에서 검색결과 43건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Journal of psychiatric research. 177:24-30
Academic Journal
Garde, M; Matheson, GJ; Varnaes, K; Svenningsson, P; Hedman-Lagerloef, E; Lundberg, J; Farde, L; Tiger, M
The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology. 27(5)
Academic Journal
Tangen, A; Veldman, ER; Svensson, J; Tiger, M; Nord, M; Sorjonen, K; Andersson, M; Plaven-Sigray, P; Varrone, A; Halldin, C; Varnas, K; Borg, J; Lundberg, J
The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology. 26(4):241-248
Academic Journal
Journal of affective disorders. 323:292-298
Academic Journal
Price, RB; Kissel, N; Baumeister, A; Rohac, R; Woody, ML; Ballard, ED; Zarate, CA; Deakin, W; Abdallah, CG; Feder, A; Charney, DS; Grunebaum, MF; Mann, JJ; Mathew, SJ; Gallagher, B; McLoughlin, DM; Murrough, JW; Muthukumaraswamy, S; McMillan, R; Sumner, R; Papakostas, G; Fava, M; Hock, R; Phillips, JL; Blier, P; Shiroma, P; Sos, P; Su, TP; Chen, MH; Tiger, M; Lundberg, J; Wilkinson, ST; Wallace, ML
Molecular psychiatry. 27(11):5096-5112
Academic Journal
Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology. 47(12):1863-1868
Academic Journal
International journal of psychiatry in clinical practice. 26(3):251-258
Academic Journal
Veldman, ER; Varrone, A; Varnas, K; Svedberg, MM; Cselenyi, Z; Tiger, M; Gulyas, B; Halldin, C; Lundberg, J
Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism. 42(4):630-641
Academic Journal
Translational psychiatry. 14(1):175
Academic Journal
Tiger, M; Garde, M; Tateno, A; Matheson, GJ; Sakayori, T; Nogami, T; Moriya, H; Varnas, K; Arakawa, R; Okubo, Y
Journal of affective disorders. 294:645-651
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[AR] Tiger, M
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