에서 검색결과 103건 | 목록
Academic Journal
日本航海学会論文集 / The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation. 1999, 100:75
Academic Journal
日本航海学会論文集 / The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation. 2000, 102:235
Research on the Collision of the Working Vessel '38^ Kinryu Maru' and the Cargo Vessel 'New Mitsu' / 作業船第38金竜丸・貨物船ニュー美津の衝突事件について
Academic Journal
日本航海学会論文集 / The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation. 2006, 114:39
Academic Journal
日本航海学会論文集 / The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation. 2006, 114:157
Academic Journal
日本航海学会論文集 / The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation. 2005, 112:43
Academic Journal
日本航海学会論文集 / The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation. 2005, 112:79
Academic Journal
日本航海学会論文集 / The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation. 2004, 111:311
Academic Journal
日本航海学会論文集 / The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation. 2004, 111:295
Academic Journal
日本航海学会論文集 / The Journal of Japan Institute of Navigation. 2004, 111:303
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