatistics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA.; Heun R; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Farlow MR; Department of Neurology, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Kölsch H; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Ferris S; Department of Psychiatry, New York University, New York, NY, USA.; Leber M; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany.; Foroud TM; Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Center, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Heuser I; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charité University Medicine, Berlin, Germany.; Galasko DR; Department of Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA.; Giegling I; Department of Psychiatry, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany.; Gearing M; Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA.; Emory Alzheimer's Disease Center, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA.; Hüll M; Department of Psychiatry, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.; Geschwind DH; Neurogenetics Program, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Gilbert JR; John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA.; Morris J; Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA.; Hope Center Program on Protein Aggregation and Neurodegeneration, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA.; Green RC; Division of Genetics, Department of Medicine and Partners Center for Personalized Genetic Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.; Mayo K; Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA.; Department of Neurology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA.; Department of Genetics, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA.; Growdon JH; Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.; Feulner T; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital, Saarland, Germany.; Hamilton RL; Department of Pathology (Neuropathology), University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.; Harrell LE; Department of Neurology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA.; Drichel D; Cologne Center for Genomics, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany.; Honig LS; Taub Institute on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain, Department of Neurology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Cushion TD; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; UK Dementia Research Institute at Cardiff, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Huentelman MJ; Neurogenomics Division, Translational Genomics Research Institute, Phoenix, AZ, USA.; Hollingworth P; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Hulette CM; Department of Pathology, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.; Hyman BT; Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.; Marshall R; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Jarvik GP; Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Department of Medicine (Medical Genetics), University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Meggy A; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Abner E; Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, College of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA.; Menzies GE; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; UK Dementia Research Institute at Cardiff, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Jin LW; Unidad Clínica de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología, Hospital Universitario de Valme, Sevilla, Spain.; Leonenko G; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Real LM; Unidad Clínica de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología, Hospital Universitario de Valme, Sevilla, Spain.; Jun GR; Department of Medicine (Biomedical Genetics), Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.; Baldwin CT; Department of Medicine (Biomedical Genetics), Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.; Grozeva D; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Karydas A; Swedish Medical Center, Seattle, WA, USA.; Russo G; Functional Genomics Center Zurich, ETH/University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.; Kaye JA; Department of Neurology, Oregon Health &Science University, Portland, OR, USA.; Department of Neurology, Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Portland, OR, USA.; Kim R; Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA.; Jessen F; German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bonn, Germany.; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany.; Kowall NW; Department of Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.; Department of Pathology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA.; Vellas B; Inserm U558, University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France.; Kramer JH; Department of Neuropsychology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.; Vardy E; Institute for Ageing and Health, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.; LaFerla FM; Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA.; Jöckel KH; Institute for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology, University Hospital of Essen, University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany.; Lah JJ; Department of Neurology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA.; Dichgans M; Institute for Stroke and Dementia Research, Klinikum der Universität München, Munich, Germany.; German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Munich, Germany.; Leverenz JB; Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, USA.; Mann D; Division of Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, Manchester, UK.; Levey AI; Department of Neurology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA.; Pickering-Brown S; Division of Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, Manchester, UK.; Lieberman AP; Department of Pathology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; Klopp N; Institute of Epidemiology, Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Munich, Germany.; Lunetta KL; Department of Biostatistics, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.; Wichmann HE; Helmholtz Center Munich, Institute of Epidemiology, Neuherberg, Munich, Germany.; Ludwig-Maximilians University Chair of Epidemiology, Munich, Germany.; Joint Biobank Munich and KORA Biobank, Baltimore, MD, USA.; Lyketsos CG; Department of Psychiatry, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA.; Morgan K; Human Genetics, Schools of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.; Marson DC; Department of Neurology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA.; Brown K; Institute of Genetics, Queen's Medical Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.; Martiniuk F; Department of Medicine-Pulmonary, New York University, New York, NY, USA.; Medway C; Institute of Genetics, Queen's Medical Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.; Mash DC; Department of Neurology, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA.; Nöthen MM; Institute of Human Genetics, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Department of Genomics, Life & Brain Center, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Masliah E; Department of Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA.; Department of Pathology, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA.; Hooper NM; Division of Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology, School of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health, University of Manchester, Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, Manchester, UK.; McCormick WC; Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Daniele A; Institute of Neurology, Catholic University of Sacred Hearth, Rome, Italy.; McCurry SM; School of Nursing Northwest Research Group on Aging, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Bayer A; Institute of Primary Care and Public Health, Cardiff University, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, UK.; McDavid AN; USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Institute, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA.; Gallacher J; Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; McKee AC; Department of Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.; Department of Pathology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA.; van den Bussche H; Department of Primary Medical Care, University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.; Mesulam M; Mesulam Center for Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA.; Department of Neurology, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA.; Brayne C; Cambridge Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Cambridge, UK.; Miller BL; Weill Institute for Neurosciences, Memory and Aging Center, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.; Riedel-Heller S; Institute of Social Medicine, Occupational Health and Public Health, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany.; Miller CA; Department of Pathology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Miller JW; Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA.; Al-Chalabi A; Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscienceó, King's College London, London, UK.; Morris JC; Department of Pathology and Immunology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA.; Department of Neurology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA.; Shaw CE; Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscienceó, King's College London, London, UK.; UK Dementia Research Institute, King's College London, London, UK.; Myers AJ; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, FL, USA.; Wiltfang J; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Medical Center Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany.; German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Goettingen, Germany.; IBiMED, Medical Sciences Department, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal.; O'Bryant S; Department of Pharmacology and Neuroscience, University of North Texas Health Science Center, Fort Worth, TX, USA.; Olichney JM; Department of Neurology, University of California, Davis, Sacramento, CA, USA.; Alvarez V; Molecular Genetics Laboratory-Hospital, University of Central Asturias, Oviedo, Spain.; Parisi JE; Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.; Singleton AB; Molecular Genetics Section, Laboratory of Neurogenetics, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA.; Paulson HL; Department of Neurology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; Michigan Alzheimer Disease Center, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.; Collinge J; Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, MRC Prion Unit at UCL, Institute of Prion Diseases, London, UK.; Perry WR; John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA.; Mead S; Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, MRC Prion Unit at UCL, Institute of Prion Diseases, London, UK.; Peskind E; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA.; Cribbs DH; Department of Neurology, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA.; Rossor M; Dementia Research Centre, Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK.; Pierce A; Department of Neurology, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA.; Ryan NS; Department of Neurodegenerative Disease, MRC Prion Unit at UCL, Institute of Prion Diseases, London, UK.; Poon WW; Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA.; Nacmias B; Department of Neuroscience, Psychology, Drug Research and Child Health, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.; Centro di Ricerca, Trasferimento e Alta Formazione DENOTHE, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.; Potter H; Department of Neurology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO, USA.; Sorbi S; Department of Neuroscience, Psychology, Drug Research and Child Health, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.; IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi, Florence, Italy.; Quinn JF; Department of Primary Medical Care, University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.; Department of Pathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA.; Sacchinelli E; Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology, Experimental Neuropsychobiology Laboratory, IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy.; Raj A; USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Institute, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA.; Spalletta G; Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry, IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy.; Division of Neuropsychiatry, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA.; Raskind M; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA, USA.; Caltagirone C; Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry, IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy.; Bossù P; Department of Clinical and Behavioral Neurology, Experimental Neuropsychobiology Laboratory, IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy.; Orfei MD; Laboratory of Neuropsychiatry, IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy.; Reisberg B; Department of Psychiatry, New York University, New York, NY, USA.; Alzheimer's Disease Center, New York University, New York, NY, USA.; Clarke R; Oxford Healthy Aging Project, Clinical Trial Service Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.; Reitz C; Taub Institute on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain, Department of Neurology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Department of Epidemiology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Smith AD; Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing, University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK.; Ringman JM; Department of Neurology, Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Warden D; Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing, University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK.; Roberson ED; Department of Neurology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA.; Wilcock G; Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing, University of Oxford, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK.; Rogaeva E; Tanz Centre for Research in Neurodegenerative Disease, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.; Bruni AC; Regional Neurogenetic Centre (CRN), ASP Catanzaro, Lamezia Terme, Italy.; Rosen HJ; Department of Neurology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.; Gallo M; Regional Neurogenetic Centre (CRN), ASP Catanzaro, Lamezia Terme, Italy.; Rosenberg RN; Department of Neurology, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA.; Ben-Shlomo Y; Population Health Sciences, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK.; Sager