에서 검색결과 67건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Domínguez-Pumar, M.; Rosero-Pozo, C.; Manyosa, X.; Bermejo, S.; de la Torre Juárez, M.; Navarro, S.; Marin, M.; Gómez-Elvira, J.; Rodríguez-Manfredi, J.A.
In: Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation . (Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 15 January 2025, 239)
Academic Journal
In: Micro and Nano Engineering . (Micro and Nano Engineering, June 2024, 23)
Academic Journal
Manyosa, X.; Jiménez, V.; Ramos-Castro, J.; Pons-Nin, J.; Gómez, S.; Domínguez-Pumar, M.; Roma-Dollase, D.; Arqué, M.; Bonastre, B.; Martín, V.; Salvans-Tort, J.; Nofrarias, M.; Sanuy, A.; Mauricio, J.; Gascon, D.
In: Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation . (Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 15 May 2024, 230)
Academic Journal
In: Gels . (Gels, January 2024, 10(1))
Academic Journal
Kumar, D.; Dominguez-Pumar, M.; Sayrol-Clols, E.; Torres, J.; Marín, M.; Gómez-Elvira, J.; Mora, L.; Navarro, S.; Rodríguez-Manfredi, J.
In: Machine Learning: Science and Technology . (Machine Learning: Science and Technology, 1 September 2023, 4(3))
Academic Journal
In: Sensors and Actuators A: Physical . (Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 1 August 2023, 357)
Academic Journal
Rodriguez-Manfredi, J.A.; Sebastian, E.; De Vicente-Retortillo, A.; Viudez-Moreiras, D.; Lepinette, A.; Gomez-Elvira, J.; Fairén, A.G.; Ferrandiz, R.; Garcia-Villadangos, M.; Gimenez, S.; Gomez-Gomez, F.; Marin, M.; Martin, C.; Martin-Soler, J.; Molina, A.; Mora-Sotomayor, L.; Navarro, S.; Peinado, V.; Pla-Garcia, J.; Postigo, M.; Prieto-Ballesteros, O.; Romeral, J.; Romero, C.; Urqui, R.; Zurita, S.; de la Torre Juarez, M.; Tamppari, L.K.; Boland, J.; Schofield, J.T.; Sanchez-Lavega, A.; Hueso, R.; Munguira, A.; Del Rio-Gaztelurrutia, T.; Martinez, G.; Lemmon, M.T.; Wolff, M.; Newman, C.E.; Richardson, M.I.; Hieta, M.; Polkko, J.; Jaakonaho, I.; Genzer, M.; Harri, A.-M.; Makinen, T.; Savijärvi, H.; Toledo, D.; Apestigue, V.; Arruego, I.; Jimenez, J.J.; Torres, J.; Smith, M.D.; Guzewich, S.D.; Ramos, M.; Saiz-Lopez, A.; Sullivan, R.J.; Conrad, P.G.; Murdoch, N.; Banfield, D.; Brown, A.J.; Ceballos, J.; Espejo, S.; Dominguez-Pumar, M.; Jimenez, V.; Fischer, E.; Perez-Grande, I.; Rafkin, S.C.R.
In: Nature Geoscience . (Nature Geoscience, January 2023, 16(1):19-28)
Academic Journal
Domínguez-Pumar, M.; Rosero-Pozo, C.; Pons-Nin, J.; Ramos-Castro, J.; Solà-Peñafiel, N.; Manyosa, X.; Bermejo, S.; Jiménez, V.; Szewczyk, D.; Jeżowski, A.
In: Sensors and Actuators A: Physical . (Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 1 December 2022, 348)
Academic Journal
Solà-Penafiel, N.; Manyosa, X.; Ramos-Castro, J.; Jiménez, V.; Bermejo, S.; Domínguez-Pumar, M.; Navarrete, E.; Llobet, E.; Gracia, I.
In: Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical . (Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 15 August 2022, 365)
Academic Journal
In: Electrochimica Acta . (Electrochimica Acta, 10 October 2021, 393)
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[AR] M. Domínguez-Pumar
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