에서 검색결과 13건 | 목록
Academic Journal
In: International Journal of Refrigeration . (International Journal of Refrigeration, June 2023, 150:297-303)
Academic Journal
Rubio-Acero, R.; Beyerl, J.; Castelletti, N.; Paunovic, I.; Khan, Z.N.; Hoelscher, M.; Wieser, A.; Radon, K.; Muenchhoff, M.; Keppler, O.T.; Osterman, A.; Roth, M.S.; Boehm, B.; Springer, B.; Nagel, C.; Böhmer, M.M.; Graf, A.; Blum, H.; Krebs, S.; Emad, A.; Jared, A.; Abhishek, B.; Maxilmilian, B.; Marc, B.; Franziska, B.; Olimbek, B.; Jessica, B.; Patrick, B.; Rebecca, B.; Isabel, B.; Jan, B.; Friedrich, C.; Noemi, C.; Josephine, C.; Lorenzo, C.; Alina, C.; Flora, D.; Diefenbach Maximilian, N.; Jana, D.; Gerhard, D.; Jürgen, D.; Ute, E.; Judith, E.; Tabea, E.; Philine, F.; Manuela, F.; Volker, F.; Felix, F.; Turid, F.; Jonathan, F.; Günter, F.; Christiane, F.; Mercè, G.; Otto, G.; Christof, G.; Leonard, G.; Kristina, G.; Philipp, G.; Elias, G.; Michelle, G.N.J.; Maria, G.E.; Pablo, G.; Anslem, H.; Marlene, H.; Lena, H.; Jan, H.; Alejandra, H.; Leah, H.; Christian, H.; Tim, H.; Michael, H.; Sacha, H.; Kristina, H.; Christian, J.; Ursula, K.; Antonia, K.; Zohaib, K.; Johanna, K.; Inge, K.; Arne, K.; Magdalena, L.; Clemens, L.; Silvan, L.; Michael, L.; Ronan, L.G.; Reiner, L.; Leopold, L.; Xhovana, L.; Fabian, L.; Sophie, N.A.; Petra, M.; Alisa, M.; Rebecca, M.; Dafni, M.; Hannah, M.; Katharina, M.; Laura, O.; Ivana, P.; Michael, P.; Claire, P.; Michel, P.; Michael, P.; Stephan, P.; Kerstin, P.; Peter, P.; Katja, R.; Elba, R.; Jakob, R.; Friedrich, R.; Camilla, R.; Raquel, R.-A.; Viktoria, R.; Elmar, S.; Nicole, S.; Yannik, S.; Benedikt, S.; Lara, S.; Mirjam, S.; Lars, S.; Alba, S.; Peter, S.; Kathrin, S.; Jeni, T.; Fabian, T.; Verena, T.; Sophie, T.; Vincent, V.; Emilia, V.L.; Jonathan, V.L.; Julia, W.; Claudia, W.; Andreas, W.; Simon, W.; Roman, W.; Julia, W.; Tobias, W.; Sabine, Z.; Eleftheria, Z.; Anna, Z.; Thorbjörn, Z.
In: Science of the Total Environment . (Science of the Total Environment, 25 November 2021, 797)
In: Betonwerk und Fertigteil-Technik/Concrete Plant and Precast Technology . (Betonwerk und Fertigteil-Technik/Concrete Plant and Precast Technology, 2023, 89(2):38-49)
Academic Journal
Thirumal Kumar, D.; Judith, E.; Susmita, B.; George Priya Doss, C.; Umer Niazullah, M.; Tasneem, S.; Zayed, H.; Selvarajan, E.
In: Journal of Cellular Biochemistry . (Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, March 2019, 120(3):3491-3505)
Academic Journal
In: Information Psychiatrique . (Information Psychiatrique, November 2015, 91(9):747-754)
In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science , International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Environment. (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 24 March 2021, 665(1))
2009 6th International Conference on the European Energy Market; 2009, p1-6, 6p
Academic Journal
In: Nursing management (Harrow, London, England : 1994) . (Nursing management (Harrow, London, England : 1994), July 2006, 13(4):30-33)
Academic Journal
Kumar, D. Thirumal; Niazullah, Maryam Umer; Tasneem, Sadia; Judith, E.; Susmita, B.; Doss, C. George Priya; Selvarajan, E.; Zayed, Hatem
Thirumal Kumar, D.; Susmita, B.; Judith, E.; Priyadharshini Christy, J.; George Priya Doss, C.; Zayed, H.
(Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology, 1 January 2019, 115:325-350)
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[AR] Judith, E.
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