에서 검색결과 31건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Crutzen, P.J.; Coffey, M.T.; Delany, A.C.; Greenberg, J.; Haagenson, P.; Heidt, L.; Lueb, R.; Mankin, W.G.; Pollock, W.; Seiller, W.; Wartburg, A.; Zimmerman, P.
Acta Amazonica. June 1985 15(1-2)
Academic Journal
Pan, L.L.; Honomichl, S.B.; Smith, W.P.; Kinnison, D.E.; Hornbrook, R.S.; Apel, E.C.; Hills, A.J.; Schauffler, S.; Hendershot, R.; Lueb, R.; Campos, T.; Randel, W.J.; Atlas, E.L.; Treadaway, V.; Smith, K.; Donnelly, S.; Solomon, S.; Santee, M.L.; Millán, L.; Saiz-Lopez, A.; Laube, J.C.; Wang, B.; Ueyama, R.; Podolske, J.R.; Iraci, L.T.; Bui, P.; Dean-Day, J.M.; Ryoo, J.-M.; Bresch, J.F.; Gurganus, C.; Thornberry, T.; Viciani, S.; D'Amato, F.; Bianchini, G.; Barucci, M.; Barletta, B.; Koo, J.-H.; Kim, J.; Liang, Q.; Newman, P.A.
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America . (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 19 March 2024, 121(12))
Academic Journal
Koenig, T.K.; Volkamer, R.; Baidar, S.; Dix, B.; Wang, S.; Anderson, D.C.; Salawitch, R.J.; Wales, P.A.; Cuevas, C.A.; Fernandez, R.P.; Saiz-Lopez, A.; Evans, M.J.; Sherwen, T.; Jacob, D.J.; Schmidt, J.; Kinnison, D.; Lamarque, J.-F.; Apel, E.C.; Bresch, J.C.; Campos, T.; Flocke, F.M.; Hall, S.R.; Honomichl, S.B.; Hornbrook, R.; Jensen, J.B.; Lueb, R.; Montzka, D.D.; Pan, L.L.; Michael Reeves, J.; Schauffler, S.M.; Ullmann, K.; Weinheimer, A.J.; Atlas, E.L.; Donets, V.; Navarro, M.A.; Riemer, D.; Blake, N.J.; Chen, D.; Gregory Huey, L.; Tanner, D.J.; Hanisco, T.F.; Wolfe, G.M.
In: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics . (Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22 December 2017, 17(24):15245-15270)
Academic Journal
Andrews, S.J.; Carpenter, L.J.; Hopkins, J.R.; Lewis, A.C.; Lidster, R.T.; Minaeian, J.; Punjabi, S.; Apel, E.C.; Hornbrook, R.S.; Lueb, R.; Schauffler, S.; Atlas, E.; Donets, V.; Navarro, M.; Riemer, D.
In: Atmospheric Measurement Techniques . (Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 26 October 2016, 9(10):5213-5225)
Academic Journal
Barletta, B.; Meinardi, S.; Blake, D.R.; Carreras-Sospedra, M.; Cohan, A.; Dabdub, D.; Nissenson, P.; Atlas, E.; Lueb, R.; Holloway, J.S.; Ryerson, T.B.; Pederson, J.; Vancuren, R.A.
In: Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres . (Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 27 February 2013, 118(4):2019-2030)
Academic Journal
De Gouw, J.A.; Warneke, C.; Fehsenfeld, F.C.; Frost, G.J.; Holloway, J.S.; Meagher, J.F.; Parrish, D.D.; Ryerson, T.B.; Washenfelder, R.A.; Te Lintel Hekkert, S.; Mellqvist, J.; Rivera, C.; Samuelsson, J.; Atlas, E.L.; Lueb, R.; Pope, L.; Zhu, X.; Fried, A.; Richter, D.; Walega, J.; Weibring, P.; Harren, F.J.M.; Lefer, B.; Patel, M.
In: Environmental Science and Technology . (Environmental Science and Technology, 1 April 2009, 43(7):2437-2442)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres . (Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 27 October 2003, 108(20):GTE 15-1 - 15-15)
Academic Journal
Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres; 2003, Vol. 108 Issue D20, pn/a-n/a, 15p
Academic Journal
Journal of Geophysical Research. Oceans; 1980, Vol. 85 Issue C10, p5555-5568, 14p
Academic Journal
Pure & Applied Geophysics; Dec1975, Vol. 113 Issue 1, p389-402, 14p
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[AR] Lueb, R.
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