에서 검색결과 31건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Physical Review. A; 74; 4; Other Information: DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.74.049904; (c) 2006 The American Physical Society; Country of input: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Pieters, C. M; Boardman, J; Buratti, B; Clark, R; Combe, J. P; Green, R; Goswami, J. N; Head, J. W., III; Hicks, M; Isaacson, P; Klima, R; Kramer, G; Kumar, K; Lundeen, S; Malaret, E; McCord, T. B; Mustard, J; Nettles, J; Petro, N; Runyon, C; Staid, M; Sunshine, J; Taylor, L. A; Thaisen, K; Tompkins, S
Mineralogy of the Lunar Crust in Spatial Context: First Results from the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3)
Pieters, C. M; Boardman, J; Buratti, B; Clark, R; Combe, J-P; Green, R; Goswami, J. N; Head, J. W., III; Hicks, M; Isaacson, P; Klima, R; Kramer, G; Kumar, S; Lundeen, S; Malaret, E; McCord, T. B; Mustard, J; Nettles, J; Petro, N; Runyon, C; Staid, M. I; Sunshine, J; Taylor, L; Tompkins, S; Varanasi, P
JNJ-10280205 and JNJ-10287069: novel PDE5 inhibitors as clinical candidates for erectile dysfunction
Academic Journal
International Journal of Impotence Research. Sep 01, 2006 18(5):477-483
Academic Journal
Phys. Rev. A; (United States); 38:9
Academic Journal
Phys. Rev. Lett.; (United States); 61:20
Academic Journal
Phys. Rev., A; (United States); 23:5
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[AR] Lundeen, S
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