
EBSCO Discovery Service
(예 : 2010-2015)
'학술논문' 에서 검색결과 13건 | 목록 1~10
Academic Journal
In: International Journal of Refrigeration. (International Journal of Refrigeration, June 2023, 150:297-303)
Academic Journal
Rubio-Acero, R.Beyerl, J.Castelletti, N.Paunovic, I.Khan, Z.N.Hoelscher, M.Wieser, A.Radon, K.Muenchhoff, M.Keppler, O.T.Osterman, A.Roth, M.S.Boehm, B.Springer, B.Nagel, C.Böhmer, M.M.Graf, A.Blum, H.Krebs, S.Emad, A.Jared, A.Abhishek, B.Maxilmilian, B.Marc, B.Franziska, B.Olimbek, B.Jessica, B.Patrick, B.Rebecca, B.Isabel, B.Jan, B.Friedrich, C.Noemi, C.Josephine, C.Lorenzo, C.Alina, C.Flora, D.Diefenbach Maximilian, N.Jana, D.Gerhard, D.Jürgen, D.Ute, E.Judith, E.Tabea, E.Philine, F.Manuela, F.Volker, F.Felix, F.Turid, F.Jonathan, F.Günter, F.Christiane, F.Mercè, G.Otto, G.Christof, G.Leonard, G.Kristina, G.Philipp, G.Elias, G.Michelle, G.N.J.Maria, G.E.Pablo, G.Anslem, H.Marlene, H.Lena, H.Jan, H.Alejandra, H.Leah, H.Christian, H.Tim, H.Michael, H.Sacha, H.Kristina, H.Christian, J.Ursula, K.Antonia, K.Zohaib, K.Johanna, K.Inge, K.Arne, K.Magdalena, L.Clemens, L.Silvan, L.Michael, L.Ronan, L.G.Reiner, L.Leopold, L.Xhovana, L.Fabian, L.Sophie, N.A.Petra, M.Alisa, M.Rebecca, M.Dafni, M.Hannah, M.Katharina, M.Laura, O.Ivana, P.Michael, P.Claire, P.Michel, P.Michael, P.Stephan, P.Kerstin, P.Peter, P.Katja, R.Elba, R.Jakob, R.Friedrich, R.Camilla, R.Raquel, R.-A.Viktoria, R.Elmar, S.Nicole, S.Yannik, S.Benedikt, S.Lara, S.Mirjam, S.Lars, S.Alba, S.Peter, S.Kathrin, S.Jeni, T.Fabian, T.Verena, T.Sophie, T.Vincent, V.Emilia, V.L.Jonathan, V.L.Julia, W.Claudia, W.Andreas, W.Simon, W.Roman, W.Julia, W.Tobias, W.Sabine, Z.Eleftheria, Z.Anna, Z.Thorbjörn, Z.
In: Science of the Total Environment. (Science of the Total Environment, 25 November 2021, 797)
In: Betonwerk und Fertigteil-Technik/Concrete Plant and Precast Technology. (Betonwerk und Fertigteil-Technik/Concrete Plant and Precast Technology, 2023, 89(2):38-49)
Academic Journal
In: Information Psychiatrique. (Information Psychiatrique, November 2015, 91(9):747-754)
In: IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, International Conference on Energy and Sustainable Environment. (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 24 March 2021, 665(1))
2009 6th International Conference on the European Energy Market; 2009, p1-6, 6p
Academic Journal
In: Nursing management (Harrow, London, England : 1994). (Nursing management (Harrow, London, England : 1994), July 2006, 13(4):30-33)
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[AR] Judith, E.
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