
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 19건 | 목록 1~10
In: Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, NAACL 2024, Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, NAACL 2024. (Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, NAACL 2024, 2024, 1:1054-1089)
Academic Journal
In: Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics. (Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 1 February 2021, 9:538-556)
Academic Journal
Brightling, C.E.Evans, R.A.Singapuri, A.Wain, L.V.Smith, N.Evans, R.A.Chalmers, J.D.Harris, V.C.Ho, L.P.Horsley, A.Houchen-Wolloff, L.Marks, M.Raman, B.Singapuri, A.Barran, P.Bingham, M.Chilvers, E.R.Daynes, E.Efstathiou, C.M.Elneima, O.Guillen Guio, B.Harrison, E.M.Jenkins, R.G.Liew, F.Lone, N.I.Lord, J.M.McAuley, H.J.C.McCann, G.P.Mitchell, J.Plekhanova, T.Russell, R.J.Saunders, R.M.Semple, M.G.Smith, N.Trivedi, D.Turtle, L.Walker, S.Abel, K.Adamali, H.Adeloye, D.Adeyemi, O.Adrego, R.Aguilar Jimenez, L.A.Ahmad, S.Ahmad Haider, N.Ahmed, R.Ahwireng, N.Ainsworth, M.Al-Sheklly, B.Alamoudi, A.Ali, M.Aljaroof, M.Allan, L.Allen, R.J.Allerton, L.Allsop, L.Allt, A.M.Almeida, P.Altmann, D.Alvarez Corral, M.Amoils, S.Anderson, D.Antoniades, C.Arbane, G.Arias, A.Armour, C.Armstrong, L.Armstrong, N.Arnold, D.Arnold, H.Ashish, A.Ashworth, A.Ashworth, M.Aslani, S.Assefa-Kebede, H.Atkin, P.Atkin, C.Aul, R.Aung, H.Austin, L.Avram, C.Ayoub, A.Babores, M.Baggott, R.Bagshaw, J.Baguley, D.Bailey, L.Baillie, J.K.Bain, S.Bakali, M.Bakau, M.Baldry, E.Baldwin, M.Baldwin, D.Ballard, C.Banerjee, A.Bang, D.Barker, R.E.Barman, L.Barratt, S.Barrett, F.Basire, D.Basu, N.Bates, M.Bates, A.Batterham, R.Baxendale, H.Baxter, G.Bayes, H.Beadsworth, M.Beckett, P.Beggs, M.Begum, M.Beirne, P.Bell, M.Bell, R.Bennett, K.Beranova, E.Bermperi, A.Berridge, A.Berry, C.Betts, S.Bevan, E.Bhui, K.Birchall, K.Bishop, L.Bisnauthsing, K.Blaikely, J.Bloss, A.Bolger, A.Bolton, C.E.Bonnington, J.Botkai, A.Bourne, C.Bourne, M.Bramham, K.Brear, L.Breen, G.Breeze, J.Breeze, K.Briggs, A.Bright, E.Brill, S.Brindle, K.Broad, L.Broadley, A.Brookes, C.Broome, M.Brown, V.Brown, M.Brown, J.Brown, A.Brown, J.S.Brugha, T.Brunskill, N.Buch, M.Buckley, P.Bularga, A.Bullmore, E.Bunker, J.Burden, L.Burdett, T.Burn, D.Burns, G.Burns, A.Busby, J.Butcher, R.Butt, A.Byrne, S.Cairns, P.Calder, P.C.Calvelo, E.Carborn, H.Card, B.Carr, C.Carr, L.Carson, G.Carter, P.Casey, A.Cassar, M.Cavanagh, J.Chablani, M.Chalder, T.Chambers, R.C.Chan, F.Channon, K.M.Chapman, K.Charalambou, A.Chaudhuri, N.Checkley, A.Chen, J.Cheng, Y.Chetham, L.Childs, C.Chinoy, H.Chiribiri, A.Chong-James, K.Choudhury, N.Choudhury, G.Chowienczyk, P.Christie, C.Chrystal, M.Clark, C.Clark, D.Clarke, J.Clohisey, S.Coakley, G.Coburn, Z.Coetzee, S.Cole, J.Coleman, C.Conneh, F.Connell, D.Connolly, B.Connor, L.Cook, A.Cooper, S.Cooper, B.Cooper, J.Copeland, D.Cosier, T.Coulding, M.Coupland, C.Cox, E.Craig, T.Crisp, P.Cristiano, D.Crooks, M.G.Cross, A.Cruz, I.Cullinan, P.Cuthbertson, D.Daines, L.Dalton, M.Daly, P.Daniels, A.Dark, P.Dasgin, J.David, C.David, A.Davies, F.Davies, E.Davies, K.Davies, G.Davies, G.A.Davies, M.J.Dawson, J.Dawson, C.De