에서 검색결과 33건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Shen, J.; Mansberger, N.; Bierlein Palmer, L.; Burt, W.; Leneway, R.; Reeves, P.; Poppink, S.; McCrumb, D.; Wu, H.; Ma, X.; Whitten, E.; Gao, X.
In: International Journal of Leadership in Education . (International Journal of Leadership in Education, 2024, 27(4):875-893)
Academic Journal
Shen, J.; Mansberger, N.; Palmer, L.B.; Burt, W.; Leneway, R.; McCrumb, D.; Poppink, S.; Reeves, P.; Ma, X.; Gao, X.; Whitten, E.
In: School Effectiveness and School Improvement . (School Effectiveness and School Improvement, December 2020, 31(4):505-528)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Pain and Symptom Management . (Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, November 2013, 46(5):629-639)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Pain and Symptom Management . (Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, December 2012, 44(6):797-809)
In: Accessibility and Diversity in Education: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice . (Accessibility and Diversity in Education: Breakthroughs in Research and Practice, 6 December 2019, :121-142)
Academic Journal
In: Shock . (Shock, May 2003, 19(5):404-407)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness . (Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 1 February 2003, 97(2):73-84)
Academic Journal
In: Exceptional Children . (Exceptional Children, Fall 1999, 66(1):67-83)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Healthcare Management . (Journal of Healthcare Management, March/April 1998, 43(2):185-205)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness . (Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, September 1998, 92(9):647-655)
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[AR] Whitten, E.
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