에서 검색결과 29건 | 목록
Academic Journal
Wheeler, C.M.; Torrez-Martinez, N.E.; Du, R.; Robertson, M.; Wheeler, C.M.; Joste, N.E.; Torres-Chavolla, E.; Parvu, V.; Andrews, J.C.; Cuzick, J.; Joste, N.E.; Kinney, W.; Wheeler, C.M.; Wiggins, C.L.; Robertson, M.; McDonald, R.M.; Waxman, A.; Jenison, S.; Howe, J.; Benard, V.; Melkonian, S.; Saslow, D.; Kim, J.J.; Stoler, M.H.; Cuzick, J.; Perkins, R.B.; Gonzales, J.L.; Torres, S.; Rossi, G.; English, K.
In: American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology . (American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, February 2024, 230(2):243.e1-243.e11)
Academic Journal
Castle, P.E.; Kinney, W.K.; Chen, L.; Kang, H.; Kim, J.J.; Jenison, S.; Rossi, G.; Cuzick, J.; Wheeler, C.M.
In: Journal of the National Cancer Institute . (Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1 April 2022, 114(4):626-630)
Academic Journal
Perkins, R.B.; Adcock, R.; Cuzick, J.; Benard, V.; Waxman, A.; Howe, J.; Melkonian, S.; Gonzales, J.; Wiggins, C.; Wheeler, C.M.; Joste, N.E.; Jenison, S.; Kinney, W.; Robertson, M.; McDonald, R.; Castle, P.E.; Melkonian, S.C.; Saslow, D.; Kim, J.J.; Stoler, M.H.; Gonzales, J.L.; Torres, S.; Rossi, G.; English, K.
In: Preventive Medicine . (Preventive Medicine, December 2021, 153)
Academic Journal
Cuzick, J.; Adcock, R.; Du, R.; Kinney, W.; Joste, N.; McDonald, R.M.; Wheeler, C.M.; English, K.; Torres, S.M.; Saslow, D.; Joste, N.E.; Wiggins, C.; Robertson, M.; McDonald, R.; Waxman, A.; Jenison, S.; Castle, P.E.; Benard, V.; Melkonian, S.C.; Howe, J.; Kim, J.J.; Stoler, M.H.; Perkins, R.B.; Gonzales, J.L.; Torres, S.; Rossi, G.
In: Gynecologic Oncology . (Gynecologic Oncology, September 2021, 162(3):555-559)
Academic Journal
Stoler, M.H.; Ronnett, B.M.; Joste, N.E.; Hunt, W.C.; Wheeler, C.M.; Cuzick, J.; Kinney, W.; Waxman, A.; McGrath, J.; Espey, D.; Jenison, S.; Benard, V.; Schiffman, M.; Castle, P.E.; Saslow, D.; Kim, J.J.; Pressley, G.R.; English, K.
In: American Journal of Surgical Pathology . (American Journal of Surgical Pathology, 26 May 2015, 39(6):729-736)
Academic Journal
Joste, N.E.; Hunt, W.C.; Pearse, A.; Langsfeld, E.; Leete, T.; Jaramillo, M.; Wheeler, C.M.; Ronnett, B.M.; Stoler, M.H.; Castle, P.E.; Kinney, W.; Waxman, A.; Ramos, M.; Norville, S.; Espey, D.; Jenison, S.; Schiffman, M.; Benard, V.; Saslow, D.; Kim, J.J.; Cuzick, J.; Pressley, G.R.; English, K.
In: Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention . (Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention, 1 January 2015, 24(1):230-240)
Academic Journal
In: American Journal of Public Health . (American Journal of Public Health, 1 November 2009, 99(11):2063-2068)
Academic Journal
In: Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association (Washington,D.C. : 1996) . (Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association (Washington,D.C. : 1996), 2002 Nov-Dec, 42(6 Suppl 2):S32-33)
Academic Journal
Jenison, S.; Smith, K.; Yamada, T.; Green, W.; Feddersen, R.; Yousef, O.; Behr, M.; Nestler, J.; Hjelle, B.
In: Journal of Infectious Diseases . (Journal of Infectious Diseases, 1998, 177(6):1696-1700)
Academic Journal
Hjelle, B.; Torrez-Martinez, N.; Jenison, S.; Yamada, T.; Morris, C.; Herring, B.; Quan, S.; Polito, A.; Pichuantes, S.; Dinello, R.; Elgh, F.; Lee, H.W.; Artsob, H.
In: Journal of Clinical Microbiology . (Journal of Clinical Microbiology, March 1997, 35(3):600-608)
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[AR] Jenison, S.
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