에서 검색결과 130건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Starnes, Sandra L.; Duncan, Brian W.; Kneebone, James M.; Rosenthal, Geoffrey L.; Patterson, Kathleen; Fraga, Charles H.; Kilian, Karen M.; Mathur, Sanjeev K.; Lupinetti, Flavian M.
In The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2001 122(3):518-523
Academic Journal
In The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery September 2000 120(3):596-603
Academic Journal
Portman, Michael A.; Fearneyhough, Collette; Ning, Xue-Han; Duncan, Brian W.; Rosenthal, Geoffrey L.; Lupinetti, Flavian M.
In The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery September 2000 120(3):604-608
Academic Journal
Kinney, James B.; Rovira, Miguel J.; Sahn, David J.; Lupinetti, Flavian M.; Gilman, Matthew D.; Wexler, Lewis
Academic Journal
Woods, Ronald K., MD, PhD; Dyamenahalli, Umesh, MD; Duncan, Brian W., MD; Rosenthal, Geoffrey L., MD, PhD; Lupinetti, Flavian M., MD
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 125(3):465-471
Academic Journal
Duncan, Brian W., MD; Rosenthal, Geoffrey L., MD, PhD; Jones, Thomas K., MD; Lupinetti, Flavian M., MD
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 72(6):2077-2080
Academic Journal
Starnes, Sandra L., MD; Duncan, Brian W., MD; Kneebone, James M., MS; Fraga, Charles H., MS; States, Shawn, BS; Rosenthal, Geoffrey L., MD, PhD; Lupinetti, Flavian M., MD
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 120(5):902-908
Academic Journal
Starnes, Sandra L., MD; Duncan, Brian W., MD; Kneebone, James M., MS; Rosenthal, Geoffrey L., MD, PhD; Jones, Thomas K., MD; Grifka, Ronald G., MD; Cecchin, Frank, MD; Owens, David J., BA; Fearneyhough, Collette, ARNP; Lupinetti, Flavian M., MD
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 119(3):534-539
Academic Journal
Keenan, Heather T., MDCM, MPH; Thiagarajan, Ravi, MBBS; Stephens, Kenton E., MD; Williams, Glyn, MBChB, FFA; Ramamoorthy, Chandra, MBBS, FRCA; Lupinetti, Flavian M., MD
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 119(3):501-507
Academic Journal
Duncan, Brian W., MD; Kneebone, James M., MS; Chi, Emil Y., MD; Hraska, Viktor, MD; Isik, F.Frank, MD; Rosenthal, Geoffrey L., MD, PhD; Jones, Thomas K., MD; Starnes, Sandra L., MD; Lupinetti, Flavian M., MD
The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery. 117(5):931-938
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[AR] Lupinetti, Flavian M.
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