Soyza, A.Deakin, B.Deans, A.Deas, C.Deery, J.Defres, S.Dell, A.Dempsey, K.Denneny, E.Dennis, J.Dewar, A.Dharmagunawardena, R.Diar-Bakerly, N.Dickens, C.Dipper, A.Diver, S.Diwanji, S.N.Dixon, M.Djukanovic, R.Dobson, H.Dobson, S.L.Docherty, A.B.Donaldson, A.Dong, T.Dormand, N.Dougherty, A.Dowling, R.Drain, S.Draxlbauer, K.Drury, K.Dulawan, P.Dunleavy, A.Dunn, S.Dupont, C.Earley, J.Easom, N.Echevarria, C.Edwards, S.Edwardson, C.El-Taweel, H.Elliott, A.Elliott, K.Ellis, Y.Elmer, A.Evans, T.Evans, R.I.Evans, D.Evans, R.Evans, H.Evans, J.Evenden, C.Evison, L.Fabbri, L.Fairbairn, S.Fairman, A.Fallon, K.Faluyi, D.Favager, C.Fayzan, T.Featherstone, J.Felton, T.Ferreira, V.Finch, J.Finney, S.Finnigan, J.Finnigan, L.Fisher, H.Fletcher, S.Flockton, R.Flynn, M.Foot, H.Foote, D.Ford, A.Forton, D.Fraile, E.Francis, C.Francis, R.Francis, S.Frankel, A.Fraser, E.Free, R.French, N.Fu, X.Fuld, J.Furniss, J.Garner, L.Gautam, N.Geddes, J.R.George, J.George, P.Gibbons, M.Gill, R.Gill, M.Gilmour, L.Gleeson, F.Glossop, J.Glover, S.Goodman, N.Goodwin, C.Gooptu, B.Gordon, H.Gorsuch, T.Greatorex, M.Greenhaff, P.L.Greenhalf, W.Greenhalgh, A.Greening, N.J.Greenwood, J.Gregory, R.Gregory, H.Grieve, D.Griffin, D.Griffiths, L.Guerdette, A.-M.Gummadi, M.Gupta, A.Gurram, S.Guthrie, E.Guy, Z.Hadley, K.Haggar, A.Hainey, K.Hairsine, B.Haldar, P.Hall, L.Hall, I.Halling-Brown, M.Hamil, R.Hancock, A.Hancock, K.Hanley, N.A.Haq, S.Hardwick, H.E.Hardy, T.Hardy, E.Hargadon, B.Harrington, K.Harris, E.Harrison, P.Hart, N.Harvey, A.Harvey, M.Harvie, M.Haslam, L.Hastie, C.Havinden-Williams, M.Hawkes, J.Hawkings, N.Haworth, J.Hayday, A.Haynes, M.Hazeldine, J.Hazelton, T.Heaney, L.G.Heeley, C.Heeney, J.L.Heightman, M.Heller, S.Henderson, M.Henson, H.Hesselden, L.Hewitt, M.Highett, V.Hillman, T.Hiwot, T.Hoare, M.Hoare, A.Hockridge, J.Hogarth, P.Holbourn, A.Holden, S.Holdsworth, L.Holgate, D.Holland, M.Holloway, L.Holmes, K.Holmes, M.Holroyd-Hind, B.Holt, L.Hormis, A.Hosseini, A.Hotopf, M.Howard, L.S.Howard, K.Howell, A.Hufton, E.Hughes, R.A.Hughes, J.Hughes, A.D.Humphries, A.Huneke, N.Hurditch, E.Hurst, J.Husain, M.Hussell, T.Hutchinson, J.Ibrahim, W.Ilyas, F.Ingham, J.Ingram, L.Ionita, D.Isaacs, K.Ismail, K.Jackson, T.Jacob, J.James, W.Y.Jang, W.Jarman, C.Jarrold, I.Jarvis, H.Jastrub, R.Jayaraman, B.Jezzard, P.Jiwa, K.Johnson, C.Johnson, S.Johnston, D.Jolley, C.J.Jones, S.Jones, H.Jones, L.Jones, I.Jones, G.Jones, M.G.Jones, D.Jose, S.Kabir, T.Kaltsakas, G.Kamwa, V.Kanellakis, N.Kaprowska, S.Kausar, Z.Keenan, N.Kelly, S.Kemp, G.Kerr, S.Kerslake, H.Key, A.L.Khan, F.Khunti, K.Kilroy, S.King, B.King, C.Kingham, L.Kirk, J.Kitterick, P.Klenerman, P.Knibbs, L.Knight, S.Knighton, A.Kon, O.Kon, S.Kon, S.S.Korszun, A.Koychev, I.Kurasz, C.Kurupati, P.Laing, C.Lamlum, H.Landers, G.Langenberg, C.Lavelle-Langham, L.Lawrie, A.Lawson, C.Layton, A.Lea, A.Leavy, O.C.Lee, J.