에서 검색결과 28건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Derwent, R.G.; Mosier, A.R.; Bogdanov, S.; Duyzer, J.H.; Garçon, V.; Houweling, S.; Sofiev, M.A.; Denier van der Gon, H.; Wania, F.; Wanninkhof, R.
In Developments in Atmospheric Science 1999 24:299-313
Academic Journal
Asman, W.A.H.; Andreae, M.O.; Conrad, R.; Denmead, O.T.; Ganzeveld, L.N.; Helder, W.; Kaminski, T.; Sofiev, M.A.; Trumbore, S.
In Developments in Atmospheric Science 1999 24:87-97
Academic Journal
Groisman, P.Ya.; Clark, E.A.; Lettenmaierb, D.P.; Kattsov, V.M.; Sokolik, I.N.; Aizen, V.B.; Cartus, O.; Chen, J.; Schmullius, C.C.; Conard, S.; Katzenberger, J.; Krankina, O.; Kukkonen, J.; Sofiev, M.A.; Machida, T.; Maksutov, S.; Ojima, D.; Qi, J.; Romanovsky, V.E.; Walker, D.; Sanotoro, M.; Shiklomanov, A.I.; Vörösmarty, C.; Shimoyama, K.; Shugart, H.H.; Shuman, J.K.; Sukhinin, A.L.; Wood, E.F.
In: Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society . (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 2009, 90(5):671-688)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry . (Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, June 2007, 57(2):135-152)
Academic Journal
Galmarini, S.; Bianconi, R.; Bellasio, R.; Klug, W.; Mikkelsen, T.; Astrup, P.; Addis, R.; Buckley, R.; Andronopoulos, S.; Bartniki, J.; Davakis, E.; Baklanov, A.; Sørensen, J.H.; Bartzis, J.C.; Saltbones, J.; Bompay, F.; Bouzom, M.; Eleveld, H.; Slaper, H.; Geertsema, G.T.; Glaab, H.; Champion, H.; Manning, A.; D'Amours, R.; Kollax, M.; Persson, C.; Pechinger, U.; Polreich, E.; Potemski, S.; Zelazny, R.; Prodanova, M.; Syrakov, D.; Auwera, L.V.D.; Sofiev, M.A.; Valkama, I.; Ilvonen, M.
In: Atmospheric Environment . (Atmospheric Environment, September 2004, 38(28):4607-4617)
Academic Journal
Galmarini, S.; Bianconi, R.; Bellasio, R.; Klug, W.; Mikkelsen, T.; Astrup, P.; Addis, R.; Buckley, R.; Andronopoulos, S.; Bartzis, J.C.; Davakis, E.; Baklanov, A.; Sørensen, J.H.; Bartniki, J.; Saltbones, J.; Bompay, F.; Bouzom, M.; Eleveld, H.; Slaper, H.; Geertsema, G.T.; Glaab, H.; Champion, H.; D'Amours, R.; Manning, A.; Kollax, M.; Persson, C.; Pechinger, U.; Polreich, E.; Potemski, S.; Zelazny, R.; Prodanova, M.; Syrakov, D.; Van der Auwera, L.; Sofiev, M.A.; Valkama, I.; Ilvonen, M.
In: Radiation Protection Dosimetry , Off-Site Nuclear Emergency Management Capabilities and Challenges. (Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2004, 109(1-2):19-24)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics . (Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 21 September 1998, 31(18):2264-2268)
Academic Journal
In: International Journal of Environment and Pollution . (International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 1997, 8(3-6):324-332)
Academic Journal
In: International Journal of Environment and Pollution . (International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 1997, 8(3-6):420-426)
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[AR] Sofiev, M.A.
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