에서 검색결과 22건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Hadjistavropoulos, H.D.; Pugh, N.E.; Nugent, M.M.; Hesser, H.; Andersson, G.; Ivanov, M.; Butz, C.G.; Marchildon, G.; Asmundson, G.J.G.; Klein, B.; Austin, D.W.
In Journal of Anxiety Disorders December 2014 28(8):884-893
Academic Journal
Furukawa, T.A.; Suganuma, A.; Ostinelli, E.G.; Montero-Marin, J.; Cipriani, A.; Efthimiou, O.; Andersson, G.; Forsell, E.; Kaldo, V.; Vernmark, K.; Beevers, C.G.; Shumake, J.; Berger, T.; Boele, F.W.; Buntrock, C.; Zarski, A.-C.; Ebert, D.D.; Carlbring, P.; Johansson, R.; Choi, I.; Christensen, H.; Mackinnon, A.; O'Moore, K.; Dahne, J.; Huibers, M.J.H.; Kleiboer, A.; Riper, H.; van Straten, A.; Miguel, C.; Cuijpers, P.; Farrer, L.; Forand, N.R.; Strunk, D.R.; Ezawa, I.D.; Geraedts, A.; Gilbody, S.; Littlewood, E.; Brabyn, S.; Hadjistavropoulos, H.D.; Schneider, L.H.; Kenter, R.; Kivi, M.; Björkelund, C.; Klein, J.P.; Schröder, J.; Moritz, S.; Bücker, L.; Meyer, B.; Lintvedt, O.; Johansson, P.; Lundgren, J.; Milgrom, J.; Gemmill, A.W.; Mohr, D.C.; Garcia-Campayo, J.; Nobis, S.; Williams, A.D.; Newby, J.M.; Perini, S.; Phillips, R.; Smith, J.; Schneider, J.; Pots, W.; Pugh, N.E.; Richards, D.; Rosso, I.M.; Rauch, S.L.; Sheeber, L.B.; Spek, V.; Pop, V.J.; Ünlü, B.; van Bastelaar, K.M.P.; van Luenen, S.; Garnefski, N.; Kraaij, V.; Warmerdam, L.; Zagorscak, P.; Knaevelsrud, C.; Heinrich, M.; Karyotaki, E.
In: The Lancet Psychiatry . (The Lancet Psychiatry, June 2021, 8(6):500-511)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Interpersonal Violence . (Journal of Interpersonal Violence, January 2021, 36(1-2):NP643-NP662)
Academic Journal
In: Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy . (Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 1 July 2019, 47(4):407-420)
Academic Journal
In: Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy . (Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 1 March 2017, 24(2):451-461)
Academic Journal
In: PLoS ONE . (PLoS ONE, March 2016, 11(3))
Academic Journal
In: Behavior Therapy . (Behavior Therapy, March 01, 2016, 47(2):155-165)
Academic Journal
In: Archives of Women's Mental Health . (Archives of Women's Mental Health, April 2015, 18(2):209-219)
Academic Journal
In: Cognitive and Behavioral Practice . (Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, February 2014, 21(1):64-77)
Academic Journal
In: Internet Interventions . (Internet Interventions, April 2014, 1(2):41-48)
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[AR] Pugh, N.E.
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