
EBSCO Discovery Service
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 7건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
Lincoln, Alisa K., ORCID 0000-0003-0305-1180. Institute for Health Equity and Social Justice Research, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, US, al.lincoln@northeastern.edu; Cardeli, Emma, ORCID 0000-0003-2006-4450. Department of Psychiatry, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, US; Sideridis, George. Institutional Center for Clinical and Translational Research, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, US; Salhi, Carmel, ORCID 0000-0002-7465-458X. Institute for Health Equity and Social Justice Research, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, US; Miller, Alisa B., ORCID 0000-0001-7136-1063. Department of Psychiatry, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, US; Da Fonseca, Tibrine. Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, US; Issa, Osob. Department of Psychiatry, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, US; Ellis, B. Heidi. Department of Psychiatry, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, US
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol 91(2), 2021. pp. 280-293.
Academic Journal
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education. Summer94, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p184. 33p. 4 Charts, 2 Graphs.
Academic Journal
Assessment for Effective Intervention; 01/01/1995, Vol. 20 Issue 1-4, p73-99, 27p
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[AR] Sideridis, George
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