에서 검색결과 158건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Contento, G.; Wilson, J.-A.A.M.; Selvarajah, B.; Platé, M.; Guillotin, D.; Chambers, R.C.; Morales, V.; Bianchi, K.; Trevisani, M.; Pitozzi, V.
In: JCI Insight . (JCI Insight, 24 September 2024, 9(18))
Academic Journal
Desai, J.V.; Zarakas, M.A.; Wishart, A.L.; Lionakis, M.S.; Roschewski, M.; Staudt, L.M.; Wilson, W.H.; Aufiero, M.A.; Donkò, A.; Leto, T.L.; Wigerblad, G.; Kaplan, M.J.; Shlezinger, N.; Plate, M.; Hohl, T.M.; James, M.R.; Cramer, R.A.; Lim, J.K.; Uzel, G.; Holland, S.M.; Bergerson, J.R.E.; Fuss, I.; Franco, L.M.; Clark, E.S.; Khan, W.N.; Yamanaka, D.; Chamilos, G.; El-Benna, J.
In: Journal of Clinical Investigation . (Journal of Clinical Investigation, 17 June 2024, 134(12))
Academic Journal
Mehta, P.; Denneny, E.K.; Platé, M.; Worlock, K.B.; Yoshida, M.; Brown, J.S.; Nikolić, M.Z.; Chambers, R.C.; Porter, J.C.; Sanz-Magallón Duque de Estrada, B.; Turner, C.T.; Mayer, A.; Milighetti, M.; Chain, B.M.; Noursadeghi, M.; Tomlinson, G.S.; Foster, K.
In: Frontiers in Immunology . (Frontiers in Immunology, 2024, 15)
Academic Journal
Alhomoud, M.; Chokr, N.; Gomez-Arteaga, A.; Yamshon, S.; Hsu, J.-M.; Phillips, A.; Mayer, S.; Shore, T.; Van Besien, K.; Chen, Z.; Escalon, J.G.; Legasto, A.C.; Brusca-Augello, G.; Plate, M.; Zappetti, D.
In: Transplantation and Cellular Therapy . (Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, May 2023, 29(5):326.e1-326.e10)
Academic Journal
In Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis December 2010 8(12):2736-2742
Academic Journal
Stewart, I.; Molyneaux, P.L.; Fabbri, L.; Quint, J.K.; Walsh; Weeks, M.E.; Jenkins, G.R.; Jacob, J.; Aslani, S.; George, P.M.; Smith, D.J.F.; Porter, J.C.; Denneny, E.K.; Allen, R.J.; Gooptu, B.; Guio, B.G.; Leavy, O.; Pear, J.; Wild, J.M.; Wain, L.V.; Elneima, O.; Evans, R.A.; Greening, N.J.; Harris, V.; Houchen-Wollof, L.; McAuley, H.; Richardson, M.; Saunders, R.; Sereno, M.; Shikotra, A.; Singapuri, A.; Brightling, C.E.; Baillie, J.K.; Docherty, A.; Harrison, E.M.; Thorpe, M.; Barratt, S.L.; Beirne, P.; Bianchi, S.M.; Lawson, R.; Blaikley, J.F.; Chadhuri, N.; Hanley, N.A.; Horsley, A.; Hanley, K.P.; Rivera-Orteg, P.; Stanel, S.; Chalmers, J.D.; Chambers, R.C.; Coleman, C.; Hall, I.P.; Khan, F.; Collier, G.; Saunders, L.; Thompson, A.A.R.; Weatherley, N.D.; Gibbons, M.A.; Gleeson, F.V.; Johnson, S.R.; Heightman, M.; Hillman, T.E.; Marks, M.; Mehta, P.; Platé, M.; Jarrold, I.; Poinasamy, K.; Walker, S.; Jones, M.G.; Lone, N.; Parekh, D.; Thickett, D.R.; Raman, B.; Ho, L.-P.; Semple, M.G.; Wootton, D.G.; Simpson, A.J.; Spears, M.; Spencer, L.G.
In: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine . (American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 15 March 2023, 207(6):693-703)
Academic Journal
Patel, C.; Abramova, R.; Pasciolla, M.; Salerno, D.; Gomez-Arteaga, A.; Shore, T.B.; Orfali, N.; Mayer, S.; Hsu, J.; Phillips, A.A.; Chaekal, O.-K.; Besien, K.V.; Satlin, M.J.; Soave, R.; Kodiyanplakkal, R.P.L.; Drelick, A.; Plate, M.
In: Transplantation and Cellular Therapy . (Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, February 2023, 29(2):132.e1-132.e5)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Hospital Medicine . (Journal of Hospital Medicine, August 2024, 19(8):753-754)
Academic Journal
Chaekal, O.-K.; van Besien, K.; Gomez-Arteaga, A.; Shore, T.; Mayer, S.; Phillips, A.; Hsu, J.M.; Soave, R.; Drelick, A.; Kodiyanplakkal, R.P.L.; Plate, M.; Satlin, M.J.; Chen, Z.
In: Transplantation and Cellular Therapy . (Transplantation and Cellular Therapy, September 2022, 28(9):618.e1-618.e10)
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[AR] Platé, M.
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