에서 검색결과 2건 | 목록
The UK Coronavirus Cancer Monitoring Project: protecting patients with cancer in the era of COVID-19
Academic Journal
Anil, Iris; Arnold, Roland; Benkwitz-Beford, Sam; Branford, Simon; Campton, Naomi; Cazier, Jean-Baptiste; Cheng, Vinton; Curley, Helen; D'Costa, Jamie; Edmondson, Andrew; Goel, Anshita; Hartley, Simon; Hughes, Daniel J; Kerr, Rachel; Lee, Alvin; Lee, Lennard YW ; Longworth, Naomi; Middleton, Christopher; Middleton, Gary; Naksukpaiboon, Piangfan; Olsson-Brown, Anna; Palles, Claire; Purshouse, Karin; Sandys, Carol; Sharma-Oates, Archana; Sivakumar, Shivan; Smith, Ashley; Starkey, Thomas; Thompson, Simon; Varnai, Csilla
In The Lancet Oncology May 2020 21(5):622-624
Academic Journal
Lee, Lennard YW, DPhil; Cazier, Jean-Baptiste, PhD; Angelis, Vasileios, PhD; Arnold, Roland, PhD; Bisht, Vartika, MSc; Campton, Naomi A, PhD; Chackathayil, Julia, PhD; Cheng, Vinton WT, DPhil; Curley, Helen M, PhD; Fittall, Matthew W, PhD; Freeman-Mills, Luke, DPhil; Gennatas, Spyridon, PhD; Goel, Anshita, PhD; Hartley, Simon, PhD; Hughes, Daniel J, MRCP; Kerr, David, FMedSci; Lee, Alvin JX, PhD; Lee, Rebecca J, PhD; McGrath, Sophie E, PhD; Middleton, Christopher P, PhD; Murugaesu, Nirupa, PhD; Newsom-Davis, Thomas, FRCP; Okines, Alicia FC, FRCP; Olsson-Brown, Anna C, MBChB; Palles, Claire, PhD; Pan, Yi, PhD; Pettengell, Ruth, FRACP; Powles, Thomas, MD; Protheroe, Emily A; Purshouse, Karin, MBBS; Sharma-Oates, Archana, PhD; Sivakumar, Shivan, PhD; Smith, Ashley J, MSc; Starkey, Thomas, MSc; Turnbull, Chris D, DPhil; Várnai, Csilla, PhD; Yousaf, Nadia, PhD; Kerr, Rachel, FRCP; Middleton, Gary, FRCP
The Lancet. 395(10241):1919-1926
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[AR] Lee, Lennard YW
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