에서 검색결과 7건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Curwen, J. C.; MORE; Hodgson, Thomas; Sutton, John; Crisp, John; Berrett, Robert; Denny, John; Smith, Joseph; Kilderbee, Samuel; Storer, John; Majendie, Lewis; Montgomerie, James; Caswall, George; Myall, Barker; Bird, Thomas; Toon, Thomas; Pindard, Isaac; Todd, W.; Fife; Geddes, John; Duncan, James; Bucknall, Thomas Skip Dyot; Thomas, W.; Martin, Henry; Mundell, Robert; Filewood, James; Stillingfleet, James; Hey, Wm.; Dikes, Thomas; Wood, John; Jones, Thomas; Shaw, William; Billingsley, J.; Tudway, Clement; Lovell, John; Oakeley, William; Owen, Ev.; Gryffydh, John; Todd, James; Hoskins, Jos.; Irwin, James; Sewell, Wm.; Upton, Charles; Cox, Wm.; Cox, Edward L.; Witherall, J. L.; Goodwin, George; Cox, William; Scott, Adam; Weston, John Webbe; Boehm, Edmund; Billingsley, John; Braithewaite, Reg.
Transactions of the Society, Instituted at London, for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, 1797 Jan 01. 15, 113-234.
Academic Journal
Denton, James; Pritchard, Henry; Aylmer, Thomas; Ellington, Samuel; Webb, William; Lloyd, J. R.; Fayel, J.; Davies, W.; Richardson, Thomas; Goodlad, Thomas; Sanderson, George; Majendie, Lewis; Brighton, Charles G.; Myall, Barker; Kingston, John; Pratt, John; Robinson, William; Davis, Robert; Hill, William; Mogford, Anthony; Ball, Philip; Blake, Francis; Jenkins, John; Priest, Peter; Ashton, Nicholas; Moyle, Richard; John, Richard; James, John; Giddy, Davies; Willyams, Henry; Cock, John; Crockitt, John; Bevan, J.; Barnesley, Thomas; Higgs, Jos.; Wrottesley, John; Middleton, John; Phillips, Wm.; Pollett, W.; Pollett, Wm.; Smith, Tho.; Smith, G.; Smith, Jos.; Hicks, G.; Knight, Tho.; Knight, John; Knight, Edward; Bucknall, T. Skip Dvot; Fairman, Wm.; Morshead, John; Bramley, Rd. Ramsden; Eager, Richard; Ellis, Charles; Sparkes, Richard; Ellis, Richard Street; Luff, John
Transactions of the Society, Instituted at London, for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, 1796 Jan 01. 14, 115-250.
Academic Journal
Johnson, William; Milnes, Richard Slater; Mann, James; Marten, Stephen; Gellibrand, Wm.; Mansfield, R. F.; Majendie, Lewis; Rogerson, Thomas; Fountaine, Brigg; Taylor, William; Mason, W.; Dunn, Samuel; Bucknell, James; Tarr, George; Palfreman, John; Carter, Wm.; Carter, William; Williams, Robert; Jones, Price; Dann, William; Dann, W.; Hanmer, Thomas; Parkes, Rich.; Kynaston, John; Fletcher, P. Lloyd; Clifton, Margaret; Broadbent, W.; Ward, Francis; Fish, John; Broadbent, Wm.; Hubbard, George; Cullum, T. H.; Matthew, W.; Morris, Thomas; Swinden, Francis
Transactions of the Society, Instituted at London, for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, 1791 Jan 01. 9, 1-127.
Academic Journal
Hanmer, Job; Majendie, Lewis; Montgomery, James; Storer, John; Caswall, George; Myal, B.; Firth, John Scholefield; Robertshaw, Thomas; Schackleton, J.; Whitaker, John; Halliwell, W.; Deardend, Robert; Walmsley, James; Tate, John; Clark, Thomas; Denton, Isaac; Younghusband, Jonn; Hogg, Robert; Rodd, Thomas; Nind, Ph.; Gibbons, Thomas; Foster, John; Sharp, William; White, Thomas; Hall, John; Weaver, Charles; Taylor, Samuel; Biggs, William; Nelthorpe, George; Partridge, John; Fuller, Samuel; Fife, James; Stoker, John; Myall, Baker; Andrews, Richard; Honywood, William; Tillard, James; Pelham, Thomas Randolph; Thomson, Henry; Hope, Charles; Hobson, Benjamin; Morton, James; Bland, Thomas; Bucknall, Thomas Skip Dyot; Smith, Peter; Hayward, William; Woodfield, John; Garret, William; Prentis, Edward; Harris, J.; Torrington, Hugh; Leigh, William; Potter, James; Ball, John; Moore, G.; Henn, J.; Slade, Thomas; Sylecote, Thomas; Ward, Michal; Davies, John; Parry, Francis; Maurice, P.; Owen, Owen; Thomas, Daniel; Jones, John; Corbet, Edward
Transactions of the Society, Instituted at London, for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, 1794 Jan 01. 12, 103-250.
Academic Journal
Majendie, Lewis; Montgomerie, James; Caswell, George; Myall, Barker; Holliday, John; Woolfe, John; Dunn, James; Woolfe, B.; Woolfe, J.; Steel, Thomas; Kent, Nathaniel; Pattenson, William; Mather, John; Kirkbank, Thomas; Pullen, R.; Dunn, Samuel; Rogerson, Thomas; Smith, Peter; Dann, William; Ambrose, John; Hayward, Charles; Baker, John; Poulton, John; Hayles, William; Christmass, John; Radcliffe, Houst.; Carman, John; Douglass, B.; Hunter, John; Fordyce, W.; Shepherd, J.; Scott, Walter; Poynter, G.; Randolph, Herbert; Tabrum, Robert; Keysal, John; Wedge, John; Jaques, John; Jones, John; Keysall, John
Transactions of the Society, Instituted at London, for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, 1792 Jan 01. 10, 1-150.
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[AR] Majendie, Lewis
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