에서 검색결과 6건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Ali, Ayub; Furler, Robert L; Pedroza-Martins, Livia; Colantonio, Arnaud D; Anisman-Posner, Deborah; Bryson, Yvonne; Yang, Otto O; Uittenbogaart, Christel H
AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. 36(2)
Academic Journal
Samri, Assia; Charpentier, Charlotte; Diallo, Mariama Sadjo; Bertine, Melanie; Even, Sophie; Morin, Veronique; Oudin, Anne; Parizot, Christophe; Collin, Gilles; Hosmalin, Anne; Cheynier, Remi; Thiebaut, Rodolphe; Matheron, Sophie; Collin, Fideline; Zoorob, Rima; Brun-Vezinet, Francoise; Autran, Brigitte; Appay, Victor; Chaghil, Nathalie; Descamps, Diane; Pancino, Gianfranco; Manel, Nicolas; Marchand, Lucie; Pedroza-Martins, Livia; Saez-Cirion, Asier; Vieillard, Vincent; ANRS CO5 IMMUNOVIR-2 Study Grp
Academic Journal
Pedroza-Martins, Livia; Boscardin, W John; Anisman-Posner, Deborah J; Redsar, Beverly N; Bryson, Yvonne J; Yang, Otto O; Uittenbogaart, Christel H
AIDS. Apr 04, 2006 20(6):939-942
Pedroza-Martins, Livia; Boscardin, W. John; Anisman-Posner, Deborah J.; Schols, Dominique; Bryson, Yvonne J.; Uittenbogaart, Christel H.
The Journal of Virology; July 2002, Vol. 76 Issue: 14 p6929-6943, 15p
The Journal of Virology; December 1998, Vol. 72 Issue: 12 p9441-9452, 12p
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[AR] Pedroza-Martins, Livia
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