에서 검색결과 58건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Pau-Charles, I.; Ortiz-Ibáñez, K.; Mascarõ Jr., J.M.; Moreno, P.J.; Lucero, M.C.; Nicolás, J.M.; Castro, P.; Grau, J.M.; Garcia-Herrera, A.; Espinosa, G.; Casciola-Rosen, L.
In: Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology . (Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, August 2014, 28(8):1097-1102)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology . (Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 2014, 28(4):500-506)
Academic Journal
Hernandez-Martín, A.; Torrelo, A.; Aranegui, B.; Escámez, M.J.; Del Río, M.; Feito, M.; De Lucas, R.; Vicente, A.; Gonzalez-Enseñat, M.A.; Rodríguez-Díaz, E.; Bernabeu-Wittel, J.; Gonzalez-Hermosa, R.; García-Patos, V.; Ginarte, M.; Mascaró Jr., J.M.; Corredera, C.; Baselga, E.; Santiago, J.L.; Romero, G.; Chaves, A.; Román, C.; Évole, M.; Martin-Santiago, A.; Morcillo-Makow, E.; Abaitua, I.; García-Doval, I.
In: Actas Dermo-Sifiliograficas . (Actas Dermo-Sifiliograficas, December 2013, 104(10):890-896)
Academic Journal
Julià, M.; Guilabert, A.; Alsina-Gibert, M.; Mascaró Jr., J.M.; Lozano, F.; Suarez-Casasús, B.; Carrascosa, J.M.; Ferrándiz, C.; Moreno, N.; Pedrosa, E.
In: JAMA Dermatology . (JAMA Dermatology, September 2013, 149(9):1033-1039)
Academic Journal
In: Pediatric Dermatology . (Pediatric Dermatology, September 2013, 30(5):e96-e97)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology . (Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, July 2013, 69(1):e34-e36)
Academic Journal
Darwich, E.; Mascaŕo Jr., J.M.; Bomb́i, J.A.; Vicente, A.; González-Ensendiacriticalẽat, M.A.; Cusi, V.; Fortuny, C.; Bolling, M.C.; Jonkman, M.F.
In: European Journal of Dermatology . (European Journal of Dermatology, December 2011, 21(6):966-971)
Academic Journal
Darwich, E.; Alsina-Gibert, M.; Mascaró Jr., J.M.; Darwich, L.; Cañadas, M.P.; Klaustermeier, J.; Ercilla, G.
In: Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology . (Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, August 2011, 65(2):e43-e45)
Academic Journal
Guilabert, A.; Iranzo, P.; Martinez-De Pablo, I.; Juli, M.; Mascaró Jr., J.M.; Lozano, F.; Suárez-Casasús, B.
In: Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology . (Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, November 2011, 65(5):1062-1063)
Academic Journal
Gutiérrez-Dalmau, A.; Revuelta, I.; Oppenheimer, F.; Campistol, J.M.; Ferrer, B.; Mascaró Jr., J.M.; Albanell, J.
In: Transplantation . (Transplantation, 15 November 2010, 90(9):986-992)
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[AR] Mascarõ Jr., J.M.
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