MA; Department of Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA.; Mecocci P; Section of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Department of Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy.; Saykin AJ; Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Center, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Department of Neurology, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Pastor P; Fundació per la Recerca Biomèdica i Social Mútua Terrassa, Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain.; Memory Disorders Unit, Department of Neurology, Hospital Universitari Mutua de Terrassa, Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain.; Cuccaro ML; John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA.; Vance JM; John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA.; Schneider JA; Department of Neurological Sciences, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA.; Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA.; Department of Pathology (Neuropathology), Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA.; Schneider LS; Department of Neurology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Department of Psychiatry, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Slifer S; John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA.; Seeley WW; Department of Neurology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA.; Smith AG; USF Health Byrd Alzheimer's Institute, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA.; Sonnen JA; Department of Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Spina S; Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, USA.; Stern RA; Department of Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.; Swerdlow RH; University of Kansas Alzheimer's Disease Center, University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City, KS, USA.; Tang M; Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Tanzi RE; Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.; Trojanowski JQ; Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Troncoso JC; Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA.; Van Deerlin VM; Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Van Eldik LJ; Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, Department of Neuroscience, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, USA.; Vinters HV; Department of Neurology, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA.; Vonsattel JP; Taub Institute on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain, Department of Pathology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Weintraub S; Mesulam Center for Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer's Disease, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA.; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA.; Welsh-Bohmer KA; Department of Neurology, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.; Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA.; Wilhelmsen KC; Department of Genetics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.; Williamson J; Taub Institute on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain, Department of Neurology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Wingo TS; Department of Neurology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA.; Department of Human Genetics, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA.; Woltjer RL; Department of Pathology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR, USA.; Wright CB; National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda, MD, USA.; Yu CE; Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Yu L; Department of Neurological Sciences, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA.; Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA.; Saba Y; Gottfried Schatz Research Center for Cell Signaling, Metabolism and Aging, Division of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria.; Pilotto A; Gerontology and Geriatrics Research Laboratory, IRCCS Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza, San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy.; Department Geriatric Care, Orthogeriatrics and Rehabilitation, Galliera Hospital, Genova, Italy.; Bullido MJ; Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.; IdiPAZ, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria la Paz, Madrid, Spain.; Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa (CSIC-UAM), Madrid, Spain.; Peters O; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Charité University Medicine, Berlin, Germany.; German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Berlin, Germany.; Crane PK; Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Bennett D; Department of Neurological Sciences, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA.; Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA.; Bosco P; Instituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Associazione Oasi Maria Santissima Srl, Troina, Italy.; Coto E; Molecular Genetics Laboratory-Hospital, University of Central Asturias, Oviedo, Spain.; Boccardi V; Section of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Department of Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy.; De Jager PL; Center for Translational and Computational Neuroimmunology, Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA.; Lleo A; Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.; Memory Unit, Neurology Department and Sant Pau Biomedical Research Institute, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Autonomous University Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Warner N; Somerset Partnership NHS Trust, Somerset, UK.; Lopez OL; Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.; Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.; Department of Neurology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.; Ingelsson M; Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences/Geriatrics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.; Deloukas P; The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK.; Cruchaga C; Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA.; Hope Center Program on Protein Aggregation and Neurodegeneration, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA.; Graff C; Theme Aging, Unit for Hereditary Dementias, Karolinska University Hospital-Solna, Stockholm, Sweden.; Karolinska Institutet, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Alzheimer Research Center, Division of Neurogeriatrics, Solna, Sweden.; Gwilliam R; The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK.; Fornage M; Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston, Houston, TX, USA.; Goate AM; Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Ronald M. Loeb Center for Alzheimer's Disease, Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA.; Sanchez-Juan P; Neurology Service and CIBERNED, 'Marqués de Valdecilla' University Hospital (University of Cantabria and IDIVAL), Santander, Spain.; Kehoe PG; University of Bristol Medical School, Learning & Research level 2, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK.; Amin N; Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Ertekin-Taner N; Department of Neuroscience, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA.; Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA.; Berr C; Inserm U1061 Neuropsychiatry, La Colombière Hospital, Montpellier, France.; Montpellier University, Montpellier, France.; Debette S; Inserm