-H.Lee, E.Lee, D.Leitch, K.Lenagh, R.Lewis, V.Lewis, J.Lewis, K.E.Lewis, D.Lewis-Burke, N.Li, X.Light, T.Lightstone, L.Lilaonitkul, W.Lim, L.Linford, S.Lingford-Hughes, A.Lipman, M.Liyanage, K.Lloyd, A.Logan, S.Lomas, D.Loosley, R.Lota, H.Lovegrove, W.Lucey, A.Lucy, L.Lukaschuk, E.Lye, A.Lynch, C.MacDonald, S.MacGowan, G.Macharia, I.Mackie, J.Macliver, L.Madathil, S.Madzamba, G.Magee, N.Magtoto, M.M.Mairs, N.Majeed, N.Major, E.Malein, F.Malim, M.Mallison, G.Man, W.D.-C.Mandal, S.Mangion, K.Manisty, C.Manley, R.March, K.Marciniak, S.Marino, P.Mariveles, M.Marouzet, E.Marsh, S.Marshall, M.Marshall, B.Martin, J.Martineau, A.Martinez, L.M.Maskell, N.Matila, D.Matimba-Mupaya, W.Matthews, L.Mbuyisa, A.McAdoo, S.McAllister-Williams, H.McArdle, P.McArdle, A.McAulay, D.McCormick, W.McCormick, J.McCourt, P.McCracken, C.McGarvey, L.McGee, C.Mcgee, K.McGinness, J.McGlynn, K.McGovern, A.McGuinness, H.McInnes, I.B.McIntosh, J.McIvor, E.McIvor, K.McLeavey, L.McMahon, A.McMahon, M.J.McMorrow, L.Mcnally, T.McNarry, M.McNeill, J.McQueen, A.McShane, H.Mears, C.Megson, C.Megson, S.Mehta, P.Meiring, J.Melling, L.Mencias, M.Menke, R.Menzies, D.Merida Morillas, M.Michael, A.Michael, B.Miller, C.A.Milligan, L.Mills, N.L.Mills, C.Mills, G.Milner, L.Misra, S.Mohamed, A.Mohamed, N.Mohammed, S.Molyneaux, P.L.Monteiro, W.Moriera, S.Morley, A.Morrison, L.Morriss, R.Morrow, A.Moss, P.Moss, A.J.Motohashi, K.Msimanga, N.Mukaetova-Ladinska, E.Munawar, U.Murira, J.Nanda, U.Nassa, H.Nasseri, M.Nathu, R.Neal, A.Needham, R.Neill, P.Neubauer, S.Newby, D.E.Newell, H.Newman, J.Newman, T.Newton-Cox, A.Nichols, T.E.Nicholson, T.Nicolaou, C.Nicoll, D.Nikolaidis, A.Nikolaidou, C.Nolan, C.M.Noonan, M.J.Norman, C.Novotny, P.Nunag, J.L.Nwafor, L.Nwanguma, U.Nyaboko, J.O'Brien, C.O'Donnell, K.O'Regan, D.P.O'Brien, L.Odell, N.Ogbole, G.Ogg, G.Olaosebikan, O.Oliver, C.Omar, Z.Openshaw, P.J.M.Orriss-Dib, L.Osborne, L.Osbourne, R.Ostermann, M.Overton, C.Owen, J.Oxton, J.Pack, J.Pacpaco, E.Paddick, S.Painter, S.Pakzad, A.Palmer, S.Papineni, P.Paques, K.Paradowski, K.Pareek, M.Parekh, D.Parfrey, H.Pariante, C.Parker, S.Parkes, M.Parmar, J.Patale, S.Patel, M.Patel, B.Patel, S.Pattenadk, D.Pavlides, M.Payne, S.Pearce, L.Pearl, J.E.Peckham, D.Pendlebury, J.Peng, Y.Pennington, C.Peralta, I.Perkins, E.Peterkin, Z.Peto, T.Petousi, N.Petrie, J.Pfeffer, P.Phipps, J.Piechnik, S.Pimm, J.Piper Hanley, K.Pius, R.Plant, H.Plein, S.Plowright, M.Poinasamy, K.Polgar, O.Poll, L.Porter, J.Porter, J.C.Portukhay, S.Powell, N.Prabhu, A.Pratt, J.Price, A.Price, C.Price, L.Price, D.Prickett, A.Propescu, I.Propescu, J.Prosper, S.Pugmire, S.Quaid, S.Quigley, J.Quint, J.Qureshi, H.Qureshi, I.N.Radhakrishnan, K.Rahman, N.M.Ralser, M.Ramos, H.Ramos, A.Rangeley, J.Rangelov, B.Ratcliffe, L.Ravencroft, P.Reddington, A.Reddy, R.Reddy, A.Redfearn, H.Redwood, D.Reed, A.Rees, M.Rees, T.Regan, K.Reynolds, W.Ribeiro, C.Richards, A.Richardson, E.Richardson, M.Rivera-Ortega, P.Roberts, K.Robertson, E.Robinson, L.Robinson, E.Roche, L.Roddis, C.Rodger, J.Rogers, N.Ross, G.Ross, A.Rossdale, J.Rostron, A.Rowe, A.Rowland, J.Rowland, M.J.Rowland, A.Rowland-Jones, S.L.Roy, M.Roy, K.Rudan, I.Russell, R.Russell, E.Saalmink, G.Sabit, R.Sage, E.K.Samakomva, T.Samani, N.Samat, A.A.Sampson, C.Samuel, K.Samuel, R.Sanders, Z.B.Sanderson, A.Sapey, E.Saralaya, D.Sargant, J.Sarginson, C.Sass, T.Sattar, N.Saunders, K.Saunders, P.Saunders, L.C.Savill, H.Saxon, W.Sayer, A.Schronce, J.Schwaeble, W.Scott, J.T.Scott, K.Selby, N.Sereno, M.Sewell, T.A.Shah, K.Shah, A.Shah, P.Shankar-Hari, M.Sharma, M.Sharpe, C.Sharpe, M.Shashaa, S.Shaw, A.Shaw, V.Shaw, K.Sheikh, A.Shelton, S.Shenton, L.Shevket, K.Shikotra, A.Short, J.Siddique, S.Siddiqui, S.Sidebottom, J.Sigfrid, L.Simons, G.Simpson, N.Simpson, J.Singh, S.Singh, C.Singh, S.J.Sissons, D.Skeemer, J.Slack, K.Smith, D.Smith, A.Smith, J.Smith, L.Smith, S.Soares, M.Solano, T.S.Solly, R.Solstice, A.R.Soulsby, T.Southern, D.Sowter, D.Spears, M.Spencer, L.G.Speranza, F.Stadon, L.Stanel, S.Steeds, R.Steele, N.Steiner, M.Stensel, D.Stephens, G.Stephenson, L.Stern, M.Stewart, I.Stimpson, R.Stockdale, S.Stockley, J.Stoker, W.Stone, R.Storrar, W.Storrie, A.Storton, K.Stringer, E.Strong-Sheldrake, S.Stroud, N.Subbe, C.Sudlow, C.L.Suleiman, Z.Summers, C.Summersgill, C.Sutherland, D.Sykes, D.L.Sykes, R.Talbot, N.Tan, A.L.Tarusan, L.Tavoukjian, V.Taylor, J.Taylor, A.Taylor, C.Taylor, J.P.Te, A.Tedd, H.Tee, C.J.Teixeira, J.Tench, H.Terry, S.Thackray-Nocera, S.Thaivalappil, F.Thamu, B.Thickett, D.Thomas, D.C.Thomas, S.Thomas, C.Thomas, A.K.Thomas-Woods, T.Thompson, A.A.R.Thompson, T.Thornton, T.Thorpe, M.Thwaites, R.S.Tilley, J.Tinker, N.Tiongson, G.F.Tobin, M.Tomlinson, J.Tong, C.Toshner, M.Touyz, R.Treibel, T.Tripp, K.A.Tunnicliffe, E.M.Turnbull, A.Turner, K.Turner, S.Turner, V.Turner, E.Turney, S.Turton, H.Ugoji, J.Ugwuoke, R.Upthegrove, R.Valabhji, J.Ventura, M.Vere, J.Vickers, C.Vinson, B.Vogiatzis, I.Wade, E.Wade, P.Wainwright, T.Wajero, L.O.Walder, S.Wall, E.Wallis, T.Walmsley, S.Walsh, S.Walsh, J.A.Warburton, L.Ward, T.J.C.Warwick, K.Wassall, H.Waterson, S.Watson, L.Watson, E.Watson, J.Webster, M.Weir McCall, J.Welch, H.Welch, C.Welsh, B.Wessely, S.West, S.Weston, H.Wheeler, H.White, S.Whitehead, V.Whitney, J.Whittaker, S.Whittam, B.Whitworth, V.Wight, A.Wild, J.M.Wilkins, M.Wilkinson, D.Williams, N.Williams, B.Williams, J.Williams-Howard, S.A.Willicombe, M.Willis, G.Willoughby, J.Wilson, A.Wilson, 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In: The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. (The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, November 2023, 11(11):e93-e94)
In: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics, ACL 2023. (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2023, :6929-6947)
In: Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP 2022, Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP 2022. (Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP 2022, 2022, :3477-3494)
Academic Journal
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