U1127, CNRS UMR 7225, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Université Paris 06, UMRS 1127, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Épinière, Paris, France.; AP-HP, Department of Genetics, Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, France.; Love S; University of Bristol Medical School, Learning & Research level 2, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK.; Launer LJ; Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Sciences, National Institute on Aging, Bethesda, MD, USA.; Younkin SG; Department of Neuroscience, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA.; Department of Neurology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA.; Dartigues JF; Memory Research and Resources Center, CMRR de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.; Corcoran C; Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA.; Ikram MA; Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Department of Neurology, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Departments of Radiology, Erasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Dickson DW; Department of Neuroscience, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL, USA.; Nicolas G; Normandie University, UNIROUEN, Inserm U1245, and Rouen University Hospital, Department of Neurology, Department of Genetics and CNR-MAJ, Normandy Center for Genomic and Personalized Medicine, Rouen, France.; Campion D; Normandie University, UNIROUEN, Inserm U1245, and Rouen University Hospital, Department of Neurology, Department of Genetics and CNR-MAJ, Normandy Center for Genomic and Personalized Medicine, Rouen, France.; Department of Research Rouvray Psychiatric Hospital, Sotteville-lès-Rouen, France.; Tschanz J; Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA.; Schmidt H; Gottfried Schatz Research Center for Cell Signaling, Metabolism and Aging, Division of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria.; Department of Neurology, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria.; Hakonarson H; Center for Applied Genomics, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, The Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Division of Human Genetics, Department of Pediatrics, The Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Clarimon J; Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.; Memory Unit, Neurology Department and Sant Pau Biomedical Research Institute, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Autonomous University Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.; Munger R; Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA.; Schmidt R; Clinical Division of Neurogeriatrics, Department of Neurology, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria.; Farrer LA; Department of Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.; Department of Biostatistics, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.; Department of Medicine (Biomedical Genetics), Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.; Department of Ophthalmology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA.; Department of Epidemiology, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.; Van Broeckhoven C; Neurodegenerative Brain Diseases Group, Center for Molecular Neurology, VIB, Antwerp, Belgium.; Laboratory for Neurogenetics, Institute Born-Bunge, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.; O'Donovan MC; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; DeStefano AL; Department of Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.; Department of Biostatistics, Boston University School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA.; Jones L; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; UK Dementia Research Institute at Cardiff, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Haines JL; Institute for Computational Biology, Department of Population & Quantitative Health Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, USA.; Deleuze JF; Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine, Institut de Biologie François Jacob, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay, and LabEx GENMED, Evry, France.; Owen MJ; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Gudnason V; Icelandic Heart Association, Kopavogur, Iceland.; Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland.; Mayeux R; Taub Institute on Alzheimer's Disease and the Aging Brain, Department of Neurology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Gertrude H. Sergievsky Center, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Department of Neurology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.; Escott-Price V; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; UK Dementia Research Institute at Cardiff, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Psaty BM; Cardiovascular Health Research Unit, Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Department of Epidemiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Department of Health Services, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.; Kaiser Permanente, Washington Health Research Institute, Seattle, WA, USA.; Ramirez A; Department for Neurodegenerative Diseases and Geriatric Psychiatry, University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany.; Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany.; Wang LS; Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Ruiz A; Research Center and Memory Clinic of Fundació ACE, Institut Català de Neurociències Aplicades-Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain.; Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.; van Duijn CM; Department of Epidemiology, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.; Holmans PA; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Seshadri S; Framingham Heart Study, Framingham, MA, USA.; Department of Neurology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA, USA.; Glenn Biggs Institute for Alzheimer's and Neurodegenerative Diseases, San Antonio, TX, USA.; Williams J; Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neurosciences, MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; UK Dementia Research Institute at Cardiff, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.; Amouyel P; Inserm, U1167, RID-AGE-Risk Factors and Molecular Determinants of Aging-Related Diseases, Lille, France.; Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France.; Univ. Lille, U1167-Excellence Laboratory LabEx DISTALZ, Lille, France.; Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lille, Lille, France.; Schellenberg GD; Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics Center, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA.; Lambert JC; Inserm, U1167, RID-AGE-Risk Factors and Molecular Determinants of Aging-Related Diseases, Lille, France. jean-charles.lambert@pasteur-lille.fr.; Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France. jean-charles.lambert@pasteur-lille.fr.; Univ. Lille, U1167-Excellence Laboratory LabEx DISTALZ, Lille, France. jean-charles.lambert@pasteur-lille.fr.; Pericak-Vance MA; John P. Hussman Institute for Human Genomics, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA. mpericak@miami.edu.
Publisher: Nature Pub. Co Country of Publication: United States NLM ID: 9216904 Publication Model: Print Cited Medium: Internet ISSN: 1546-1718 (Electronic) Linking ISSN: 10614036 NLM ISO Abbreviation: Nat Genet Subsets: PubMed not MEDLINE; MEDLINE
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